
    Epstein-Plesset test

    We simulate a static bubble which shrinks due to diffusion of gas.

    The time evolution of the interface is given by Epstein and Plesset, 1950 as, \displaystyle \frac{d R}{d t}=-\mathcal{D} M_w\frac{\alpha c_s - c_i}{\rho}\left\{\frac{1}{R}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi \mathcal{D} t}}\right\} and concentration,

    \displaystyle c = c_0 + (\alpha c_s - c_0) \frac{R(t)}{r} \operatorname{erfc}\left( \frac{r - R(t)}{\sqrt{4 \mathcal{D} t}} \right)
    Interface evolution of the bubble
    Concentration field outside bubble
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 15})	
    t,rep,cep = np.loadtxt('../ref-epstein-plesset',delimiter='\t',unpack=True);
    plt.plot(t/4, rep,'k',label='Epstein-Plesset')
    ts, rb, cb = np.loadtxt('conc-plesset-spherical',delimiter=' ',unpack=True)
    # plt.ylim(0.97,1.007)
    plt.xlabel(r'$t\; \mathscr{D}_l/d_0^2$')
    plt.plot(t/4, cep,'k',label='Analytical')
    # plt.ylim(0.97,1.007)
    plt.xlabel(r'$t\; \mathscr{D}_l/d_0^2$')
    plt.savefig(' ')




    P. K. Farsoiya, Q. Magdelaine, A. Antkowiak, S. Popinet, and L. Deike. Bubble mediated single component gas transfer in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021. submitted.


    Paul S Epstein and Milton S Plesset. On the stability of gas bubbles in liquid-gas solutions. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 18(11):1505–1509, 1950.

    #define R0 1.
    #define L 10. // size of the box
    #define MIN_LEVEL 5
    #define LEVEL 10
    #define MAX_LEVEL 10
    #define dR_refine (2.*L0/(1 << LEVEL))
    #define F_ERR 1e-10
    #define T_END 600
    #define DT_MAX 10.
    #define DELTA_T 1. // for measurements and videos
    #include "axi.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    #include "phase-change.h"
    #include "reduced.h"
    #define D_V 1.
    #define cinf 0
    scalar c[], *stracers = {c};

    Thanks to symmetry, we only simulate quarter bubble

    c[right] = dirichlet(cinf);
    c[top]   = dirichlet(cinf);

    In the main function of the program, we set the domain geometry to be ten times larger than the bubble.

    int main() {
      size (L);
      origin (0., 0.);
      N = 1 << LEVEL;
      init_grid (N);
      f.sigma = 0;
      rho1 = 1.;
      rho2 = 1.;
      mu1 = 1./10.;
      mu2 = mu1/20.;
      G.x = 0.;
      Z.x = 0.;
      c.inverse = false;	// false: bubble, true: drop
      c.alpha = 0.8;	// solubility
      c.D = D_V;            // Diffusivity in outside fluid = 0.001;         //Molecular weight
      c.tr_eq = 1.;         

    The initial position of the interface is defined with this function:

    #define circle(x, y, R) (sq(R) - sq(x) - sq(y))

    Before the first step, we initialize the concentration field (after having refined the grid around the future interface): c_s in the bubble and c_\infty in the liquid.

    event init (i = 0) {
      #if TREE
        refine (level < MAX_LEVEL && circle(x, y, (R0 - dR_refine)) < 0.
                && circle(x, y, (R0 + dR_refine)) > 0.);
      fraction (f, -circle(x, y, R0));
      //~ fraction (f, y - L0*0.5);
      foreach() {
        u.x[] = 0.;
        c[] = f[]*cinf + (1. - f[])*c.tr_eq;
        uf.x[] = 0.;
      boundary({ u, uf,c});
    #if TREE
    event adapt (i++) {
      adapt_wavelet ({f, c,u}, (double[]){1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-1, 1e-1,1e-1,1e-1},
    		             minlevel = MIN_LEVEL, maxlevel = MAX_LEVEL);

    Post-processings and videos

    Animation of the volume fraction field.

    Animation of the concentration field.

    We now juste have to write post-processing events to save tthe effective radius of the bubble.

    event outputs (t = 0.; t += DELTA_T; t <= T_END) { 
     double effective_radius;
    	scalar fc[];
    	  fc[] = 1. - f[];
      effective_radius = pow(3.*statsf(fc).sum, 1./3.);
      char name[80];
      sprintf (name, "conc-plesset-spherical");
      static FILE * fp = fopen (name, "w");
      fprintf (fp, "%.17g %.17g %.17g\n", t,  effective_radius, interpolate(c, (1. + 0.2)*cos(M_PI/4), (1. + 0.2)*sin(M_PI/4) , 0) );
      fflush (fp);
      output_ppm (f, file = "f.mp4", box = {{0,0},{3,3}},
    	      linear = true, min = 0, max = 1); 
      output_ppm (c, file = "c.mp4", box = {{0,0},{3,3}},
    	      linear = true, min = 0, max = c.tr_eq);