
    Stability of a plane shear flow with a free surface

    This programs investigates the stability of a plane shear flow with profile \bar{U}(y) in a domain y \in [O,H]. The bottom (y=0) is a wall while the upper surface (y=H) is a free surface characterized by surface tension \gamma. The domain above is a gaz with negligible density and viscosity and uniform pressure P_0. The gravity field is g, in the downward (y<0) direction.

    This code is adapted from two programs in the easystab project :
    sandbox/easystab/TS_PlanePoiseuille.m for a shear flow without free surface sandbox/easystab/free_surface_gravity.m for a free surface without shear flow

    ** NOTE : this program remains to be validated !**


    Flow decomposition

    Noting y = \eta(x,t) the equation of the free surface, the flow is thus expanded as follows :

    \displaystyle \underbrace{\left[ \begin{array}{c} u \\ v \\ p \\ \eta \end{array} \right]}_{q} \, = \, \underbrace{\left[ \begin{array}{c} \bar{U}(y) \\ 0 \\ \bar{P}(y) \\ H \end{array} \right]}_{q_0} \quad + \quad \epsilon \underbrace{{\left[ \begin{array}{c} \hat{u}(y) \\ \hat{v}(y)\\ \hat{p}(y) \\ \hat{\eta} \end{array} \right]}}_{\hat{q}} e^{i k x - i \omega t}

    Base flow

    If neglecting the effect of viscosity on the baseflow, the law \bar{U}(y) can be arbitrary, and the associated pressure distribution is hydrostatic : \bar{P}(y) = P_0 + \rho g (H-y).

    (NB if viscosity is retained and we want the base flow to be a steady solution of NS, the only solution is the parabolic profile U(y) = y/H( 2- y/H) and an axial component of g must be present, i.e. the plate must be tilted by some angle \alpha).

    Linear equations : bulk equations

    Within the bulk (0<y<H), linearisation of the Navier-stokes equations leads to:

    \displaystyle \begin{array}{rcl} -i \omega \hat{u} &=& -i k \bar{U} \hat{u} - \bar{U}' \hat{v} - i k \hat{p} +\mu (-k^2 \hat{u}+\partial_y^2 \hat{u}) \\ - i \omega \hat{v}&=&-i k \bar{U} \hat{v} -\partial_y \hat{p} +\mu(-k^2 \hat{v}+\partial_y^2 \hat{v}) \\ 0 &=& i k \hat{u}+\partial_y \hat{v} \\ \end{array}

    Boundary conditions.


    The boundary conditions at the bottom are \hat{u}(0) = \hat{v}(0) = 0.


    The kinematic boundary condition at free surface comes from linearization of [d /dt ]\eta(x,t) = v(x,\eta(x,t),t). After linearization:

    \displaystyle i (k \bar{U}(H) - \omega) \hat{\eta} = \hat{v}(H)


    The dynamic condition is more complicate to express. In starting variables we have to write

    \displaystyle (p - P_0 ) \vec{n} - 2 \mu {\bf D} \cdot \vec{n} = \gamma K \vec{n} \quad \mathrm{ at } \quad y = \eta(x,t)

    where \bf D is the rate-of-strain tensor, \vec n the normal vector at the interface, and K the curvature.

    All these terms have to be developed in powers of \epsilon : \displaystyle \vec{n} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+(\partial_x \eta)^2}} {\left[ \begin{array}{c} -\partial_x \eta \\ 1 \end{array} \right]}

    \displaystyle \equiv \underbrace{\left[ \begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 1 \end{array} \right]}_{\vec{n}_0} + \epsilon \underbrace{\left[ \begin{array}{c} i k \hat{\eta} \\ 0 \end{array} \right]}_{\vec{n}_1} e^{i k x - i \omega t} + {\mathcal O}(\epsilon ^2)

    \displaystyle {\bf D} = \underbrace{\left[ \begin{array}{cc} 0 & \bar{U}_y \\ \bar{U}_y & 0 \end{array} \right]} _{{\bf D}_0} + \epsilon \underbrace{\left[ \begin{array}{cc} 2 i k \hat{u} & \partial_y \hat{u} + i k \hat{v} \\ \partial_y \hat{u} + i k \hat{v} & 2 \partial_y \hat{v} \end{array} \right]} _{{\bf D}_1} e^{i k x - i \omega t} + {\mathcal O}(\epsilon ^2)

    \displaystyle {\left[{\bf D} \cdot \vec{n}\right]}_{y=\eta} = {\left[{\bf D}_0 \cdot \vec{n}_0\right]}_{y=H} + \epsilon \left\{ {\bf D}_0 \cdot \vec{n}_1 + {\bf D}_1 \cdot \vec{n}_0 + \partial_y \left[ {\bf D}_0 \cdot \vec{n}_0 \right] \hat{\eta} \right\} e^{i k x - i \omega t} + {\mathcal O}(\epsilon ^2)

    \displaystyle {[(p - P_0 ) \vec{n}]}_{y=\eta} = \epsilon \left[ \hat{p}(H) - \rho g \hat{\eta} \right] \vec{n}_0 e^{i k x - i \omega t} + {\mathcal O}(\epsilon ^2)

    \displaystyle K = - \epsilon k^2 \hat{\eta} e^{i k x - i \omega t} + {\mathcal O}(\epsilon ^2)

    At the end, introducing everything in the dynamic BC and taking the y and x components leads to

    \displaystyle \left[ \hat{p} - 2 \mu \partial_y \hat{v} \right]_{y=H} + i k \bar{U}'(H) \hat{\eta} - \rho g \hat{\eta} - \gamma k^2 \hat{\eta} = 0

    \displaystyle \left[ \partial_y \hat{u} + i k \hat{v}\right]_{y=H} + \bar{U}''(H) \hat{\eta} = 0

    Matricial formulation

    At the end, we can write the equations in the form of a generalised eigenvalue problem: \displaystyle - i \omega B \hat{q} = A \hat{q}

    The building of the matrices is done in function at the end of this program

    Parameters, definition of geometry and differential operators

    function [] = main()
    close all; 
    global y dy dyy Z I INT n H nu gamma g U Uy Uyy
    % Physical parameters
    H=1;        % the height of the domain, from -1 to 1
    nu = 1e-3;  % viscosity
    gamma = 0.; % surface tension
    g = 1; % gravity
    alpha = 1; % wavenumber (k)
    Re = 1/nu;
    Umax = 1;
    % numerical parameters
    n=100;      % the number of grid points

    Definition of geometry, base flow and differential operators

    % differentiation and integration operators
    [dy,dyy,wy,y] = dif1D('cheb',0,H,n); 
    Z=zeros(n,n); I=eye(n); 
    U = Umax*y/H.*(2-y/H); % velocity profile
    Uy = Umax*2/H.*(1-y/H); % first derivative
    Uyy = - Umax*2/H^2*ones(1,n); % second derivative

    Resolution of the eigenvalue problem

    [s,UU] = EV_FreeSurf(alpha); 
    omega = 1i*s;

    Plotting the spectrum

    for ind=1:length(s)
      h=plot(real(omega(ind)),imag(omega(ind)),'*'); hold on
    ylim([-2 ,max(imag(omega)) ] );
    title({['Temporal spectrum for k = ',num2str(alpha), ', Re = ',num2str(Re)], 'Click on eigenvalues to see the eigenmodes'});
    ** Figure : Temporal spectrum of the free surface shear flow

    ** Figure : Temporal spectrum of the free surface shear flow

    ** Figure : Eigenmmode of the free surface shear flow for k=1

    ** Figure : Eigenmmode of the free surface shear flow for k=1

    Loop over alpha

    figure(5);numev=5;%number of ev to plot
    for alpha = .1:.1:2
        [s,UU] = EV_FreeSurf(alpha); 
        omega = 1i*s;
        plot(alpha*ones(1,numev),real(omega(1:numev)),'*r');hold on;
        plot(alpha*ones(1,numev),imag(omega(1:numev)),'*r');hold on;
    ** Figure : Temporal branches of the free surface shear flow

    ** Figure : Temporal branches of the free surface shear flow


    Function performing the eigenvalue computation

    function [s,UU] = EV_FreeSurf(alpha)
    global y dy dyy Z I INT n H nu gamma g U Uy Uyy
    dx=1i*alpha*I; dxx=-alpha^2*I;
    % base flow
    % the matrices
    A=[S, -diag(Uy), -dx, Z(:,1); ...
       Z, S, -dy, Z(:,1); ...
       dx, dy, Z, Z(:,1); ...
    B = blkdiag(I,I,Z,1);
    % Note that the last line (number 3n+1) is used to enforce the kinematic
    % boundary condition
    % boundary conditions
    % lines 1 and n+1 (corresponding to point y=0 for u and v) are used to
    % enforce no-slip boundary conditions at the bottom.
    % lines n and 2n (corresponding to point y=H for u and v) are used to
    % enforce the two dynamic conditions.
    loc=[1 n n+1 2*n];  
    A(1,:) = [I(1,:),Z(1,:),Z(1,:),0];
    A(n+1,:) = [Z(1,:),I(1,:),Z(1,:),0];
    A(n,:)   = [Z(n,:), 2*nu*dy(n,:), -I(n,:), g+gamma*alpha^2-1i*alpha*Uy(n)];
    A(2*n,:) = [dy(n,:), 1i*alpha*I(n,:), Z(n,:),   Uyy(n)]; 
    % computing eigenmodes 
    % sorting by ascending real part and removing large-eigenvalue spurious modes
    s=diag(S);  [t,o]=sort(-real(s)); s=s(o); UU=UU(:,o);
    rem=abs(s)>100; s(rem)=[]; UU(:,rem)=[];
        % this is a trick to allow to use the function as s=EV_FreeSurface(alpha). 
        % This allows to pass the function as a handle for fzero.
    end % function EV_FreeSurf
    function [] = plotmode(~,~,mode,omega,alpha)
        global y dy dyy
        figure(2);hold off;
        N = length(y);
        u = mode(1:N);
        v = mode(N+1:2*N);
        p = mode(2*N+1:3*N);
        eta = mode(3*N+1);
        vorticity = (dy*u)-1i*alpha*v;
        subplot(1,3,1);hold off;
        plot(real(u),y,'b-',imag(u),y,'b--');hold on;
        plot(real(v),y,'g-',imag(v),y,'g--');hold on;
        plot(real(p),y,'k-',imag(p),y,'k--');hold on;
        ylabel('y'); ylim([0,1.5]);
        title('Structure of the eigenmode');
        % plot 2D reconstruction
        Lx=2*pi/alpha; Nx =30;  x=linspace(-Lx/2,Lx/2,Nx);
        yy = y;
        pp = 2*real(p*exp(1i*alpha*x));
        subplot(1,3,2:3); hold off;
        contourf(x,yy,vorticityvorticity,10); hold on; 
        quiver(x,yy,uu,vv,'k'); hold on;
        xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); title({'Structure of the eigenmode (2D reconstruction)',['for k = ',num2str(alpha) , ' ; omega = ',num2str(omega)]});
    end% function plotmode