Numerical methods for flow instability problems
D. Fabre, IMFT (Toulouse, France)
Lecture in Sapporo University, june 27, 2019
Linear dynamical systems and linear PDE problems
Linear dynamical systems
(extract from david/ )
- A linear dynamical system of dimension N is as follows :
\displaystyle \frac{d X}{dt} = A X
Where X(t) = [x_1(t);x_2(t);.. ;x_N(t)] is a vector (column-vector) of dimension N and A is a square matrix of dimension N.
Eigenmode solutions are sought under the form \displaystyle X(t) = \hat{X} e^{\lambda t}
The dynamical system thus results to a eigenvalue problem :
\displaystyle \lambda \hat{X} = A \hat{X}
The solutions \lambda are the eigenvalues and the corresponding \hat{X} the eigenvectors. The full set of eigenvalues {\mathcal Sp} = \{\lambda_n, n=1..N \} is called the spectrum of the matrix.
- The general solution of the dynamical system is (except in exceptional degenerated cases)
\displaystyle X(t) = \sum_{\lambda_n \in {\mathcal Sp}} c_n \hat X_n e^{\lambda_n t} \qquad \mathrm{ (Eq. 1)}
- The system is linearly unstable if there exists an eigenvalue verifying Re (\lambda) > 0
Linear algebraic systems
- A linear algebraic system is defined as follows :
\displaystyle B \frac{d X}{dt} = A X
where A and B are square matrices of dimension N.
If B is inversible, this is equivalent to a dynamical system with \frac{d X}{dt} = ( B^{-1} A ) X
If B is non-inversible, one can still look for eigenvalue/eigenvector solutions by solving the generalized eigenvalue problem
\displaystyle \lambda B \hat{X} = A \hat{X}
There are again N eigenpairs, but some of the eigenvalues are infinite
- The general solution can still be written as
\displaystyle X(t) = \sum_{\lambda_n \in {\mathcal Sp}^*} c_n \hat X_n e^{\lambda_n t}
Where {\mathcal Sp}^* is the set of finite eigenvalues
Numerical resolution of eigenvalue (and generalized eigenvalue) problems
**Through the characteristic polynomial
Mathematically elegant but practically efficientless for N>3 !
Direct method : matrix diagonalization.
\displaystyle B^{-1} A = U S U^{-1} where S = diag(\lambda_n) is diagonal, and U = [\hat{X}_1, \hat{X}_2, ..., \hat{X}_N] contains the eigenvectors sorted in columns.
-> Costly, and generally useless to compute all eigenvalues.
- Fortran/c++ : Lapack ; Matlab/Octave/Python : eig
Iterative methods
- Power method
The iteration scheme \displaystyle X^{n} = \frac{A X^{n-1}}{|| A X^{n-1} ||} asymptotes to X^{n} \approx \hat{X}_{\lambda_max}
-> allows to compute a single eigenvalue/eigenvector pair \lambda_{max} (the one with maximum absolute value)
- “Shifted inverse power method” The iteration scheme \displaystyle X^{n} = \frac{B ( A - \sigma B)^{-1} X^{n-1}}{||B ( A - \sigma B)^{-1} X^{n-1}||} asymptotes to X^{n} \approx \hat{X}_{\lambda_0}
-> allows to compute the eigenvalue \lambda_0 closest to a specified shift \sigma.
- Arnoldi “Shift-invert” method
Variant allowing to compute the n eigenvalues closest to a given shift \sigma
-> This is the prefered method in Stability analyses
Fortran/c++ : Arpack ; Matlab/Octave/Python : eigs
For large systems handled with parallelization: SLEPc (no simple interface with Matlab/Octave/Python)
Linear PDE problems
- Consider a linear partial difference equation (PDE) as follows :
\displaystyle \frac{\partial F(x,t)}{ \partial t} = {\mathcal A} F(x,t)
where F(x,t) is defined on a continuous interval (x\in [a,b] ; t \in [0, \infty] and \mathcal A is a linear operator involving x-derivatives ( operators \partial / \partial x , \partial^2 / \partial x^2, … )
Define a mesh x = [x_1, x_2, ... x_N] spanning the interval [a,b]
Define the discretized version of F as
\displaystyle F = \left[ \begin{array}{c} F_1 \\ F_2 \\ ... \\ F_N \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{c} F(x_1) \\ F(x_2) \\ ... \\ F(x_N) \end{array} \right]
Then the differential operators \partial / \partial x and \partial^2 / \partial x^2 are approximated by differentiation matrices noted dx, dxx
These matrices are used to build the discretized version A of the operator \mathcal A
Discretization methods
- Finite difference method
-> mesh x = [x_1, x_2, ... x_N] is uniform : x_k = a+ (k-1)/(N-1)(b-a)
-> Differentiation matrices dx, dxx are sparse (bi- or tridiagonal)
-> Error is E \approx N^{-d} (d=2 for 2nd order)
- Chebyshev collocation method
-> Pseudo-mesh x = [x_1, x_2, ... x_N] (actally collocation points) is non-uniform, with clusering around boundaries a,b.
-> Differenciation matrices dx, dxx are full
-> Error is E \approx e^{-N} : spectral precision !
- Implementation in easystab project : dif1D.m (including finite-difference, chebyshev and many more !)
Example : heat equation
See example program here : diffusion_eigenmodes.m
Remarks :
Chebyshev is more precise than finite difference
the boundary conditions lead to two infinite eigenvalues (which are easily discarded)
the Easystab project
Easystab ( is “a door open for you to study the stability and bifurcation of physical systems using octave/matlab, mainly in the domain of fluid mechanics”.
Initiated by Jérôme Hoepffer (UPMC, Paris)
Hosted by the website of Basilisk code (Stéphane Popinet, UMPC, Paris)
Maintained as a wiki : upload your codes, they will including the resulting figures and the comments in readable format. (You can even run the codes through the website without launching octave/matlab !)
The engine also allows to share lecture notes in .md format…
This is a collaborative project. Please contribute !
Local stability analysis for parallel flows
Starting equations
Consider a flow field as follows :
\displaystyle [{\bf u} , p] = [{\bf u}_0 , p_0] + \epsilon [{\bf u'} , p']
[{\bf u}_0 , p_0] is the (time-independant) base flow
[{\bf u}' , p'] is the perturbation, which is governed by the Linearized Navier-Stokes equations (LNSE) :
\displaystyle \partial_t \left[ \begin{array}{c} {\bf u}' \\ 0 \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{c} - \left( {\bf u}_0 \cdot \nabla {\bf u}' + {\bf u}' \cdot \nabla {\bf u}_0 \right) - \nabla p' + \frac{2}{Re} \nabla \cdot {\bf{D}}({\bf u}') \\ \nabla \cdot {\bf u} \end{array} \right] \equiv \mathcal{ LNS}([{\bf u}' ; p'])
(Here {\bf{D}}({\bf u}) = 1/2( \nabla {\bf u}' + \nabla {\bf u}'^T ) is the rate of deformation tensor)
Local approach
- In the local approach the base-flow is assumed parallel, with the form
\displaystyle [{\bf u}_0 , p_0] = [U(y) ,0,0]
- The eigenmode ansatz (for 2D perturbations) is as follows :
\displaystyle [{\bf u}' , p'] = [\hat{u}(y) ,\hat{v}(y),\hat{p}(y) ] e^{i k x} e^{\lambda t}
- The linearized Navier-Stokes equations (primitive form) are as follows :
\displaystyle \lambda \left[ \begin{array}{c} \hat{u} \\ \hat{v} \\ 0 \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} - i k U \hat{u} & - (\partial_y U) \hat{v} & - i k \hat{p} & + Re^{-1} (\partial_{yy} - k^2 ) \hat{u} \\ & - i k U \hat{v} & -\partial_y \hat{p} &+ Re^{-1} (\partial_{yy} - k^2 ) \hat{v} \\ i k \hat{u} & + \partial_y \hat{v} && \end{array} \right]
- The equations can also be set in reduced form (Orr-Sommerfeld equation) by introducing a streamfunction \hat \psi :
\displaystyle \left( U - c \right) \left( \partial_{yy} - k^2 \right) \hat{\psi} = \frac{1}{i k Re} \left( \partial_{yy} - k^2 \right)^2 \hat{\psi}
(here c = \omega/k \equiv i \lambda / k)
Illustration for the tanh shear layer
- Inviscid approach (from Raylegh equation) KH_temporal_inviscid.m
-> We find un unstable mode for k<1 with maximum amplification rate for k \approx 0.5.
- Viscous approach (from primitive equations) KH_temporal_viscous.m
-> We observe that the viscosity restabilizes the
Illustration for the Plane Poiseuille flow
-> a viscous instability (Tollmien-Schlishting wave) exists for Re>5772 in accordance with litterature.
Global stability approach
- In the global approach, the base flow depends on two spatial coordinates:
\displaystyle [{\bf u}_0(x,y) , p_0(x,y)]
This base flow is solution of Steady Navier-Stokes equations
\displaystyle \mathcal{NS}\left(\left[ \begin{array}{c} {\bf u}_0 \\ p_0 \end{array} \right]\right) \equiv \left[ \begin{array}{c} - \left( {\bf u}_0 \cdot \nabla {\bf u}_0 \right) - \nabla p_0 + \frac{2}{Re} \nabla \cdot {\bf{D}}({\bf u}_0) \\ \nabla \cdot {\bf u}_0 \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 0 \end{array} \right]
Base flow computation
-> Newton method
Suppose we know a guess [{\bf u}_0^g,p_0^g] for the base flow
Assume small perturbations : [{\bf u}_0,p_0] \approx [{\bf u}_0^g,p_0^g] + [\delta {\bf u}_0,\delta p_0]
Injecting in NS equations leads to
\displaystyle \mathcal{ NS }( {\bf u}_0^g,p_0^g) + \mathcal{ LNS } [\delta {\bf u}_0, \delta p_0] \approx [{\bf 0}, 0]
Inverting leads to \displaystyle [\delta {\bf u}_0; \delta p_0] = - (\mathcal{ LNS } )^{-1} \mathcal{ NS }( {\bf u}_0^g,p_0^g)
Repeat until convergence
NB convergence is quadratic (typically less than 10 iterations)
Stability analysis
Once base-flow is determined, we repeat the stability analysis
\displaystyle [{\bf u} , p] = [{\bf u}_0 , p_0] + \epsilon [\hat{\bf u} , \hat{p}] e^{\lambda t} + c.c.
- [\hat{\bf u}(x,y) , \hat{p}(x,y)] is the eigenmode, which is governed by the Linearized Navier-Stokes equations (LNSE) :
\displaystyle \lambda {\mathcal B} \left[ \begin{array}{c} \hat{\bf u} \\ \hat{p} \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{c} - \left( {\bf u}_0 \cdot \nabla \hat{\bf u} + \hat{\bf u} \cdot \nabla {\bf u}_0 \right) - \nabla \hat{p} + \frac{2}{Re} \nabla \cdot {\bf{D}}(\hat{\bf u}) \\ \nabla \cdot \hat{\bf u} \end{array} \right] \equiv \mathcal{ LNS}\left[ \begin{array}{c} \hat{\bf u} \\ \hat{p} \end{array} \right]
Here \displaystyle \mathcal{B} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{array} \right]
Or in eigenvalue form :
\displaystyle ( \mathcal{LNS} - \lambda \mathcal{B} ) [\hat{\bf u}, \hat{p}] = [{\bf 0}, 0]
Note that matrix \mathcal{LNS} is the same as for the Newton method !
Numerical methods
- Prefered method : Finite elements
weak form of NS equation : \displaystyle \forall [\mathbf v, q], \qquad \int_{\Omega} [\mathbf v, q] \cdot \mathcal{ NS }( {\bf u},p) d S = 0
after integration by parts a very convenient form is obtained :
\displaystyle \forall [\mathbf v, q], \qquad \int_{\Omega} \left( - {\mathbf v} \cdot ( {\mathbf u} \cdot \nabla) \mathbf u) + p \nabla \cdot \mathbf v + q \nabla \cdot \mathbf v - 2 Re^{-1} {\bf{D}}(\hat{\bf u}) : {\bf{D}}(\hat{\bf v}) \right) d S = 0
- Prefered software : FreeFem (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
( See how the weak form in implemented in Newton solver for a 2D flow and Eigenvalue solver for a 2D flow )
FreeFem is very convenient for stability studies (and used worldwide for this) but it is not suited to functional programming (the language is interpreted, not compiled) and its graphical interface is limited.
-> We designed a Matlab/Octave to Freefem : StabFem
Developed as a collaborative project with same philosophy as easystab (please contribute !)
Methods currently available :
Base-flow computation using Newton method (including arclength continuation)
Eigenvalue solver (including adjoint modes, structural sensitivity, and interative spectrum exploration)
DNS (time-stepping integration)
Nonlinear stability analysis (weakly nonlinear, Harmonic Balance/Self consistent)
Powerful and versatile mesh adaptation
Models currently available :
Incompressible flows (bluff-body wakes,
Compressible flows (whistling jet instabilities, acoustic pipes, …)
Fluid-structure interactions (VIV) and
Free surface flows (rising or attached bubbles, whirlpools,…)
(Currently limited to 2D geometries)
StabFem Showroom Website :
StabFem Sources Website :
Documentation :
research paper by Fabre et al. AMR, 2019
A workshop presentation FreeFem++ days 2018
A pdf documentation Doc StabFem (in progress, currently not up to date…)
(- All codes are internally documented, type ‘help’ in matlab/octave)
Illustration for the wake of a cylinder
Other examples :
Numerical resolution of stability problems is now becoming a game
Collaborative projects are providing you nice set of programs to do this
So come and play with us !
Thanks for your attention