
    Fixed Flux Droplet Evaporation

    Evaporation of a liquid droplet with a fixed vaporization flowrate. In these conditions, the droplet consumption is obtained from a mass balance on the liquid droplet and the analytic solution can be easily derived: \displaystyle \dfrac{dR}{dt} = \dfrac{\dot{m}}{\rho_l}

    We want to test and compare the droplet consumption with the exact solution, considering the presence of the Stefan flow. The simulation setup used here was adapted from Malan et al, 2021. The animation shows the consuption of the liquid droplet, that maintains a perfectly spherical shape throughtout the entire lifetime, as well as the radial velocity field caused by the phase change.

    Evolution of the interface position and the velocity field

    Phase Change Setup

    We divide the mass balance by the density of the gas phase, according with the non-dimensional treatment reported in the paper. There is no need to shift the volume expansion term because we do not transport the temperature or mass fractions in this test case.

    #define BYRHOGAS
    #define NOSHIFTING

    Simulation Setup

    We use the centered Navier-Stokes equations solver with the evaporation source term in the projection step. The double pressure velocity coupling approach is adopted to obtain a divergence-free velocity which can be used for the VOF advection equation. The evporation model is combined with the fixed flux mechanism, that imposes a constant vaporization flowrate.

    #include "navier-stokes/centered-evaporation.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered-doubled.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    #include "evaporation.h"
    #include "fixedflux.h"
    #include "view.h"

    Boundary Conditions

    Outflow boundary conditions are imposed on every domain boundary since the droplet is initially placed at the center of the domain. Because the centered-doubled method is used, the boundary conditions must be imposed also for the extended fields.

    u.n[top] = neumann (0.);
    u.t[top] = neumann (0.);
    p[top] = dirichlet (0.);
    uext.n[top] = neumann (0.);
    uext.t[top] = neumann (0.);
    pext[top] = dirichlet (0.);
    u.n[bottom] = neumann (0.);
    u.t[bottom] = neumann (0.);
    p[bottom] = dirichlet (0.);
    uext.n[bottom] = neumann (0.);
    uext.t[bottom] = neumann (0.);
    pext[bottom] = dirichlet (0.);
    u.n[left] = neumann (0.);
    u.t[left] = neumann (0.);
    p[left] = dirichlet (0.);
    uext.n[left] = neumann (0.);
    uext.t[left] = neumann (0.);
    pext[left] = dirichlet (0.);
    u.n[right] = neumann (0.);
    u.t[right] = neumann (0.);
    p[right] = dirichlet (0.);
    uext.n[right] = neumann (0.);
    uext.t[right] = neumann (0.);
    pext[right] = dirichlet (0.);

    Model Data

    We set the initial radius of the droplet, and the value of the vaporization rate.

    int maxlevel;
    double R0 = 0.23;
    double mEvapVal = -0.05;
    int main(void) {
      L0 = 1.;

    We set the density and viscosity values.

      rho1 = 2., rho2 = 1.;
      mu1 = 1., mu2 = 0.1;

    The surface tension is set to zero in order to assess the sphericity of the droplet without being influenced by the surface tension.

      f.sigma = 0.;

    We make lists with the levels of refinement and the corresponding maximum time steps. We need to impose the time steps because the surface tension is set to zero.

      double mllist[] = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
      double dtlist[] = {0.005, 0.002, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001};

    We modify the Poisson equation solver tolerance and we create a folder where the facet outputs will be written.

      system ("mkdir facets");
      TOLERANCE = 1.e-4;

    We perform the simulation at different levels of refinement.

      for (int sim = 0; sim < 3; sim++) {
        maxlevel = mllist[sim];
        DT = dtlist[sim];
        TOLERANCE = 1.e-4;
        init_grid (1 << maxlevel);
    #define circle(x, y, R) (sq(R) - sq(x - 0.5*L0) - sq(y - 0.5*L0))

    We initialize the volume fraction field.

    event init (i = 0) {
      fraction (f, circle (x, y, R0));


    The following lines of code are for post-processing purposes.

    Exact Solution

    We write a function that computes the analytic solution for the droplet volume.

    double exact (double time) {
      return pi*sq (R0 + mEvapVal*time);

    Output Files

    We write the droplet volume from the numerical simulation as well as the exact solution.

    event output (i++) {
      char name[80];
      sprintf (name, "OutputData-%d", maxlevel);
      double dropvol = statsf(f).sum;
      double relerr = fabs (exact(t) - dropvol) / exact(t);
      static FILE * fp = fopen (name, "w");
      fprintf (fp, "%.12f %.12f %.12f %.12f\n", t, dropvol, exact(t), relerr);
      fflush (fp);


    We write the vof facets in such a way that it works also in parallel: every processor writes its own facets in a different file and the files are then gathered in a single facets output file, ready to be plotted.

    event output_facets (t += 1) {
      char names[80];
      sprintf (names, "interfaces%d", pid());
      FILE * fpf = fopen (names,"w");
      output_facets (f, fpf);
      fclose (fpf); fflush (fpf);
      char command[80];
      sprintf(command, "LC_ALL=C cat interfa* > facets/facets-%d-%.1f", maxlevel, t);


    We write the animation with the volume fraction field and the velocity vectors.

    event movie (t += 0.1; t <= 4) {
      if (maxlevel == 6) {
        view (tx = -0.5, ty = -0.5);
        draw_vof ("f", lw = 1.5);
        vectors ("u", scale = 7.e-2);
        save ("movie.mp4");


    The droplet is consumed by the evaporation is a smooth way, and the comparison between the numerical and the analytic droplet show a very good agreement and the convergence to the exact solution.

    set xlabel "t [s]"
    set ylabel "Droplet Volume [m^3]"
    set size square
    set grid
    plot "OutputData-6" every 100 u 1:3 w p ps 2 t "Analytic", \
         "OutputData-4" u 1:2 w l lw 2 t "LEVEL 4", \
         "OutputData-5" u 1:2 w l lw 2 t "LEVEL 5", \
         "OutputData-6" u 1:2 w l lw 2 t "LEVEL 6"
    Droplet Volume (script)

    Droplet Volume (script)

    stats "OutputData-4" using 4 nooutput name "LEVEL4"
    stats "OutputData-5" using 4 nooutput name "LEVEL5"
    stats "OutputData-6" using 4 nooutput name "LEVEL6"
    set print "Errors.csv"
    print sprintf ("%d %.12f", 2**4, LEVEL4_mean)
    print sprintf ("%d %.12f", 2**5, LEVEL5_mean)
    print sprintf ("%d %.12f", 2**6, LEVEL6_mean)
    unset print
    set xlabel "N"
    set ylabel "Relative Error"
    set logscale x 2
    set logscale y
    set xr[8:128]
    set size square
    set grid
    plot "Errors.csv" w p pt 8 ps 2 title "Results", \
      10*x**(-1) lw 2 title "1^{st} order", \
      30*x**(-2) lw 2 title "2^{nd} order"
    Relative Errors (script)

    Relative Errors (script)

    set size square
    set xrange[0.5:0.75]
    set yrange[0.5:0.75]
    set xlabel "radius [m]"
    set ylabel "radius [m]"
    set grid
    array r[3]
    r[1] = 0.18
    r[2] = 0.13
    r[3] = 0.08
    set style fill transparent solid 0.2 noborder
    set object 1 circle front at 0.5,0.5 size r[1] fillcolor rgb "black" lw 1
    set object 2 circle front at 0.5,0.5 size r[2] fillcolor rgb "black" lw 1
    set object 3 circle front at 0.5,0.5 size r[3] fillcolor rgb "black" lw 1
    p \
      "facets/facets-4-1.0" w l lw 2 lc 1 t "LEVEL 4", \
      "facets/facets-4-2.0" w l lw 2 lc 1 notitle, \
      "facets/facets-4-3.0" w l lw 2 lc 1 notitle, \
      "facets/facets-5-1.0" w l lw 2 lc 2 t "LEVEL 5", \
      "facets/facets-5-2.0" w l lw 2 lc 2 notitle, \
      "facets/facets-5-3.0" w l lw 2 lc 2 notitle, \
      "facets/facets-6-1.0" w l lw 2 lc 3 t "LEVEL 6", \
      "facets/facets-6-2.0" w l lw 2 lc 3 notitle, \
      "facets/facets-6-3.0" w l lw 2 lc 3 notitle
    Droplet Sphericity (script)

    Droplet Sphericity (script)



    LC Malan, Arnaud G Malan, Stéphane Zaleski, and PG Rousseau. A geometric vof method for interface resolved phase change and conservative thermal energy advection. Journal of Computational Physics, 426:109920, 2021.