
    Vortex Ejection from a mode 3 instability with dlmfd (distributed Lagrange multipliers/Fictitious domain method)

    This page is the fictitious-domain version of Antoon’s simulation with embeded geometry. It is copy/pasted here and adapted for the fictitious domain method. According to Kizner et al. (2013), a flow around a no-slip cylinder with radius R maybe unstable and eject three dipolar vortex pairs. We study the flow using the fictitious-domain method and the Navier-Stokes solver (without the double-projection scheme). Furthermore, we will view our results.

    /* Physical parameters */
    # define rhoval (1.) // fluid density
    # define radi (1.) // particle radius
    # define Re 30000.
    # define tval (1./Re)
    # define MAXLEVEL 12
    # define mydt 0.04
    # define maxtime  100.
    /* Criteria for adaptivity */
    # define adaptive 1
    # define UxAdaptCrit (4.E-3)
    # define UyAdaptCrit (4.E-3)
    # include "dlmfd.h"
    # include "view.h"

    The maximum resolution is set to \Delta_{min}=R/100. This allows to run on the sandbox server.

    int main() {
      L0 = 40.;

    Rather than choosing stress-free outer-domain boundaries, periodic boundaries are used. This markably increased the congergence properties of the iterative Multigrid strategy applied to the advection and viscous problems.

          Since the perturbed initialized solution is slightly inconsistent, the
          Poisson solver is tuned to be extra robust for the first ten
      CFL = 0.6;
      DT = mydt;
      TOLERANCE = 1E-4;
      NITERMIN = 5;

    The cylinder is defined and the flow field is initialized c.f. Kizner et al. (2013) with an m=3 perturbation.

    #define RAD (pow(sq(x-0.5*L0) + sq(y-0.5*L0), 0.5))
    #define THETA(M) (M*asin((x-0.5*L0)/RAD))
    #define RADP(P, M) ((1 + P*sin(THETA(M)))/(pow(1 + 0.5*sq(P), 0.5)))
    event init(t = 0) {
       origin (0., 0.);
      double a1 = 1.5 , b1 = 2.25 ;
      double P = 0.005, m = 3;
      double gamma = (sq(a1) - 1.)/(sq(b1) - sq(a1));
      refine (RAD < b1  && level < (MAXLEVEL-1));
      refine (RAD < 1.05 && RAD > 0.95  && level < MAXLEVEL);
      foreach() {
        double r = RAD;
        double r1 = RADP(P,m)*r;
        double vr;
        if (r1 > 0.9 && r1 < a1)
          vr = r1 - 1./r1;
        else if (r1 >= a1 && r1 <= b1)
          vr = -gamma*r1 + ((1 + gamma)*sq(a1) - 1.)/r1;
        else // (0.9 > r || r > b)
          vr = 0;
        u.x[] = cm[]*0.5*vr*r*-(y-L0/2.)/(sq((x-L0/2.)) + sq((y-L0/2.)));
        u.y[] = cm[]*0.5*vr*r* (x-L0/2.)/(sq((x-L0/2.)) + sq((y-L0/2.)));
      /* initial condition: particles/fictitious-domains positions */
      particle * p = particles;
      for (int k = 0; k < NPARTICLES; k++) {
        GeomParameter gp = {0}; = L0/2; = L0/2;
        gp.radius = radi;
        p[k].g = gp;
    event relax_a_little (i = 10) {
      NITERMIN = 1;

    Ouput and Results

    Movies are generated that display the vorticity dynamics and the grid-cell structure.

    event movie (t += 0.4; t <= maxtime) {
      p.nodump = false;
      scalar omega[];
      vorticity (u, omega);
      boundary ({omega});
      view (fov = 5, quat = {0,0,0,1}, tx = -0.5*radi, ty = -0.5*radi, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 600, height = 600, samples = 1);
      squares ("omega", min = -0.75, max = 0.75,
    	   map = cool_warm, linear = true);
      save ("kizner12.mp4");
      view (fov = 2, quat = {0,0,0,1}, tx = -0.5*radi, ty = -0.5*radi, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1080, height = 1080, samples = 1);
      squares ("omega", min = -0.75, max = 0.75,
    	   map = cool_warm, linear = true);
      save ("kizner_cells_zoom.mp4");

    Also there is this movie:

    A zoom

    event lastdump (t = end) {
      dump (file="dump");
      particle * p = particles;
      /* performances display/output */
      output_dlmfd_perf (dlmfd_globaltiming, i, p);
    set yr [0 : 25000]
    set xlabel 'time iteration'
    set ylabel 'number of Cells or Lagrange multipliers'
    plot "dlmfd-cells" u 1:3 w l lw 2 title "Constrained cells","dlmfd-cells" u 1:2 w l lw 2 title "Lagrange multpliers", "dlmfd-cells" u 1:4 w l lw 2 title "Total cells"
    Number of constrained cells, Lagrange multipliers, total cells. (script)

    Number of constrained cells, Lagrange multipliers, total cells. (script)

    set xlabel 'time iteration'
    set ylabel 'number of iterations'
    plot "converge-uzawa" u 1:2 w l lw 2 title "dlmfd-solver"
    Number of iterations for the fictitious domain solver. (script)

    Number of iterations for the fictitious domain solver. (script)

    set yr [0 : 0.000012]
    set xlabel 'time iteration'
    set ylabel 'dlmfd-solver error'
    f(x) = 0.00001
    plot "converge-uzawa" u 1:3 w l lw 2 title "||u_dlmfd - u_particle||_2",f(x) w l lw 2 title "convergence-criterion"
    error ||u_dlmfd - u_particle||_2 vs time iteration (here u_particle = 0 as the cylinder is immobile) (script)

    error ||u_dlmfd - u_particle||_2 vs time iteration (here u_particle = 0 as the cylinder is immobile) (script)

    The performances of the dlmfd-solver is stored in the “dlmfd-perf” file.


    Kizner, Z., Makarov, V., Kamp, L., & Van Heijst, G. (2013). Instabilities of the flow around a cylinder and emission of vortex dipoles. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 730, 419-441. doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.345