
    Solitory wave surging over an emerged reef crest from Roeber and Cheung (2012)

    # include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
    # include "green-naghdi.h"

    The domain is 102.4 metres long, slipt into 0.1m cells. I tried a number of breaking values to turn off dispersion and found 0.4 worked best for this case. gravity is set to 9.81

    int main()
      L0 = 102.4;
      X0 = -18.7;
      G = 9.81;
      N = 1 << 10;
      breaking = 0.4;

    The initial conditions are for the Green-Naghdi soliton (soliton.c) in a water depth of 2.5 metres and a relative soliton amplitude of 0.30.

    double h0 = 2.5, a = 0.3;
    double sech2 (double x) {
      double a = 2./(exp(x) + exp(-x));
      return a*a;
    double soliton (double x, double t)
      double c = sqrt(G*(1. + a)*h0), psi = x - c*t;
      double k = sqrt(3.*a*h0)/(2.*h0*sqrt(h0*(1. + a)));
      return a*h0*sech2 (k*psi);
    event init (i = 0)
      double c = sqrt(G*(1. + a)*h0);
      foreach() {
        double eta = soliton (x + 5., t);

    The bathymetry as outlined in Roeber and Cheung 2012.

        x -= 0.;
        zb[] = (x < 25.9 ? -2.5 :
    	    x < 56.65 ? min(-4.65 + (x *0.0833), 0.065) :
    	    x < 57.95 ? 0.065 :
    	    x < 60.9 ? max(4.87 + (x) *-0.083, -0.136) :
        h[] = max (0., eta-zb[]);
        u.x[] = c*eta/(h0 + eta);

    Add friction and stop simulation at 50s.

    event timeseries (i++; t <= 50) {
      foreach() {
        double a = h[] < dry ? HUGE : 1. + 1e-2*dt*norm(u)/h[];
          u.x[] /= a;

    gnuplot is used to to visualise the wave profile as the simulation runs and to output a snapshot every 5 seconds t=40.

    void plot_profile (double t, FILE * fp)
      fprintf (fp,
    	   "set title 't = %.2f'\n"
    	   "set xlabel 'x (m)'\n"
      	   "set ylabel 'y (m)'\n"
    	   "p [0:83.7][-2.5:1]'-' u 1:3:2 w filledcu lc 3 t '',"
    	   " '' u 1:(-2.5):3 t '' w filledcu lc 0\n", t);
        fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g\n", x, eta[], zb[]);
      fprintf (fp, "e\n\n");
      fflush (fp);

    Un-comment below to visualise simulating during processing

    event gnuplot (t += 0.05) { static FILE * fp = popen (“gnuplot”, “w”); plot_profile (t, fp); fprintf (stderr, “%g %g”, t, interpolate (eta, 17.3, 0.)); }

    To make a movie change to t += 0.05, then use: ffmpeg -f image2 -r 30 -i reefcrest/‘snapshot-1%05d.png’ ReefCrest.mp4

    Snapshot of plunge. The reef is white.

    Snapshot of plunge. The reef is white.

    event gnuplot (t = 11.5) {
      FILE * fp = popen ("gnuplot", "w");
      fprintf (fp,
               "set term pngcairo enhanced size 640,200 font \",8\"\n"
               "set output 'snapshot-%.0f.png'\n", (t*20)+100000);
      plot_profile (t, fp);
      pclose (fp);

    Un-comment to output profile data for pressure, surface and bathymetry every second

    event profile (t += 1.00) { char name[20]; sprintf (name, “p-%g”, t); FILE * fp = fopen (name, “w”); foreach() fprintf (fp, “%g %g %g %g”, x, h[], eta[], zb[]); fclose (fp); }

    Output profile data was used to compare basilisk results with results for Roeber and Cheung (2012)

    Basilisk Green-Naghdi solution (black line with blue fill) compared with the basilisk Saint Venant solution (grey line) and Roeber and Cheung (2012) solution (red line).

    Basilisk Green-Naghdi solution (black line with blue fill) compared with the basilisk Saint Venant solution (grey line) and Roeber and Cheung (2012) solution (red line).


    Roeber, V. and Cheung, K.F., 2012. Boussinesq-type model for energetic breaking waves in fringing reef environments. Coastal Engineering, 70: 1-20.