
    Incompressible pulsatile flow in a 3D network model

    #include "grid/octree.h"
    #include "../myembed.h"
    #include "../mycentered.h"
    #include "distance.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #include "../myperfs.h"

    Reference solution

    #define l    (10.)  // Length of the network in the x-direction
    #define diam (1.)   // Approx. characterstic vessel diameter
    #define Re   (10.)  // Reynolds number
    #define T0   (0.8)  // Oscillation period
    #define uref (1.)   // Maximum inlet velocity
    #define tref (min ((diam)/(uref), (T0))) // Reference time

    Importing the geometry from an stl file

    This function computes the solid and face fractions given a pointer to an STL file, an adaptation criteria (maximum relative error on distance) and a minimum and maximum level.

    #define scmin (1.e-3) // Minimun volume and face fraction,
                          // necessary to avoid spurious velocities
    void fraction_from_stl (scalar c, face vector f, FILE * fp, double eps,
    			int minlevel, int maxlevel)

    We read the STL file and compute the bounding box of the model.

      coord * p = input_stl (fp);
      coord min, max;
      bounding_box (p, &min, &max);
      double maxl = -HUGE;
        if (max.x - min.x > maxl)
          maxl = max.x - min.x;

    We initialize the distance field on the coarse initial mesh and refine it adaptively until the threshold error (on distance) is reached.

      scalar d[];
      distance (d, p);
    #if TREE
      while (adapt_wavelet ({d}, (double[]){eps*maxl}, maxlevel, minlevel).nf);
    #endif // TREE

    We also compute the volume fraction from the distance field. We first construct a vertex field interpolated from the centered field and then call the appropriate VOF functions.

      vertex scalar phi[];
        phi[] = (d[] + d[-1] + d[0,-1] + d[-1,-1] +
    	     d[0,0,-1] + d[-1,0,-1] + d[0,-1,-1] + d[-1,-1,-1])/8.;
      boundary ({phi});
      fractions (phi, c, f);
      fractions_cleanup (c, f,
      		     smin = (scmin), cmin = (scmin));


    We need a field for viscosity so that the embedded boundary metric can be taken into account.

    face vector muv[];

    We define the mesh adaptation parameters.

    #define lmin (5) // Min mesh refinement level (l=5 is 3pt/d)
    #define lmax (8) // Max mesh refinement level (l=8 is 25pt/d)
    #define cmax (1.e-2*(uref)) // Absolute refinement criteria for the velocity field
    int main ()

    The domain is 10\times 10\times 10.

      L0 = (l);
      size (L0);
      origin (0., -L0/2., -L0/2.);

    We set the maximum timestep.

      DT = 1.e-2*(tref);

    We set the tolerance of the Poisson solver.

      TOLERANCE    = 1.e-4;
      TOLERANCE_MU = 1.e-4*(uref);

    We initialize the grid.

      N = 1 << (lmin);
      init_grid (N);

    Boundary conditions

    We use inlet boundary conditions.

    #define wave(t,T) (max (0., sin (2.*M_PI*(t)/(T))))
    #define profile(y,z) (sq (diam) - (sq (y) + sq (z)))
    u.n[left] = dirichlet (cs[] ? cs[]*(uref)*(wave (t, (T0))) : 0.);
    u.t[left] = dirichlet (0);
    u.r[left] = dirichlet (0);
    p[left]   = neumann   (0);
    pf[left]  = neumann   (0);
    u.n[right] = neumann (0);
    u.t[right] = neumann (0);
    u.r[right] = neumann (0);
    p[right]   = dirichlet (0);
    pf[right]  = dirichlet (0);

    We give boundary conditions for the face velocity to “potentially” improve the convergence of the multigrid Poisson solver.

    uf.n[left] = fs.n[] ? (uref)*(wave (t, (T0))) : 0.;


    event properties (i++)
        muv.x[] = (uref)*(diam)/(Re)*fm.x[];
      boundary ((scalar *) {muv});

    Initial conditions

    event init (i = 0)

    We set the viscosity field in the event properties.

      mu = muv;

    We use “third-order” face flux interpolation.

    #if ORDER2
      for (scalar s in {u, p, pf})
        s.third = false;
      for (scalar s in {u, p, pf})
        s.third = true;
    #endif // ORDER2

    We use a slope-limiter to reduce the errors made in small-cells.

      for (scalar s in {u}) {
        s.gradient = minmod2;
    #endif // SLOPELIMITER
    #if TREE

    When using TREE and in the presence of embedded boundaries, we should also define the gradient of u at the cell center of cut-cells.

    #endif // TREE

    We initialize the embedded boundary. We read the stl file that contains the network geometry.

      FILE * fp = fopen ("../data/network/network_v2-binary.stl", "r");
      fraction_from_stl (cs, fs, fp, 5e-4, (lmin), (lmax));
      fclose (fp);
    #if TREE

    When using TREE, we refine the mesh around the embedded boundary. Since we do not have an analytic expression for the level-set function, we perform this operation only once.

      adapt_wavelet ({cs}, (double[]) {1.e-30},
    		 maxlevel = (lmax), minlevel = (1));
      fractions_cleanup (cs, fs,
      		     smin = (scmin), cmin = (scmin));
    #endif // TREE

    We also define the volume fraction at the previous timestep csm1=cs.

      csm1 = cs;

    We define the no-slip boundary conditions for the velocity.

      u.n[embed] = dirichlet (0);
      u.t[embed] = dirichlet (0);
      u.r[embed] = dirichlet (0);
      p[embed]   = neumann (0);
      uf.n[embed] = dirichlet (0);
      uf.t[embed] = dirichlet (0);
      uf.r[embed] = dirichlet (0);
      pf[embed]   = neumann (0);

    Embedded boundaries

    Adaptive mesh refinement

    #if TREE
    event adapt (i++)
      adapt_wavelet ({cs,u}, (double[]) {1.e-6,(cmax),(cmax),(cmax)},
      		 maxlevel = (lmax), minlevel = (1));

    We do not reset the embedded fractions to avoid interpolation errors on the geometry as we do not have an analytic expression for the level-set function.

      fractions_cleanup (cs, fs,
      		     smin = (scmin), cmin = (scmin));
    #endif // TREE


    event logfile (i++)
      stats nx = statsf (u.x), ny = statsf(u.y), nz = statsf (u.z), np = statsf(p);
      fprintf (stderr, "%g %d %g %g %d %d %d %d %d %d %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
    	   i, t/(T0), dt/(T0),
    	   mgp.i, mgp.nrelax, mgp.minlevel,
    	   mgu.i, mgu.nrelax, mgu.minlevel,
    	   mgp.resb, mgp.resa,
    	   mgu.resb, mgu.resa,
    	   nx.sum/(nx.volume + SEPS), nx.min, nx.max,
    	   ny.sum/(ny.volume + SEPS), ny.min, ny.max,
    	   nz.sum/(nz.volume + SEPS), nz.min, nz.max,
    	   np.sum/(np.volume + SEPS), np.min, np.max
      fflush (stderr);


    event snapshots (t = {1.*(T0), 1.25*(T0), 1.5*(T0), 2.*(T0)})
      char name[80];
      view (fov = 20, camera = "front",
    	tx = -0.5, ty = 1.e-12,
    	bg = {0.3,0.4,0.6},
    	width = 800, height = 800);
      cells ();
      sprintf (name, "mesh-tsT0-%.1f.png", t/(T0));
      save (name);
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs", lw = 0.5);
      sprintf (name, "vof-tsT0-%.1f.png", t/(T0));
      save (name);
      squares ("u.x", min = -2.1, max = 2.1, map = cool_warm);
      sprintf (name, "ux-tsT0-%.1f.png", t/(T0));
      save (name);
      squares ("u.y", min = -2., max = 2., map = cool_warm);
      sprintf (name, "uy-tsT0-%.1f.png", t/(T0));
      save (name);
      squares ("p", min = -200., max = 200.);
      sprintf (name, "p-tsT0-%.1f.png", t/(T0));
      save (name);
    event animations (i += 10)
      view (fov = 20, camera = "front",
    	tx = -0.5, ty = 1.e-12,
    	bg = {0.3,0.4,0.6},
    	width = 800, height = 800);
      cells ();
      save ("mesh.mp4");
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs", lw = 0.5);
      save ("vof.mp4");
      squares ("u.x", min = -2.1, max = 2.1, map = cool_warm);
      save ("ux.mp4");
      squares ("u.y", min = -2., max = 2., map = cool_warm);
      save ("uy.mp4");
      squares ("p", min = -200., max = 200.);
      save ("p.mp4");


    Time evolution of the mesh

    Time evolution of the embedded fractions

    Time evolution of the velocity u_x

    Time evolution of the pressure p

    set terminal svg font ",16"
    set key top right spacing 1.1
    set xtics 0,0.25,10
    set xlabel 't/T'
    set ylabel 'u_x'
    set xrange [0:2]
    set yrange [*:*]
    plot 'log' u 3:15 w l lc rgb "black" t "Average", \
         ''    u 3:16 w l lc rgb "blue"  t "Minimun", \
         ''    u 3:17 w l lc rgb "red"   t "Maximum"
    Time evolution of the average, minimun and maximum velocity u_x (script)

    Time evolution of the average, minimun and maximum velocity u_x (script)

    set ylabel 'u_y'
    plot 'log' u 3:18 w l lc rgb "black" t "Average", \
    gnuplot: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
    gnuplot: all points y value undefined!
         ''    u 3:19 w l lc rgb "blue"  t "Minimun", \
         ''    u 3:20 w l lc rgb "red"   t "Maximum"
    Time evolution of the average, minimun and maximum velocity u_y (script)

    Time evolution of the average, minimun and maximum velocity u_y (script)

    set ylabel 'u_z'
    plot 'log' u 3:21 w l lc rgb "black" t "Average", \
         ''    u 3:22 w l lc rgb "blue"  t "Minimun", \
         ''    u 3:23 w l lc rgb "red"   t "Maximum"
    Time evolution of the average, minimun and maximum velocity u_z (script)

    Time evolution of the average, minimun and maximum velocity u_z (script)

    set ylabel 'p'
    plot 'log' u 3:24 w l lc rgb "black" t "Average", \
         ''    u 3:25 w l lc rgb "blue"  t "Minimun", \
         ''    u 3:26 w l lc rgb "red"   t "Maximum"
    Time evolution of the average, minimun and maximum pressure p (script)

    Time evolution of the average, minimun and maximum pressure p (script)