
    Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of a shear layer

    (Spatial analysis, viscous case, uvp formulation)

    (This code is adapted from sandbox/easystab/KH_temporal_viscous.m from the easystab project).

    We start from the linearised Navier-Stokes for a parallel base flow defined as U(y).

    \displaystyle \begin{array}{l} \rho \partial_t u= -U \partial_y u - U_y v -\partial_x p +\mu\Delta u\\ \rho \partial_t v= -U \partial_y v - \partial_y p +\mu \Delta v\\ \partial_x u+ \partial_y v=0.\\ \end{array}

    The base flow is \displaystyle U(y) = (\Delta U) tanh(y) + U_m

    Here a = U_m / (\Delta U) is the convection parameter. a > 1 corresponds to a shear layer developing in the +x direction while |a|<1 corresponds to a situation with a counter-flow in the -x direction in the region y < 0.

    We look for solutions under eigenmode form : \displaystyle [u,v,p] = [\hat u(y), \hat v(y), \hat p(y)] e^{i k x} e^{-\omega t}

    We have seen that differentiation with respect to x ammounts to multiplication by i k, and differentiation with respect to t ammounts to multiplication by -i\omega, thus we have \displaystyle \begin{array}{l} -i \omega \hat{u}= -i k U \hat{u} - U_y \hat{v} - \hat{p}+\mu (-k^2 \hat{u}+\hat{u}_{yy})\\ - i \omega \hat{v}=-i k U \hat{u} -\hat{p}_y+\mu(-k^2 \hat{v}+\hat{v}_{yy}) \\ i k \hat{u}+\hat{v}_y=0\\ \end{array}

    When considering spatial stability formalism, this problem is not a standard linear eigenvalue problem because the eigenvalue k appears quadratically (in the viscous terms). To transform the problem into a regular eigenvalue one, we have to introduce the auxiliary unknowns \hat{u}_1 = k \hat{u} and \hat{v}_1 = k \hat{v}.

    We can thus write the problem as follows:

    \displaystyle k B q = A q with \displaystyle q = \left[ \begin{array}{c} \hat{u} \\ \hat{u}_1 \\ \hat{v} \\ \hat{v}_1 \\ \hat{p} \end{array} \right],

    \displaystyle A = \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ i \omega + Re^{-1} \partial_y^2 & 0 & - \partial_y \overline{U} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & i \omega + Re^{-1} \partial_y^2 & 0 & - \partial_y \\ 0 & i & \partial_y & 0 & 0 \end{array} \right]

    \displaystyle B = \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ i \overline{U} & Re^{-1} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & i \overline{U} & Re^{-1} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array} \right]

    function [] = main()
    clear all; close all;
    global y D DD w Z I discretization
    % 'global' allows to use these objects in the function as well
    % Physical parameters
    omega=1;  %  the frequency
    Re=200;    %  the Reynolds number
    a = 2;     %  the coflow parameter 
    % numerical parameters
    N=90;      % the number of grid points
    discretization = 'chebInfAlg'; % you may try Hermite as well 
    iloop = 1;

    Derivation matrices

    Here we use Chebyshev discretization with stretching. See differential_equation_infinitedomain.m to see how this works.

    [D,DD,w,y] = dif1D(discretization,0,3,N,0.9999);
    % [D,DD,w,y] = dif1D('cheb',-10,20,N);
    Z=zeros(N,N); I=eye(N); 

    We compute the eigenvalues/eigenmodes with the function KH, defined at the end of this program

    [sphys,Uphys,s,UU] = KH(omega,Re,a);
    %sphys = s;Uphys = UU;
    %sort = criterion>1e-3|imag(s)>-0.05;
    %sphys(sort) = []; Uphys(:,sort)=[];

    Plotting the spectrum

    plot(real(sphys),-imag(sphys),'o'),hold on;
    grid on
    for ind=1:length(s)
      h=plot(real(s(ind)),-imag(s(ind)),'*'); hold on
    if ~isempty(sphys); xlim([min(real(sphys))-.1,max(real(sphys))+.1]); end
    title(['Spatial spectrum for \omega = ',num2str(omega),'; Re= ',num2str(Re),'; a= ',num2str(a)]);
    ** Figure : Temporal spectrum of a tanh shear layer

    ** Figure : Temporal spectrum of a tanh shear layer

    ** Figure : Temporal spectrum of a tanh shear layer

    ** Figure : Temporal spectrum of a tanh shear layer

    Loop over omega

    if iloop
        omegatab = [0.05:0.05:3];
        for j=1:length(omegatab)
            omega = omegatab(j)
            [k,U] = KH(omega,Re,a);
            if ~isempty(k)
                k = zeros(10,1);
            ktab(:,j) = k(1:10);
        for j=1:10
            plot(omegatab,-imag(ktab(j,:))); hold on;
        title(['Spatial growth rate for  Re= ',num2str(Re),'; a= ',num2str(a)]);
    end%if iloop
    ** Figure : Temporal spectrum of a tanh shear layer

    ** Figure : Temporal spectrum of a tanh shear layer


    Function KH

    function [sphys,Uphys,s,UU] = KH(omega,Re,a)
    global y D DD w Z I discretization 
    N = length(y);
    % base flow
    %U = (1-1./cosh(y))+a; Uy = D*U; % wake 
    U=tanh(y)+a; Uy=(1-tanh(y).^2); % shear layer
    % renaming the differentiation matrices
    dy=D; dyy=DD;
    Re1 = Re^-1;

    System matrices

    % the matrices
    A = [    S,    -diag(Uy),   Z,      Z,      Z;  ...
             Z,      S,        -dy,     Z,      Z;  ...
             Z,     dy,         Z,      Z,      Z;  ...
             Z,     Z,          Z,      I,      Z;  ...
             Z,     Z,          Z,      Z,      I;
    iU = 1i*diag(U);
        iU,     Z,      1i*I,   Re1*I,      Z;      ...
        Z,      iU,     Z,      Z,          Re1*I;  ...
        -1i*I,  Z,      Z,      Z,          Z;       ...
        I,      Z,      Z,      Z,          Z;      ...
        Z,      I,      Z,      Z,          Z       ... 
    % Boundary conditions
        indBC = [];
        % No boundary conditions are required with Hermite interpolation which
        % naturally assumes that the function tends to 0 far away.
        % Dirichlet conditions are used for fd, cheb, etc...
     %   III=eye(5*N);
     %   indBC=[1,N,N+1,2*N];
     %   C=III(indBC,:);
     %   A(indBC,:)=C;
     %   B(indBC,:)=0;  
    % computing eigenmodes 
    % sort the eigenvalues by decreasing real part and remove the spurious ones
    s=diag(S);  [~,o]=sort(imag(s)); s=s(o); UU=UU(:,o);
    rem=(abs(s)>2)|(abs(s)<1e-4); s(rem)=[]; UU(:,rem)=[];
    modeS = UU(1:N,:); % U-component of modes
    a0=fft([modeS; flipud(modeS(2:N-1,:))]);        
    a0=a0(1:N,:).*[0.5; ones(N-2,1); 0.5]/(N-1);   % a0 contains Chebyshev coefficients 
    criterion = sum(abs(a0(N*9/10:N,:)).^2)/sum(abs(a0(1:N)).^2); 
    criterion = criterion';
               % this criterion is the 'energy' contained in the 10% coefficients of highest order.
               % this criterion is usually largest for spurious modes than for physical ones
    sphys = s;Uphys = UU;
    rem = criterion>0.01|imag(s)>0.05|abs(real(s))<3e-2;
    sphys(rem) = []; Uphys(:,rem)=[];           
    %if nargin==1
    %    sphys = sphys(1);
    end %function KH
    function [] = plotmode(~,~,mode,k,omega,Re,a)
        global y dy dyy
        Yrange = 4;
        figure(2);hold off;
        N = length(y);
        u = mode(1:N);
        v = mode(N+1:2*N);
        p = mode(2*N+1:3*N);
    %    vorticity = (dy*u)-1i*k*v;
        subplot(1,3,1);hold off;
        plot(real(u),y,'b-',imag(u),y,'b--');hold on;
        plot(real(v),y,'g-',imag(v),y,'g--');hold on;
        plot(real(p),y,'k-',imag(p),y,'k--');hold on;
        ylabel('y'); ylim([-Yrange,Yrange]);
        legend({'$Re(\hat u)$','$Im(\hat u)$','$Re(\hat v)$','$Im(\hat v)$','$Re(\hat p)$','$Im(\hat p)$'},'Interpreter','latex')
        title('Structure of the eigenmode');
        % plot 2D reconstruction
        Nx =30;  
     %   vorticity(abs(y)>Yrange,:)=[];
        yy = y;
        pp = 2*real(p*exp(1i*k*x));
      %  vorticityvorticity=2*real(vorticity*exp(1i*alpha*x));
        subplot(1,3,2:3); hold off;
        contourf(x,yy,uu,10); hold on; 
        quiver(x,yy,uu,vv,'k'); hold on;
        xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); title({'Structure of the eigenmode (2D reconstruction)',['for omega = ',num2str(omega) , ' ; k = ',num2str(k)]});
    end% function plotmode


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