
    Dissolving bubble with steady shape

    Here we model a spherical bubble with a constant radius R that releases gas in the sourranding liquid. This is a pure diffusion problem:

    \displaystyle \frac{\partial c}{\partial t} = \nabla \cdot \left(D \nabla c \right)

    \displaystyle c(r,0) = c_{bulk} \quad \text{for} \quad r > R

    \displaystyle c(R,t) = c_\Sigma \quad \text{for} \quad t > 0

    \displaystyle \lim_{r\to\infty} c(r,t) = c_{bulk} \quad \text{for} \quad t > 0

    where c_\Sigma is the interfacial concentration (given by Henry’s Law) and the bulk liquid concentration is assumed null, i.e. c_{bulk}=0.

    This problem was solved analytically by Epstein and Plesset,1950: \displaystyle \frac{dR}{dt} = \frac{D\, M\, (C_{bulk} - c_\Sigma)}{\rho_d} \left[\frac{1}{R} + \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi\, D\, t}} \right]

    where the evolution of the bubble radius is predicted based on the mass flux across the interface.

    The concentration field in the liquid region (r>R) is (see Crank,1975): \displaystyle c(r,t) = c_{bulk} + (c_\Sigma - c_{bulk})\frac{R}{r}erfc\left(\frac{r-R}{2\sqrt{D\, t}}\right)

    This example is discussed in Section 4.4.2 of Gennari et al.,2022.

    #define F_ERR 1e-10
    #include "grid/quadtree.h"
    #include "axi.h"
    #define PHASE_CHANGE 1
    #include "../navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "../two-phase.h"
    #include "../diffusion.h"
    #include "../phase_change_pure_species.h"
    #include "../../adapt_wavelet_leave_interface.h"
    #define RHOR 554. //density ratio
    #define MUR 72. //viscosity ratio
    #define Sc 0.0526 //Schmidt number
    #define WIDTH 10
    #define TEND 0.01
    int LEVEL = 10;
    double bubble_mass = 0.;

    The concentration field is stored in the scalar a_c

    scalar a_c[];
    scalar * species = {a_c};
    scalar m_a[];
    scalar * m_list = {m_a};
    int main()
      size (WIDTH);
      init_grid (64);
      rho1 = 1.;
      rho2 = rho1/RHOR;
      mu1 = 1.;
      mu2 = mu1/MUR;
      f.tracers = species;
      a_c.inverse = false;
      a_c.D = mu1/(rho1*Sc); //Diffusion coefficient
      a_c.mol_mass = 1./RHOR; //molar mass = 1.; //uniform concentration inside the bubble
      a_c.He = 5.; //Henry's coeff
      a_c.diff = true; //we turn on diffusion of the tracer
      tt = 100.; //we switch off the volume change (the bubble must have a constant radius)
      TOLERANCE = 1e-4;
      DT = 1e-5;
    a_c[right] = dirichlet(0.);
    a_c[top] = dirichlet(0.);
    event init (t = 0) {
      refine (sq(x) + sq(y) < sq(0.75) && level < LEVEL);
      fraction (f, sq(x) + sq(y) - sq(0.5));
      //Init tracer
        a_c[] = 0.;
      bubble_mass = 2./3.*pi*pow(0.5, 3.)*rho2; //Initial bubble mass

    We monitor the mass of the bubble by computing at each time step the amount of gas released into the liquid. We also log the concentration field at three locations r=0.6, r=0.8 and r=1.

    event log_simulation (i++) {
      double vol = 0., dm = 0.;
      foreach(reduction(+:vol) reduction(+:dm)) {
        vol += (1. - f[])*dv();
        if (f[] > 1e-6 && f[] < 1. - 1e-6) {
          coord n = interface_normal(point, f), p;
          double alpha = plane_alpha (f[], n);
          double area = plane_area_center (n, alpha, &p);
          dm += m_a[]*area*pow(Delta, dimension - 1)*(y + p.y*Delta)*(2.*pi)*dt;
      bubble_mass += dm;
      coord c[3];
      c[0] = (coord){0.6*cos(M_PI/4.), 0.6*sin(M_PI/4.)};
      c[1] = (coord){0.8*cos(M_PI/4.), 0.8*sin(M_PI/4.)};
      c[2] = (coord){1.*cos(M_PI/4.), 1.*sin(M_PI/4.)};
      double V[3];
      interpolate_array ({a_c}, c, 3, V, true);
      fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
    	   t, vol*2.*pi, bubble_mass, 
    	   V[0], V[1], V[2]);
      fflush (stderr);
    event adapt (i++)
      double uemax = 1e-2;
      adapt_wavelet_leave_interface ({a_c,u.x,u.y}, {f}, (double[]){1e-3,uemax,uemax,1e-3}, LEVEL, 5, 1);
    event stop_simulation (t = TEND) {
      return 1;



    Gabriele Gennari, Richard Jefferson-Loveday, and Stephen J. Pickering. A phase-change model for diffusion-driven mass transfer problems in incompressible two-phase flows. Chemical Engineering Science, 259:117791, 2022. [ DOI | http ]


    J. Crank. The mathematics of diffusion / by J. Crank. Oxford science publications. Clarendon Press, Oxford [England], 1975.


    Paul S Epstein and Milton S Plesset. On the stability of gas bubbles in liquid-gas solutions. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 18(11):1505–1509, 1950.