
    #include "intgrad.h"
    #include "fsolve-gsl.h"
    #include "thermodynamics.h"
    extern scalar * mEvapList;
    extern scalar * YLList;
    extern scalar * YGList;
    extern scalar * YLIntList;
    extern scalar * YGIntList;
    #ifdef VARPROP
    extern scalar * Dmix1List;
    extern scalar * Dmix2List;
    extern scalar * dhevList;
    extern double inDmix1[NLS];
    extern double inDmix2[NGS];
    extern double inKeq[NLS];
    extern double inMW[NGS];
    extern double Pref;
    extern scalar fL, fG;
    extern face vector fsL, fsG;
    extern int * LSI;
    extern int * GOSI;
    extern int inertIndex;
    extern int NGOS;
    extern double rho1, rho2;
    extern double lambda1, lambda2, dhev, cp1, cp2, TL0, TG0;
    extern scalar TInt, TL, TG, T;
    #ifdef CLAPEYRON
    extern double Tsat;
    #ifdef USE_CLAPEYRON
    extern double Tboil[NLS];
    typedef struct {
      coord c;
    } UserDataNls;
    void Equations (const double * xdata, double * fdata, void * params) {
      UserDataNls * data = (UserDataNls *)params;
      double mEvapToti[NGS];
      double mEvapi[NLS];
      double YLInti[NLS];
      double YGInti[NGS];
      double XLInti[NLS];
      double XGInti[NGS];
      double jL[NLS];
      double jG[NGS];
      double mEvapSum;
      bool success;
      int count;
      double TInti;
      double gradTGn;
      double gradTLn;
      foreach_point (data->c.x, data->c.y, data->c.z, serial) {

    Rename unknowns for convenience.

        count = 0;
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++)
          mEvapi[jj] = xdata[count++];
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++)
          YLInti[jj] = xdata[count++];
        for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++)
          YGInti[jj] = xdata[count++];
        TInti = xdata[count++];

    Convert mass-to-mole fractions.

          double inMWG[NGS];
          for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++)
            inMWG[jj] = inMW[jj];
          double inMWL[NLS];
          for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++)
            inMWL[jj] = inMW[LSI[jj]];
          mass2molefrac (XLInti, YLInti, inMWL, NLS);
          mass2molefrac (XGInti, YGInti, inMWG, NGS);

    Set to zero gas-only species vaporization mass flow-rates.

        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++)
          mEvapToti[LSI[jj]] = mEvapi[jj];
        for (int jj=0; jj<NGOS; jj++)
          mEvapToti[GOSI[jj]] = 0.;

    Compute diffusive fluxes.

        for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
          double rho2vh = rho2;
          double Dmix2vh = inDmix2[jj];
    #ifdef VARPROP
          rho2vh = rho2v[];
          scalar Dmix2 = Dmix2List[jj];
          Dmix2vh = Dmix2[];
          //rho2vh = tp2.rhov (&ts2);
          //Dmix2vh = tp2.diff (&ts2, jj);
          scalar YG = YGList[jj];
          double gtrgrad = ebmgrad (point, YG, fL, fG, fsL, fsG, true, YGInti[jj], &success);
          jG[jj] = -rho2vh*Dmix2vh*gtrgrad;
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          double rho1vh = rho1;
          double Dmix1vh = inDmix1[jj];
    #ifdef VARPROP
          rho1vh = rho1v[];
          scalar Dmix1 = Dmix1List[jj];
          Dmix1vh = Dmix1[];
          //rho1vh = tp1.rhov (&ts1);
          //Dmix1vh = tp1.diff (&ts1, jj);
          scalar YL = YLList[jj];
          double ltrgrad = ebmgrad (point, YL, fL, fG, fsL, fsG, false, YLInti[jj], &success);
          jL[jj] = rho1vh*Dmix1vh*ltrgrad;

    Compute total diffusive fluxes for Fick corrected approach.

        double jLtot = 0., jGtot = 0.;
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++)
          jLtot += jL[jj];
        for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++)
          jGtot += jG[jj];
        gradTGn = ebmgrad (point, TG, fL, fG, fsL, fsG, true,  TInti, &success);
        gradTLn = ebmgrad (point, TL, fL, fG, fsL, fsG, false, TInti, &success);

    Compute sum of vaporization mass flow-rate.

        mEvapSum = 0.;
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          mEvapSum += mEvapi[jj];
        count = 0;

    [NEW] Mass balance in gas phase for evaporating species.

        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          fdata[count++] = mEvapi[jj]
                         - mEvapSum*YGInti[LSI[jj]]
                         - jG[jj]
                         + jGtot*YGInti[LSI[jj]]

    [NEW] Mass balance in liquid phase for liquid species.

        if (NLS > 1) {
          for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
            fdata[count++] = mEvapi[jj]
                           - mEvapSum*YLInti[jj]
                           - jL[jj]
                           + jLtot*YLInti[jj];
        else {
          fdata[count++] = YLInti[0] - 1.;
    //Mass balance for species in liquid phase.
        //if (NLS > 1) {
        //  for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
        //    fdata[count++] = mEvapi[jj]
        //                   - mEvapSum*YLInti[jj]
        //                   - jL[jj]
        //                   + jLtot*YLInti[jj]
        //                   ;
        //  }
        //else {
        //  fdata[count++] = YLInti[0] - 1.;
    //Mass balance for species in gas phase and for gas-only species.
        //for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
        //  fdata[count++] = mEvapToti[jj]
        //                 - mEvapSum*YGInti[jj]
        //                 - jG[jj]
        //                 + jGtot*YGInti[jj]
        //                 ;

    Thermodynamic (VLE) equilibrium at the interface.

        double Keq[NLS];
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++)
          Keq[jj] = inKeq[jj];
    #ifdef USE_CLAPEYRON
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          Keq[jj] = min (clapeyron ( min (TInti, Tboil[jj]-1), Tboil[jj], dhev, inMW[LSI[jj]]), 0.98);
    #ifdef USE_ANTOINE
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          scalar YL = YLList[jj];
          Keq[jj] = min (YL.antoine (TInti, Pref), 0.98);
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          Keq[jj] = min (opensmoke_antoine (TInti, Pref, jj), 0.98);
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          fdata[count++] = XLInti[jj]*Keq[jj] - XGInti[LSI[jj]];

    [NEW] Mass balance in gas phase for gas-only species.

        for (int jj=0; jj<NGOS; jj++) {
          fdata[count++] = mEvapToti[GOSI[jj]]
                         - mEvapSum*YGInti[GOSI[jj]]
                         - jG[GOSI[jj]]
                         + jGtot*YGInti[GOSI[jj]]

    Interface energy balance.

        double vapheat = 0.;
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          double dhevvh = dhev;
    #ifdef VARPROP
          scalar dhevjj = dhevList[jj];
          dhevvh = dhevjj[];
          vapheat -= dhevvh*mEvapi[jj];
        fdata[count++] = vapheat
    # ifdef VARPROP
                       + lambda1v[]*gradTLn
                       + lambda2v[]*gradTGn
    # else
                       + lambda1*gradTLn
                       + lambda2*gradTGn
    # endif
    int EquationsGsl (const gsl_vector * x, void * params, gsl_vector * f) {
      double * xdata = x->data;
      double * fdata = f->data;
      Equations (xdata, fdata, params);
      return GSL_SUCCESS;

    A partire da YLIntList, YGIntList, mEvapList e delle proprietà fisiche come densità e diffusività, bisogna calcolare la jump condition.

    void ijc_CoupledNls ()
      foreach() {
        if (f[] > F_ERR && f[] < 1.-F_ERR) {

    Reset variables.

          Array * arrUnk = array_new();
          // mInt field
          for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
            scalar mEvapi = mEvapList[LSI[jj]];
            double vali = mEvapi[];
            array_append (arrUnk, &vali, sizeof(double));
          // YLInt field
          for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
            //scalar YLi = YLList[jj];
            //double vali = YLi[]/max(f[], I_TOL);
            scalar YLInti = YLIntList[jj];
            double vali = YLInti[];
            array_append (arrUnk, &vali, sizeof(double));
          // YGInt field
          for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
            //scalar YGi = YGList[jj];
            //double vali = YGi[]/max(1. - f[], I_TOL);
            scalar YGInti = YGIntList[jj];
            double vali = YGInti[];
            array_append (arrUnk, &vali, sizeof(double));
          // Temperature field
            double vali = TInt[];
            array_append (arrUnk, &vali, sizeof(double));

    Gather parameters that must be passed to the non-linear system function.

          UserDataNls data;
          coord o = {x,y,z};
            data.c.x = o.x;

    Solve the non-linear system of equations.

          fsolve (EquationsGsl, arrUnk, &data);

    Recover Nls solution.

            double * unk = (double *)arrUnk->p;
            //double * unk = (double *) array_shrink (arrUnk);
            int count = 0;
            // mInt field
            for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
              scalar mEvapi = mEvapList[LSI[jj]];
              mEvapi[] = unk[count++];
            // YLInt field
            for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
              scalar YLInti = YLIntList[jj];
              YLInti[] = unk[count++];
            // YGInt field
            for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
              scalar YGInti = YGIntList[jj];
              YGInti[] = unk[count++];
            // Temperature field
              TInt[] = unk[count++];
          array_free (arrUnk);
    double divq_rad_int (double TInti, double Tbulk = 300., double alphacorr = 1.) {
      //return alphacorr*5.669e-8*(pow(Tbulk, 4.) - pow(TInti, 4.));
      return alphacorr*5.670373e-8*(pow(Tbulk, 4.) - pow(TInti, 4.));
    void EqTemperature (const double * xdata, double * fdata, void * params) {
      UserDataNls * data = (UserDataNls *)params;
      foreach_point (data->c.x, data->c.y, data->c.z, serial) {
        double TInti = xdata[0];
        bool success = false;
        double gtrgrad = ebmgrad (point, TG, fL, fG, fsL, fsG, true,  TInti, &success);
        double ltrgrad = ebmgrad (point, TL, fL, fG, fsL, fsG, false, TInti, &success);
    #ifdef VARPROP
        double yl[NLS], yg[NGS];
        double xl[NLS], xg[NGS];
        double MWl[NLS], MWg[NGS];
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          scalar YL = YLList[jj];
          yl[jj] = YL[];
          MWl[jj] = inMW[LSI[jj]];
        mass2molefrac (xl, yl, MWl, NLS);
        for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
          scalar YG = YGList[jj];
          yg[jj] = YG[];
          MWg[jj] = inMW[jj];
        mass2molefrac (xg, yg, MWg, NGS);
        double vapheat = 0.;
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          scalar mEvap = mEvapList[LSI[jj]];
    #ifdef VARPROP
          scalar dhevjj = dhevList[jj];
          vapheat -= mEvap[]*dhevjj[];
          vapheat -= mEvap[]*dhev;
        fdata[0] = vapheat
            - divq_rad_int (TInti, TG0, RADIATION_INTERFACE)
    #ifdef VARPROP
             + lambda1v[]*ltrgrad
             + lambda2v[]*gtrgrad
             + lambda1*ltrgrad
             + lambda2*gtrgrad
    int EqTemperatureGsl (const gsl_vector * x, void * params, gsl_vector * f) {
     double * xdata = x->data;
      double * fdata = f->data;
      EqTemperature (xdata, fdata, params);
      return GSL_SUCCESS;
    void ijc_CoupledTemperature ()
      foreach() {
        if (f[] > F_ERR && f[] < 1.-F_ERR) {
          Array * arrUnk = array_new();
            double vali = TInt[];
            array_append (arrUnk, &vali, sizeof(double));
          UserDataNls data;
          coord o = {x,y,z};
            data.c.x = o.x;
    #ifdef USE_GSL
          fsolve (EqTemperatureGsl, arrUnk, &data);
            double * unk = (double *)arrUnk->p;
            TInt[] = unk[0];
            //if (unk[0] > 0. && unk[0] < 5000.) // The solution is reasonable
            //  TInt[] = unk[0];
          array_free (arrUnk);
    void EqBoilingTemperature (const double * xdata, double * fdata, void * params) {
      double Tb = xdata[0];
      double * xc = (double *)params;
      double sumKeq = 0.;
      for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
    #ifdef USE_ANTOINE
        scalar YL = YLList[jj];
        sumKeq += YL.antoine (Tb, Pref)*xc[jj];
        sumKeq += opensmoke_antoine (Tb, Pref, jj)*xc[jj];
      fdata[0] = sumKeq - 1.;
    int EqBoilingTemperatureGsl (const gsl_vector * x, void * params, gsl_vector * f) {
      double * xdata = x->data;
      double * fdata = f->data;
      EqBoilingTemperature (xdata, fdata, params);
      return GSL_SUCCESS;
    double boilingtemperature (double Tfg, double * xc)
      Array * arrUnk = array_new();
      array_append (arrUnk, &Tfg, sizeof(double));
    #ifdef USE_GSL
      fsolve (EqBoilingTemperatureGsl, arrUnk, xc);
      double * unk = arrUnk->p;
      double Tb = unk[0];
      array_free (arrUnk);
      return Tb;