
    Expansion of a Nucleated Bubble

    A spherical bubble is initialized on the lower-left corner of and AXI domanin. Similarly to the Scriven problem, the bubble is expanded due to the temperature gradient between the interface of the bubble, which remains at saturation temperature, and the superheated liquid environment. However, in this case we consider the left side of the boundary as a solid wall and we impose a contact angle, which influences the bubble growth process.

    This is the simplest nucleate boiling configuration, where no microlayer modelling and no heat exchange with the solid wall is condered.

    Evolution of the interface, the temperature field, and the grid refinement

    Phase Change Setup

    We move the interface using the velocity uf, with the expansion term shifted toward the gas-phase. In this way uf is divergence-free at the interface. The double pressure velocity couping is used to obtain an extended velocity, used to transport the gas phase tracers.

    #define INT_USE_UF
    #define SHIFT_TO_GAS
    #define INIT_TEMP

    Simulation Setup

    We use the centered solver with the divergence source term, and the extended velocity is obtained using the centered-doubled procedure. The evaporation model is used in combination with the temperature-gradient mechanism, which manages the solution of the temperature field.

    #include "axi.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered-evaporation.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered-doubled.h"
    #include "contact.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    #include "evaporation.h"
    #include "temperature-gradient.h"
    #include "view.h"

    We declare the variables required by the temperature-gradient model.

    double lambda1, lambda2, cp1, cp2, dhev;
    double TL0, TG0, TIntVal, Tsat, Tbulk;

    Boundary conditions

    Outflow boundary conditions for velocity and pressure are imposed on the top and right walls. On the left wall, no-slip conditions are imposed.

    u.n[top] = neumann (0.);
    u.t[top] = neumann (0.);
    p[top] = dirichlet (0.);
    uext.n[top] = neumann (0.);
    uext.t[top] = neumann (0.);
    pext[top] = dirichlet (0.);
    u.n[right] = neumann (0.);
    u.t[right] = neumann (0.);
    p[right] = dirichlet (0.);
    uext.n[right] = neumann (0.);
    uext.t[right] = neumann (0.);
    pext[right] = dirichlet (0.);
    u.n[left] = dirichlet (0.);
    u.t[left] = dirichlet (0.);
    p[left] = neumann (0.);
    uext.n[left] = dirichlet (0.);
    uext.t[left] = dirichlet (0.);
    pext[left] = neumann (0.);
    TL[top] = dirichlet (Tbulk);
    TL[right] = dirichlet (Tbulk);

    To set the contact angle, we allocate a height-function field and set the contact angle boundary condition on its tangential component.

    vector h[];
    double theta0 = 40.;
    h.t[left] = contact_angle (theta0*pi/180.);

    Problem Data

    We declare the maximum and minimum levels of refinement, the \lambda parameter, the initial radius of the droplet, the growth constant, and additional post-processing variables.

    int maxlevel = 7, minlevel = 3;
    double R0 = 0.1;
    double XC, YC;
    double V0, tshift;
    double betaGrowth = 0.7659010001953077;

    Initial Temperature

    We use gsl to compute the integral required to obtain the Scriven temperature profile.

    #include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
    #pragma autolink -lgsl -lgslcblas
    double intfun (double x, void * params) {
      double beta = *(double *) params;
      return exp(-sq(beta)*(pow(1. - x, -2.) - 2.*(1. - rho2/rho1)*x - 1 ));
    double tempsol (double r, double R) {
      double result, error;
      double beta = betaGrowth;
      gsl_integration_workspace * w
        = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (1000);
      gsl_function F;
      F.function = &intfun;
      F.params = &beta;
      gsl_integration_qags (&F, 1.-R/r, 1., 1.e-9, 1.e-5, 1000,
                            w, &result, &error);
      gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
      return Tbulk - 2.*sq(beta)*(rho2*(dhev + (cp1 - cp2)*(Tbulk - Tsat))/rho1/cp1)*result;
    int main (void) {

    We set the material properties of the fluids (Ja=0.5).

      rho1 = 2.5; rho2 = 0.25;
      mu1 = 7.e-3; mu2 = 7.e-4;
      lambda1 = 0.07, lambda2 = 0.007;
      cp1 = 2.5, cp2 = 1.;
      dhev = 100.;

    The initial bubble temperature and the interface temperature are set to the saturation value.

      Tbulk = 3., Tsat = 1., TIntVal = 1.;
      TL0 = Tbulk, TG0 = TIntVal;

    We change the dimension of the domain, the surface tension coefficient, and the coordinates of the center of the bubble.

      L0 = 1.;
      XC = 0., YC = 0.;
      f.sigma = 0.001;

    We must associate the height function field with the VOF tracer, so that it is used by the relevant functions (curvature calculation in particular).

      f.height = h;

    We create the grid and start the simulation.

      init_grid (1 << maxlevel);
    #define circle(x, y, R) (sq(R) - sq(x - XC) - sq(y - YC))
    event init (i = 0) {
      fraction (f, circle(x,y,R0));
        f[] = 1. - f[];

    We initialize the temperature field. The liquid phase temperature is set to the Scriven solution.

      foreach() {
        double r = sqrt( sq(x - XC) + sq(y - YC) );
    #ifdef INIT_TEMP
          TL[] = f[]*tempsol (r, R0);
        TL[] = f[]*TL0;
        TG[] = (1. - f[])*TG0;
        T[]  = TL[] + TG[];

    We refine the domain according to the interface and the temperature field.

    #if TREE
    event adapt (i++) {
      double uemax = 1e-2;
      adapt_wavelet_leave_interface ({T,u}, {f},
          (double[]){1e-2,uemax,uemax,uemax,1e-3}, maxlevel, minlevel, 1);


    The following lines of code are for post-processing purposes.


    We write the animation with the evolution of the temperature field, the gas-liquid interface and the grid refinement.

    event movie (t += 0.01, t <= 5) {
      view (theta=0., phi=0., psi=-pi/2., width=1600.,
          tx = 0., ty = -0.5);
      draw_vof ("f", lw = 1.5);
      squares ("T", min = Tsat, max = Tbulk);
      mirror ({0.,1}) {
        draw_vof ("f", lw = 1.5);
      save ("movie.mp4");