Diffusion from a spherical shell
A diffusion equation in spherical coordinates is solved using a 1D grid and the (spherisym.h) metrics.
#include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
#include "spherisym.h"
#include "run.h"
#include "timestep.h"
#include "diffusion.h"
We set a large total simulation time value in order to ensure reaching steady state conditions.
#define tEnd 1000
int maxlevel;
double rho, cp, lambda;
We allocate fields for the diffusive tracer T and the analytical solution Ta.
scalar T[], Ta[];
We set the boundary conditions.
double TL = 0.8;
double TR = 0.0;
T[left] = dirichlet (TL);
T[right] = dirichlet (TR);
Ta[left] = dirichlet (TL);
Ta[right] = dirichlet (TR);
int main (void) {
We set the material properties for the problem.
rho = 1.;
cp = 1.;
lambda = 1.e-2;
The radius of the spherical shell is X0 while the total radius of the environment is L0.
X0 = 0.2e-3;
L0 = 1000*X0;
for (maxlevel = 8; maxlevel <= 12; maxlevel++) {
origin (X0);
size (L0);
init_grid (1 << maxlevel);
DT = 10.;
double dtmax;
double BM, mQ, Q;
event init (i = 0) {
We set the initial timestep (this is useful only when restoring from a previous run).
dtmax = DT;
event ("stability");
We set the initial conditions for the temperature field.
We compute the analytical solution.
foreach() {
double T1 = TL; double T2 = TR;
double r1 = X0; double r2 = L0;
Ta[] = -r1*r2/(x*(r1-r2))*(T1 - T2) + (r1*T1 - r2*T2)/(r1-r2);
event stability (i++,last) {
dt = dtnext (DT);
event tracer_diffusion (i++) {
We compute the diffusivity coefficient.
face vector D[];
D.x[] = lambda/rho/cp*fm.x[];
boundary((scalar *){D});
scalar theta[];
theta[] = max(cm[], 1.e-20);
We solve the diffusion equations using the Poisson–Helmholtz solver.
diffusion (T, dt, D, theta=theta);
We write the profile of T along the radius every 10 iterations, for any maxlevel of refinement.
event logprofile (i += 10) {
char name[80];
sprintf (name, "outfile-%d", maxlevel);
static FILE * fp = fopen (name, "w");
double step = L0/(1 << maxlevel);
for (double x = X0; x < L0; x += step) {
double error = fabs (interpolate(Ta,x) - interpolate(T,x))/interpolate(Ta,x);
fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g %.16f\n", x, interpolate(T,x), interpolate(Ta,x), error);
fprintf (fp, "\n\n");
event stop (t = tEnd) {
return 0;
stats 'outfile-8' nooutput
set xr[0:0.02]
set yr[0:0.1]
p "outfile-12" index (STATS_blocks-2) u 1:3 w l t "Analytic", \
"outfile-8" index (STATS_blocks-2) w l t "maxlevel 8", \
"outfile-9" index (STATS_blocks-2) w l t "maxlevel 9", \
"outfile-10" index (STATS_blocks-2) w l t "maxlevel 10", \
"outfile-11" index (STATS_blocks-2) w l t "maxlevel 11", \
"outfile-12" index (STATS_blocks-2) w l t "maxlevel 12"