
    Coupling Grains3D (a c++ granular solver) with basilisk

    Flow past a cube at Re = 20 (based on cube’s length)

    # include "grid/octree.h"
    # define DLM_Moving_particle 0
    # define NPARTICLES 1
    /* Coupling Interface for Grains3D */
    # include "InterfaceGrains.h"
    /* Fictitious domain implementation */
    # include "DLMFD_reverse_Uzawa.h"
    /* Additional helper functions for the coupling Grains3D */
    # include "BasiliskGrainsCouplingFunctions.h"
    /* Parameters related to the patial resolution*/
    # define LEVEL 6
    # define adaptive 1
    /* if adaptivity is enabled define the maximum level of refinement MAXLEVEL */
    # if adaptive
    # define MAXLEVEL (LEVEL + 1)
    # endif
    /* Physical parameters */
    # define rhoval 1. // fluid density
    # define tval 0.01 // fluid dynamic viscosity 
    # define Uc 1 // caracteristic velocity 
    /* output and numerical parameters */
    # define mydt  (0.002) //time-step
    # define maxtime (1500*mydt) // simulation time
    double deltau;
    scalar un[];
    int restarted_simu = 0;
    struct BasiliskDataStructure BasiliskData[NPARTICLES];
    int main () {
      origin (0., 0., 0.);
      L0 = 1.;
      /* set time step */
      DT = mydt;
      /* initialise a uniform grid */
      init_grid (1 << LEVEL);
      /* boundary conditions */
      u.t[left]   = dirichlet(0.); //v
      u.r[left]   = dirichlet(0.); //w
      u.n[left]   = dirichlet(Uc); //u
      u.t[right]  = dirichlet(0.); //v
      u.r[right]  = dirichlet(0.); //w
      u.n[right]  = dirichlet(Uc); //u
      u.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0.); //v
      u.t[bottom] = dirichlet(0.); //w
      u.r[bottom] = dirichlet(Uc); //u
      u.n[top]    = dirichlet(0.); //v
      u.t[top]    = dirichlet(0.); //w
      u.r[top]    = dirichlet(Uc); //u
      u.n[front]  = dirichlet(0.); //w
      u.t[front]  = dirichlet(Uc); //u
      u.r[front]  = dirichlet(0.); //v
      u.n[back]   = dirichlet(0.); //w
      u.t[back]   = dirichlet(Uc); //u
      u.r[back]   = dirichlet(0.); //v
      // Convergence criteria for the N-S solver
      TOLERANCE = 1e-3; 
    event init (i = 0) {
      particle * p = particles;
      const scalar rhoc[] = rhoval;
      rho = rhoc;
      const face vector muc[] = {tval, tval, tval};
      mu = muc;
      /* If new simulation: set fluid's initial
         condition and initialise data file pointers */
      if (!restore (file = "dump")) {
        /* Initial condition for the fluid */
        foreach() {
          foreach_dimension() {
    	u.x[] = Uc;
          un[] = u.x[];
        /* Initialise data file pointers */
        init_file_pointers (pdata, fdata, 0);
      else { 
        restore_particle (p);
        restarted_simu = 1;
        /* Re-initialize file poiters */
        init_file_pointers(pdata, fdata, 1);
        fprintf (ferr, "simulation restored: it has to go for t_end = %f\n", maxtime);
      /* Initialize Grains with its parameters */
      bool b_restart = false;
      bool b_intitializeClonePer = false;
      double grid_size = 0.;
      bool is_solidsolver_parallel = false;
      int my_rank = pid();
      int nb_procs = npe();
      /* Grains runs in sequential */
      if (pid() == 0) {
        Init_Grains (rhoval, b_restart,
    		 is_solidsolver_parallel, my_rank, nb_procs);
        /* Transfer the data to the common C structure */
        Data_GrainsToCstruct (&BasiliskData[0], NPARTICLES);
        /* Check that Paraview writer is activated (is this needed ?) */
        checkParaviewPostProcessing_Grains ("Grains/Res");
      /* Update Basilisk particle structure */ 
      UpdateParticlesBasilisk (&BasiliskData[0], p, NPARTICLES);
      /* Unallocate the BasiliskDataStructure used for Grains-Basilisk
         communication.  At this point Basilisk has all the particle data
         in the structure particles */
      unallocateBasiliskDataStructure(&BasiliskData[0], NPARTICLES);
      /* Set the particle types (spheres and cubes only for now) */
      for (int k = 0; k < NPARTICLES; k++) {   
        p[k].iswall = 0;
        GeomParameter * gg;
        gg = &(p[k].g);
        if (gg->ncorners == 8)
          p[k].iscube = 1;
        p[k].pnum = k;
    #if DLM_Moving_particle
        p[k].gravity.x = 0.;
        p[k].gravity.y = 0.;
        p[k].gravity.z = 0.;

    We log the number of iterations of the multigrid solver for pressure and viscosity.

    event logfile (i++) {
      deltau = change (u.y, un);
      fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %d %d %g \n", i, t, mgp.i, mgu.i, deltau);
      if (t > maxtime){
        return 1;

    Overloading the viscount event to add an explicit coupling term that improves the resolution of two (uncoupled) sub-problems

    #if DLM_alpha_coupling
    event viscous_term (i++) {
      foreach() {
        foreach_dimension() {
          u.x[] += -dt*DLM_explicit.x[]/(rho[]*dv());

    Overloading the adapt event to plug-in the granular and fictitious domain problem

    event adapt (i++) {
      particle * pp = particles;
      /* Predictor step: pure granular problem with Grains (Grains works
         in sequential only) */
      if (pid() == 0) {
        printf("calling Grains at iteration %d\n", i);
        Simu_Grains (true, false, false);
        Data_GrainsToCstruct (&BasiliskData[0], NPARTICLES);
      UpdateParticlesBasilisk (&BasiliskData[0], pp, NPARTICLES);
      /* Fictitious domain problem */
      DLMFD_subproblem (pp, i, rhoval);
      UpdateBasiliskStructure (&BasiliskData[0], pp, NPARTICLES);
      if (pid() == 0)
        Update_Velocity_Grains (&BasiliskData[0]);
      unallocateBasiliskDataStructure(&BasiliskData[0], NPARTICLES);
      /* Save the forces acting on particles before adapting the mesh */
      sumLambda (pp, fdata, t, dt, flagfield, DLM_lambda, index_lambda, rhoval);
      /* We free particle's dlmfd points (we dont need them anymore) */
      free_particles (pp, NPARTICLES);
      /* We save all particles trajectories */
      particle_data (pp, t, i, pdata);

    Call the adapt_wavelet function to adapt the mesh

    #if adaptive
    #if DLM_Moving_particle
      astats s = adapt_wavelet ((scalar *){flagfield_mailleur, u}, (double[]){1e-5, 1e-2, 1e-2, 1e-2}, maxlevel = MAXLEVEL);
      astats s = adapt_wavelet ((scalar *){flagfield, u}, (double[]){1e-5, 1e-2, 1e-2, 1e-2}, maxlevel = MAXLEVEL);
      fprintf (ferr, "# refined %d cells, coarsened %d cells\n",,;
    event output_data (t += 0.0125; t <= maxtime)
      char name[80] = "allfields";
      scalar * list = {p, index_lambda.x};
      vector * vlist = {u};
      save_data(list, vlist, i, t, name);
      dump(file = "dump");
      particle * p = particles;
      if (pid() == 0)
        SaveResults_Grains(i, &restarted_simu);
    event output_perf (i+=100; t <= maxtime) {
      particle * p = particles;
      if (i>10) output_dlmfd_perf (dlmfd_globaltiming, i, p);
    event lastdump (t = end) {
      dump(file = "dump");
      particle * p = particles;
      if (pid() == 0)
        SaveResults_Grains(i, &restarted_simu);

