
    Suspending force - Interfacial Formulation

    Test for the articifial suspending force applied to the interface. The test is perfomed in zero-gravity conditions and just the centripetal force contribution is considered. The goal is to observe the influence of this force on the liquid internal recirculationa and the oscillations in the velocity field.

    #include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    #include "icentripetal.h"
    #include "view.h"

    We define the maximum level of refinement, the total simulation time, the initial radius of the droplet and its center coordinates. Other variables are for post-processing purposes.

    int maxlevel = 6;
    double tend = 0.3;
    double R0 = 0.5e-3;
    double XC, YC;
    double trmin, trmax;

    We initialize a tracer field, which is used to observe the liquid recirculation.

    scalar tr[];
    int main (void) {

    Material properties used for this simulations.

      rho1 = 626.7, rho2 = 17.51;
      mu1 = 1.e-4, mu2 = 1.e-5;

    The tracer is advected using the vof-fluxes.

      f.tracers = {tr};

    We set a maximum time-step and the problem geometry.

      DT = 1.e-3;
      L0 = 5.*R0;
      XC = 0.5*L0, YC = 0.;
      N = 1 << maxlevel;
      run ();
    #define circle(x,y,R)(sq(R) - sq(x - XC) - sq(y - YC))
    event init (i = 0) {

    A droplet is initialized on the bottom wall of the domain, and the tracer is inizialized in order to be zero in the gas phase and equal to the y coordinate inside the liquid.

      fraction (f, circle (x,y,R0));
        tr[] = y*f[];

    We find the max and min value of tr in order to impose max and min in the squares() function of bview.

      trmin = 1000., trmax = 0.;
      foreach (reduction(min:trmin), reduction(max:trmax)) {
        if (f[] > 1.e-10) {
          trmin = min (trmin, tr[]);
          trmax = max (trmax, tr[]);

    The default parameters of the centripetal force are gathered in the structure sfm. These parameters are overwritten as follows. The parameter sigma is a fake surface tension which is used just to compute a realistic stability condition.

    #ifdef CENTRIPETAL
      sfm.p = (coord){XC,YC};
      sfm.eps = 1.e-5;
      sfm.sigma = 0.03;
    #if TREE
    event adapt (i++) {
      adapt_wavelet ({f,u.x,u.y}, (double[]){0,1.e-3,1.e-3}, maxlevel);

    We write the maximum value of the velocity field.

    event logfile (t += 0.01) {
      fprintf (stderr, "%f %.10e\n", t, max (statsf(u.x).max, statsf(u.y).max));

    We write a video with the evolution of the tracer.

    event movie (t += 0.001; t <= tend) {
      view (tx = -0.5, ty = -0.5);
      squares ("tr", min = trmin, max = trmax);
      draw_vof ("f", lw = 1.5);
      save ("movie.mp4");


    The centripetal force applied to the interface onlye does not lead to liquid internal recirculation of the tracer.

    Evolution of the tracer

    Also the velocity field remains stable at lower values with respect to the volumetric formulation.

    set xlabel 'time [s]'
    set ylabel 'max velocity'
    plot "log" u 1:2 w l
