
    Rotation test z-direction: sphere freely rotating in a simple shear (Stokes) flow with DLMFD

    We measure the sphere’s rotation rate in the z-direction by imposition a simple shear along the x direction. The velocity field reads \vec{u} = \left(u,v,w\right) = \left(\dot{\gamma}y,0,0 \right), with \dot{\gamma} the shear rate.

    The surface velocity on the particle satisfies \bm{\Omega}\cdot \vec{x} = \vec{\omega^p}\times \vec{x}, with \bm{\Omega} being the rotation rate tensor, \vec{\omega^p} the (pseudo vector) rotation vector and \vec{x} the position vector of a point on the sphere. Note that \vec{\omega^p} is related to the vorticity \vec{\hat{\omega}} as \vec{\omega^p} = \frac{1}{2}\vec{\hat{\omega}}.

    Given \vec{x} = \left(x,y,z\right), a point on the surface of the sphere and \vec{\omega^p} = \left(\omega^p_x,\omega^p_y,\omega^p_z \right), it comes \displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\dot\gamma y = \omega^p_y z - \omega^p_z y \displaystyle -\frac{1}{2}\dot\gamma x = \omega^p_z x - \omega^p_x z \displaystyle \omega^p_x y = \omega^p_y x

    for \vec{x} = \left(D/2,0,0\right), it comes \displaystyle -\frac{1}{2}\dot{\gamma} = \omega^p_z and \omega^p_y = 0

    for \vec{x} = \left(0,D/2,0\right), it comes \omega^p_x = 0.

    for \vec{x} = \left(0,0,D/2\right), it comes \omega^p_x = \omega^p_y = 0, which is redundent.

    # define LEVEL 4
    # include "grid/octree.h"
    # define DLM_Moving_particle 1
    # define TRANSLATION 0
    # define ROTATION 1
    # define DLM_alpha_coupling 1
    # define NPARTICLES 1
    # define adaptive 1
    # define MAXLEVEL (LEVEL + 5)

    Physical parameters

    # define Uc 1. //caracteristic velocity
    # define rhoval 1. // fluid density
    # define diam (1.) // particle diameter
    # define ReD  (0.001) // Reynolds number based on the particle's diameter to setup the viscosity
    # define Ldomain 20
    # define rhosolid 2 //particle density
    # define tval (rhoval*Uc*diam/ReD) // fluid dynamical viscosity

    Output and numerical parameters

    # define Tc (diam/Uc) // caracteristic time scale
    # define mydt (Tc/200.) // maximum time-step
    # define maxtime (1.)
    # define tsave (Tc/1.)

    We include the ficitious-domain implementation

    # include "dlmfd.h"
    # include "view.h"
    double deltau;
    scalar un[];
    int main() {
      L0 = Ldomain;
      stokes = true;
      /* set time step */
      DT = mydt; 
      /* initialize grid */
      init_grid (1 << (LEVEL));
      /* boundary conditions */

    The shear rate is \dot{\gamma} = 2Uc/L0

      /* top boundary */
      uf.n[top] = dirichlet(0.);
      uf.r[top] = dirichlet(Uc);
      uf.t[top] = dirichlet(0.);
      u.n[top] = dirichlet(0.);
      u.r[top] = dirichlet(Uc);
      u.t[top] = dirichlet(0.);
      p[top] = neumann(0.);
      pf[top] = neumann(0.);
      /* bottom boundary */
      uf.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0.);
      uf.r[bottom] = dirichlet(-Uc);
      uf.t[bottom] = dirichlet(0.);
      u.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0.);
      u.r[bottom] = dirichlet(-Uc);
      u.t[bottom] = dirichlet(0.);
      p[bottom] = neumann(0.);
      pf[bottom] = neumann(0.);
      /* Convergence criteria */
      TOLERANCE = 1e-4;

    We initialize the fluid and particle variables.

    event init (i = 0) {
      /* set origin */
      origin (0., 0., 0.);
      if (!restore (file = "dump")) { 
        /* fluid initial condition: */
        foreach() {
          u.x[] = -Uc + 2*y*Uc/L0;
          un[] = u.x[];
        /* initial condition: particles position */
        particle * p = particles;
        for (int k = 0; k < NPARTICLES; k++) {
          GeomParameter gp = {0};
 = L0/2.;
 = L0/2.;
 = L0/2.;
          gp.radius   = diam/2.;
          p[k].g = gp;
          /* initial condition: particle's velocity */
          coord c = {0., 0., 0.};
          p[k].w = c;
      } else { // restart of a run, the default init event will take care
    	   // of it

    We log the number of iterations of the multigrid solver for pressure and viscosity.

    event logfile (i++) {
      deltau = change (u.x, un);
      fprintf (stderr, "log output %d %g %d %d %g %g %g %ld\n", i, t, mgp.i, mgu.i, mgp.resa, mgu.resa, deltau, grid->tn);
    event output_data (t += 0.01; t < maxtime) {
      stats statsvelox;
      /* scalar omega[]; */
      view (fov = 22.3366, quat = {0,0,0,1}, tx = -0.465283, ty = -0.439056, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 890, height = 862, samples = 1);
      /* vorticity(u, omega); */
      statsvelox =  statsf (u.x);
      squares ("u.x", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = L0/2, map = cool_warm, min = statsvelox.min, max = statsvelox.max); 
      cells(n = {0,0,1}, alpha = L0/2);
      save ("movie.mp4");
    event last_output (t = end) {
      p.nodump = false;


    set grid
    show grid
    plot "particle-data-0" u 1:8 w l title "\omega^p_x", "particle-data-0" u 1:9 w l title "\omega^p_y", 0 title "analytical omega^p_x",0 title "analytical omega^p_y"
    particle’s angular velocities \omega^p_x, \omega^p_y (script)

    particle’s angular velocities \omega^p_x, \omega^p_y (script)

    set grid
    show grid
    Uc = 1.;
    L = 20;
    shear = 2.*Uc/L
    plot  "particle-data-0" u 1:10 w l title "\omega^p_z",-shear*0.5 title "analytical omega^p_z"
    particle’s angular velocity \omega^p_z (script)

    particle’s angular velocity \omega^p_z (script)

    set grid
    show grid
    plot "sum_lambda-0" u 1:5 w l title "T_x", "sum_lambda-0" u 1:6 w l title "T_y", "sum_lambda-0" u 1:7 w l title "T_z"
    Torque on the particle T_x, T_y, T_z (script)

    Torque on the particle T_x, T_y, T_z (script)


    Streamwise velocity component: u.x