
    Pinning a Liquid Droplet

    We want to test the module pinning.h, to suspend a liquid droplet at a specific point of the domain. The aim is to compute the equilibrium contact angle and to compare it with the analytical solution:

    \displaystyle \theta_{2D} = \arccos \left( \dfrac{\rho_l g \pi r_d^2}{2 \sigma}\right)

    \displaystyle \theta_{AXI} = \arccos \left( \dfrac{4\rho_l g r_d^3}{3 \sigma d_f}\right)

    given by the balance between gravity and surface tension force.

    #if AXI
    # include "axi.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "pinning.h"
    #define FILTERED
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    #include "reduced.h"
    #include "view.h"

    Boundary Conditions

    We set the velocity to zero on the bottom of the domain, in order to mimic the effect of a solid fiber.

    u.n[bottom] = dirichlet (0.);
    u.t[bottom] = dirichlet (0.);
    p[bottom] = neumann (0.);
    uf.n[bottom] = 0.;
    uf.t[bottom] = 0.;

    Simulation Setup

    We initialize a volume fraction fn which is used to evaluate the convergence of the numerical simulation, based on the small variation of volume fraction between two consecutive time steps.

    #define CONVERGENCE_TOLERANCE 1.e-10
    scalar fn[];

    We set the diameter of the droplet and the maximum level of refinement.

    int maxlevel = 7;
    double D0 = 1.e-3 [*];
    int main (void) {

    We set the density and viscosity to water-air properties, in order to ensure density and viscosity ratios which are representative of realistic situations.

      rho1 = 1000., rho2 = 1.;
      mu1 = 1.e-3, mu2 = 1.e-5;

    We set the length of the domain, and we move the origin according to the fiber diameter along y (specific to AXI).

      L0 = 4.*D0;
      X0 = -0.5*L0;
    #if AXI
      Y0 = 0.08*D0;

    We set the gravity contribution along the x direction according to Basilisk convention for AXI simulations.

      G.x = -9.81;

    Data for the pinning model: we set the pinning point to the initial radius of the droplet, considering the fiber diameter in AXI coordinates.

      pinning.ap = sqrt (sq (0.5*D0) - sq (Y0)); = 0.;

    We run the simulation at different values of surface tension. Shallower surface tension values would require the implementation of the normal components of the height function as explained in contact.h.

    #if AXI
      for (f.sigma = 0.016; f.sigma <= 0.06; f.sigma += 0.004)
      for (f.sigma = 0.006; f.sigma <= 0.06; f.sigma += 0.004)
        init_grid (1 << maxlevel);

    We initialize half liquid droplet on the bottom boundary.

    #define circle(x,y,R)(sq(R) - sq(x) - sq(y))
    event init (t = 0) {
      fraction (f, circle (x, y, 0.5*D0));
        fn[] = f[];

    We make sure that the interface is never unrefined.

    event adapt (i++)
      scalar fa[];
      foreach() {
        if (interfacial (point, f))
          fa[] = rand();
          fa[] = 0.;
      adapt_wavelet ({fa,u.x,u.y}, (double[]){1.e-3,1.e-3,1.e-3}, maxlevel);


    The following lines of code are for post-processing purposes.

    Maximum Velocity

    We output the maximum velocity to verify that the velocity relaxes toward a null value.

    event logger (i += 100)
      scalar un[];
        un[] = norm(u);
      fprintf (stdout, "%g %g\n", t, normf(un).max);

    Contact Angle and Droplet Shape

    We write a function that calculates and write the numerical contact angle from the height–functions, and we write the droplet shape using the facets.

    void write_theta (void) {
      double ca = 0.;
      foreach_point (pinning.ap, Y0)
        ca = atan (1./(h.x[0,-1] - h.x[]));
      fprintf (stdout, "\n\n");
      fflush (stdout);
      fprintf (stderr, "%g %g\n", f.sigma, fabs (ca*180./pi));
      fflush (stderr);
    void write_facets (void) {
      char name[80];
      sprintf (name, "facets-%.3f", f.sigma);
      FILE * fp = fopen (name, "w");
      output_facets (f, fp);
      fclose (fp);

    We stop the simulation if the variation of volume fraction between two consecutive time steps is smaller than 1.e-10, similarly to what is done in spurious.c.

    event stop (i++)
      double dc = change (f, fn);
      if (i > 1 && dc < CONVERGENCE_TOLERANCE) {
        return 1;

    At equilibrium (t = 10 seems sufficient), we compute the numerical contact angle.

    event end (t = 2.)


    We compare the steady state shape of the droplet at different surface tension values.

    set term push
    set term @SVG size 640,180
    set size ratio -1
    set xrange[-1.1e-3:1.1e-3]
    set yrange[0:0.5e-3]
    unset xtics
    unset ytics
    unset border
    plot 0 lt -1 notitle, \
         "facets-0.006" w l lw 2 t "sigma = 0.006", \
         "facets-0.010" w l lw 2 t "sigma = 0.010", \
         "facets-0.014" w l lw 2 t "sigma = 0.014", \
         "facets-0.030" w l lw 2 t "sigma = 0.030", \
         "facets-0.058" w l lw 2 t "sigma = 0.058"
    set term pop
    Droplet shape at different surface tension values 2D case (script)

    Droplet shape at different surface tension values 2D case (script)

    set term push
    set term @SVG size 640,180
    set size ratio -1
    set xrange[-1.1e-3:1.1e-3]
    set yrange[0:0.5e-3]
    unset xtics
    unset ytics
    unset border
    plot 0.08*1.e-3 lt -1 notitle, \
         "../pinning-axi/facets-0.016" w l lw 2 t "sigma = 0.016", \
         "../pinning-axi/facets-0.020" w l lw 2 t "sigma = 0.020", \
         "../pinning-axi/facets-0.024" w l lw 2 t "sigma = 0.024", \
         "../pinning-axi/facets-0.040" w l lw 2 t "sigma = 0.040", \
         "../pinning-axi/facets-0.056" w l lw 2 t "sigma = 0.056"
    set term pop
    Droplet shape at different surface tension values AXI case (script)

    Droplet shape at different surface tension values AXI case (script)

    We plot the comparison between the equilibrium contact angle and the one obtained from the numerical simulation.

    set yrange[20:100]
    set xrange[0:0.06]
    set xlabel "Gravity"
    set ylabel "Contact Angle [deg]"
    set grid
    f(x) = acos(pi*(0.5e-3)**2*1000.*9.81/2/x)*180/pi # 2D
    plot f(x) w l lw 2 t "Theoretical", \
         "log" u 1:2 w p pt 8 ps 1.5 t "Numerical"
    Steady contact angle 2D case (script)

    Steady contact angle 2D case (script)

    set yrange[0:100]
    set xrange[0:0.06]
    set xlabel "Gravity"
    set ylabel "Contact Angle [deg]"
    set grid
    df = 2.*0.08*1e-3
    f(x) = acos(4.*1000*9.81*(0.5e-3**3)/(3*x*df))*180/pi # 3D
    plot f(x) w l lw 2 t "Theoretical", \
         "../pinning-axi/log" u 1:2 w p pt 8 ps 1.5 t "Numerical"
    Steady contact angle AXI case (script)

    Steady contact angle AXI case (script)

    We plot the trend of the maximum velocity which relaxes toward a null value during the simulation time.

    set xrange[0:2]
    set xlabel "time [s]"
    set ylabel "Maximum velocity norm [m/s]"
    set grid
    plot "out" i 0  w l t "sigma = 0.006", \
         "out" i 4  w l t "sigma = 0.022", \
         "out" i 6  w l t "sigma = 0.03" , \
         "out" i 13 w l t "sigma = 0.058"
    Relaxation of the maximum velocity 2D case (script)

    Relaxation of the maximum velocity 2D case (script)

    set xrange[0:2]
    set xlabel "time [s]"
    set ylabel "Maximum velocity norm [m/s]"
    set grid
    plot "../pinning-axi/out" i 0  w l t "sigma = 0.016", \
         "../pinning-axi/out" i 4  w l t "sigma = 0.032", \
         "../pinning-axi/out" i 7  w l t "sigma = 0.044" , \
         "../pinning-axi/out" i 10 w l t "sigma = 0.056"
    Relaxation of the maximum velocity AXI case (script)

    Relaxation of the maximum velocity AXI case (script)