
    Sphere with initial rotation rate and subject to gravity in a box of L=120D

    # include "grid/octree.h"
    # define DLM_Moving_particle 1
    # define NPARTICLES 1
    # define DLM_alpha_coupling 1

    Parameters related to the spatial resolution

    # define LEVEL 4 
    # define adaptive 1
    # if adaptive
    # define MAXLEVEL (LEVEL + 8)
    # endif

    Physical parameters

    The characteristic velocity scale is U_c = \sqrt(gD) with D the sphere’s diameters (characteristic length scale).The Reynolds number based on U_c is Re = 25.

    # define rhoval 1000. // fluid density
    # define rhosolid 1140.
    # define gravity_y -9.81 // gravity acceleration
    # define Lc (0.01)  // characteristic length - particle diameter
    # define tval 0.125284 // fluid dynamic viscosity, here Re = 25
    # define Uc 0.31321 // sqrt(grav*Lc)
    # define Tc (Lc/Uc) // characteristic time
    /* output and numerical parameters */
    # define mydt (Tc/50) //time-step
    # define maxtime (5*Tc) // simulation time

    Fictitious domain implementation

    # include "dlmfd-toygs.h"
    # include "navier-stokes/perfs.h"
    double deltau;
    scalar un[];
    int main () {
      origin (0., 0., 0.);
      L0 = 1.2;
      /* set time step */
      DT = mydt;
      /* initialise a uniform grid */
      init_grid (1 << LEVEL);
      /* boundary conditions */
      u.t[left]   = dirichlet(0.); //v
      u.r[left]   = dirichlet(0.); //w
      u.n[left]   = dirichlet(0.); //u
      uf.t[left]   = dirichlet(0.); //v
      uf.r[left]   = dirichlet(0.); //w
      uf.n[left]   = dirichlet(0.); //u
      u.t[right]  = dirichlet(0.); //v
      u.r[right]  = dirichlet(0.); //w
      u.n[right]  = dirichlet(0.); //u
      uf.t[right]  = dirichlet(0.); //v
      uf.r[right]  = dirichlet(0.); //w
      uf.n[right]  = dirichlet(0.); //u
      u.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0.); //v
      u.t[bottom] = dirichlet(0.); //w
      u.r[bottom] = dirichlet(0.); //u
      uf.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0.); //v
      uf.t[bottom] = dirichlet(0.); //w
      uf.r[bottom] = dirichlet(0.); //u
      u.n[top]    = dirichlet(0.); //v
      u.t[top]    = dirichlet(0.); //w
      u.r[top]    = dirichlet(0.); //u
      uf.n[top]    = dirichlet(0.); //v
      uf.t[top]    = dirichlet(0.); //w
      uf.r[top]    = dirichlet(0.); //u
      u.n[front]  = dirichlet(0.); //w
      u.t[front]  = dirichlet(0.); //u
      u.r[front]  = dirichlet(0.); //v
      uf.n[front]  = dirichlet(0.); //w
      uf.t[front]  = dirichlet(0.); //u
      uf.r[front]  = dirichlet(0.); //v
      u.n[back]   = dirichlet(0.); //w
      u.t[back]   = dirichlet(0.); //u
      u.r[back]   = dirichlet(0.); //v
      uf.n[back]   = dirichlet(0.); //w
      uf.t[back]   = dirichlet(0.); //u
      uf.r[back]   = dirichlet(0.); //v
      // Convergence criteria for the N-S solver
      TOLERANCE = 1e-4; 
      NITERMIN = 2;
    event init (i = 0) {
      particle * p = particles;
      /* Initial condition for the fluid */
      foreach() {
        foreach_dimension() {
          u.x[] = 0.;
        un[] = u.x[];
      double diam = Lc;
      /* Set the particle types (spheres and cubes only for now) */
      for (int k = 0; k < NPARTICLES; k++) {   
        GeomParameter gp = {0}; = L0/2; = L0-20*diam; = L0/2;
        gp.radius = diam/2.;
        p[k].g = gp;
        /* initial condition: particle's velocities */
        coord c = {0., 0., 0. };
        p[k].U = c;
        c.z = 1.;
        p[k].w = c; 
    event output_data (t += Tc; t <= maxtime)
      dump(file = "dump");
      particle * p = particles;
      /* performances display/output */
      if (i > 10) output_dlmfd_perf (dlmfd_globaltiming, i, p);
     event last_output (t=end){
      p.nodump = false;
      /* performances display/output */
      particle * p = particles;
      if (i > 10) output_dlmfd_perf (dlmfd_globaltiming, i, p);


    set grid
    show grid
    Lc = 0.01
    Uc = 0.31321
    tc = Lc/Uc
    set xlabel "t/t_c"
    set ylabel "t_c*\omega"
    plot "particle-data-0" u ($1/tc):($8*tc) w l title "t_c\omega^p_x", "particle-data-0" u ($1/tc):($9*tc) w l title "\omega^p_y t_c", "particle-data-0" u ($1/tc):($10*tc) w l title "\omega^p_z t_c"
    dimensionless particle angular velocities t_c\omega^p_x, t_c\omega^p_y , t_c\omega^p_z (script)

    dimensionless particle angular velocities t_c\omega^p_x, t_c\omega^p_y , t_c\omega^p_z (script)

    set grid
    show grid
    Lc = 0.01
    Uc = 0.31321
    tc = Lc/Uc
    set xlabel "t/t_c"
    set ylabel "u/Uc"
    plot  "particle-data-0" u ($1/tc):($5/Uc) w l title "U_x/Uc","particle-data-0" u ($1/tc):($6/Uc) w l title "U_y/Uc", "particle-data-0" u ($1/tc):($7/Uc) w l title "U_z/Uc"
    dimensionless particle translational velocities U_x/Uc, U_y/Uc, U_z/Uc (script)

    dimensionless particle translational velocities U_x/Uc, U_y/Uc, U_z/Uc (script)

    diam = 0.01
    show grid
    set xlabel "x/diam"
    set ylabel "y/diam"
    plot "particle-data-0" u ($2/diam):($3/diam) w l title "trajectory"
    particle trajectory in x-y plane at z=L0/2 (script)

    particle trajectory in x-y plane at z=L0/2 (script)