
    Common initial shapes for immersed membranes

    #ifndef NLP
      #define NLP 100
    #ifndef RADIUS
      #define RADIUS 1.

    2D circular membrane

    struct _initialize_circular_capsule {
      lagMesh* mesh;
      double radius;
      int nln;
      int level;
      double inclination;
      coord shift;
      bool disregard_shift;
      bool verbose;
    #if dimension < 3
    void initialize_circular_capsule(struct _initialize_circular_capsule p) {
      double radius = (p.radius) ? p.radius : RADIUS;
      int nln = (p.nln) ? p.nln : NLP;
      coord shift;
      if (p.shift.x || p.shift.y || p.shift.z)
        {shift.x = p.shift.x; shift.y = p.shift.y; shift.z = p.shift.z;}
      else {shift.x = 0.; shift.y = 0.; shift.z = 0.;}
      p.mesh->nln = nln;
      p.mesh->nle = nln;
      p.mesh->nodes = malloc(nln*sizeof(lagNode));
      p.mesh->edges = malloc(nln*sizeof(Edge));
      double alpha = 2*pi/(nln);

    Fill the array of nodes

      for(int i=0; i<nln; i++) {
        p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.x = radius*cos(alpha*i) + shift.x;
        p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.y = radius*sin(alpha*i) + shift.y;
        p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[0] = -1;
        p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[1] = -1;
        foreach_dimension() {
          p.mesh->nodes[i].lagForce.x = 0.;
          p.mesh->nodes[i].lagVel.x = 0.;

    Fill the array of edges. For the last edge, the next vertex id is 0

      for(int i=0; i<p.mesh->nle; i++) {
        p.mesh->edges[i].node_ids[0] = i;
        if (p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[0] < 0)
          p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[0] = i;
          p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[1] = i;
        int next_vertex_id = (i+1<nln) ? i+1 : 0;
        p.mesh->edges[i].node_ids[1] = next_vertex_id;
        if (p.mesh->nodes[next_vertex_id].edge_ids[0] < 0)
          p.mesh->nodes[next_vertex_id].edge_ids[0] = i;
          p.mesh->nodes[next_vertex_id].edge_ids[1] = i;

    The above procedure switches the two egde ids for the first node, which we correct below

      p.mesh->nodes[0].edge_ids[0] = p.mesh->nle-1;
      p.mesh->nodes[0].edge_ids[1] = 0;
      for(int i=0.; i<p.mesh->nle; i++) {
        p.mesh->edges[i].l0 = edge_length(p.mesh, i);
        p.mesh->edges[i].length = p.mesh->edges[i].l0;
      #ifdef CAPS_VISCOSITY
        fraction(prevI, sq(radius) - sq(x - shift.x) - sq(y - shift.y));
      p.mesh->initial_volume = p.mesh->volume;

    2D biconcave membrane

    void initialize_biconcave_capsule(struct _initialize_circular_capsule p) {
      double radius = (p.radius) ? p.radius : RADIUS;
      int nln = (p.nln) ? p.nln : NLP;
      double inclination = (p.inclination) ? p.inclination : 0.;
      coord shift;
      if (p.shift.x || p.shift.y || p.shift.z)
        {shift.x = p.shift.x; shift.y = p.shift.y; shift.z = p.shift.z;}
      else {shift.x = 0.; shift.y = 0.; shift.z = 0.;}
      double c = 1.3858189;
      p.mesh->nln = nln;
      p.mesh->nle = nln;
      p.mesh->nodes = malloc(nln*sizeof(lagNode));
      p.mesh->edges = malloc(nln*sizeof(Edge));
      double alpha = 2*pi/(nln);

    Fill the array of nodes

      for(int i=0; i<nln; i++) {
        double nrx = radius*c*cos(alpha*i);
        double nry = .5*radius*c*sin(alpha*i)*(0.207 +
          2.003*sq(cos(2*pi-alpha*i)) - 1.123*sq(sq(cos(2*pi-alpha*i))));
        p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.x = nrx*cos(inclination) - nry*sin(inclination) +
        p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.y = nrx*sin(inclination) + nry*cos(inclination) +
        p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[0] = -1;
        p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[1] = -1;
        foreach_dimension() {
          p.mesh->nodes[i].lagForce.x = 0.;
          p.mesh->nodes[i].lagVel.x = 0.;

    Fill the array of edges. For the last edge, the next vertex id is 0

      for(int i=0; i<p.mesh->nle; i++) {
        p.mesh->edges[i].node_ids[0] = i;
        if (p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[0] < 0)
          p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[0] = i;
          p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[1] = i;
        int next_vertex_id = (i+1<nln) ? i+1 : 0;
        p.mesh->edges[i].node_ids[1] = next_vertex_id;
        if (p.mesh->nodes[next_vertex_id].edge_ids[0] < 0)
          p.mesh->nodes[next_vertex_id].edge_ids[0] = i;
          p.mesh->nodes[next_vertex_id].edge_ids[1] = i;

    The above procedure switches the two egde ids for the first node, which we correct below

      p.mesh->nodes[0].edge_ids[0] = p.mesh->nle-1;
      p.mesh->nodes[0].edge_ids[1] = 0;
      for(int i=0.; i<p.mesh->nle; i++) {
        p.mesh->edges[i].l0 = edge_length(p.mesh, i);
        p.mesh->edges[i].length = p.mesh->edges[i].l0;
      p.mesh->initial_volume = p.mesh->volume;

    2D elliptic membrane

    struct _initialize_elliptic_capsule {
      lagMesh* mesh;
      double a;
      double b;
      double nln;
      double inclination;
    void initialize_elliptic_capsule(struct _initialize_elliptic_capsule p) {
      double a = (p.a) ? p.a : RADIUS;
      double b = (p.b) ? p.b : RADIUS;
      int nln = (p.nln) ? p.nln : NLP;
      // double inclination = (p.inclination) ? p.inclination : 0.;
      p.mesh->nln = nln;
      p.mesh->nle = nln;
      p.mesh->nodes = malloc(nln*sizeof(lagNode));
      p.mesh->edges = malloc(nln*sizeof(Edge));
      double alpha = 2*pi/(nln);

    Fill the array of nodes

      for(int i=0; i<nln; i++) {
        p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.x = a*cos(alpha*i);
        p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.y = b*sin(alpha*i);
        p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[0] = -1;
        p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[1] = -1;
        foreach_dimension() {
          p.mesh->nodes[i].lagForce.x = 0.;
          p.mesh->nodes[i].lagVel.x = 0.;

    Fill the array of edges. For the last edge, the next vertex id is 0

      for(int i=0; i<p.mesh->nle; i++) {
        p.mesh->edges[i].node_ids[0] = i;
        if (p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[0] < 0)
          p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[0] = i;
          p.mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[1] = i;
        int next_vertex_id = (i+1<nln) ? i+1 : 0;
        p.mesh->edges[i].node_ids[1] = next_vertex_id;
        if (p.mesh->nodes[next_vertex_id].edge_ids[0] < 0)
          p.mesh->nodes[next_vertex_id].edge_ids[0] = i;
          p.mesh->nodes[next_vertex_id].edge_ids[1] = i;

    The above procedure switches the two egde ids for the first node, which we correct below

      p.mesh->nodes[0].edge_ids[0] = p.mesh->nle-1;
      p.mesh->nodes[0].edge_ids[1] = 0;
      for(int i=0.; i<p.mesh->nle; i++) {
        p.mesh->edges[i].l0 = edge_length(p.mesh, i);
        p.mesh->edges[i].length = p.mesh->edges[i].l0;
      #ifdef CAPS_VISCOSITY
        fraction(prevI, 1 - sq(x/a) - sq(y/b));
      p.mesh->initial_volume = p.mesh->volume;
    #else // dimension > 2

    3D icosahedron

    void initialize_icosahedron(struct _initialize_circular_capsule p) {
      double radius = (p.radius) ? p.radius : RADIUS;
      p.mesh->nln = 12;
      p.mesh->nodes = malloc(p.mesh->nln*sizeof(lagNode));
      p.mesh->nle = 0;
      p.mesh->edges = malloc(30*sizeof(Edge));
      p.mesh->nlt = 0;
      p.mesh->triangles = malloc(20*sizeof(Triangle));
      double sl, ll, r;
      r = sqrt(1. + sq(.5*(1. + sqrt(5))));
      sl = radius*1./r; // sl for "small length"
      ll = radius*.5*(1 + sqrt(5))/r; // ll for "large length"
      coord c[3] = {{0, sl, ll}, {sl, ll, 0}, {ll, 0, sl}};
      int s[9] = {0, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1}; // s for "signs"
      for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j<4; j++) {
          p.mesh->nodes[i*4+j].nb_neighbors = 0;
          p.mesh->nodes[i*4+j].nb_triangles = i;
            p.mesh->nodes[i*4+j].pos.x = c[i].x*
              s[(1+j+4*((fabs(c[i].x - sl) < 1.e-8) ? 0 : 1))*
                ((fabs(c[i].x) < 1.e-8) ? 0 : 1)];
    • Create the edges
      for(int i=0; i<p.mesh->nln; i++) {
        int my_gr = p.mesh->nodes[i].nb_triangles; // gr for "golden ratio"
        int my_ld_sign = GET_LD_SIGN(p.mesh->nodes[i]); // ld for "large distance"
        for(int j=0; j<p.mesh->nln; j++) {
          if (p.mesh->nodes[j].nb_triangles == my_gr && j != i) {
            if (my_ld_sign == GET_LD_SIGN(p.mesh->nodes[j])) {
              if (write_edge(p.mesh, p.mesh->nle, i, j, new_mesh = true))
          else if (GET_LD(p.mesh->nodes[j]) == GET_ZD(p.mesh->nodes[i])) {
            if (GET_SD_SIGN(p.mesh->nodes[j]) == GET_LD_SIGN(p.mesh->nodes[i])) {
              if (write_edge(p.mesh, p.mesh->nle, i, j, new_mesh = true))
    • Create the triangular faces
      for(int i=0; i<p.mesh->nln; i++) {
        p.mesh->nodes[i].nb_triangles = 0;
      for(int i=0; i<p.mesh->nle; i++) {
        int nid[2];
        for(int j=0; j<2; j++) nid[j] = p.mesh->edges[i].node_ids[j];
        for(int j=0; j<p.mesh->nodes[nid[0]].nb_neighbors; j++) {
          for(int k=0; k<p.mesh->nodes[nid[1]].nb_neighbors; k++) {
            if (p.mesh->nodes[nid[0]].neighbor_ids[j] ==
              p.mesh->nodes[nid[1]].neighbor_ids[k] && p.mesh->nodes[nid[0]].neighbor_ids[j] != -1)
              if (write_triangle(p.mesh, p.mesh->nlt, nid[0], nid[1],
      p.mesh->initial_volume = p.mesh->volume;

    3D spherical membrane

    The function below triangulates a sphere: it starts from an icosahedron, subdivides each of its triangles into four smaller ones until the desired number of Lagrangian nodes is reached or exceeded, and projects the resulting mesh onto a sphere.

    void initialize_spherical_capsule(struct _initialize_circular_capsule p) {
      double radius = (p.radius) ? p.radius : RADIUS;
      int nln = (p.nln) ? p.nln : -1;
      int ns = (p.level) ? p.level : -1;
      coord shift;
      if (p.shift.x || p.shift.y || p.shift.z)
        {shift.x = p.shift.x; shift.y = p.shift.y; shift.z = p.shift.z;}
      else {shift.x = 0.; shift.y = 0.; shift.z = 0.;}
      bool verbose = p.verbose ? true : false;

    For each subdivision: * the number of additional nodes equals the number of edges * the number of edges is multiplied by 4: each edge is split in two, and each new nodes results in two new edges (one per neighboring triangles) * the number of triangles is multiplied by 4

      int nn, ne, nt; // the numbers of nodes, edges and triangles.
      nn = 12; // at first, an icosahedron has 12 nodes
      if (nln > 0) {
        ns = 0;
        while (nn < nln) {
          ne = 30*pow(4,ns);
          nn += ne;
      if (ns > 0) {
        int cns = 0;
        while (cns < ns) {
          ne = 30*pow(4,cns);
          nn += ne;
      else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: number of Lagrangian nodes or Lagrangian mesh "
          "levels need to be specified.\n");
      ne = 30*pow(4,ns);
      nt = 20*pow(4,ns);
      p.mesh->nodes = realloc(p.mesh->nodes, nn*sizeof(lagNode));
      p.mesh->edges = realloc(p.mesh->edges, ne*sizeof(Edge));
      p.mesh->triangles = realloc(p.mesh->triangles, nt*sizeof(Triangle));

    It’s time to perform our ns triangle subdivisions

      for(int i=0; i<ns; i++) refine_mesh(p.mesh);

    At last, we project each node onto a sphere of desired radius

      for(int i=0; i<p.mesh->nln; i++) {
        double cr = 0.;
        foreach_dimension() cr += sq(p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.x);
        cr = sqrt(cr);
        foreach_dimension() p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.x *= radius/cr;
      if (verbose) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Number of triangle refinements: %d\n", ns);
        fprintf(stderr, "Number of Lagrangian nodes: %d\n", p.mesh->nln);
        fprintf(stderr, "Number of Lagrangian edges: %d\n", p.mesh->nle);
        fprintf(stderr, "Number of Lagrangian triangles: %d\n", p.mesh->nlt);
      if (!p.disregard_shift) {
        if (shift.x > 1.e-10 || shift.y > 1.e-10 || shift.z > 1.e-10) {
          for(int i=0; i<p.mesh->nln; i++)
              p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.x += shift.x;
        #ifdef CAPS_VISCOSITY
          fraction(I, sq(RADIUS) - sq(x - shift.x) - sq(y - shift.y)
            - sq(z - shift.z));
          foreach() if (I[] > 1.e-6) prevI[] = I[];
      p.mesh->initial_volume = p.mesh->volume;
    void initialize_rbc_capsule(struct _initialize_circular_capsule p) {
      initialize_spherical_capsule(mesh = p.mesh, radius = p.radius, nln = p.nln,
        level = p.level, disregard_shift = true);
      double c0, c1, c2;
      c0 = 0.2072; c1 = 2.0026; c2 = -1.1228;
      double radius = (p.radius) ? p.radius : RADIUS;
      for(int i=0; i<p.mesh->nln; i++) {
        double rho = sqrt(sq(p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.x) +
        rho = (rho > 1) ? 1 : rho;
        int sign = (p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.y > 0.) ? 1 : -1;
        p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.y = sign*.5*radius*sqrt(1 - sq(rho))*
          (c0 + c1*sq(rho) + c2*sq(sq(rho)));
      coord shift;
      if (p.shift.x || p.shift.y || p.shift.z)
        {shift.x = p.shift.x; shift.y = p.shift.y; shift.z = p.shift.z;}
      else {shift.x = 0.; shift.y = 0.; shift.z = 0.;}
      if (fabs(shift.x) > 1.e-10 || fabs(shift.y) > 1.e-10 ||
        fabs(shift.z) > 1.e-10) {
        for(int i=0; i<p.mesh->nln; i++)
            p.mesh->nodes[i].pos.x += shift.x;
      #ifdef CAPS_VISCOSITY
        double a, c;
        c = 1.3858189;
        a = RADIUS/c;
        // We define below the local coordinates of the RBC and the parametric angle
        #define COSPHI2 ((sq(x - shift.x) + sq(z - shift.z))/sq(a*c))
        #define RHS (0.207 + 2.003*COSPHI2 - 1.123*sq(COSPHI2))
        fraction(I, 1. - sq((x - shift.x)/(a*c)) -
          sq(2*(y - shift.y)/(RHS*a*c)) - sq((z - shift.z)/(a*c)));
        foreach() if (I[] > 1.e-6) prevI[] = I[];
      p.mesh->initial_volume = p.mesh->volume;
    void activate_spherical_capsule(struct _initialize_circular_capsule p) {
      p.mesh->isactive = true;
      generate_lag_stencils(no_warning = true);
      #if _ELASTICITY_FT
      #if _BENDING_FT
    void activate_biconcave_capsule(struct _initialize_circular_capsule p) {
      p.mesh->isactive = true;
      generate_lag_stencils(no_warning = true);
      #if _ELASTICITY_FT
      #if _BENDING_FT