
    Hodge Decomposition

    Let \Omega^k the space of the k-forms on a closed compact n-dimensional manifold, any k-form \omega can be expressed as \displaystyle \omega = d \alpha + \delta \beta + \gamma for some k-1 form \alpha, a k+1 form \beta and \gamma \in \Omega^k. Where in the exterior calculus (see Exterior Algebra)

    • d is the differential exterior derivative
    • \delta is the codifferential defined by \star d \star

    and \star is the Hodge operator.

    Given a k-form \omega there are unique \alpha, \beta,\gamma (Hodge theorem, see H. Flanders, Differential Forms with Applications to the Physical Sciences (Dover Books on Mathematics)) which can be found by solving

    • \delta \omega = \delta d \alpha
    • d \omega = d \delta \beta
    • \gamma = \omega - d \alpha - \delta \beta

    In R^2 a vector X = (u,v) is associated to a 1-form \omega = u dx + v dy

    we solve \delta \omega = \delta d \alpha

    • \delta \omega = \star d \star \omega \rightarrow \delta \omega_X = \star d ( -v dx + u dy)
    • \delta \omega = \star (-v_y dy \wedge dx + u_x dx \wedge dy)
    • \delta \omega = u_x + v_y

    As \omega_X is a 1-form that implies \alpha \in \Omega^0 a function of real values, we found then

    • d \alpha = \alpha_x dx + \alpha_y \ dy
    • \delta d \alpha = \star d \star d \alpha = \alpha_{xx} + \alpha_{yy}

    The first equation is then \displaystyle \alpha_{xx} + \alpha_{yy} = u_x + v_y a Poisson equation for \alpha.

    Structure for the solver :

    • omega,
    • gradb,
    • rotc,
    • h

    are mandatory vectors giving the Hodge decomposition. If the scalar alpha and beta exist they will return the scalar fields.

    #include "poisson.h"
    struct Hodge {
      // mandatory
      vector omega;
      vector gradb;
      vector rotc;
      vector h;
      // optional
      scalar alpha;
      scalar beta;

    Call the Hodge decomposition

    mgstats hodge (struct Hodge p)
     vector omega =;
     vector gradb = p.gradb;
     vector rotc = p.rotc;
     vector h = p.h;
      // Local
     scalar b[];
     scalar alpha[];
     scalar beta[];

    Check the existence of alpha et beta

     if (p.alpha.i) {
       alpha = p.alpha;
     if (p.beta.i) {
       beta = p.beta;


    boundary  ((scalar *){omega});

    Filling the rhs of the Poisson equation

    #if order == 2
          b[] = (omega.x[1,0] - omega.x[-1,0])/2./Delta + (omega.y[0,1] - omega.y[0,-1])/2./Delta;
          b[] =   (omega.x[-2,0] - 8.*omega.x[-1,0] + 8.*omega.x[1,0]  -omega.x[2,0])/12./Delta;
          b[] +=  (omega.y[0,-2] - 8.*omega.y[0,-1] + 8.*omega.y[0,1]  -omega.y[0,2])/12./Delta;

    Solve \nabla^2 \alpha = b using the Poisson solver

     mgstats s = poisson (alpha, b,tolerance = 1e-6);

    Now we apply the same procedure to d \omega = d \delta \beta

    d\omega = \left( -\frac{\partial\,u}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial\,v}{\partial x} \right) \mathrm{d} x\wedge \mathrm{d} y


    d \star d \star \beta = \left( \frac{\partial^2\,\beta}{\partial x ^ 2} + \frac{\partial^2\,\beta}{\partial y ^ 2} \right)d x\wedge d y

    we have still a Poisson equation

    \displaystyle \nabla^2 \beta = b = \left( -\frac{\partial\,u}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial\,v}{\partial x} \right)

    #if order == 2
          b[] = (omega.y[1,0] - omega.y[-1,0])/2./Delta - (omega.x[0,1] - omega.x[0,-1])/2./Delta;
          b[] =  (omega.y[-2,0] - 8.*omega.y[-1,0] + 8.*omega.y[1,0]  -omega.y[2,0])/12./Delta;
          b[] -= (omega.x[0,-2] - 8.*omega.x[0,-1] + 8.*omega.x[0,1]  -omega.x[0,2])/12./Delta;
      boundary ({beta,b});

    Solve Poisson problem

     s = poisson (beta, b,tolerance = 1e-6);

    Finally from the scalar fields \alpha and \beta$ we compute the vectors \displaystyle gradb = d \alpha \displaystyle rotc = \delta \beta and \gamma by subtraction.

    Compute vectors

    #if order == 2
        gradb.x[] = (alpha[1,0] - alpha[-1,0]) / 2./Delta ;
      gradb.x[] = (alpha[-2,0] - 8*alpha[-1,0]+ 8.* alpha[1,0] - alpha[2,0]) / 12./Delta ;
    struct { double x, y; } a = {-1., 1.};
    #if order == 2
        rotc.x[] =  a.x * (beta[0,1] - beta[0,-1]) / 2./Delta ;
      rotc.x[] =  a.x * (beta[0,-2] - 8*beta[0,-1]+ 8.* beta[0,1] - beta[0,2]) / 12./Delta ;
      boundary ( (scalar *){gradb,rotc});

    Compute h

        h.x[] = omega.x[] - gradb.x[] - rotc.x[];
      boundary  ((scalar *){h});
        return s;  // Fix : better return 

    2D Test