
    Radiation Models

    Radiation models for combustion simulations. Currently, just the optically-thin model is implemented. This implementation is based on the information reported in

    #define RADIATION

    We define the Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m^2/K^4].

    #define STEFAN_BOLTZMANN  5.669e-8

    Optically-Thin Model

    This is the simplest model to implement, it computes the heat loss for radiation according to the following equation: \displaystyle \nabla\cdot \mathbf{q}_{rad} = -4\sigma\sum\limits_{i=1}^{NGS}a_{p,i} P x_i (T^4 - T_b^4) where \sigma is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, a_{p,i} is the Planck mean absorption coefficient of species i, P x_i is the partial pressure of the chemical species, T is the local flame temperature, while T_b is a baseline temperature (approximated as 300K).

    The following properties are required by the radiation model:

    • T: temperature of the system [K]
    • P: pressure of the system [Pa]
    • xCO2: mole fraction of CO2 [moli/molt]
    • xH2O: mole fraction of H2O [moli/molt]

    Only CO2 and H2O are considered, since their contribution to the radiation is the gratest, if compared with the other species.

    typedef struct {
      double T, P;
      double xCO2, xH2O;
      double xCO, xCH4;
    } OpticallyThinProperties;

    We also declare a struct that gathers optically-thin settings.

    struct OpticalyThinModel {
      int indexCO2, indexH2O;
      int indexCO, indexCH4;
    struct OpticalyThinModel otm = {
      .indexCO2 = -1,
      .indexH2O = -1,
      .indexCO  = -1,
      .indexCH4 = -1,

    We compute the radiation according to the optically-thin model.

    double optically_thin (void * p) {

    We extract the data from the void pointer. We limit the temperature to 2500K because it’s the range of reliability of the Plank-mean absorption coefficients. Normally the temperature is not higher than that, but when the spark is present it can give problems.

      OpticallyThinProperties * otp;
      otp = (OpticallyThinProperties *)p;
      double T = otp->T, P = otp->P, uT = 1000./T;
      double xCO2 = otp->xCO2, xH2O = otp->xH2O;
      double xCO = otp->xCO, xCH4 = otp->xCH4;

    The pressure value in SI (Pa) is converted in atm.

      //P *= 9.86923e-6;

    We compute the Plank-mean absorption using coefficients from (Chu 2014), that do not degenerate above 2500K. All the coefficients have units [1/m/bar].

      double apCO2 = 18.741 +uT*(-121.31+uT*(273.5 +uT*(-194.05 +uT*( 56.31 + uT*(-5.8169)))));
      double apH2O = -0.23093 + uT*(-1.1239 + uT*(9.4153 + uT*(-2.9988 + uT*(0.51382 + uT*(-1.8684e-5)))));
      double apCO  = (T < 750.) ? (4.7869 + T*(-0.06953 + T*(2.95775e-4 + T*(-4.25732e-7 + T*2.02894e-10)))) :
        (10.09 + T*(-0.01183 + T*(4.7753e-6 + T*(-5.87209e-10 + T*-2.5334e-14))));
      double apCH4 = 6.6334 + T*(-0.0035686 + T*(1.6682e-08 + T*(2.5611e-10 - 2.6558e-14*T)));
      double sum_pa = (apCO2*xCO2 + apH2O*xH2O + apCO*xCO + apCH4*xCH4)*P/1e+5;

    We return the flux of radiant energy.

      return -4.*STEFAN_BOLTZMANN*sum_pa*( pow (T, 4.) - pow (300., 4.) );

    No Radiation

    Implementation of a dummy no_radiation model, which returns a 0 divq contribution from the radiation.

    double no_radiation (void * p) {
      return 0;

    Main radiation function

    We declare a function pointer to a generic radiation model that computes the term \nabla\cdot q_{rad} for the energy equation.

    double (* divq_rad) (void * p) = no_radiation;

    Init Event

    We overload the init event in order to setup properties for the radiation models at the beginning of the simulation.

    event init (i = 0) {
      if (divq_rad == optically_thin) {
        for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
          if (strcmp (gas_species[jj], "CO2") == 0)
            otm.indexCO2 = jj;
          if (strcmp (gas_species[jj], "H2O") == 0)
            otm.indexH2O = jj;
          if (strcmp (gas_species[jj], "CO") == 0)
            otm.indexCO = jj;
          if (strcmp (gas_species[jj], "CH4") == 0)
            otm.indexCH4 = jj;
        // Species not found
        if (otm.indexCO2 == -1)
          fprintf (ferr, "WARNING: Optically thin model did not found CO2\n");
        if (otm.indexH2O == -1)
          fprintf (ferr, "WARNING: Optically thin model did not found H2O\n");
        if (otm.indexCO == -1)
          fprintf (ferr, "WARNING: Optically thin model did not found CO\n");
        if (otm.indexCH4 == -1)
          fprintf (ferr, "WARNING: Optically thin model did not found CH4\n");



    Huaqiang Chu, Mingyan Gu, Huaichun Zhou, and Fengshan Liu. Calculations of narrow-band transimissities and the planck mean absorption coefficients of real gases using line-by-line and statistical narrow-band models. Frontiers in Energy, 8:41–48, 2014.


    William L Grosshandler. Radcal: A narrow band model for radiation. Calculations in a Combustion Environment, NIST Technical Note, 1402, 1993.