
    Thacker solution

    We solve, using the 1D blood flow equations, the inviscid pressure oscillations in a parabolic aneurysm. This test case is greatly inspired by the solutions of Thacker and Sampson, well-known in the shallow water community.

    Analytic solution

    We choose the following spatial variations of the neutral cross-sectional area A_0 and the arterial wall rigidity K^\prime in the domain x\in \left[-a,\, a \right]:

    \displaystyle \left\{ \begin{aligned} & R_0 = \bar{R_0}\left[1 + \Delta \mathcal{G} \left[1 - \frac{x^2}{a^2} \right] \right] && \text{ with } \bar{R_0} >0 ,\, a >0 ,\, \Delta \mathcal{G} > -1 \\ & K^\prime = \mathrm{cst} && \text{ with } K^\prime >0, \end{aligned} \right.

    where \Delta \mathcal{G} > 0. Simple analysis allows us to obtain the following analytic solution:

    \displaystyle \left\{ \begin{aligned} & U_0 = U \sin \left( \frac{t}{\tau} \right) && \text{ with } U = \mathrm{cst}\\ & p = - \frac{1}{4} \rho U^2 \cos \left( 2 \frac{t}{\tau} \right) - \rho \frac{x}{\tau} U \cos \left( \frac{t}{\tau} \right), \end{aligned} \right.


    \displaystyle \tau = \lvert \Delta \mathcal{G} \omega^2 \rvert^{-\frac{1}{2}} .

    Finally, we choose U with respect to the following nonlinear stability arguments, namely that the radius R remains positive and that the flow remains subcritical.


    #include "grid/cartesian1D.h"
    #include "bloodflow.h"
    double R0 = 1.;
    double K0 = 1.e4;
    double BTH = 4.;
    double DELTATH = 0.1;
    double ATH = 1.;
    double KTH = 0.;
    double CTH = 0.;
    double WTH = 0.;
    double TAUTH = 0.;
    double TTH = 0.;
    scalar eq[];
    double eq1, eq2, eqmax;
    int ne;
    int ihr = 0;
    double celerity (double a, double k) {
      return sqrt(0.5*k*sqrt(a));
    double r0thacker(double x, double r0, double b, double delta) {
      return r0*(1. + delta*(1. - pow(x/b, 2.)));
    double pthacker(double x, double t, double r0, double rho,
    		double tau, double ath) {
      return -0.25*rho*pow(ath, 2.)*cos(2.*t/tau) - rho*ath*x/tau*cos(t/tau);
    double rthacker(double x, double t, double r0, double b,
    		double delta, double k, double rho, double tau, double ath) {
      return 1./k*pthacker(x, t, r0, rho, tau, ath) + r0thacker(x, r0, b, delta);
    double athacker(double x, double t, double r0, double b,
    		double delta, double k, double rho, double tau, double ath) {
      return pi*pow(rthacker(x, t, r0, b, delta, k, rho, tau, ath), 2.);
    double uthacker(double t, double tau, double ath) {
      return ath*sin(t/tau);
    double qthacker(double x, double t, double r0, double b,
    		double delta, double k, double rho, double tau, double ath) {
      return uthacker(t, tau, ath)*athacker(x, t, r0, b, delta, k, rho, tau, ath);
    int main() {
      origin (-BTH, 0.);
      L0 = 2.*BTH;
      KTH = K0*sqrt(pi);
      CTH = sqrt(0.5*KTH*R0);
      WTH = 2.*CTH/BTH;
      TAUTH = 1./sqrt(abs(DELTATH*pow(WTH, 2.)));
      TTH = 2.*pi/sqrt(abs(DELTATH*pow(WTH, 2.)));
      ihr = 0;
      for (ihr = 0; ihr <= 2; ihr ++) {
        for (N = 32; N <= 256; N *= 2) {
          eq1 = eq2 = eqmax = 0.;
          ne = 0;
          printf ("eq%d, %d, %g, %g, %g\n", ihr, N, eq1/ne,
    	      sqrt(eq2/ne), eqmax);
      return 0; 
    q[left] = dirichlet (qthacker (-BTH, t, R0, BTH, DELTATH, KTH, 1., TAUTH, ATH));
    q[right] = dirichlet (qthacker (BTH, t, R0, BTH, DELTATH, KTH, 1., TAUTH, ATH));
    event defaults (i=0) {
      gradient = order1;
      if (ihr == 0) riemann = hll_hr;
      else if (ihr == 1) riemann = hll_hrls;
      else if (ihr == 2) riemann = hll_glu;
    event init (i=0) {
      foreach() {
        k[] = K0;
        a0[] = pi*pow(r0thacker (x, R0, BTH, DELTATH), 2.);
        a[] = athacker (x, 0., R0, BTH, DELTATH, KTH, 1., TAUTH, ATH);
        q[] = qthacker (x, 0., R0, BTH, DELTATH, KTH, 1., TAUTH, ATH);
    event field (t = {0., 0.1*0.422653, 0.3*0.422653, 0.6*0.422653, 0.8*0.422653}) {
      if (N == 128) {
        foreach() {
          fprintf (stderr, "%d, %g, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f\n", ihr, x,
    	       a0[]/(pi*R0*R0), k[]/K0, a[]-a0[], q[]);
        fprintf (stderr, "\n\n");
    event error (i++) {
      foreach() {
        eq[] = q[] - qthacker (x, t, R0, BTH, DELTATH,
    				KTH, 1., TAUTH, ATH);
      norm nq = normf (eq);
      eq1 += nq.avg;
      eq2 += nq.rms*nq.rms;
      if (nq.max > eqmax)
        eqmax = nq.max;
    event end (t = 1.) {
      printf ("#Thacker test case completed\n");


    mycolors = "dark-blue red sea-green dark-violet orange brown4"
    mypoints = '1 2 3 4 6'
    set datafile separator ','
    set style line 1 lt -1 lw 2 lc 'black'
    set output 'A0K.png'
    set xlabel 'x [cm]'
    set ylabel 'Dimensionless arterial properties'
    set key top right
    plot '< grep -e "^0" -e "^$" log' i 0 u 2:3 w l ls 1 lc rgb word(mycolors, 1) t 'A_0/A_0(0)', \
         '< grep -e "^0" -e "^$" log' i 0 u 2:4 w l ls 1 lc rgb word(mycolors, 2) t 'K/K(0)'
    Spatial evolution of the cross-sectional area at rest A_0 and arterial wall rigidity K (script)

    Spatial evolution of the cross-sectional area at rest A_0 and arterial wall rigidity K (script)

    r0 = 1.
    k0 = 1.e4
    bth = 4.
    deltath = 0.1
    ath = 1.
    kth = k0*sqrt(pi)
    cth = sqrt(0.5*kth*r0)
    wth = 2.*cth/bth
    tauth = 1./sqrt(abs(deltath*(wth)**2.))
    tth = 2.*pi/sqrt(abs(deltath*(wth)**2.))
    r0thacker(x) = r0*(1. + deltath*(1. - (x/bth)**2.))
    a0thacker(x) = pi*r0thacker(x)**2.
    pthacker(x, t) = -0.25*(ath)**2.*cos(2.*t/tauth) - ath*x/tauth*cos(t/tauth)
    rthacker(x, t) = 1./kth*pthacker(x, t) + r0thacker(x)
    athacker(x, t) = pi*rthacker(x, t)**2.
    uthacker(t) = ath*sin(t/tauth)
    qthacker(x, t) = uthacker(t)*athacker(x, t)
    set output 'AmA0.png'
    set xlabel 'x [cm]'
    set ylabel 'A-A_0 [cm^2]'
    set key top center
    plot athacker(x, 0) - a0thacker(x) w l ls 1 t 'Analytic', \
         athacker(x, 0.1*0.422653) - a0thacker(x) w l ls 1 notitle, \
         athacker(x, 0.3*0.422653) - a0thacker(x) w l ls 1 notitle, \
         athacker(x, 0.6*0.422653) - a0thacker(x) w l ls 1 notitle, \
         athacker(x, 0.8*0.422653) - a0thacker(x) w l ls 1 notitle, \
         '< grep -e "^0" -e "^$" log' i 0 u 2:5 every 2 w p lt word(mypoints, 1) lc rgb word(mycolors, 1) ps 2 lw 1 t 't=0', \
         '< grep -e "^0" -e "^$" log' i 1 u 2:5 every 2 w p lt word(mypoints, 2) lc rgb word(mycolors, 2) ps 2 lw 1 t 't=0.1T', \
         '< grep -e "^0" -e "^$" log' i 2 u 2:5 every 2 w p lt word(mypoints, 3) lc rgb word(mycolors, 3) ps 2 lw 1 t 't=0.3T', \
         '< grep -e "^0" -e "^$" log' i 3 u 2:5 every 2 w p lt word(mypoints, 4) lc rgb word(mycolors, 4) ps 2 lw 1 t 't=0.6T', \
         '< grep -e "^0" -e "^$" log' i 4 u 2:5 every 2 w p lt word(mypoints, 5) lc rgb word(mycolors, 5) ps 2 lw 1 t 't=0.8T'

    Spatial evolution of the cross-sectional area A-A_0 computed at $t= (script){0,, 0.1,, 0.3,, 0.6,, 0.8}

    set output 'Q.png'
    set xlabel 'x [cm]'
    set ylabel 'Q [cm^3/s]'
    set key center center
    plot qthacker(x, 0) w l ls 1 t 'Analytic', \
         qthacker(x, 0.1*0.422653) w l ls 1 notitle, \
         qthacker(x, 0.3*0.422653) w l ls 1 notitle, \
         qthacker(x, 0.6*0.422653) w l ls 1 notitle, \
         qthacker(x, 0.8*0.422653) w l ls 1 notitle, \
         '< grep -e "^0" -e "^$" log' i 0 u 2:6 every 2 w p lt word(mypoints, 1) lc rgb word(mycolors, 1) ps 2 lw 1 t 't=0', \
         '< grep -e "^0" -e "^$" log' i 1 u 2:6 every 2 w p lt word(mypoints, 2) lc rgb word(mycolors, 2) ps 2 lw 1 t 't=0.1T', \
         '< grep -e "^0" -e "^$" log' i 2 u 2:6 every 2 w p lt word(mypoints, 3) lc rgb word(mycolors, 3) ps 2 lw 1 t 't=0.3T', \
         '< grep -e "^0" -e "^$" log' i 3 u 2:6 every 2 w p lt word(mypoints, 4) lc rgb word(mycolors, 4) ps 2 lw 1 t 't=0.6T', \
         '< grep -e "^0" -e "^$" log' i 4 u 2:6 every 2 w p lt word(mypoints, 5) lc rgb word(mycolors, 5) ps 2 lw 1 t 't=0.8T'

    Spatial evolution of the flow rate Q computed at $t= (script){0,, 0.1,, 0.3,, 0.6,, 0.8}

    set xtics 32,2,256
    set logscale
    ftitle(a,b) = sprintf('Order %4.2f', -b)
    f1(x) = a1 + b1*x
    f2(x) = a2 + b2*x
    f3(x) = a3 + b3*x
    fit f1(x) '< grep ^eq0 out' u (log($2)):(log($4)) via a1, b1
    fit f2(x) '< grep ^eq1 out' u (log($2)):(log($4)) via a2, b2
    fit f3(x) '< grep ^eq2 out' u (log($2)):(log($4)) via a3, b3
    set output 'errQL2.png'
    set xlabel 'N'
    set ylabel '|Q|_2'
    set key top right
    set cbrange[1e-10:1e10]
    plot '< grep ^eq0 out' u 2:4 w p lt word(mypoints, 1) lc rgb word(mycolors, 1) ps 3 lw 2 t 'HR, '.ftitle(a1, b1), \
         exp (f1(log(x))) ls 1 notitle, \
         '< grep ^eq1 out' u 2:4 w p lt word(mypoints, 2) lc rgb word(mycolors, 2) ps 3 lw 2 t 'HR LS, '.ftitle(a2, b2), \
         exp (f2(log(x))) ls 1 notitle, \
         '< grep ^eq2 out' u 2:4 w p lt word(mypoints, 3) lc rgb word(mycolors, 3) ps 3 lw 2 t 'GLU, '.ftitle(a3, b3), \
         exp (f3(log(x))) ls 1 notitle
    Comparison of the evolution of the L_2 relative error for the flow rate |Q|_2 with the number of cells N computed using the HR, HR-LS and GLU well-balanced schemes. (script)

    Comparison of the evolution of the L_2 relative error for the flow rate |Q|_2 with the number of cells N computed using the HR, HR-LS and GLU well-balanced schemes. (script)

    fit f1(x) '< grep ^eq0 out' u (log($2)):(log($3)) via a1, b1
    fit f2(x) '< grep ^eq0 out' u (log($2)):(log($4)) via a2, b2
    fit f3(x) '< grep ^eq0 out' u (log($2)):(log($5)) via a3, b3
    set output 'errQHR.png'
    set xlabel 'N'
    set ylabel 'Relative error norms for HR'
    set key top right
    plot '< grep ^eq0 out' u 2:3 w p lt word(mypoints, 1) lc rgb word(mycolors, 1) ps 3 lw 2 t '|Q|_1, '.ftitle(a1, b1), \
         exp (f1(log(x))) ls 1 notitle, \
         '< grep ^eq0 out' u 2:4 w p lt word(mypoints, 2) lc rgb word(mycolors, 2) ps 3 lw 2 t '|Q|_2, '.ftitle(a2, b2), \
         exp (f2(log(x))) ls 1 notitle, \
         '< grep ^eq0 out' u 2:5 w p lt word(mypoints, 3) lc rgb word(mycolors, 3) ps 3 lw 2 t '|Q|_{max}, '.ftitle(a3, b3), \
         exp (f3(log(x))) ls 1 notitle
    Evolution of the relative error norms for the flow rate Q with the number of cells N computed using the HR well-balanced scheme (script)

    Evolution of the relative error norms for the flow rate Q with the number of cells N computed using the HR well-balanced scheme (script)