
    Starting flow around a moving cylinder in quiescent fluid at Re=1000

    This test case is the moving embedded boundaries counterpart of the test cases starting.c.

    We solve here the Navier-Stokes equations and add the cylinder using an embedded boundary. We only model half of the cylinder and use symmetric boundary conditions on the bottom of the domain to model the other half of the cylinder.

    #include "grid/quadtree.h"
    #include "../myembed.h"
    #include "../mycentered.h"
    #include "../mydoubleprojection.h"
    #include "../myembed-moving.h"
    #include "../myperfs.h"
    #include "view.h"

    Reference solution

    #define d    (1.)
    #define uref (1.) // Reference velocity, uref
    #define tref ((d)/(uref)) // Reference time, tref=d/u
    #if RE
    #define Re (9500.)
    #define Re (1000.)
    #endif // RE

    We also define the shape of the domain.

    #define cylinder(x,y) (sq (x) + sq (y) - sq ((d)/2.))
    void p_shape (scalar c, face vector f, coord p)
      vertex scalar phi[];
        phi[] = (cylinder ((x - p.x), (y - p.y)));
      boundary ({phi});
      fractions (phi, c, f);
      fractions_cleanup (c, f,
    		     smin = 1.e-14, cmin = 1.e-14);


    We need a field for viscosity so that the embedded boundary metric can be taken into account.

    face vector muv[];

    Next, we define the mesh adaptation parameters and vary the maximum level of refinement.

    High-resolution is needed to resolve the boundary layers properly. Mohaghegh et al., 2017 propose to use a maximum resolution of order D/10/\sqrt{Re}, with Re the Reynolds number and D the cylinder diameter. The cylinder diameter will be set to unity, and the domain size to 18, so that the corresponding levels of refinement are approximately 12 and 16 for Re=1000 and Re=9500, respectively.

    #define lmin (6) // Min mesh refinement level (l=6 is 3pt/d)
    #if RE // Re = 9500
    int lmax = 15; // Max mesh refinement level (l=15 is 1820pt/d)
    #else // Re = 1000
    int lmax = 12; // Max mesh refinement level (l=12 is 227pt/d)
    #endif // RE
    #define cmax (1.e-3*(uref)) // Absolute refinement criteria for the velocity field

    We finally define a useful function that allows us to define a rectangular block mesh refinement (BMR) around the cylinder.

    #define rectangle(x,hx,y,hy) (union (					\
    				     union ((x) - (hx)/2., -(x) - (hx)/2.), \
    				     union ((y) - (hy)/2., -(y) - (hy)/2.)) \
    int main ()

    The domain is 18\times 18 and only half the cylinder is represented.

      L0 = 18.;
      size (L0);
      origin (-L0/2., 0.);

    We set the maximum timestep.

      DT = 1.e-3*(tref);

    We set the tolerance of the Poisson solver.

      TOLERANCE    = 1.e-6; // To reduce oscillations due to small timestep
      TOLERANCE_MU = 1.e-4*(uref);  
    #if RE // Re = 9500
      for (lmax = 14; lmax <= 16; lmax++) {
    #else // Re = 1000
      for (lmax = 11; lmax <= 13; lmax++) {
    #endif //RE

    We initialize the grid.

        N = 1 << (lmin);
        init_grid (N);

    Boundary conditions

    u.n[left] = dirichlet (0);
    u.t[left] = dirichlet (0);
    p[left]   = neumann (0);
    pf[left]  = neumann (0);
    u.n[right] = neumann (0);
    u.t[right] = neumann (0);
    p[right]   = dirichlet (0);
    pf[right]  = dirichlet (0);

    We give boundary conditions for the face velocity to “potentially” improve the convergence of the multigrid Poisson solver.

    uf.n[left]   = 0;
    uf.n[bottom] = 0;
    uf.n[top]    = 0;


    event properties (i++)
        muv.x[] = (uref)*(d)/(Re)*fm.x[];
      boundary ((scalar *) {muv});

    Initial conditions

    event init (i = 0)

    We set the viscosity field in the event properties.

      mu = muv;

    We use “third-order” face flux interpolation.

    #if ORDER2
      for (scalar s in {u, p, pf})
        s.third = false;
      for (scalar s in {u, p, pf})
        s.third = true;
    #endif // ORDER2

    We use a slope-limiter to reduce the errors made in small-cells.

      for (scalar s in {u, p, pf}) {
        s.gradient = minmod2;
    #endif // SLOPELIMITER
    #if TREE

    When using TREE and in the presence of embedded boundaries, we should also define the gradient of u at the cell center of cut-cells.

    #endif // TREE

    We initialize the embedded boundary.

    #if TREE
    #if BMR
      int lvl = (lmin);
      double wxmin = 8.*(d), wxmax = 5.*(d);
      double xmin = -(wxmin/2. - 2.*(d)), xmax = -(wxmax/2. - 1.*(d));
      double wymin = 8.*(d), wymax = 2.*(d);
      double ymin = 0., ymax = 0.;
      while (lvl < (lmax)) {
        refine (
    	    (rectangle ((x - (p_p.x + (xmin + (xmax - xmin)/((lmax) - (lmin))*((lvl + 1) - (lmin))))),
    			wxmin + (wxmax - wxmin)/((lmax) - (lmin))*((lvl + 1) - (lmin)),
    			(y - (p_p.y + (ymin + (ymax - ymin)/((lmax) - (lmin))*((lvl + 1) - (lmin))))),
    			wymin + (wymax - wymin)/((lmax) - (lmin))*((lvl + 1) - (lmin)))) <= 0. &&
    	    level < (lvl + 1)
        p_shape (cs, fs, p_p);
        lvl ++;

    In the case of the moving cylinder, we don’t unrefine inside the cylinder.

      unrefine ((rectangle ((x - (p_p.x + xmin)), wxmin,
    			(y - (p_p.y + ymin)), wymin)) > 0. &&
    	    level > 1);
    #else // AMR

    When using TREE, we refine the mesh around the embedded boundary.

      astats ss;
      int ic = 0;
      do {
        p_shape (cs, fs, p_p);
        ss = adapt_wavelet ({cs}, (double[]) {1.e-30},
    			maxlevel = (lmax), minlevel = (1));
      } while (( || && ic < 100);
    #endif // BMR  
    #endif // TREE
      p_shape (cs, fs, p_p);

    We initialize the particle’s speed.

      p_u.x  = -(uref);

    Embedded boundaries

    The cylinder’s position is advanced to time t + \Delta t.

    event advection_term (i++)
      p_p.x -= (uref)*(dt);

    We verify here that the velocity and pressure gradient boundary conditions are correctly computed.

    event check (i++)
      foreach() {
        if (cs[] > 0. && cs[] < 1.) {
          // Normal pointing from fluid to solid
          coord b, n;
          embed_geometry (point, &b, &n);
          // Velocity
          bool dirichlet;
          double ub;
          ub = u.x.boundary[embed] (point, point, u.x, &dirichlet);
          assert (dirichlet);
          assert (ub -
    	      p_u.x == 0.);
          ub = u.y.boundary[embed] (point, point, u.y, &dirichlet);
          assert (dirichlet);
          assert (ub -
    	      p_u.y == 0.);
          // Pressure
          bool neumann;
          double pb;
          pb = p.boundary[embed] (point, point, p, &neumann);
          assert (!neumann);
          assert (pb +
    	      rho[]/(cs[] + SEPS)*(p_au.x*n.x + p_au.y*n.y) == 0.);
          // Pressure gradient
          double gb;
          gb = g.x.boundary[embed] (point, point, g.x, &dirichlet);
          assert (dirichlet);
          assert (gb - p_au.x == 0.);
          gb = g.y.boundary[embed] (point, point, g.y, &dirichlet);
          assert (dirichlet);
          assert (gb - p_au.y == 0.);

    Adaptive mesh refinement

    #if TREE && !BMR
    event adapt (i++)
      adapt_wavelet ({cs,u}, (double[]) {1.e-2,(cmax),(cmax)},
    		 maxlevel = (lmax), minlevel = (1));

    We do not need here to reset the embedded fractions to avoid interpolation errors on the geometry as the is already done when moving the embedded boundaries. It might be necessary to do this however if surface forces are computed around the embedded boundaries.

    #endif // TREE && !BMR


    Positions of the separation points

    We track the positions with time of the separation points on the surface of the cylinder, as done by K & L, 1995.

    We first define a function which computes the vorticity at the surface of the cylinder and returns an array of (\theta,\omega) pairs, with \theta the angular coordinate and \omega the corresponding value of vorticity.

    typedef struct {
      double theta, omega;
    } ThetaOmega;
    int compar_theta (const void * a, const void * b)
      const ThetaOmega * p1 = a, * p2 = b;
      return p1->theta > p2->theta ? 1 : -1;
    ThetaOmega * theta_omega()
      Array * a = array_new();
        if (cs[] > 0. && cs[] < 1.) {
          coord n, b;
          embed_geometry (point, &b, &n);
          double xe = x + b.x*Delta, ye = y + b.y*Delta;
          ThetaOmega t;
 = embed_vorticity (point, u, b, n);
          t.theta = atan2(ye - p_p.y, xe - p_p.x);
          array_append (a, &t, sizeof (ThetaOmega));
      qsort (a->p, a->len/sizeof(ThetaOmega), sizeof(ThetaOmega), compar_theta);
      ThetaOmega t = {nodata, nodata};
      array_append (a, &t, sizeof (ThetaOmega));
      ThetaOmega * p = a->p;
      free (a);
      return p;

    The zeros of the function approximated by the (\theta,\omega) array are then recorded, together with the corresponding time, in the file pointed to by fp.

    void omega_zero (FILE * fp)
      // fixme: this function will not work with MPI
      ThetaOmega * a = theta_omega();
      for (ThetaOmega * o = a; (o + 1)->theta != nodata; o++) {
        ThetaOmega * o1 = o + 1;
        if (o1->omega*o->omega < 0.)
          fprintf (fp, "%g %g\n", t,
    	       o->theta + o->omega*(o1->theta - o->theta)/
    	       (o->omega - o1->omega));
      free (a);
      fflush (fp);

    Log files

    event coeffs (i += 10)
      coord Fp, Fmu;
      embed_force (p, u, mu, &Fp, &Fmu);
      char name1[80];
      sprintf (name1, "level-%d.dat", lmax);
      static FILE * fp = fopen (name1, "w");
      fprintf (fp, "%d %g %g %d %d %d %d %d %d %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
    	   i, t, dt,
    	   mgp.i, mgp.nrelax, mgp.minlevel,
    	   mgu.i, mgu.nrelax, mgu.minlevel,
    	   mgp.resb, mgp.resa,
    	   mgu.resb, mgu.resa,
    	   Fp.x, Fp.y, Fmu.x, Fmu.y);
      fflush (fp);
      sprintf (name1, "omega-level-%d.dat", lmax);
      static FILE * fo = fopen (name1, "w");
    #if !_MPI
      omega_zero (fo);
    #endif // !_MPI
    event logfile (t = end)
      coord Fp, Fmu;
      embed_force (p, u, mu, &Fp, &Fmu);
      fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %g %d %d %d %d %d %d %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
    	   i, t, dt,
    	   mgp.i, mgp.nrelax, mgp.minlevel,
    	   mgu.i, mgu.nrelax, mgu.minlevel,
    	   mgp.resb, mgp.resa,
    	   mgu.resb, mgu.resa,
    	   Fp.x, Fp.y, Fmu.x, Fmu.y);
      fflush (stderr);

    Images and animations

    void display_omega (int width, int height)
      view (fov = 1.68,
    	tx = -0.0251023 -(p_p.x)/(L0), ty = 1e-12, // fixme: this is necessary to re-center the view
    	width = width, height = height);
      draw_vof ("cs", filled = -1, fc = {1,1,1});
      draw_vof ("cs");
      squares ("omega", min = -12, max = 12, map = cool_warm);
      mirror ({0,1}) {
        draw_vof ("cs");
        squares (color = "level", min = (lmin), max = (lmax));
    event snapshots (t = 0.; t <= 3.; t += 1.)
      scalar omega[];
      vorticity (u, omega);
      char name2[80];
      // Entire domain
      view (fov = 20, camera = "front",
    	tx = 0., ty = -((L0)/2.)/(L0),
    	width = 800, height = 800);
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs");
      cells ();
      sprintf (name2, "mesh-level-%d-t-%g.png", lmax, t);
      save (name2);
      // Fig. 4. (t=1,3)
      view (fov = 0.470916, camera = "front",
    	tx = -0.0197934 - (p_p.x)/(L0), ty = -0.0258659,
    	width = 524, height = 480);
      draw_vof ("cs", filled = -1, fc = {1,1,1});
      draw_vof ("cs", filled = 0, lw = 1);
      double max = Re == 9500 ? 40 : 12;
      squares ("omega", min = -max, max = +max, map = cool_warm);
      sprintf (name2, "zoom-level-%d-t-%g.png", lmax, t);
      save (name2);
      draw_vof ("cs", lw = 2);
      squares ("level");
      sprintf (name2, "cells-level-%d-t-%g.png", lmax, t);
      save (name2);
      // Fig. 3. (t=3)
      display_omega (640, 480);
      sprintf (name2, "omega-level-%d-t-%g.png", lmax, t);
      save (name2);

    An animation is created.

    event movie (i += 10)
      scalar omega[];
      vorticity (u, omega);
      char name2[80];
      display_omega (1280, 960);
      sprintf (name2, "omega-level-%d.mp4", lmax);
      save (name2);

    Surface vorticity profiles

    We are also interested in the details on the surface of the cylinder, in particular surface vorticity.

    void cpout (FILE * fp)
        if (cs[] > 0. && cs[] < 1.) {
          coord b, n;
          double area = embed_geometry (point, &b, &n);
          double xe = x + b.x*Delta, ye = y + b.y*Delta;
          fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
    	       xe - p_p.x, // 1
    	       ye - p_p.y, // 2
    	       atan2(ye - p_p.y, xe - p_p.x), // 3
    	       embed_interpolate (point, p, b), // 4
    	       area*Delta, // 5
    	       embed_vorticity (point, u, b, n) // 6
          fflush (fp);
    event surface_profiles (t = {0.5,0.9,1.5,2.5})
      char name3[80];
      sprintf (name3, "cp-level-%d-t-%g-pid-%d", lmax, t, pid());
      FILE * fp = fopen (name3, "w");
      cpout (fp);
      fclose (fp);


    Re = 1000

    Animation of the vorticity field and adaptive mesh, Re = 1000.

    The final state at tU/D = 3 can be compared with figure 3 (top row) of Mohaghegh et al. 2017.

    set terminal svg font ",16"
    set key font ",14" top spacing 1
    set grid
    set xlabel 't/(d/u)'
    set ylabel 'C_D'
    set xrange [0:3]
    set yrange [0:2.5]
    plot '../data/starting/fig1a.SIM' u ($1/2.):2 w l lw 2     lc rgb 'black' t 'Mohaghegh et al., SIM, 2017, C_D', \
         '../data/starting/fig1a.KL'  u ($1/2.):2 pt 7 ps 0.7  lc rgb 'black' t 'K. and L., 1995, C_D', \
         '../data/starting/fig19.p'   u ($1/2.):2 pt 11 ps 0.7 lc rgb 'black' t 'K. and L., 1995, F_p', \
         '../data/starting/fig19.f'   u ($1/2.):2 pt 9 ps 0.7  lc rgb 'black' t 'K. and L., 1995, F_{mu}', \
         'level-11.dat' u 2:(4.*($14+$16)) w l lw 1 lc rgb 'blue'      t 'Basilisk, l=11 ', \
         ''             u 2:(4.*$14)       w l lw 1 lc rgb 'blue'      notitle, \
         ''             u 2:(4.*$16)       w l lw 1 lc rgb 'blue'      notitle, \
         'level-12.dat' u 2:(4.*($14+$16)) w l lw 1 lc rgb 'red'       t 'Basilisk, l=12 ', \
         ''             u 2:(4.*$14)       w l lw 1 lc rgb 'red'       notitle, \
         ''             u 2:(4.*$16)       w l lw 1 lc rgb 'red'       notitle, \
         'level-13.dat' u 2:(4.*($14+$16)) w l lw 1 lc rgb 'sea-green' t 'Basilisk, l=13 ', \
         ''             u 2:(4.*$14)       w l lw 1 lc rgb 'sea-green' notitle,	\
         ''             u 2:(4.*$16)       w l lw 1 lc rgb 'sea-green' notitle
    Time history of drag coefficient. Re = 1000. See Fig. 1a of Mohaghegh et al. 2017. (script)

    Time history of drag coefficient. Re = 1000. See Fig. 1a of Mohaghegh et al. 2017. (script)

    Note that the points of Figure 4 of K. & L. 1995 do not seem to match the data in Fig. 5a and 5b of the same paper, which explains the disagreement in the figure below. This agreement should be much better as can be seen on the more detailed surface vorticity figures below.

    set key font ",16" bottom right spacing 1.1
    set ylabel 'angle/pi'
    set yrange [0:0.5]
    plot '../data/starting/fig4.1000.KL' u ($1/2.):2 pt 7 ps 0.7 lc rgb "black" t 'K. and L., 1995', \
         'omega-level-11.dat' u 1:($2/pi) pt 5 ps 0.25 lc rgb "blue"      t 'Basilisk, l=11', \
    gnuplot: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
         'omega-level-12.dat' u 1:($2/pi) pt 5 ps 0.25 lc rgb "red"       t 'Basilisk, l=12', \
         'omega-level-13.dat' u 1:($2/pi) pt 5 ps 0.25 lc rgb "sea-green" t 'Basilisk, l=13'
    Location of the points of zero surface vorticity. Re = 1000. See Fig. 4 of K. & L. 1995. (script)

    Location of the points of zero surface vorticity. Re = 1000. See Fig. 4 of K. & L. 1995. (script)

    set key top right
    set xlabel 'theta/pi'
    set ylabel 'omega_s/(d/u)'
    set xrange [0:1]
    set yrange [-100:40]
    plot '../data/starting/fig5a.SIM' every 20 pt 7 ps 0.7 lc rgb "black" t 'Mohaghegh et al., SIM, 2017', \
         '../data/starting/fig5a.KL' w l lw 2 lc rgb "black" t 'K. and L., 1995', \
         '< cat cp-level-11-t-0.5-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "blue" \
         t 'Basilisk, l=11', \
         '< cat cp-level-12-t-0.5-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "red" \
         t 'Basilisk, l=12', \
    gnuplot: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
         '< cat cp-level-13-t-0.5-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green" \
         t 'Basilisk, l=13'
    Surface vorticity at t/(d/u)=0.5. Re = 1000. See Fig. 5a of Mohaghegh et al. 2017. (script)

    Surface vorticity at t/(d/u)=0.5. Re = 1000. See Fig. 5a of Mohaghegh et al. 2017. (script)

    set yrange [-100:100]
    plot '../data/starting/fig5b.SIM' every 20 pt 7 ps 0.7 lc rgb "black" t 'Mohaghegh et al., SIM, 2017', \
         '../data/starting/fig5b.KL' w l lw 2 lc rgb "black" t 'K. and L., 1995', \
         '< cat cp-level-11-t-1.5-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "blue" \
         t 'Basilisk, l=11', \
         '< cat cp-level-12-t-1.5-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "red" \
         t 'Basilisk, l=12', \
    gnuplot: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
         '< cat cp-level-13-t-1.5-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green" \
         t 'Basilisk, l=13'
    Surface vorticity at t/(d/u)=1.5. Re = 1000. See Fig. 5b of Mohaghegh et al. 2017. (script)

    Surface vorticity at t/(d/u)=1.5. Re = 1000. See Fig. 5b of Mohaghegh et al. 2017. (script)

    set xlabel "t/(d/u)"
    set ylabel "dt"
    set xrange [0:3]
    set yrange [1.e-5:1.e-2]
    set logscale y
    plot 'level-11.dat' u 2:3 w l lw 2 lc rgb 'blue'      t 'Basilisk, l=11 ', \
         'level-12.dat' u 2:3 w l lw 2 lc rgb 'red'       t 'Basilisk, l=12 ', \
         'level-13.dat' u 2:3 w l lw 2 lc rgb 'sea-green' t 'Basilisk, l=13 '
    Time evolution of the timestep \Delta t (script)

    Time evolution of the timestep \Delta t (script)

    Re = 9500

    Animation of the vorticity field and adaptive mesh, Re = 9500, 15 levels.

    The final state at tU/D = 3 can be compared with figure 3 (bottom row) of Mohaghegh et al. 2017.

    set terminal svg font ",16"
    set key font ",9" top right spacing 0.7
    set grid
    set xlabel 't/(d/u)'
    set ylabel 'C_D'
    set xrange [0:3]
    set yrange [0:2.5]
    plot '../data/starting/fig1b.SIM' u ($1/2.):2 w l lw 2 lc rgb "black" t 'Mohaghegh et al., SIM, 2017', \
         '../data/starting/fig1b.KL'  u ($1/2.):2 pt 7 ps 0.7 lc rgb "black" t 'K. and L., 1995', \
    gnuplot: warning: Cannot find or open file “level-14.dat”
    gnuplot: warning: Cannot find or open file “level-15.dat”
    gnuplot: warning: Cannot find or open file “level-16.dat”
         'level-14.dat' u 2:(4.*($14+$16)) w l lw 2 lc rgb 'blue'      t 'Basilisk, l=14 ', \
         'level-15.dat' u 2:(4.*($14+$16)) w l lw 2 lc rgb 'red'       t 'Basilisk, l=15 ', \
         'level-16.dat' u 2:(4.*($14+$16)) w l lw 2 lc rgb 'sea-green' t 'Basilisk, l=16 '
    Time history of drag coefficient. Re = 9500. See Fig. 1b of Mohaghegh et al. 2017. (script)

    Time history of drag coefficient. Re = 9500. See Fig. 1b of Mohaghegh et al. 2017. (script)

    set key font ",16" bottom right spacing 1.1
    set ylabel 'angle/pi'
    set yrange [0:0.6]
    gnuplot: warning: Cannot find or open file “omega-level-14.dat”
    gnuplot: warning: Cannot find or open file “omega-level-15.dat”
    gnuplot: warning: Cannot find or open file “omega-level-16.dat”
    gnuplot: No data in plot
    plot 'omega-level-14.dat' u 1:($2/pi) pt 5 ps 0.25 lc rgb "blue"      t 'Basilisk, l=14', \
         'omega-level-15.dat' u 1:($2/pi) pt 5 ps 0.25 lc rgb "red"       t 'Basilisk, l=15', \
         'omega-level-16.dat' u 1:($2/pi) pt 5 ps 0.25 lc rgb "sea-green" t 'Basilisk, l=16'
    Location of the points of zero surface vorticity. Re = 9500. See also Fig. 4 of K. & L. 1995. (script)

    Location of the points of zero surface vorticity. Re = 9500. See also Fig. 4 of K. & L. 1995. (script)

    set key top right
    set xlabel 'theta/pi'
    set ylabel 'omega_s/(u/d)'
    plot [0:1]'../data/starting/fig6a.SIM' every 20 pt 7 ps 0.7 lc rgb "black" t 'Mohaghegh et al., SIM, 2017', \
         '../data/starting/fig6a.KL' w l lw 2 lc rgb "black" t 'K. and L., 1995', \
         '< cat cp-level-14-t-0.9-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "blue" \
         t 'Basilisk, l=14', \
         '< cat cp-level-15-t-0.9-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "red" \
         t 'Basilisk, l=15', \
         '< cat cp-level-16-t-0.9-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green" \
         t 'Basilisk, l=16'
    Surface vorticity at t/(d/u)=0.9. Re = 9500. See Fig. 6a of Mohaghegh et al. 2017. (script)

    Surface vorticity at t/(d/u)=0.9. Re = 9500. See Fig. 6a of Mohaghegh et al. 2017. (script)

    plot [0:1][-500:500]'../data/starting/fig6b.SIM' every 20 pt 7 ps 0.7 lc rgb "black" t 'SIM (Mohaghegh et al 2017)', \
         '../data/starting/fig6b.KL' w l lw 2 lc rgb "black" t 'K. and L., 1995', \
         '< cat cp-2.5-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "blue" \
         t 'Basilisk', \
         '< cat cp-level-14-t-2.5-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "blue" \
         t 'Basilisk, l=14', \
         '< cat cp-level-15-t-2.5-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "red" \
         t 'Basilisk, l=15', \
         '< cat cp-level-16-t-2.5-pid-* | sort -k3,4 | awk -f ../data/starting/surface.awk' w l lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green" \
         t 'Basilisk, l=16'
    Surface vorticity at t/(d/u)=2.5. Re = 9500. See Fig. 6b of Mohaghegh et al. 2017. (script)

    Surface vorticity at t/(d/u)=2.5. Re = 9500. See Fig. 6b of Mohaghegh et al. 2017. (script)

    set xlabel "t/(d/u)"
    set ylabel "dt"
    set xrange [0:3]
    set yrange [1.e-5:1.e-2]
    set logscale y
    plot 'level-14.dat' u 2:3 w l lw 2 lc rgb 'blue'      t 'Basilisk, l=11', \
         'level-15.dat' u 2:3 w l lw 2 lc rgb 'red'       t 'Basilisk, l=12', \
         'level-16.dat' u 2:3 w l lw 2 lc rgb 'sea-green' t 'Basilisk, l=13'
    Time evolution of the timestep \Delta t (script)

    Time evolution of the timestep \Delta t (script)



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