
    Flow past a fixed prolate spheroid, rotated or not, at different Reynolds number

    We solve here the Navier-Stokes equations and add the prolate spheroid using an embedded boundary.

    #include "grid/octree.h"
    #include "../myembed.h"
    #include "../mycentered.h"
    #include "../myspheroid.h"
    #include "../myperfs.h"
    #include "view.h"

    We also use the \lambda_2 criterion of Jeong and Hussain, 1995 for vortex detection.

    #include "lambda2.h"

    Reference solution

    We first define the geometry of the spheroid, with r the equatorial radius and \gamma the aspect ratio (a=r\gamma is the polar radius).

    #if GAMMA // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    #define gamma  ((double) (GAMMA))
    #else // gamma = 5/2
    #define gamma  (5./2.) // aspect ratio, a/r
    #endif // GAMMA
    #define radius (0.5)     // Equatorial radius
    #define d      (spheroid_diameter_sphere ((radius), (gamma))) // Diameter of the sphere of equivalent volume

    We then define the incidience angle \phi (rotation along the z-axis).

    #if PHI // 0, 22, 45, 66, 90
    #define phi   (((double) (PHI))/180.*M_PI)
    #else // phi = 0
    #define phi   (0.) // incidence angle
    #endif // PHI

    We then define the Reynolds number.

    #if RE // 1, 10, 100
    #define Re   ((double) (RE))
    #else // Re = 0.
    #define Re   (0.) // Particle Reynolds number Re = ud/nu
    #endif // RE
    #define uref (1.) // Reference velocity, uref
    #define tref ((d)/(uref)) // Reference time, tref=d/u

    We also define the shape of the domain. Note here that p_p is the position of the center of the spheroid.

    #define spheroid(x,y,z) (sq ((x)/((radius)*(gamma))) + sq ((y)/(radius)) + sq ((z)/(radius)) - 1.)
    coord p_p;
    void p_shape (scalar c, face vector f, coord p)
      vertex scalar psi[];
      foreach_vertex() {
        // Rotated coordinates around the z-axis at the position p
        double xrot = p.x + (x - p.x)*cos ((phi)) - (y - p.y)*sin ((phi));
        double yrot = p.y + (x - p.x)*sin ((phi)) + (y - p.y)*cos ((phi));
        double zrot = z;
        // Distance function
        psi[] = (spheroid ((xrot - p.x), (yrot - p.y), (zrot - p.z)));
      boundary ({psi});
      fractions (psi, c, f);
      fractions_cleanup (c, f,
    		     smin = 1.e-14, cmin = 1.e-14);


    We need a field for viscosity so that the embedded boundary metric can be taken into account.

    face vector muv[];

    We also define a reference velocity field.

    scalar un[];

    Finally, we define the mesh adaptation parameters.

    #if DLENGTH == 32
    #define lmin (6) // Min mesh refinement level (l=6 is 2pt/d for L0=32)
    #elif DLENGTH == 64
    #define lmin (7) // Min mesh refinement level (l=7 is 2pt/d for L0=64)
    #elif DLENGTH == 128
    #define lmin (8) // Min mesh refinement level (l=8 is 2pt/d for L0=128)
    #elif DLENGTH == 256
    #define lmin (9) // Min mesh refinement level (l=9 is 2pt/d for L0=256)
    #else // L0 = 128
    #define lmin (8) // Min mesh refinement level (l=8 is 2pt/d for L0=128)
    #endif // DLENGTH
    #if LMAX // 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
    #define lmax ((int) (LMAX))
    #else // 12
    #define lmax (12) // Max mesh refinement level (l=12 is 32pt/d for L0=128)
    #endif // LMAX
    #if CMAX
    #define cmax (((double) (CMAX))*1.e-3*(uref))
    #else // cmax = 1.e-2
    #define cmax (1.e-2*(uref)) // Absolute refinement criteria for the velocity field
    #endif // CMAX
    int main ()

    The domain is 128\times 128 \times 128.

    #if DLENGTH // 32, 64, 128, 256
      L0 = ((double) (DLENGTH))*(d);
    #else // L0 = 128
      L0 = 128.*(d);
    #endif // DLENGTH
      size (L0);
      origin (-(L0)/2., -(L0)/2., -(L0)/2.);

    We set the maximum timestep.

    #if DTMAX
      DT = ((double) (DTMAX))*1.e-3*(tref);
    #else // DT = 1.e-2  
      DT = 1.e-2*(tref);
    #endif // DTMAX

    We set the tolerance of the Poisson solver.

    #if RE == 0
      stokes = true;
    #endif // RE
      TOLERANCE    = 1.e-6;
      TOLERANCE_MU = 1.e-6*(uref);

    We initialize the grid.

      N = 1 << (lmin);
      init_grid (N);

    Boundary conditions

    We use inlet boundary conditions.

    u.n[left] = dirichlet ((uref));
    u.t[left] = dirichlet (0);
    u.r[left] = dirichlet (0);
    p[left]   = neumann (0);
    pf[left]  = neumann (0);
    u.n[right] = neumann (0);
    u.t[right] = neumann (0);
    u.r[right] = neumann (0);
    p[right]   = dirichlet (0);
    pf[right]  = dirichlet (0);

    We give boundary conditions for the face velocity to “potentially” improve the convergence of the multigrid Poisson solver.

    uf.n[left]   = (uref);
    uf.n[bottom] = 0;
    uf.n[top]    = 0;
    uf.n[back]   = 0;
    uf.n[front]  = 0;


    event properties (i++)
      foreach_face() {
    #if RE
        muv.x[] = (uref)*(d)/(Re)*fm.x[];
    #else // Re = 0
        muv.x[] = fm.x[];
    #endif // RE
      boundary ((scalar *) {muv});

    Initial conditions

    event init (i = 0)

    We set the viscosity field in the event properties.

      mu = muv;

    We use “third-order” face flux interpolation.

    #if ORDER2
      for (scalar s in {u, p, pf})
        s.third = false;
      for (scalar s in {u, p, pf})
        s.third = true;
    #endif // ORDER2

    We use a slope-limiter to reduce the errors made in small-cells.

      for (scalar s in {u}) {
        s.gradient = minmod2;
    #endif // SLOPELIMITER
    #if TREE

    When using TREE and in the presence of embedded boundaries, we should also define the gradient of u at the full cell center of cut-cells.

    #endif // TREE

    We first define the particle’s position.

        p_p.x = 0.;

    If the simulation is not restarted, we define the initial mesh and the initial velocity.

      if (!restore (file = "restart")) {
    #if TREE

    When using TREE, we refine the mesh around the embedded boundary.

        astats ss;
        int ic = 0;
        do {
          p_shape (cs, fs, p_p);
          ss = adapt_wavelet ({cs}, (double[]) {1.e-30},
    			  maxlevel = (lmax), minlevel = (1));
        } while (( || && ic < 100);
    #endif // TREE
        p_shape (cs, fs, p_p);

    We initialize the velocity.

          u.x[] = cs[]*(uref);
        boundary ((scalar *) {u});
      else { // restart

    When restarting a simulation, only the volume fraction cs is dumped and we therefore need to re-initialize the face fraction fs after a restart.

        p_shape (cs, fs, p_p);

    Whether restarting or not, we define the volume fraction at the previous timestep csm1=cs.

      csm1 = cs;

    We define the boundary conditions for the velocity.

      u.n[embed] = dirichlet (0);
      u.t[embed] = dirichlet (0);
      u.r[embed] = dirichlet (0);
      p[embed]   = neumann (0);
      uf.n[embed] = dirichlet (0);
      uf.t[embed] = dirichlet (0);
      uf.r[embed] = dirichlet (0);
      pf[embed]   = neumann (0);

    We finally initialize, even when restarting, the reference velocity field.

        un[] = u.x[];

    Embedded boundaries

    Adaptive mesh refinement

    #if TREE
    event adapt (i++)
      adapt_wavelet ({cs,u}, (double[]) {1.e-2,(cmax),(cmax),(cmax)},
      		 maxlevel = (lmax), minlevel = (1));

    We also reset the embedded fractions to avoid interpolation errors on the geometry. This would affect in particular the computation of the pressure contribution to the hydrodynamic forces.

      p_shape (cs, fs, p_p);
    #endif // TREE

    Restarts and dumps

    Every 100 time steps, we dump the fluid data for restarting purposes. We use a relatively small time step interval as the simulations with a large value of lmax are relatively slow.

    #if DUMP
    event dump_data (i += 100)
      // Dump fluid
      dump ("dump");
    #endif // DUMP
    event dump_end (t = end)
      // Dump fluid
      dump ("dump-final");  


    #if TRACE > 1
    event profiling (i += 20)
      static FILE * fp = fopen ("profiling", "a"); // In case of restart
      trace_print (fp, 1); // Display functions taking more than 1% of runtime.
    #endif // TRACE


    double CDm1 = 0., Tzm1 = 0.;
    event logfile (i++; t < 200.*(tref))
      double du = change (u.x, un);
      coord Fp, Fmu, Tp, Tmu;
      embed_force  (p, u, mu, &Fp, &Fmu);
      embed_torque (p, u, mu, (p_p), &Tp, &Tmu);
      // Drag and lifts
      double CD  = (Fp.x + Fmu.x)/(0.5*sq ((uref))*(M_PI)*sq ((d))/4.);
      double CLy = (Fp.y + Fmu.y)/(0.5*sq ((uref))*(M_PI)*sq ((d))/4.);
      double CLz = (Fp.z + Fmu.z)/(0.5*sq ((uref))*(M_PI)*sq ((d))/4.);
      // Torques and pitching torque
      double Tx = (Tp.x + Tmu.x)/(0.5*sq ((uref))*(M_PI)*sq ((d))/8.);
      double Ty = (Tp.y + Tmu.y)/(0.5*sq ((uref))*(M_PI)*sq ((d))/8.);
      double Tz = (Tp.z + Tmu.z)/(0.5*sq ((uref))*(M_PI)*sq ((d))/8.);
      double dF = fabs (CDm1 - CD);
      double dT = fabs (Tzm1 - Tz);
      CDm1 = CD, Tzm1 = Tz;  
      fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g %g %g %g %d %d %d %g %g %d %d %d %d %d %d %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
    	   gamma, phi, Re,
    	   spheroid_eccentricity ((gamma)), spheroid_sphericity ((gamma)),
    	   (L0)/(d), (lmin), (lmax),
    	   i, t/(tref), dt/(tref),
    	   mgp.i, mgp.nrelax, mgp.minlevel,
    	   mgu.i, mgu.nrelax, mgu.minlevel,
    	   mgp.resb, mgp.resa,
    	   mgu.resb, mgu.resa,
    	   CD, CLy, CLz, dF,
    	   Tx, Ty, Tz, dT,
      fflush (stderr);


    event snapshot (t += 5.*(tref))
      scalar n2u[];
      foreach() {
        if (cs[] <= 0.)
          n2u[] = nodata;
          n2u[] = sqrt (sq (u.x[]) + sq (u.y[]) + sq (u.z[]));
      boundary ({n2u});
      stats sn2u = statsf (n2u);
      char name2[80];

    We first plot the entire domain.

      view (fov = 20, camera = "front",
    	tx = 1.e-12, ty = 1.e-12,
    	bg = {1,1,1},
    	width = 800, height = 800);
      squares ("cs", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = 1.e-12, min = 0, max = 1, map = cool_warm);
      cells (n = {0,0,1}, alpha = 1.e-12);
      sprintf (name2, "vof-t-%.0f.png", t/(tref));
      save (name2);
      squares ("n2u", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = 1.e-12, min = 0, max = sn2u.max, map = jet);
      sprintf (name2, "nu-t-%.0f.png", t/(tref));
      save (name2);
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs", filled = -1, lw = 5);
      squares ("u.x", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = 1.e-12, map = cool_warm);
      sprintf (name2, "ux-t-%.0f.png", t/(tref));
      save (name2);
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs", filled = -1, lw = 5);
      squares ("u.y", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = 1.e-12, map = cool_warm);
      sprintf (name2, "uy-t-%.0f.png", t/(tref));
      save (name2);
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs", filled = -1, lw = 5);
      squares ("p", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = 1.e-12, map = cool_warm);
      sprintf (name2, "p-t-%.0f.png", t/(tref));
      save (name2);

    We then zoom on the particle.

      view (fov = 5.*(128./((L0)/(d))), camera = "front",
    	tx = -(p_p.x + 10.*(d))/(L0), ty = 1.e-12,
    	bg = {1,1,1},
    	width = 800, height = 800);
      squares ("cs", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = 1.e-12, min = 0, max = 1, map = cool_warm);
      cells (n = {0,0,1}, alpha = 1.e-12);
      sprintf (name2, "vof-xy-t-%.0f.png", t/(tref));
      save (name2);
      squares ("n2u", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = 1.e-12, min = 0, max = sn2u.max, map = jet);
      sprintf (name2, "nu-xy-t-%.0f.png", t/(tref));
      save (name2);
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs", filled = -1, lw = 5);
      squares ("u.x", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = 1.e-12, map = cool_warm);
      sprintf (name2, "ux-xy-t-%.0f.png", t/(tref));
      save (name2);
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs", filled = -1, lw = 5);
      squares ("u.y", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = 1.e-12, map = cool_warm);
      sprintf (name2, "uy-xy-t-%.0f.png", t/(tref));
      save (name2);
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs", filled = -1, lw = 5);
      squares ("p", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = 1.e-12, map = cool_warm);
      sprintf (name2, "p-xy-t-%.0f.png", t/(tref));
      save (name2);

    Here we compute two new fields, \lambda_2 and the vorticity component in the y-z plane.

      scalar l2[], vyz[];
        vyz[] = ((u.y[0,0,1] - u.y[0,0,-1]) - (u.z[0,1] - u.z[0,-1]))/(2.*Delta);
      boundary ({vyz});
      lambda2 (u, l2);
      view (fov = 12.*(128/((L0)/(d))),
    	quat = {0.072072,0.245086,0.303106,0.918076},
    	tx = -0.307321, ty = 0.22653, bg = {1,1,1},
    	width = 802, height = 634);
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs", lw = 5, lc = {0,0,0}, fc = {0,0,0});
      isosurface ("l2", -0.01, color = "vyz", min = -1, max = 1,
    	      linear = true, map = cool_warm);
      sprintf (name2, "l2-t-%.0f.png", t/(tref));
      save (name2);

    Results for a sphere at Re=100

    set terminal svg font ",12"
    set key top right font ",12" spacing 0.9
    set grid ytics
    set xtics 0,20,200
    set ytics 0,0.1,100
    set xlabel 't/(d_{eq}/u_{inf})'
    set ylabel 'kappa'
    set xrange [0:200]
    set yrange [0.9:1.25]
    set title "Re=100, gamma=1, dtmax=1.e-3, cmax=1e-3, 128pt/d"
    # Clift at al. for 20 < Re < 260
    Re = 100.;
    CDClift = 24./Re*(1. + 0.1935*Re**0.6305);
    plot CDClift w l lw 2 lc rgb "black"  t "Stokes, 1851",		\
         "gamma-1/phi-0/Re-100/dtmax-1e-3/L0-32/lmax-12/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:22 w l lw 2 lc rgb "blue" t "basilisk"
    Time evolution of the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Time evolution of the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Results for a spheroid with \gamma=6 at Re=20

    set terminal svg font ",14"
    set key top right font ",12" spacing 0.9
    set grid ytics
    set xtics 0,20,200
    set ytics 0,0.5,100
    set xlabel 't/(d_{eq}/u_{inf})'
    set ylabel 'kappa'
    set xrange [0:200]
    set yrange [0:5]
    set title "gamma=6, Re=20, dt=1e-2, 64pt/d, cmax=1e-3"
    # Aspect ratio
    g = 6.;
    # Stokes drag
    Re       = 20.;
    CDStokes = 24./Re;
    # Oberbeck 1876
    L = log ((g + sqrt (g*g - 1))/(g - sqrt (g*g - 1)))
    X0 = (g*g - 1.)**(-1./2.)*L;
    A0 = (g*g - 1.)**(-3./2.)*(L - 2./g*sqrt (g*g - 1.));
    B0 = (g*g - 1.)**(-3./2.)*(-1./2.*L + g*sqrt (g*g - 1.));
    k0  = 8./3.*g**(-1./3.)/(X0 + g*g*A0);
    k90 = 8./3.*g**(-1./3.)/(X0 + B0);
    k(x) = k0*cos(x/180.*pi)*cos(x/180.*pi) + k90*sin(x/180.*pi)*sin(x/180.*pi)
    # Frohlich et al., 2021
    cd1 = -0.007;
    cd2 = 1.;
    cd3 = 1.17;
    cd4 = -0.07;
    cd5 = 0.047;
    cd6 = 1.14;
    cd7 = 0.7;
    cd8 = -0.008;
    fd0  = 1. + 0.15*(Re**0.687) + cd1*((log(g))**cd2)*(Re**(cd3 + cd4*log(g)));
    fd90 = 1. + 0.15*(Re**0.687) + cd5*((log(g))**cd6)*(Re**(cd7 + cd8*log(g)));
    kF0  = k0*fd0;
    kF90 = k90*fd90;
    kF(x) = kF0*cos(x/180.*pi)*cos(x/180.*pi) + kF90*sin(x/180.*pi)*sin(x/180.*pi);
    plot k(0) w l lw 2 lc rgb "brown"  t "Oberbeck, 1876",		\
         kF(0) w l lw 2 lc rgb "gray"  t "Frohlich et al., 2021",		\
         kF(22) w l lw 2 lc rgb "gray"  notitle, \
         kF(45) w l lw 2 lc rgb "gray"  notitle, \
         kF(66) w l lw 2 lc rgb "gray"  notitle, \
         kF(90) w l lw 2 lc rgb "gray"  notitle, \
         "gamma-6/phi-0/Re-20/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-1e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "black"     t "phi=0", \
         "gamma-6/phi-22/Re-20/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"      t "phi=22", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-20/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "red"       t "phi=45", \
         "gamma-6/phi-66/Re-20/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green" t "phi=66", \
         "gamma-6/phi-90/Re-20/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "orange"    t "phi=90"
    Time evolution of the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Time evolution of the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    set ylabel 'err (%)'
    set yrange [0:5]
    set title "gamma=6, Re=20, dt=1e-2, 64pt/d, cmax=1e-3"
    plot "gamma-6/phi-0/Re-20/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-1e-3/log"  u 10:(abs ($22/CDStokes - kF(0))/kF(0)*100)   w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "black"     t "phi=0", \
         "gamma-6/phi-22/Re-20/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:(abs ($22/CDStokes - kF(22))/kF(22)*100) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"      t "phi=22", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-20/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:(abs ($22/CDStokes - kF(45))/kF(45)*100) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "red"       t "phi=45", \
         "gamma-6/phi-66/Re-20/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:(abs ($22/CDStokes - kF(66))/kF(66)*100) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green" t "phi=66", \
         "gamma-6/phi-90/Re-20/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:(abs ($22/CDStokes - kF(90))/kF(90)*100) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "orange"    t "phi=90"
    Time evolution of the error for the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Time evolution of the error for the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Results for a spheroid with \gamma=6 in a Stokes flow

    Results for dt=1e-2 and cmax=1e-2

    set terminal svg font ",14"
    set key top right font ",12" spacing 0.9
    set grid ytics
    set xtics 0,20,200
    set ytics 0,0.1,100
    set xlabel 't/(d_{eq}/u_{inf})'
    set ylabel 'kappa'
    set xrange [0:200]
    set yrange [1:2]
    set title "gamma=6, phi=45, Re=0, dt=1e-2, cmax=1e-2"
    # Aspect ratio
    g = 6.;
    # Stokes drag
    Re       = (g)**(1./3.);
    CDStokes = 24./Re;
    # Oberbeck 1876
    xL = log ((g + sqrt (g*g - 1))/(g - sqrt (g*g - 1)))
    X0 = (g*g - 1.)**(-1./2.)*L;
    A0 = (g*g - 1.)**(-3./2.)*(L - 2./g*sqrt (g*g - 1.));
    B0 = (g*g - 1.)**(-3./2.)*(-1./2.*L + g*sqrt (g*g - 1.));
    k0  = 8./3.*g**(-1./3.)/(X0 + g*g*A0);
    k90 = 8./3.*g**(-1./3.)/(X0 + B0);
    k45 = k0*cos(45./180.*pi)*cos(45./180.*pi) + k90*sin(45./180.*pi)*sin(45./180.*pi)
    plot k45 w l lw 2 lc rgb "brown"  t "Oberbeck, 1876",		\
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-32/lmax-9/cmax-10e-3/log"   u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "black"      t "L0/d=32, lmax=9", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-32/lmax-10/cmax-10e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "black"      t "lmax=10", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-32/lmax-11/cmax-10e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "black"      t "lmax=11", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-64/lmax-10/cmax-10e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"       t "L0/d=64, lmax=10", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-64/lmax-11/cmax-10e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"       t "lmax=11", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-64/lmax-12/cmax-10e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"       t "lmax=12", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-128/lmax-11/cmax-10e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "red"        t "L0/d=128, lmax=11", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-128/lmax-12/cmax-10e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "red"        t "lmax=12", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-128/lmax-13/cmax-10e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "red"        t "lmax=13", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-12/cmax-10e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green"  t "L0/d=256, lmax=12", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-13/cmax-10e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green"  t "lmax=13", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-10e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green"  t "lmax=14"
    Time evolution of the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Time evolution of the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    set xtics 2,2,512
    set xlabel 'd/Delta_{max}'
    set xrange [8:128]
    set yrange [1.2:1.5]
    set logscale x
    set title "gamma=6, phi=45, Re=0, dt=1e-2, cmax=1e-2"
    plot k45 w l lw 2 lc rgb "brown" t "Oberbeck, 1876", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-10e-3-L0-32-cmax-10e-3.dat"  u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "black"     t "L_0/d=32", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-10e-3-L0-64-cmax-10e-3.dat"  u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"      t "L_0/d=64", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-10e-3-L0-128-cmax-10e-3.dat" u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "red"       t "L_0/d=128", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-10e-3-L0-256-cmax-10e-3.dat" u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green" t "L_0/d=256"
    Drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Results for dt=1e-2 and cmax=1e-3

    set terminal svg font ",12"
    set key top right font ",12" spacing 0.9
    set grid ytics
    set xtics 0,20,200
    set ytics 0,0.1,100
    set xlabel 't/(d_{eq}/u_{inf})'
    set ylabel 'kappa'
    set xrange [0:200]
    set yrange [1:2]
    set title "gamma=6, phi=45, Re=0, dt=1e-2, cmax=1e-3"
    plot k45 w l lw 2 lc rgb "brown"  t "Oberbeck, 1876",		\
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-32/lmax-9/cmax-1e-3/log"   u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "black"      t "L0/d=32, lmax=9", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-32/lmax-10/cmax-1e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "black"      t "lmax=10", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-32/lmax-11/cmax-1e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "black"      t "lmax=11", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-64/lmax-10/cmax-1e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"       t "L0/d=64, lmax=10", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-64/lmax-11/cmax-1e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"       t "lmax=11", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-64/lmax-12/cmax-1e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"       t "lmax=12", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-128/lmax-11/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "red"        t "L0/d=128, lmax=11", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-128/lmax-12/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "red"        t "lmax=12", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-128/lmax-13/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "red"        t "lmax=13", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-12/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green"  t "L0/d=256, lmax=12", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-13/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green"  t "lmax=13", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-10e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 800 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green"  t "lmax=14"
    Time evolution of the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Time evolution of the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    set xtics 2,2,512
    set xlabel 'd/Delta_{max}'
    set xrange [8:128]
    set yrange [1.2:1.5]
    set logscale x
    set title "gamma=6, phi=45, Re=0, dt=1e-2, cmax=1e-3"
    plot k45 w l lw 2 lc rgb "brown" t "Oberbeck, 1876", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-10e-3-L0-32-cmax-1e-3.dat"  u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "black"     t "L_0/d=32", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-10e-3-L0-64-cmax-1e-3.dat"  u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"      t "L_0/d=64", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-10e-3-L0-128-cmax-1e-3.dat" u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "red"       t "L_0/d=128", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-10e-3-L0-256-cmax-1e-3.dat" u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green" t "L_0/d=256"
    Drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Results for dt=1e-3 and cmax=1e-2

    set terminal svg font ",12"
    set key top right font ",12" spacing 0.9
    set grid ytics
    set xtics 0,20,200
    set ytics 0,0.1,100
    set xlabel 't/(d_{eq}/u_{inf})'
    set ylabel 'kappa'
    set xrange [0:200]
    set yrange [1:2]
    set title "gamma=6, phi=45, Re=0, dt=1e-3, cmax=1e-2"
    plot k45 w l lw 2 lc rgb "brown"  t "Oberbeck, 1876",		\
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-32/lmax-9/cmax-10e-3/log"   u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "black"      t "L0/d=32, lmax=9", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-32/lmax-10/cmax-10e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "black"      t "lmax=10", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-32/lmax-11/cmax-10e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "black"      t "lmax=11", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-64/lmax-10/cmax-10e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"       t "L0/d=64, lmax=10", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-64/lmax-11/cmax-10e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"       t "lmax=11", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-64/lmax-12/cmax-10e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"       t "lmax=12", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-128/lmax-11/cmax-10e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "red"        t "L0/d=128, lmax=11", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-128/lmax-12/cmax-10e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "red"        t "lmax=12", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-128/lmax-13/cmax-10e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "red"        t "lmax=13", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-256/lmax-12/cmax-10e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green"  t "L0/d=256, lmax=12", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-256/lmax-13/cmax-10e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green"  t "lmax=13", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-10e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green"  t "lmax=14"
    Time evolution of the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Time evolution of the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    set xtics 2,2,512
    set xlabel 'd/Delta_{max}'
    set xrange [8:128]
    set yrange [1.2:1.5]
    set logscale x
    set title "gamma=6, phi=45, Re=0, dt=1e-3, cmax=1e-2"
    plot k45 w l lw 2 lc rgb "brown" t "Oberbeck, 1876", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-1e-3-L0-32-cmax-10e-3.dat"  u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "black"     t "L_0/d=32", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-1e-3-L0-64-cmax-10e-3.dat"  u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"      t "L_0/d=64", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-1e-3-L0-128-cmax-10e-3.dat" u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "red"       t "L_0/d=128", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-1e-3-L0-256-cmax-10e-3.dat" u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green" t "L_0/d=256"
    Drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Results for dt=1e-3 and cmax=1e-3

    set terminal svg font ",12"
    set key top right font ",12" spacing 0.9
    set grid ytics
    set xtics 0,20,200
    set ytics 0,0.1,100
    set xlabel 't/(d_{eq}/u_{inf})'
    set ylabel 'kappa'
    set xrange [0:200]
    set yrange [1:2]
    set title "gamma=6, phi=45, Re=0, dt=1e-3, cmax=1e-3"
    plot k45 w l lw 2 lc rgb "brown"  t "Oberbeck, 1876",		\
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-32/lmax-9/cmax-1e-3/log"   u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "black"      t "L0/d=32, lmax=9", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-32/lmax-10/cmax-1e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "black"      t "lmax=10", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-32/lmax-11/cmax-1e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "black"      t "lmax=11", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-64/lmax-10/cmax-1e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"       t "L0/d=64, lmax=10", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-64/lmax-11/cmax-1e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"       t "lmax=11", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-64/lmax-12/cmax-1e-3/log"  u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"       t "lmax=12", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-128/lmax-11/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "red"        t "L0/d=128, lmax=11", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-128/lmax-12/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "red"        t "lmax=12", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-128/lmax-13/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "red"        t "lmax=13", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-256/lmax-12/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green"  t "L0/d=256, lmax=12", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-256/lmax-13/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 3 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green"  t "lmax=13", \
         "gamma-6/phi-45/Re-0/dtmax-1e-3/L0-256/lmax-14/cmax-1e-3/log" u 10:($22/CDStokes) w lp pt 8 ps 1.25 pi 8000 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green"  t "lmax=14"
    Time evolution of the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Time evolution of the drag coefficient C_D (script)

    set xtics 2,2,512
    set xlabel 'd/Delta_{max}'
    set xrange [8:128]
    set yrange [1.2:1.5]
    set logscale x
    set title "gamma=6, phi=45, Re=0, dt=1e-3, cmax=1e-3"
    plot k45 w l lw 2 lc rgb "brown" t "Oberbeck, 1876", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-1e-3-L0-32-cmax-1e-3.dat"  u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "black"     t "L_0/d=32", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-1e-3-L0-64-cmax-1e-3.dat"  u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "blue"      t "L_0/d=64", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-1e-3-L0-128-cmax-1e-3.dat" u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "red"       t "L_0/d=128", \
         "gamma-6-phi-45-Re-0-dtmax-1e-3-L0-256-cmax-1e-3.dat" u 6:($8/CDStokes) w lp pt 6 ps 1.25 lw 2 lc rgb "sea-green" t "L_0/d=256"
    Drag coefficient C_D (script)

    Drag coefficient C_D (script)
