
    Membrane curvature test

    In this test, we compute the membrane mean and Gaussian curvatures, the Laplace-Beltrami operator of the curvature, as well as the bending force density in the case of a biconcave capsule.

    This file tests the functions in bending-ft.h and curvature-ft.h.

    #define L0 4.
    #define RADIUS 1
    #define LEVEL 1
    #define LAG_LEVEL 4
    #define REF_CURV 0
    #define E_B 1.
    #include "grid/octree.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "lagrangian_caps/capsule-ft.h"
    #include "lagrangian_caps/bending-ft.h"
    #include "lagrangian_caps/common-shapes-ft.h"
    #include "lagrangian_caps/view-ft.h"
    int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
      origin(-.5*L0, -.5*L0, -.5*L0);
      N = 1 << LEVEL;
    event init (i = 0) {
      activate_biconcave_capsule(&CAPS(0), radius = RADIUS, level = LAG_LEVEL);
    event output (i = 1) {
      double total_node_area = 0.;
      for(int i=0; i<CAPS(0).nln; i++)
        total_node_area += compute_node_area(&CAPS(0), i);
      double total_triangle_area = 0.;
      for(int i=0; i<CAPS(0).nlt; i++)
        total_triangle_area += CAPS(0).triangles[i].area;
      lagMesh* mesh = &(CAPS(0));
      for(int i=0; i<mesh->nln; i++) {
        double bending_force = cnorm(mesh->nodes[i].lagForce);
        double lbcurv = laplace_beltrami(mesh, i, true);
        double norm = cnorm(mesh->nodes[i].pos);
        double acosarg = (fabs(mesh->nodes[i].pos.y/norm) > 1) ?
          sign(mesh->nodes[i].pos.y)*1. : mesh->nodes[i].pos.y/norm;
        double theta = acos(acosarg);
        double node_area = compute_node_area(&CAPS(0),i);
        fprintf(stderr, "%g %g %g %g %g %g %d\n", theta, mesh->nodes[i].curv,
          mesh->nodes[i].gcurv, lbcurv, bending_force/node_area, node_area, i);
      view(fov = 18, bg = {1,1,1}, theta = pi/6, psi = 0., phi = pi/8, width=1200, height=1200);
      // view(fov = 18, bg = {1,1,1});
      draw_lag(mesh = &(CAPS(0)), lw = .5, facets = true);


    Mean and Gaussian curvatures

    set xlabel "Polar angle {/Symbol q}"
    set ylabel "Mean and Gaussian curvatures"
    set grid
    set xtics ('0' 0, 'π/10' pi/10, 0, 'π/5' pi/5, '3π/10' 3*pi/10, '2π/5' 2*pi/5, \
    'π/2' pi/2)
    set xrange [0:pi/2]
    plot 'log' using (($1 < pi/2) ? $1 : pi - $1):2 w p lc "blue" title "Mean curvature", \
    'log' using (($1 < pi/2) ? $1 : pi - $1):3 w p lc "orange" title "Gaussian curvature", \
    '../data/biconcave_curvatures/rbc_exact_curv.csv' using 1:2 w l lc -1 lw 2 dt 2 title "Exact curvatures", \
    '../data/biconcave_curvatures/rbc_exact_gcurv.csv' using 1:2 w l lc -1 lw 2 dt 2 title ""


    laplace-Beltrami operator of the mean curvature

    set grid
    set xtics ('0' 0, 'π/10' pi/10, 0, 'π/5' pi/5, '3π/10' 3*pi/10, '2π/5' 2*pi/5, \
    'π/2' pi/2)
    set key bottom left reverse Left
    set xrange [0:pi/2]
    plot 'log' using (($1 < pi/2) ? $1 : pi - $1):($7 > 11 ? $4 : 1/0) w p lc "blue" title "Surface Laplacian of curvature", \
    '../data/biconcave_curvatures/rbc_exact_lbcurv.csv' using 1:2 w l lc -1 lw 2 dt 2 title "Exact solution"


    Total nodal bending force density

    set xlabel "Polar angle {/Symbol q}"
    set ylabel "Bending force density"
    set grid
    set xtics ('0' 0, 'π/10' pi/10, 0, 'π/5' pi/5, '3π/10' 3*pi/10, '2π/5' 2*pi/5, \
    'π/2' pi/2)
    set key bottom left reverse Left
    plot 'log' using (($1 < pi/2) ? $1 : pi - $1):5 w p lc "blue" title "Bending force density", \
    '../data/biconcave_curvatures/rbc_exact_bending.csv' using 1:2 w l lc -1 lw 2 dt 2 title "Exact solution"
