- Mass Conservation Balances
- Helper Functions
- face_gradient_bid(): Return the face gradient at a given boundary.
- face_value_bid(): Return the face value at a given boundary.
- face_flux_bid(): Return the face flux at a given boundary.
- diffusion_boundary(): Sum the diffusive fluxes across a given boundary.
- advection_boundary(): Sum the convective flux across a given boundary.
- write_balances(): write the results in the correct order.
- compute_balances(): compute the volume and surface integrals.
- Defaults
- Initialization
- Cleanup
- Compute Balances
- Helper Functions
Mass Conservation Balances
This module implements mass consevation tests for the phase change models. The operations implemented here are too boring and long to be written in every simulation. Therefore, an external header that automatically computes the balances is useful. The implementation is based on the nomenclature and on the data structures used in multicomponent.h. However, it stores everything in a separate structure, making this module general also for other phase change models.
The mass conservation tests can be defined in different ways. If a liquid phase is placed in a closed domain, and no phase change occurs, the mass balance reads: \displaystyle \int_V\rho_l dV = m_L^0 which means that the total liquid mass (assumed to be a function of the volume fraction only) must be constant and equal to the initial amount of mass in liquid phase m_L^0. If phase change is present, the variation of the liquid mass depends on the total amount of evaporated liquid: \displaystyle \int_V \rho_l dV - \int_0^{\tau}dt\int_V\dot{m}\delta_\Gamma dV = m_L^0 where \dot{m} < 0 if the liquid evaporates. If the domain is not closed and the liquid (or the gas-phase) is allowed to leave the domain, the mass balance must include also the contribution of the fluxes across the boundaries: \displaystyle \int_V \rho_l dV + \int_0^{\tau}dt\oint_{S_b} \rho_l \mathbf{u}\cdot\mathbf{n} dS_b - \int_0^{\tau}dt\int_V\dot{m}\delta_\Gamma dV = m_L^0 Exactly the same concept applies for the gas phase. If the same balances are written for every chemical species, the equation must account for the mass fraction of the chemical species and the diffusive flux: \displaystyle \int_V \rho_l\omega_{i,l} dV + \int_0^{\tau}dt\oint_{S_b} \rho_l\omega_{i,j} \mathbf{u}\cdot\mathbf{n} dS_b - \int_0^{\tau}dt\oint_{S_b} \rho_l\mathcal{D}_{i,l}\nabla\omega_{i,j}\cdot\mathbf{n}dS_b - \int_0^{\tau}dt\int_V\dot{m}\delta_\Gamma dV = m_{L,i}^0
#define BALANCES
We define a structure that gathers data that are used or modified in this module.
struct MassBalance {
// Data
scalar * YLList;
scalar * YGList;
scalar * mEvapList;
double * liq_start;
double * gas_start;
char ** liq_species;
char ** gas_species;
double rho1;
double rho2;
double * inDmix1;
double * inDmix2;
bool boundaries;
int maxlevel;
FILE * fb;
// Results
double totmass1;
double totmass2;
double totmass1init;
double totmass2init;
double totmass1bd;
double totmass2bd;
double totmass1bdnow;
double totmass2bdnow;
double evapmass;
double evapmassnow;
double * liq_mass;
double * gas_mass;
double * liq_massinit;
double * gas_massinit;
double * liq_massbd;
double * gas_massbd;
double * liq_massbdnow;
double * gas_massbdnow;
double * tot_evap;
double * tot_evapnow;
double * liq_relerr;
double * gas_relerr;
struct MassBalance mb = {0};
Helper Functions
We define functions that facilitate loops over all the domain boundaries, adjusting the stencil index according to the boundary ID.
@if _MPI
# define allreduce(vector,size) { \
MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, vector, size, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, \
face_gradient_bid(): Return the face gradient at a given boundary.
static double face_gradient_bid (Point point, scalar Y, int bid) {
double grad = 0.;
switch (bid) {
case 0: grad = (Y[1,0] - Y[])/Delta; break; // right
case 1: grad = (Y[-1,0] - Y[])/Delta; break; // left
case 2: grad = (Y[0,1] - Y[])/Delta; break; // top
case 3: grad = (Y[0,-1] - Y[])/Delta; break; // bottom
return grad;
face_value_bid(): Return the face value at a given boundary.
static double face_value_bid (Point point, scalar Y, int bid) {
double val = 0.;
switch (bid) {
case 0: val = 0.5*(Y[1,0] + Y[]); break; // right
case 1: val = 0.5*(Y[-1,0] + Y[]); break; // left
case 2: val = 0.5*(Y[0,1] + Y[]); break; // top
case 3: val = 0.5*(Y[0,-1] + Y[]); break; // bottom
return val;
face_flux_bid(): Return the face flux at a given boundary.
We must choose a convention: the flux is positive if leaving the domain from the right and top boundaries, and negative if it enters the fomain from left and bottom.
static double face_flux_bid (Point point, scalar Y, int bid) {
double flux = 0., faceval = face_value_bid (point, Y, bid);
switch (bid) {
case 0: flux = +faceval*uf.x[]*Delta; break; // right
case 1: flux = -faceval*uf.x[]*Delta; break; // left
case 2: flux = +faceval*uf.y[]*Delta; break; // top
case 3: flux = -faceval*uf.y[]*Delta; break; // bottom
return flux;
diffusion_boundary(): Sum the diffusive fluxes across a given boundary.
static void diffusion_boundary (Point point, int bid) {
foreach_elem (YGList, jj) {
scalar YG = YGList[jj];
double gradYG = face_gradient_bid (point, YG, bid);
mb.gas_massbdnow[jj] -= mb.rho2*mb.inDmix2[jj]*gradYG*Delta*dt;
foreach_elem (YLList, jj) {
scalar YL = YLList[jj];
double gradYL = face_gradient_bid (point, YL, bid);
mb.liq_massbdnow[jj] -= mb.rho1*mb.inDmix1[jj]*gradYL*Delta*dt;
advection_boundary(): Sum the convective flux across a given boundary.
scalar U[];
static void advection_boundary (Point point, int bid) {
foreach_elem (YGList, jj) {
scalar YG = YGList[jj];
double fluxYG = face_flux_bid (point, YG, bid);
mb.gas_massbdnow[jj] += mb.rho2*fluxYG*dt;
foreach_elem (YLList, jj) {
scalar YL = YLList[jj];
double fluxYL = face_flux_bid (point, YL, bid);
mb.liq_massbdnow[jj] += mb.rho1*fluxYL*dt;
Linear interpolation approximation for the calculation of the face volume fraction.
double ff = face_value_bid (point, f, bid);
mb.totmass1bdnow += mb.rho1*face_flux_bid (point, U, bid)*ff*dt;
mb.totmass2bdnow += mb.rho2*face_flux_bid (point, U, bid)*(1. - ff)*dt;
write_balances(): write the results in the correct order.
static void write_balances (void) {
fprintf (mb.fb, "%g %g %g %g ",
t, mb.totmass1, mb.totmass2, mb.evapmass);
foreach_elem (mb.YLList, jj)
fprintf (mb.fb, "%g ", mb.liq_mass[jj]);
foreach_elem (mb.YGList, jj)
fprintf (mb.fb, "%g ", mb.gas_mass[jj]);
foreach_elem (mb.mEvapList, jj)
fprintf (mb.fb, "%g ", mb.tot_evap[jj]);
foreach_elem (mb.YLList, jj)
fprintf (mb.fb, "%g ", mb.liq_relerr[jj]);
foreach_elem (mb.YGList, jj)
fprintf (mb.fb, "%g ", mb.gas_relerr[jj]);
fprintf (mb.fb, "\n");
compute_balances(): compute the volume and surface integrals.
static void compute_balances (void) {
The total liquid and gas phase masses for each species are set to zero before summing up over every cell and boundary.
foreach_elem (YGList, jj) {
mb.gas_mass[jj] = 0.;
mb.gas_massbdnow[jj] = 0.;
mb.tot_evapnow[jj] = 0.;
foreach_elem (YLList, jj) {
mb.liq_mass[jj] = 0.;
mb.liq_massbdnow[jj] = 0.;
mb.totmass1 = 0.;
mb.totmass2 = 0.;
mb.evapmassnow = 0.;
mb.totmass1bdnow = 0.;
mb.totmass2bdnow = 0.;
We compute the total mass in liquid and gas phase for every chemical species of the domain. The total evaporated mass is also computed for each species.
foreach(serial) {
vofrecon vr = vof_reconstruction (point, f);
foreach_elem (mb.mEvapList, jj) {
scalar mEvap = mEvapList[jj];
scalar YG = YGList[jj];
mb.tot_evapnow[jj] += mEvap[]*vr.dirac*dv()*dt;
mb.gas_mass[jj] += mb.rho2*YG[]*dv();
foreach_elem (mb.YLList, jj) {
scalar YL = mb.YLList[jj];
mb.liq_mass[jj] += mb.rho1*YL[]*dv();
mb.totmass1 += mb.rho1*f[]*dv();
mb.totmass2 += mb.rho2*(1. - f[])*dv();
mb.evapmassnow += mEvapTot[]*vr.dirac*dv()*dt;
If boundaries are included (not by default), the total masses are corrected according to the convective and diffusive fluxes through the boundaries.
if (mb.boundaries) {
for (int b = 0; b < nboundary; b++) {
foreach_boundary(b) {
diffusion_boundary (point, b);
advection_boundary (point, b);
@if _MPI
allreduce (&mb.totmass1bdnow, 1);
allreduce (&mb.totmass2bdnow, 1);
allreduce (mb.liq_massbdnow, NLS);
allreduce (mb.gas_massbdnow, NGS);
foreach_elem (YLList, jj)
mb.liq_massbd[jj] += mb.liq_massbdnow[jj];
foreach_elem (YGList, jj)
mb.gas_massbd[jj] += mb.gas_massbdnow[jj];
mb.totmass1bd += mb.totmass1bdnow;
mb.totmass2bd += mb.totmass2bdnow;
We sum the masses contributions from every processor.
@if _MPI
allreduce (&mb.totmass1, 1);
allreduce (&mb.totmass2, 1);
allreduce (&mb.evapmassnow, 1);
allreduce (mb.liq_mass, NLS);
allreduce (mb.gas_mass, NGS);
allreduce (mb.tot_evapnow, NGS);
We add the boundaries contributions, and we compute the differences between the initial and the current mass.
foreach_elem (YLList, jj)
mb.liq_mass[jj] = mb.liq_massinit[jj] - (mb.liq_mass[jj] + mb.liq_massbd[jj]);
foreach_elem (YGList, jj) {
mb.tot_evap[jj] += mb.tot_evapnow[jj];
mb.gas_mass[jj] = (mb.gas_mass[jj] + mb.gas_massbd[jj]) - mb.gas_massinit[jj];
mb.totmass1 = mb.totmass1init - (mb.totmass1 + mb.totmass1bd);
mb.totmass2 = (mb.totmass2 + mb.totmass2bd) - mb.totmass2init;
mb.evapmass += mb.evapmassnow;
We initialize the varibales of the mass balances struct.
event defaults (i = 0) {
mb.YLList = NULL;
mb.YGList = NULL;
mb.mEvapList = NULL;
mb.liq_start = NULL;
mb.gas_start = NULL;
mb.totmass1 = 0.;
mb.totmass2 = 0.;
mb.totmass1init = 0.;
mb.totmass2init = 0.;
mb.totmass1bd = 0.;
mb.totmass2bd = 0.;
mb.totmass1bdnow = 0.;
mb.totmass2bdnow = 0.;
mb.evapmass = 0.;
mb.liq_mass = NULL;
mb.gas_mass = NULL;
mb.liq_massinit = NULL;
mb.gas_massinit = NULL;
mb.liq_massbd = NULL;
mb.gas_massbd = NULL;
mb.liq_massbdnow = NULL;
mb.gas_massbdnow = NULL;
mb.tot_evap = NULL;
mb.tot_evapnow = NULL;
mb.liq_relerr = NULL;
mb.gas_relerr = NULL;
mb.boundaries = false;
mb.maxlevel = 5;
We allocate the fields that store the resuls of the mass balance calculations.
mb.liq_mass = (double *)malloc(NLS*sizeof(double));
mb.gas_mass = (double *)malloc(NGS*sizeof(double));
mb.tot_evap = (double *)malloc(NGS*sizeof(double));
mb.tot_evapnow = (double *)malloc(NGS*sizeof(double));
mb.liq_relerr = (double *)malloc(NLS*sizeof(double));
mb.gas_relerr = (double *)malloc(NGS*sizeof(double));
mb.liq_massbd = (double *)malloc(NLS*sizeof(double));
mb.gas_massbd = (double *)malloc(NGS*sizeof(double));
mb.liq_massbdnow = (double *)malloc(NLS*sizeof(double));
mb.gas_massbdnow = (double *)malloc(NGS*sizeof(double));
mb.liq_massinit = (double *)malloc(NLS*sizeof(double));
mb.gas_massinit = (double *)malloc(NGS*sizeof(double));
We reset the initial values of mass in liquid and gas phase and the total vaporizing mass.
foreach_elem (mb.YLList, jj) {
mb.liq_mass[jj] = 0.;
mb.liq_massbd[jj] = 0.;
mb.liq_massbdnow[jj] = 0.;
mb.liq_massinit[jj] = 0.;
mb.liq_relerr[jj] = 0.;
foreach_elem (mb.YGList, jj) {
mb.gas_mass[jj] = 0.;
mb.gas_massbd[jj] = 0.;
mb.gas_massbdnow[jj] = 0.;
mb.gas_massinit[jj] = 0.;
mb.tot_evap[jj] = 0.;
mb.gas_relerr[jj] = 0.;
We set a unit helper field, used for the boundary fluxes.
U[] = 1.;
In the initialization event, we write the header of the output file, in order to facilitate the identification of the correct column to be plotted.
Write the balances file header and compute the intial mass of each phase and species.
event init (i = 0) {
char name[80];
sprintf (name, "balances-%d", mb.maxlevel);
mb.fb = fopen (name, "w");
fprintf (mb.fb, "time[s](1) totmass1(2) totmass2(3) evapmass(4) ");
int counter = 5;
foreach_elem (mb.YLList, jj)
fprintf (mb.fb, "mL_%s(%d) ", mb.liq_species[jj], counter++);
foreach_elem (mb.YGList, jj)
fprintf (mb.fb, "mG_%s(%d) ", mb.gas_species[jj], counter++);
foreach_elem (mb.mEvapList, jj)
fprintf (mb.fb, "mE_%s(%d) ", mb.gas_species[jj], counter++);
foreach_elem (mb.YLList, jj)
fprintf (mb.fb, "liqerr_%s(%d) ", mb.liq_species[jj], counter++);
foreach_elem (mb.YGList, jj)
fprintf (mb.fb, "gaserr_%s(%d) ", mb.gas_species[jj], counter++);
fprintf (mb.fb, "\n");
We compute the initial mass in gas and liquid phase.
foreach(serial) {
mb.totmass1init += mb.rho1*f[]*dv();
mb.totmass2init += mb.rho2*(1. - f[])*dv();
@if _MPI
allreduce (&mb.totmass1init, 1);
allreduce (&mb.totmass2init, 1);
foreach_elem (YLList, jj)
mb.liq_massinit[jj] = mb.totmass1init*mb.liq_start[jj];
foreach_elem (YGList, jj)
mb.gas_massinit[jj] = mb.totmass2init*mb.gas_start[jj];
We de-allocate the dynamic arrays from memory.
event cleanup (t = end) {
fclose (mb.fb);
free (mb.liq_mass);
free (mb.gas_mass);
free (mb.tot_evap);
free (mb.tot_evapnow);
free (mb.liq_relerr);
free (mb.gas_relerr);
free (mb.liq_massbd);
free (mb.gas_massbd);
free (mb.liq_massbdnow);
free (mb.gas_massbdnow);
free (mb.liq_massinit);
free (mb.gas_massinit);
Compute Balances
First, we write a function that is responsible for the writing operations, based on the data in the structrue mb.
event balances (i++,last) {
if (pid()==0)
- Add compatibility with metrics
- Check the bid numbering system, what happens if new bid are defined? And in 3D?
- For some reasons foreach_boundary() does not work correctly when a grid/multigrid.h is used.