
    Shock tube with Riemann solver

    We solve the Euler equations for a compressible gas. We also need to compute volume fractions for the initial condition.

    #include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #include "compressible.h"
    double tend = 3.;
    int main() {

    We make boundary conditions free outflow.

      foreach_dimension() {
        w.n[right] = neumann(0);
        w.n[left]  = neumann(0);
      X0 = -L0/2.;
      N = 128;
    event init (t = 0)
      double cson = sqrt(gammao);
      foreach() {
        double p = 1.+ 1.e-3*exp(-x*x);
        rho[] = 1. + (p - 1.)/sq(cson);
          w.x[] = 0.;
        E[] = p/(gammao - 1.);
    event endprint (t = tend) {
      foreach () {
        double xref = fabs(x) - tend*sqrt(gammao);
        printf("%g %g \n", xref, (E[]*(gammao-1)-1.)/1.e-3);
    set xrange[-3:3]
    p "out" u 1:2 t 'Numerical' w lp pt 7, 0.5*exp(-x*x) t 'Theory' w l lw 2 lc 0
    Pressure profile (script)

    Pressure profile (script)