
    Tracer advection event

    This event integrates advection equations of the form \displaystyle \partial_tf_i+\mathbf{u_f}\cdot\nabla f_i=0 where \mathbf{u_f} is the velocity field and f_i are a list of passive tracers.

    The tracers list is defined elsewhere (typically by the user), the face vector field uf and the timestep dt are defined by a solver.

    extern scalar * tracers;
    extern face vector uf;
    extern double dt;
    extern scalar cs, csm1;
    extern bool emerged;

    On adaptive meshes, tracers need to use linear interpolation (rather than the default bilinear interpolation) to ensure conservation when refining cells.

    #if TREE
    event defaults (i = 0) {
      for (scalar s in tracers) {
    #if EMBED
        s.refine = s.prolongation = refine_embed_linear;
        s.refine  = refine_linear;
        s.restriction = restriction_volume_average;

    The integration is performed using the Bell-Collela-Glaz scheme.

    #include "bcg.h"
    event tracer_advection (i++,last) {
      advection (tracers, uf, dt);

    Diffusion can be added by overloading this hook.

    event tracer_diffusion (i++,last);

    We update the tracer in the solid and emerged cells, using the boundary condition at the embedded boundary.

    event advection_term (i++,last)

    We first make sure not to use any values in newly emerged cells by setting the flag emerged to false.

      emerged = false;
      boundary (tracers);

    In the solid cells, we set the scalar field s to 0.

      for (scalar s in tracers)
          if (cs[] <= 0.) 
    	s[] = 0.;

    In the emerged cells, we use the solid boundary condition to update the scalar field.

      for (scalar s in tracers)
        foreach() {
          if (csm1[] <= 0. && cs[] > 0.) {
    	// Normal emerged cell
    	if (cs[] < 1.) {
    	  // Cell centroid, barycenter and normal of the embedded fragment
    	  coord c, b, n;
    	  embed_geometry (point, &b, &n);
    	  double alpha = plane_alpha (cs[], n);
    	  plane_center (n, alpha, cs[], &c); // Different from line_area_center
    	  // Boundary condition on the embedded boundary
    	  bool dirichlet = true;
    	  double sb = (s.boundary[embed] (point, point, s, &dirichlet));
    	  if (!dirichlet) {
    	    double coef = 0.;
    	    sb = neumann_scalar (point, s, cs, n, b, sb, &coef);
    	    // s[] is undefined here so we use the average over the neighbors
    	    int navg = 0;
    	    double savg = 0.;
    	      if (cs[] > 0. && (emerged || csm1[] > 0.)) {
    		navg += 1;
    		savg += s[];
    	    sb += coef*(savg/(navg + SEPS));
    	  // Emerged cell value
    	  s[] = embed_extrapolate (point, s, cs, n, c, sb);
    	// Pathological emerged cell (cs = 1)
    	else {
    	  int navg = 0;
    	  double savg = 0.;
    	    if (cs[] > 0. && (emerged || csm1[] > 0.)) {
    	      navg += 1;
    	      savg += s[];
    	  s[] = savg/(navg + SEPS);

    Before using the boundary function, we set the emerged flag to true to indicate that all emerged cells have been updated and can now be used.

      emerged = true;
      boundary (tracers);