sandbox/easystab/stab2014/Nazarians Spriet.m

    Page de Alexandre Nazarians et Tony Spriet

    Projets développés

    • We studied a wave propagation on a string which lenght is L = 2 pi. However we have defined different boundaries conditions from the original code : ../vibrating_string.m

    One sinusoidal excitation on x = 0, and one straight point on the other end x= L This can be translated mathematically by these expressions :

    \displaystyle f(x=0,t)= sin(\frac{t}{2\pi}) \displaystyle f(x=L,t)= 0

    Our code is available here : ../vibrating string forced.m

    • We studied St-Venant equations which describe wave dynamics when the wavelenght is larger than the depth of the sea. The code is based on ../wave_like.m. \displaystyle \begin{array}{l} u_t=-g\eta_x-bu\\ \eta_t=-(Hu)_x\\ \end{array} In our study, we have only considered 1D, infinite environment and a null fluid viscosity.

    • We created a Gif animation on our code ../free_surface_gravity_particles_gif.m from the original code ../free_surface_gravity_particles.m

    Free Gravity Surface particles

    Free Gravity Surface particles


    De la part de Jérôme

    domaine	        valeur	note
    connectivité 	2	1
    recyclage	2	2
    graphiques	2	1
    théories	4	0
    Originalité	4	1
    note /14	14	5

    Le code de corde vibrante avec forçage est interessant, mais c’est votre seule contribution originale. Pour StVenant, le lien n’est même pas sur votre page de contribution, il a fallu que j’aille le chercher dans les suggestions de contributions de “wave like”. Ca a l’air de marcher, mais vous n’expliquez rien et il n’y a même pas de figure sur le wiki. Dommage… }%