
    Helper functions for the fictitious-domain method with distributed

    Lagrangian multipliers.

    Structure for the coordinates of the fictitious domain’s boundary.

    typedef struct {
      double *x;
      double *y;
      double *z;
      int m;
      int nm;
    } SolidBodyBoundary;

    Geometric parameters of the particle.

    typedef struct {
      coord  center;
      double radius;
      int ncorners, allPoints, allFaces;
      double ** cornersCoord;
      long int ** cornersIndex;
      long int * numPointsOnFaces;
      /*3 principals vectors of the cube */
      coord u1, v1, w1;
      coord mins, maxs;
    } GeomParameter;
    typedef struct {
      SolidBodyBoundary s;
      GeomParameter g;
      GeomParameter gnm1;
    #if DLM_Moving_particle
      double kn, en, vzero, wished_ratio;
      coord normalvector;
      coord gravity;
       double M, Ip[6], rho_s, Vp, DLMFD_couplingfactor;
      coord U, Unm1, qU, tU;
    #if ROTATION
      coord w, wnm1, qw, tw;
      size_t pnum, iswall, iscube;
      coord wallmax, wallmin, wallpos;
      coord imposedU, imposedw;
      Cache Interior;
      Cache reduced_domain;
      coord adforce;
      long tcells, tmultipliers;
    } particle;

    Function that allocates in memory the SolidBodyBoundary structure.

    void allocate_SolidBodyBoundary (SolidBodyBoundary *sbm, const int m) {
      sbm->x = (double*) calloc( m, sizeof(double)); 
      sbm->y = (double*) calloc( m, sizeof(double));
      if ( dimension == 3 )
        sbm->z = (double*) calloc( m, sizeof(double));
        sbm->z = NULL;
      sbm->m = m;
    void reallocate_SolidBodyBoundary (SolidBodyBoundary *sbm, const int m) {
      sbm->x = (double*) realloc (sbm->x, m*sizeof(double)); 
      sbm->y = (double*) realloc (sbm->y, m*sizeof(double));
      if (dimension == 3)
        sbm->z = (double*) realloc (sbm->z, m*sizeof(double));
      sbm->m = m;

    Function that de-allocates in memory the SolidBodyBoundary structure.

    void free_SolidBodyBoundary (SolidBodyBoundary *sbm) {
      free(sbm->x); sbm->x = NULL;
      free(sbm->y); sbm->y = NULL;
      if ( dimension == 3 ){free(sbm->z); sbm->z = NULL;}

    Function that allocates an initial Cache structure

    void allocate_Cache (Cache * p) {
      p->n = 0;
      p->nm = 0;
      if (p->n >= p->nm) {
        p->p = (Index *) calloc (5, sizeof(int));

    Set of functions for the sphere/circle as fictitious domain

    void compute_nboundary (const GeomParameter gcp, int * nb) {
      coord pos[6];
      Cache poscache = {0};
      Point lpoint;
      pos[0].x = + gcp.radius + X0;
      pos[0].y = + Y0;
      pos[1].x = - gcp.radius + X0;
      pos[1].y = + Y0;
      pos[2].x = + X0;
      pos[2].y = + gcp.radius + Y0;
      pos[3].x = + X0;
      pos[3].y = - gcp.radius + Y0;
    #if dimension == 3
      pos[0].z = + Z0;
      pos[1].z = + Z0;
      pos[2].z = + Z0;
      pos[3].z = + Z0;
      pos[4].x = + X0;
      pos[4].y = + Y0;
      pos[4].z = + gcp.radius + Z0;
      pos[5].x = + X0;
      pos[5].y = + Y0;
      pos[5].z = - gcp.radius + Z0;
      *nb = 0;
      lpoint.level = -1;
      int ip = 0;
      /* We assume that around the sphere at least one point has to be at
         maximum level of refinement. */
      for (ip = 0; ip < dimension*2; ip++) {
    #if dimension == 3
        lpoint = locate (pos[ip].x, pos[ip].y, pos[ip].z);
    #elif dimension ==2 
        lpoint = locate (pos[ip].x, pos[ip].y);
        if (lpoint.level == depth())

    Multiple threads can have a different point at the same level of refinement. This is fine, they will do the same computation for *nb. This problem does not exist in serial but the code below still works.

      if (lpoint.level == depth()) {

    Only this thread creates the Cache …

        cache_append(&poscache, lpoint, 0);

    and only this thread computes the number of boundary points …

        foreach_cache(poscache) {
    #if dimension == 2
          *nb += (int){floor(gcp.radius*2*pi/(sqrt(2)*Delta))};
          /* Debug periodic boundaries, we use only one multiplier */
          /* *nb =1.; */
    #elif dimension == 3
          *nb += (int){floor(pow( 3.809 * gcp.radius / (sqrt(3)*Delta), 2.))};

    and finally, this thread destroys the cache.

    #if _MPI
      mpi_all_reduce (*nb, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX);
      if(*nb == 0)
        printf("nboundary = 0: No boundary points !!!\n");
    void create_FD_Interior_Particle (particle * p, vector Index_lambda, vector shift, scalar flag) {
      GeomParameter gci = p->g;
      Cache * fd = &(p->Interior);

    Create the cache for the interior points

      foreach() {
    #if dimension == 2
        if ((sq(x - ( + X0)) + sq(y - ( + Y0))) < sq(gci.radius)) {
          cache_append (fd, point, 0);
          /* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
          if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1)
    	Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum; 
        if (Period.x) {
          if ((sq(x - L0 - ( + X0)) + sq(y - ( + Y0))) < sq(gci.radius)) {
        	cache_append (fd, point, 0);
        	/* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
        	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1) 
        	  Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum;
    	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == p->pnum)
    	  shift.x[] = L0;
          if ((sq(x + L0 - ( + X0)) + sq(y - ( + Y0))) < sq(gci.radius)) {
        	cache_append (fd, point, 0);
    	/* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
        	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1) 
        	  Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum;
    	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == p->pnum)
    	  shift.x[] = -L0;
        if (Period.y) {
          if ((sq(x - ( + X0)) + sq(y - L0 - ( + Y0))) < sq(gci.radius)) {
        	cache_append (fd, point, 0);
    	/* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
    	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1) {
    	  Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum;
    	  if (flag[] < 1)
    	    shift.y[] = L0;
          if ((sq(x - ( + X0)) + sq(y + L0 - ( + Y0))) < sq(gci.radius)) {
        	cache_append (fd, point, 0);
    	/* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
    	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1) {
    	  Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum;
    	  if (flag[] < 1)
    	    shift.y[] = -L0;
    #if dimension == 3
        if ((sq(x - ( + X0)) + sq(y - ( + Y0)) + sq(z - ( + Z0))) < sq(gci.radius)) {
          cache_append (fd, point, 0);
          /* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
          if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1)
    	Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum;
        if (Period.x) {
          if ((sq(x - L0 - ( + X0) ) + sq(y - ( + Y0)) + sq(z - ( + Z0))) < sq(gci.radius)) {
        	cache_append (fd, point, 0);
        	/* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
        	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1) 
        	  Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum;
    	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == p->pnum)
    	  shift.x[] = L0;
    	if ((sq(x + L0 - ( + X0) ) + sq(y - ( + Y0)) + sq(z - ( + Z0))) < sq(gci.radius)) {
        	cache_append (fd, point, 0);
        	/* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
        	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1) 
        	  Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum;
    	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == p->pnum)
    	  shift.x[] = -L0;
        if (Period.y) {
          if ((sq(x - ( + X0)) + sq(y - L0 - ( + Y0)) + sq(z - ( + Z0))) < sq(gci.radius)) {
        	cache_append (fd, point, 0);
    	/* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
    	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1) {
    	  Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum;
    	  if (flag[] < 1)
    	    shift.y[] = L0;
          if ((sq(x - ( + X0)) + sq(y + L0 - ( + Y0)) + sq(z - ( + Z0))) < sq(gci.radius)) {
        	cache_append (fd, point, 0);
    	/* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
    	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1) {
    	  Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum;
    	  if (flag[] < 1)
    	    shift.y[] = -L0;
        if (Period.z) {
          if ((sq(x - ( + X0)) + sq(y - ( + Y0)) + sq(z - L0 - ( + Z0))) < sq(gci.radius)) {
        	cache_append (fd, point, 0);
    	/* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
    	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1) {
    	  Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum;
    	  if (flag[] < 1)
    	    shift.z[] = L0;
          if ((sq(x - ( + X0)) + sq(y - ( + Y0)) + sq(z + L0 - ( + Z0))) < sq(gci.radius)) {
        	cache_append (fd, point, 0);
    	/* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
    	if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1) {
    	  Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum;
    	  if (flag[] < 1)
    	    shift.z[] = -L0;
        cache_shrink (fd);
    void create_FD_Boundary_Particle (GeomParameter gcp, SolidBodyBoundary * dlm_bd, const int nsphere, vector pshift) {
      int m = nsphere;
      coord pos;
      Point lpoint;
      coord shift = {0., 0., 0.};
      coord ori = {X0, Y0, Z0};
    #if dimension == 2
      int i;
      double theta[m];
      double radius  = gcp.radius;
      coord fact_theta[m];
      for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        theta[i] = i*2*pi/m; 
        fact_theta[i].x = cos (theta[i]);
        fact_theta[i].y = sin (theta[i]);
        /* Assign positions x,y on a circle's boundary */ 
        pos.x = radius*fact_theta[i].x + + X0;
        pos.y = radius*fact_theta[i].y + + Y0;
        /* Check if the point falls outside of the domain */
        foreach_dimension() {
          if (Period.x) {
    	shift.x = 0.;
    	if (pos.x > (L0 + ori.x)) {
    	  pos.x -= L0;
    	  shift.x = -L0;
    	if (pos.x < (0. + ori.x)) {
    	  pos.x += L0;
    	  shift.x = L0;
          dlm_bd->x[i] = pos.x; 
        Cache poscache = {0};
        lpoint = locate (pos.x, pos.y);
        if (lpoint.level > -1) {
          cache_append (&poscache, lpoint, 0);
          foreach_cache (poscache) {
    	foreach_dimension() {
    	  pshift.x[] = shift.x;
          free (poscache.p);
    #elif dimension == 3
      /* Lay out points on a sphere with a Z oriented spiral scheme */
      /* This portion of code is recovered from Peligriff and adapted */
      /* More information of this method can be found at: */
      /* Saff, E. & Kuijlaars, A. Distributing many points on a sphere The
         Mathematical Intelligencer, 1997 */
      double spiral_spacing_correction = 0;
         spiral_spacing_correction = 2.*Delta/sqrt(3.); 
      double hydro_radius = gcp.radius;
      size_t k;
      /* Number of points */
      size_t NSpiral = m;      
      /* Spiral points construction */
      double hk, thetak, phik, phikm1 = 0., TwoPi = 2. * pi, 
        Cspiral = 3.6 / sqrt( NSpiral ), dphi = 0.;
      for (k = 0; k < NSpiral; ++k) {
        hk = - 1. + 2. * (double)(k) / ( NSpiral - 1. );
        thetak = acos( hk ) ;
        if ( k == 0 ) {
          phik = 0.;
          thetak = pi - 0.5 * spiral_spacing_correction / hydro_radius ;
        else if ( k == NSpiral - 1 ) {
          phik = phikm1 + 1. * dphi; 
          if ( phik > TwoPi ) phik -= TwoPi ;
          thetak = 0.5 * spiral_spacing_correction / hydro_radius ;        
        else {
          dphi = Cspiral / sqrt( 1. - hk * hk ) ;
          phik = phikm1 + dphi ;
          if ( phik > TwoPi ) phik -= TwoPi ;  
        phikm1 = phik ;
        if ( k == 1 ) thetak -= 0.4 * spiral_spacing_correction / hydro_radius ;
        if ( k == NSpiral - 2 ) {
          phik -= 0.1 * dphi ;
          thetak += 0.25 * spiral_spacing_correction / hydro_radius ; 
        pos.x = hydro_radius * cos( phik ) * sin( thetak ) + + X0;
        pos.y = hydro_radius * sin( phik ) * sin( thetak ) + + Y0;
        pos.z = hydro_radius * cos( thetak ) + + Z0;
        foreach_dimension() {
          if (Period.x) {
    	shift.x = 0.;
    	if (pos.x > (L0 + ori.x)) {
    	  pos.x -= L0;
    	  shift.x = -L0;
    	if (pos.x < (0. + ori.x)) {
    	  pos.x += L0;
    	  shift.x = L0;
        Cache poscache = {0};
        /* find the cell of this multiplier */
        lpoint = locate (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
        if (lpoint.level > -1) {
          cache_append(&poscache, lpoint, 0);
          foreach_cache(poscache) {
    	foreach_dimension() {
    	  pshift.x[] = shift.x;
        dlm_bd->x[k] = pos.x;
        dlm_bd->y[k] = pos.y;
        dlm_bd->z[k] = pos.z;

    Set of functions for the walls as fictitious domain

    void create_FD_Interior_Wall (particle *p, vector index, scalar flag) {
      coord wallmin, wallmax; 
      Cache * c;

    Create the cache of the interior points for a wall

      c = &(p->Interior);
      wallmin = p->wallmin;
      wallmax = p->wallmax;
      foreach() {	   
    #if dimension == 2
        if ((x >= wallmin.x) && (y >= wallmin.y) && (x <= wallmax.x) && (y <= wallmax.y)) {
          index.y[] = p->pnum;
          cache_append (c, point, 0);
    #elif dimension == 3
        if ((x > wallmin.x) && (y > wallmin.y) && (z > wallmin.z) && (x < wallmax.x) && (y < wallmax.y) && (z < wallmax.z)) {
          if ((int)index.y[] == -1 && flag[] < 1)
    	index.y[] = p->pnum;
          cache_append (c, point, 0);
      cache_shrink (c);    
    void create_FD_Boundary_Wall (particle *p) {
      SolidBodyBoundary * sbm;
      int m = 0;
      coord  wallpos;
      double h = 0;
        h = Delta;
      sbm = &(p->s);
      m = sbm->m;
      wallpos = p->wallpos;
      for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        sbm->x[i] = (3.*h/4.) + i*h;
        sbm->y[i] = wallpos.y;
      for (int i = m/2; i < m; i++) {
        sbm->x[i] -= h/2.;
    void compute_nboundary_Wall (coord wallpos, int * nb) {
      double mindelta = 0.;
        mindelta = Delta;
      *nb = floor(wallpos.x/mindelta);

    Set of functions for the cube as fictitious domain

    void compute_nboundary_Cube_v2 (GeomParameter * gcp, int * nb, int * lN) {
      Cache poscache = {0};
      Point lpoint;
      *nb = 0;
      coord pos = {0., 0., 0.};
      int ip = 0;
      while (*nb == 0) {
        pos.x = gcp->cornersCoord[ip][0];
        pos.y = gcp->cornersCoord[ip][1];
    #if dimension == 3
        pos.z = gcp->cornersCoord[ip][2];
        lpoint = locate(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
    #elif dimension ==2
        lpoint = locate(pos.x, pos.y);

    Only one thread has the point in its domain (works in serial too).

        if (lpoint.level > -1) {

    Only this thread creates the Cache …

          cache_append(&poscache, lpoint, 0);

    and only this thread computes the number of boundary points …

          /* Grains sends an equivalent radius that is  multiplied by sqrt(3)/2 */
          double lengthedge = 2.*(gcp->radius)/sqrt(3.);
          /* printf ("lengthedge = %f on thread %d\n", lengthedge, pid() ); */
          foreach_cache (poscache) {
    	*lN = floor (sqrt(3.)*lengthedge/(2.*Delta));
    #if dimension == 2
          /* number of points required for the 4 edges of the square */
          *nb += (*lN-2)*4;
          /* number of points required for the face */
          *nb += (*lN-2)*(*lN-2);
          /* number of points required for the 4 corners */
          *nb += 4;
    #elif dimension == 3
          /* number of points required for the 12 edges of the cube */
          *nb += (*lN-2)*12;
          /* number of points required for the 6 faces of the cube */
          *nb += 6*(*lN-2)*(*lN-2);
          /* number of points required for the 8 corners */
          *nb += 8;

    and finally, this thread destroys the cache.

    #if _MPI
        mpi_all_reduce(*nb, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX);
        mpi_all_reduce(*lN, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX);
        if (ip < gcp->ncorners)
      /* printf("lN number of points for a complete edge:%d\n",*lN); */
      if (*nb == 0)
        fprintf(stderr,"nboundary = 0: No boundary points for the cube/square !!!\n");
    void distribute_points_edge_Cube_v2 (coord const corner1, coord const corner2, SolidBodyBoundary * dlm_bd, int const lN, int const istart) {
    # if dimension == 3 
      if (lN > 0) {
        coord dinc; 
        foreach_dimension() {
          dinc.x = (corner2.x - corner1.x)/(lN-1);
        /* printf( "length edge corner to corner = %f\n", sqrt( sq(corner2.x - corner1.x) + sq(corner2.y - corner1.y)+ sq(corner2.z - corner1.z))); */
        for (int i = 1; i <= lN-2; i++) {
          dlm_bd->x[istart + i -1] = corner1.x + (double)i * dinc.x; 
          dlm_bd->y[istart + i -1] = corner1.y + (double)i * dinc.y;
          dlm_bd->z[istart + i -1] = corner1.z + (double)i * dinc.z;
    bool is_it_in_cube_v2 (coord * u, coord * v, coord * w, coord * mins, coord * maxs, coord * checkpt) {
      /* a point x with coord (x,y,z) lies in the rectangle if the 3
         following conditions are satisfied */
      /* 1- u.p0 <= u.x <= u.p3 */
      /* 2- v.p0 <= v.x <= v.p1 */
      /* 3- w.p0 <= w.w <= w.p4 */
      double x = checkpt->x;
      double y = checkpt->y;
      double z = checkpt->z;
      double checkval = 0.;
      coord u1 = *u;
      coord v1 = *v;
      coord w1 = *w;
      coord cpt = {0., 0., 0.};
      bool isin = false;
      checkval = u1.x*x + u1.y*y + u1.z*z;
      cpt.x = checkval;
      checkval = v1.x*x + v1.y*y + v1.z*z;
      cpt.y = checkval; 
      checkval = w1.x*x + w1.y*y + w1.z*z;
      cpt.z = checkval;
      if ((cpt.x >= maxs->x) && (cpt.x <= mins->x) && (cpt.y >= maxs->y) && (cpt.y <= mins->y) && (cpt.z >= maxs->z) && (cpt.z <= mins->z) )
          isin = true;
      return isin;
    void compute_principal_vectors_Cubes (particle * p) {
      GeomParameter * gcp = &(p->g);
      int nfaces = gcp->allFaces;
      int npoints;
      /* get the 3 directions u1, u2, u3 of the cube with such that */
      /* u1 = corner0 - corner3; */
      /* u2 = corner0 - corner1; */
      /* u3 = corner0 - corner4; */
      coord corner0 = {0, 0, 0}, corner1 = {0, 0, 0}, corner3 = {0, 0, 0}, corner4 = {0, 0, 0};
      coord u1, v1, w1;
      coord mins, maxs;
      /* find the coordinates of these 4 corners */
      for (int i = 0; i < nfaces; i++) {
        npoints = gcp->numPointsOnFaces[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < npoints; j++) {
          /* printf("index = %lu\n", gcp->cornersIndex[i][j]); */
          if (gcp->cornersIndex[i][j] == 0) {
    	long int ii = gcp->cornersIndex[i][j];
    	corner0.x = gcp->cornersCoord[ii][0];
    	corner0.y = gcp->cornersCoord[ii][1];
    	corner0.z = gcp->cornersCoord[ii][2];
    	/* printf("index = %lu with coordinate (%f,%f,%f)\n", gcp->cornersIndex[i][j], corner0.x, corner0.y, corner0.z); */
          if (gcp->cornersIndex[i][j] == 1) {
    	long int ii = gcp->cornersIndex[i][j];
    	corner1.x = gcp->cornersCoord[ii][0];
    	corner1.y = gcp->cornersCoord[ii][1];
    	corner1.z = gcp->cornersCoord[ii][2];
    	/* printf("index = %lu with coordinate (%f,%f,%f)\n", gcp->cornersIndex[i][j], corner1.x, corner1.y, corner1.z); */
          if (gcp->cornersIndex[i][j] == 3) {
    	long int ii = gcp->cornersIndex[i][j];
    	corner3.x = gcp->cornersCoord[ii][0];
    	corner3.y = gcp->cornersCoord[ii][1];
    	corner3.z = gcp->cornersCoord[ii][2];
    	/* printf("index = %lu with coordinate (%f,%f,%f)\n", gcp->cornersIndex[i][j], corner3.x, corner3.y, corner3.z); */
          if (gcp->cornersIndex[i][j] == 4) {
    	long int ii = gcp->cornersIndex[i][j];
    	corner4.x = gcp->cornersCoord[ii][0];
    	corner4.y = gcp->cornersCoord[ii][1];
    	corner4.z = gcp->cornersCoord[ii][2];
    	/* printf("index = %lu with coordinate (%f,%f,%f)\n", gcp->cornersIndex[i][j], corner4.x, corner4.y, corner4.z); */
      foreach_dimension() {
        u1.x = corner0.x - corner3.x;
        v1.x = corner0.x - corner1.x;
        w1.x = corner0.x - corner4.x;
        mins.x = 0.;
        maxs.x = 0.;
      gcp->u1 = u1;
      gcp->v1 = v1;
      gcp->w1 = w1;
      double minval = 0., maxval = 0.;
      foreach_dimension() {
        minval += u1.x*corner0.x;
        maxval += u1.x*corner3.x;
      mins.x = (minval); maxs.x = (maxval);
      minval = 0; maxval = 0;
      foreach_dimension() {
        minval += v1.x*corner0.x;
        maxval += v1.x*corner1.x;
      mins.y = (minval); maxs.y = (maxval);
      minval = 0; maxval = 0;
      foreach_dimension() {
        minval += w1.x*corner0.x;
        maxval += w1.x*corner4.x;
      mins.z = (minval); maxs.z = (maxval);
      gcp->mins = mins;
      gcp->maxs = maxs;
    /* void compute_principal_mins_maxs_Cubes (particle * p) { */
    /*   GeomParameter * gcp = &(p->g); */
    /*   coord u1 = gcp->u1; */
    /*   coord v1 = gcp->v1; */
    /*   coord w1 = gcp->w1; */
    /* } */
    void create_FD_Boundary_Cube_v2 (GeomParameter * gcp, SolidBodyBoundary * dlm_bd, const int m, const int lN, vector pshift) {
      int nfaces = gcp->allFaces;
      int iref, i1, i2, ichoice;
      ichoice = 0;
      int isb = 0;
      int npoints;
      /* Add first interrior points on surfaces */
      for (int i = 0; i < nfaces; i++) {
        npoints = gcp->numPointsOnFaces[i];
        iref = gcp->cornersIndex[i][ichoice];
        i1 = gcp->cornersIndex[i][ichoice + 1];
        i2 = gcp->cornersIndex[i][npoints-1];
        /* printf("on face %d, iref = %d, i1 = %d, i2 = %d\n", i, iref, i1, i2); */
        coord refcorner = {gcp->cornersCoord[iref][0], gcp->cornersCoord[iref][1],gcp->cornersCoord[iref][2]} ; 
        coord dir1 = {gcp->cornersCoord[i1][0], gcp->cornersCoord[i1][1],gcp->cornersCoord[i1][2]};
        coord dir2 = {gcp->cornersCoord[i2][0], gcp->cornersCoord[i2][1],gcp->cornersCoord[i2][2]};
        /* printf ("corresponding coord for ref = (%f,%f,%f)\n",refcorner.x, refcorner.y, refcorner.z); */
        /* printf ("corresponding coord for i1 = (%f,%f,%f)\n", dir1.x, dir1.y, dir1.z); */
        /* printf ("corresponding coord for i2 = (%f,%f,%f)\n", dir2.x, dir2.y, dir2.z); */
        foreach_dimension() {
          dir1.x -= refcorner.x;
          dir2.x -= refcorner.x;
          dir1.x /= (lN-1);
          dir2.x /= (lN-1);
        for (int ii = 1; ii <= lN-2; ii++) {
          for (int jj = 1; jj <= lN-2; jj++) { 
    	dlm_bd->x[isb] = refcorner.x + (double) ii * dir1.x + (double) jj * dir2.x;
    	dlm_bd->y[isb] = refcorner.y + (double) ii * dir1.y + (double) jj * dir2.y;
    	dlm_bd->z[isb] = refcorner.z + (double) ii * dir1.z + (double) jj * dir2.z;
      int allindextable[8][8] = {{0}};
      int j1,jm1;
      /* Add points on the edges without the corners*/
      for (int i = 0; i < nfaces; i++) {
        npoints = gcp->numPointsOnFaces[i];
        i1 = gcp->cornersIndex[i][1];
        for (int j = 1; j < npoints; j++) {
          jm1 = gcp->cornersIndex[i][j-1];
          j1 = gcp->cornersIndex[i][j];
          if (jm1 > j1) {
    	if (allindextable[jm1][j1] == 0) {
    	  coord c1 = {gcp->cornersCoord[jm1][0], gcp->cornersCoord[jm1][1], gcp->cornersCoord[jm1][2]};
    	  coord c2 = {gcp->cornersCoord[j1][0], gcp->cornersCoord[j1][1], gcp->cornersCoord[j1][2]};
    	  distribute_points_edge_Cube_v2 (c1, c2, dlm_bd, lN, isb);
    	  allindextable[jm1][j1] = 1;
    	  isb +=lN-2;
          else {
    	if (allindextable[j1][jm1] == 0) {
    	  coord c1 = {gcp->cornersCoord[j1][0], gcp->cornersCoord[j1][1], gcp->cornersCoord[j1][2]};
    	  coord c2 = {gcp->cornersCoord[jm1][0], gcp->cornersCoord[jm1][1], gcp->cornersCoord[jm1][2]};
    	  distribute_points_edge_Cube_v2 (c1, c2, dlm_bd, lN, isb);
    	  allindextable[j1][jm1] = 1;
    	  isb +=lN-2;
          /* printf ("isb after face %d = %d\n", i, isb); */
      /* printf ("isb after all edges = %d\n", isb); */
      /* Add the final 8 corners points */
      for (int i = 0; i  < gcp->ncorners; i++) {
        dlm_bd->x[isb] = gcp->cornersCoord[i][0];
        dlm_bd->y[isb] = gcp->cornersCoord[i][1];
        dlm_bd->z[isb] = gcp->cornersCoord[i][2];
      /* printf ("isb after 8 corners = %d\n", isb); */
    void create_FD_Interior_Cube_v2 (particle *p, vector Index_lambda, vector pshift) {
      Cache * c;

    Create the cache of the interior points for a cube

      c = &(p->Interior);
      /* compute the 3 principal vector of the cube */
      compute_principal_vectors_Cubes (p);
      /* a point x with coord (x,y,z) lies in the cube if the 3
         following conditions are satisfied */
      /* 1- u.p0 <= u.x <= u.p3 */
      /* 2- v.p0 <= v.x <= v.p1 */
      /* 3- w.p0 <= w.w <= w.p4  */
      coord checkpt;
      coord u1 = p->g.u1;
      coord v1 = p->g.v1;
      coord w1 = p->g.w1;
      coord mins = p->g.mins;
      coord maxs = p->g.maxs;
      /* Min/Max coordinates for the AABB (Axed-Aligned-Bounding-Box) */
      coord mincoord = {HUGE, HUGE, HUGE};
      coord maxcoord = {-HUGE, -HUGE, -HUGE};
      double ** table = p->g.cornersCoord;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < p->g.ncorners; ii++) {
        if (mincoord.x > table[ii][0])
          mincoord.x = table[ii][0];
        if (mincoord.y > table[ii][1])
          mincoord.y = table[ii][1];
        if (mincoord.z > table[ii][2])
          mincoord.z = table[ii][2];
        if (maxcoord.x < table[ii][0])
          maxcoord.x = table[ii][0];
        if (maxcoord.y < table[ii][1])
          maxcoord.y = table[ii][1];
        if (maxcoord.z < table[ii][2])
          maxcoord.z = table[ii][2];
      /* if (pid() == 0) { */
      /*   printf ("mincoord = (%f,%f,%f)\n",mincoord.x, mincoord.y, mincoord.z); */
      /*   printf ("maxcoord = (%f,%f,%f)\n",maxcoord.x, maxcoord.y, maxcoord.z); */
      /* } */
      foreach() {
        checkpt.x = x;
        checkpt.y = y;
        checkpt.z = z;
        /* Check only if the point is in the AABB (Axed-Aligned-Bounding-Box) */
        if ((x > mincoord.x) && (x < maxcoord.x)) 
          if ((y > mincoord.y) && (y < maxcoord.y))
    	if ((z > mincoord.z) && (z < maxcoord.z))
    	  /* If yes: check if it is inside the cube now */
        	  if (is_it_in_cube_v2 (&u1, &v1, &w1, &mins, &maxs, &checkpt)) {
    	    cache_append (c, point, 0);
    	    /* tagg cell with the number of the particle */
    	    if ((int)Index_lambda.y[] == -1)
    	      Index_lambda.y[] = p->pnum;
        /* /\* For periodic boundaries, we have to check for the image-cubes as well *\/ */
        /* if (Period.x)  */
        /*   if (mincoord.x < 0 + X0) */
      /* foreach_dimension() { */
      /*   if (Period.x) { */
      /*   } */
      /* } */
      cache_shrink (c);  
    void free_particles (particle * pp, const int n) {
      for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        SolidBodyBoundary * sbm = &(pp[k].s);
        Cache * c = &(pp[k].Interior);
        c = &(pp[k].reduced_domain);
        /* free corner coordinates tables */
        double * cc;
        GeomParameter * gg = &(pp[k].g);
        for (int i = 0; i < gg->ncorners; i++) {
          cc = &(gg->cornersCoord[i][0]);
          if(cc) {
        /* free corner's indices tables */
        for (int i = 0; i < gg->allFaces; i++) {

    Function that creates the scalar field where the cells contain the indices of the dlmfd points. If there is no dlmfd point it is tagged -1.

    void create_index_lambda_scalar (const SolidBodyBoundary dlm_bd, vector Index_lambda, const int kk) {
      Point lpoint;
      int i;
      Cache *fdlocal;
      fdlocal = (Cache *){calloc(dlm_bd.m, sizeof(Cache))};
      for (i = 0; i < dlm_bd.m; i++) {
    #if dimension == 2 
        lpoint = locate(dlm_bd.x[i], dlm_bd.y[i]);
    #elif dimension == 3
        lpoint = locate(dlm_bd.x[i], dlm_bd.y[i], dlm_bd.z[i]);
     /*  */
        if ((lpoint.level)  == depth()) {
    	/* Create a cache for each fictitious domain's boundary point */
    	cache_append(&fdlocal[i], lpoint, 0);
          	foreach_cache(fdlocal[i]) {
    	  /* Tag cell only if it was not tagged by another particle */
    	  if (Index_lambda.x[] < 0){
    	    Index_lambda.x[] = i;
    	    Index_lambda.y[] = kk;
    	    if (level != depth()) {
    	      printf("On thread %d, point dlmfd %d at (%f, %f, %f) is in a cell that has not the maximum level of refinnement %d, it is on level %d \n", pid(), i, x, y, z, depth(), level);
      for (i = 0; i < dlm_bd.m; i++) {
      free (fdlocal);
      boundary ((scalar*) {Index_lambda});
    #include "weights_functions_backup.h"
    # define STENCIL_EXTERIOR 0
    # endif
    # define STENCIL_INTERIOR 0
    # endif

    Function that returns the weight associated to a Lagrange multipliers for a cell within a foreach() loop (ie for a “real” or local cell) associated to a Lagrange multiplier in it’s neighborhood. The neighboor can be in another process (i.e be a ghost cell for the current thread).

    double reversed_weight (particle * pp, const coord weightcellpos, const coord lambdacellpos, const coord lambdapos, const double delta, const coord pshift, const double a, const double b) {
      /* this function has to be embedded within a double foreach_cache() and foreach_neighbor() loop  */
      coord rel = {0., 0., 0.};
      coord relnl = {0., 0., 0.};
      int NCX = 0, CX = 0, weight_id = 0;
      size_t goflag = 0;
      double weight = 0.;
      GeomParameter gcb = pp->g; 
      GeomParameter gcbdum = gcb;
      coord lambdaposdum = lambdapos;
      /* Shift artificially the center of the particle and position of the
         Lagrange multipliers for periodic boundary cases */
      foreach_dimension() { = + a*pshift.x;
        lambdaposdum.x = lambdapos.x + b*pshift.x;
      /* compute relative vector X_boundary - X_local = rel from the cell (containning the boundary) position to the boundary's (analytical) position .i.e vector goes from first argument to the second */
      compute_relative_vector (lambdacellpos, lambdaposdum, &rel);
      /* reset dials integers */
      NCX = 0; CX = 0; weight_id = 0; goflag = 0;
      /* assign first normal (gives the quadrant) */ 
      assign_dial (rel, &CX);
      /* assign fictitious-boundary's normal (use boundary's analytical position) */
      assign_dial_fd_boundary (pp, lambdaposdum, gcbdum, delta, &NCX);
      if (pp->iswall) {
        /* Stencils oriented toward the wall */
        if (lambdapos.y > 0) {
          if (lambdapos.x < L0/2)
    	NCX = 1;
          if (lambdapos.x > L0/2)
    	NCX = 2;
        if (lambdapos.y < 0) {
          if (lambdapos.x < L0/2)
    	NCX = 4;
          if (lambdapos.x > L0/2)
    	NCX = 3;
        /* Second normal oriented toward the fluid */
        if (lambdapos.y > 0) {
          if (lambdapos.x < L0/2) {
    	NCX = 4;
          if (lambdapos.x > L0/2) {
    	NCX = 3;
        if (lambdapos.y < 0) {
          if (lambdapos.x < L0/2) {
    	NCX = 1;
          if (lambdapos.x > L0/2) {
    	NCX = 2;
      /* compute relative vector from the neighbor cell to the local cell */
      compute_relative_vector (weightcellpos, lambdacellpos , &relnl);
      /* Assign weight ids. */
      assign_weight_id_quad_outward (NCX, CX, relnl, delta, &weight_id, &goflag);
      if (goflag == 1) {
        weight = compute_weight_Quad (weight_id, lambdaposdum, lambdacellpos, NCX, CX, delta);
        return weight;
    void remove_too_close_multipliers (particle * p, vector index_lambda) {
      for (int k = 0; k < NPARTICLES; k++) {
        SolidBodyBoundary dlm_lambda_to_desactivate;
        int allocated = 1;
        allocate_SolidBodyBoundary (&dlm_lambda_to_desactivate, allocated*BSIZE);
        int countalloc = 0;
        int other_part;
        int is_in_other_particle;
        foreach_level(depth()) {
          int direct_neigh = 0;  is_in_other_particle = 0; other_part = -1;
          if (((int)index_lambda.x[] > -1)  && level == depth() && is_leaf(cell) && (p[k].pnum == (int)index_lambda.y[])) {
    	/* check here if this multiplier is not in another particle's
    	   domain, if yes desactive it */
    	for (int l = 0; l < NPARTICLES; l++) {
    	  if (l != p[k].pnum) {
          	    particle * other_particle = &(p[l]);
          	    /* printf("thread %d, this is particle %zu checkin on particle %zu iteration %d\n", pid(), p[k].pnum, other_particle->pnum, l); */
          	    /* Check particle's type */
          	    if (other_particle->iscube) {
          	      compute_principal_vectors_Cubes (other_particle);
          	      coord u = other_particle->g.u1;
          	      coord v = other_particle->g.v1;
          	      coord w = other_particle->g.w1;
          	      coord mins = other_particle->g.mins;
          	      coord maxs = other_particle->g.maxs;
          	      /* current cell's position */
          	      coord checkpt = {x, y, z};
          	      if (is_it_in_cube_v2 (&u, &v, &w, &mins, &maxs, &checkpt)) {
          		is_in_other_particle = 1; other_part =  other_particle->pnum;
          	    /* if sphere */
          	    else {
          	      GeomParameter gp = other_particle->g;
          	      if (is_it_in_sphere (x, y, z, gp)) {
          		is_in_other_particle = 1; other_part =  other_particle->pnum;
    	if (is_in_other_particle) {
    	  /* printf("thread %d, this is particle %zu which has a cell in particle %d\n", pid(), p[k].pnum, other_part); */
    	  index_lambda.x[] = -1; index_lambda.y[] = other_part;
    	/* Check if two (or more) Lagrange multipliers (from different
    	   particles) are in the same neighborhoods (i.e a 5x5 stencil
    	   in 2D), if yes desactivate them. Otherwise the cells of
    	   their stencils may be located in each other's domain */
    	direct_neigh = 0;
    	foreach_neighbor() {
    	  if (((int)index_lambda.x[] > -1)  && level == depth() && is_leaf(cell) && (p[k].pnum != (int)index_lambda.y[])) {
    	    direct_neigh = 1;
    	    /* We may catch and identical multiplier more than once here */
    	    /* Add the multiplier(s) indices to a list because MPI imposes that we can't modify the cell within a foreach_neighbor loop */
    	    if (countalloc >= allocated*BSIZE) {
    	      allocated ++;
    	      reallocate_SolidBodyBoundary (&dlm_lambda_to_desactivate, allocated*BSIZE);
    	    dlm_lambda_to_desactivate.x[countalloc] = x;
    	    dlm_lambda_to_desactivate.y[countalloc] = y;
    #if dimension == 3
    	    dlm_lambda_to_desactivate.z[countalloc] = z;
    	    countalloc ++;
    	/* Desactivate the local multiplier here  */
    	if (direct_neigh) {
    	index_lambda.x[] = -1; index_lambda.y[] = -1;
        /* if (countalloc > 0) */
        /*   printf("there is %d points to desactivate on thread %d\n", countalloc, pid()); */
        Cache c = {0};
        Point lpoint;
    #if _MPI
        int size = npe();
        int counts[size];
        /* Each thread tells the root how many multipliers it holds  */
        MPI_Gather(&countalloc, 1, MPI_INT, &counts, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        /* if (pid() == 0) */
        /*   for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) */
        /* 	printf("particle %d, this is root receiving %d elements by thread %d\n",k, counts[i], i); */
        /* Displacements in the receive buffer for MPI_GATHERV */
        int disps[size];
         /* Displacement for the first chunk of data - 0 */
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
          disps[i] = (i > 0) ? (disps[i-1] + counts[i-1]) : 0;
        double * alldatax = NULL;
        double * alldatay = NULL;
    #if dimension == 3 
        double * alldataz = NULL;
        int m = 0;
        /* Threads 0 allocates and compute the total number of multipliers */
        if (pid() == 0) {
          /* disps[size-1] + counts[size-1] == total number of elements */
          /* printf("thread %d : disps[size-1]+counts[size-1]  = %d\n", pid(), disps[size-1]+counts[size-1]); */
          m = disps[size-1] + counts[size-1];
          alldatax = (double*) calloc (m, sizeof(double));
          alldatay = (double*) calloc (m, sizeof(double));
    #if dimension == 3
          alldataz = (double*) calloc (m, sizeof(double));
        /* Gather on thread 0 the coordinates of the multipliers */ 
        MPI_Gatherv (&dlm_lambda_to_desactivate.x[0], countalloc, MPI_DOUBLE, &alldatax[0], counts, disps, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        MPI_Gatherv (&dlm_lambda_to_desactivate.y[0], countalloc, MPI_DOUBLE, &alldatay[0], counts, disps, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    #if dimension == 3 
        MPI_Gatherv (&dlm_lambda_to_desactivate.z[0], countalloc, MPI_DOUBLE, &alldataz[0], counts, disps, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        /* send the total number of multipliers to all threads */
        mpi_all_reduce (m, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX);
        /* allocate now alldatax, alldatay, alldataz on threads !=0 */
        if (pid() != 0) {
          alldatax = (double*) calloc (m, sizeof(double));
          alldatay = (double*) calloc (m, sizeof(double));
    #if dimension == 3
          alldataz = (double*) calloc (m, sizeof(double));
        /* Now broadcast alldatax,alldatay,alldataz from thread 0 to other threads */
        MPI_Bcast (alldatax, m, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        MPI_Bcast (alldatay, m, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    #if dimension == 3 
        MPI_Bcast (alldataz, m, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    /*     for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { */
    /* #if dimension == 2  */
    /*       printf("thread %d: particle %d, coord of the multiplier %d to be removed (%g,%g,%g)\n", pid(), k, i, alldatax[i], alldatay[i], 0.); */
    /* #elif dimension ==3 */
    /*       printf("thread %d: particle %d, coord of the multiplier %d to be removed (%g,%g,%g)\n", pid(), k, i, alldatax[i], alldatay[i], alldataz[i]); */
    /* #endif */
    /*     } */
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    #if dimension == 2 
          lpoint = locate(alldatax[i], alldatay[i]); 
    #elif dimension == 3
          lpoint = locate(alldatax[i], alldatay[i], alldataz[i]); 
          if (lpoint.level > -1)  cache_append(&c, lpoint, 0);
    #if dimension == 3 
    #elif _MPI == 0
        for (int i = 0; i < countalloc; i++) {
    #if dimension == 2 
          lpoint = locate(dlm_lambda_to_desactivate.x[i], dlm_lambda_to_desactivate.y[i]); 
    #elif dimension == 3
          lpoint = locate(dlm_lambda_to_desactivate.x[i], dlm_lambda_to_desactivate.y[i], dlm_lambda_to_desactivate.z[i]); 
          if (lpoint.level > -1)  cache_append(&c, lpoint, 0);
    #endif   /* End if _MPI */
        /* Finally desactivate the multiplicators */
        int counter = 0;
        foreach_cache(c) {
          if (index_lambda.x[] > -1 && index_lambda.y[] > -1) {
    	index_lambda.x[] = -1;
    	index_lambda.y[] = -1;
    	counter ++;
        /* printf("thread %d: removed %d multipliers \n", pid(), counter); */
      } /* End loop NPARTICLES */
      boundary((scalar*) {index_lambda});

    Function that tags cells associated to a Lagrange multiplier on the boundary of the fictitious domain.

    void reverse_fill_flagfield (particle * p, scalar f, vector index_lambda, const int cacheflag) {
      for (int k = 0; k < NPARTICLES; k++) {
        coord rel = {0., 0., 0.};
        coord relnl = {0., 0., 0.};
        int NCX, CX, weight_id;
        size_t goflag = 0;
        coord lambdacellpos = {0., 0., 0.};
        coord lambdapos = {0., 0., 0.};
        coord localcellpos = {0., 0., 0.};
        SolidBodyBoundary dlm_lambda = p[k].s;
        GeomParameter gcb = p[k].g;
        Cache * reduced_domain = &(p[k].reduced_domain);
        GeomParameter gcbdum = gcb;
        coord lambdaposdum = lambdapos;
        foreach_level(depth()) {
          localcellpos.x = x;
          localcellpos.y = y;
    #if dimension == 3 
          localcellpos.z = z;
          goflag = 0;       
          // Check if there is a Lagrange multiplier in the neigborhood of this cell;
          foreach_neighbor() {
    	if (((int)index_lambda.x[] > -1)  && level == depth() && is_leaf(cell) && (p[k].pnum == (int)index_lambda.y[])) {
    	  lambdacellpos.x = x; lambdacellpos.y = y; 
    	  lambdapos.x = dlm_lambda.x[(int)index_lambda.x[]];
    	  lambdapos.y = dlm_lambda.y[(int)index_lambda.x[]];
    #if dimension == 3
    	  lambdacellpos.z = z;
    	  lambdapos.z = dlm_lambda.z[(int)index_lambda.x[]];
    	  /* Shift artificially the center of the particle and position of the
    	     Lagrange multipliers for periodic boundary cases */
    	  coord ppshift = {0., 0., 0.};
    	  foreach_dimension() {
    	    ppshift.x = 0.;
    	    if (lambdacellpos.x < 0.) ppshift.x = -L0;
    	    if (lambdacellpos.x > L0) ppshift.x = +L0; = + ppshift.x;
    	    lambdaposdum.x = lambdapos.x + ppshift.x;
    	  /* compute relative vector X_boundary - X_local = rel from the cell (containning the boundary) position to the boundary's (analytical) position */
    	  compute_relative_vector (lambdacellpos, lambdaposdum, &rel);
    	  /* reset dials integers */
    	  NCX = 0; CX = 0; weight_id = 0; 
    	  /* assign first normal (gives the quadrant) */ 
    	  assign_dial (rel, &CX);
    	  /* assign fictitious-boundary's normal (use boundary's position) */
    	  assign_dial_fd_boundary (&p[k], lambdaposdum, gcbdum, Delta, &NCX);
    	  if (p->iswall) {
    	    /* Stencils oriented toward the wall */
    	    if (lambdapos.y > 0) {
    	      if (lambdapos.x < L0/2)
    		NCX = 1;
    	      if (lambdapos.x > L0/2)
    		NCX = 2;
    	    if (lambdapos.y <0) {
    	      if (lambdapos.x < L0/2)
    		NCX = 4;
    	      if (lambdapos.x > L0/2)
    		NCX = 3;
    	    /* Stencils oriented toward the fluid */
    	    if ((lambdapos.y) > 0) {
    	      if (lambdapos.x < L0/2)
    		NCX = 4;
    	      if (lambdapos.x > L0/2)
    		NCX = 3;
    	    if (lambdapos.y <0) {
    	      if (lambdapos.x < L0/2) {
    		NCX = 1;
    	      if (lambdapos.x > L0/2)
    		NCX = 2;
    	  /* compute relative vector neighbor to the local cell */
    	  compute_relative_vector (localcellpos, lambdacellpos , &relnl);
    	  /* Assign weight ids. */
    	  assign_weight_id_quad_outward (NCX, CX, relnl, Delta, &weight_id, &goflag);
    	} // end if (lambda.x[] > -1)
          } // end foreach_neigboor loop
          /* If the cell belongs to the stencil of a Lagrange multiplier tagg it and create a reduced domain to optimize the stencil-traversal cost */
          if (goflag == 1) {
    	f[] = 1;
    	if (cacheflag == 1)
    	  cache_append (reduced_domain, point, 0);
        boundary ({f, index_lambda.x, index_lambda.y});
      }// loop on particles id 

    Function that initialize the particles and the scalar/vector fields needed to the method

    void allocate_and_init_particles (particle * p, const int n, vector e, scalar g, scalar h, vector pshift) {
      foreach() {
        e.x[] = -1;// index_lambda.x => lambda indices
        e.y[] = -1;// particle structure/fd number;
        e.z[] = -1;// constrained cells (-1:not constrained)
        g[] = 0;   // flagfield
        h[] = 0;   // flagfield_mailleur
        /* Reset the shift vector for the periodic case */
        if (Period.x || Period.y || Period.z) { 
          foreach_dimension() {
    	pshift.x[] = 0.;
      boundary ({g, h});
      boundary ((scalar *){e, pshift});
      for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        Cache * c = NULL;
    #if debugBD == 0
        GeomParameter gci = p[k].g;
        int m = 0;
        /* default case, sphere */
        if (!(p[k].iswall) && !(p[k].iscube)) {
          compute_nboundary (gci, &m);
          allocate_SolidBodyBoundary(&(p[k].s), m);
          create_FD_Boundary_Particle (gci, &(p[k].s), m, pshift);
        if (p[k].iswall) {
          coord wallpos = p[k].wallmax;
          compute_nboundary_Wall (wallpos, &m);
          allocate_SolidBodyBoundary(&(p[k].s), m);
          create_FD_Boundary_Wall (&p[k]);
        if (p[k].iscube) {
          int lN = 0;        
          compute_nboundary_Cube_v2 (&gci, &m, &lN);
          allocate_SolidBodyBoundary(&(p[k].s), m);
          create_FD_Boundary_Cube_v2 (&gci, &(p[k].s), m, lN, pshift);
        create_index_lambda_scalar ((p[k].s), e, k);
        c = &(p[k].reduced_domain);
    #if debugInterior == 0
        c = &(p[k].Interior);
    #if DLM_Moving_particle
    void compute_contact_distance (particle * p, const coord gci, double * delta) {
      GeomParameter gc = p->g;
      double radius = gc.radius;
      *delta = gci.y - radius;
    double compute_fwo (const double en, const double v, const double wo) {
      double k = log(en)/sqrt(sq(pi) + sq(log(en)));
      double g = atan(-sqrt(1 - sq(k))/k);
      double val;
      return val = v*exp(k*g/sqrt(1- sq(k)))*sin(g)/(wo*sqrt(1 - sq(k)));
    double derivative_fwo (const double en, const double v, const double wo) {
      double k = log(en)/sqrt(sq(pi) + sq(log(en)));
      double g = atan(-sqrt(1 - sq(k))/k);
      double val;
      return val = -v*exp(k*g/sqrt(1 - sq(k)))*sin(g)/(sqrt(1 - sq(k))*sq(wo)); 
    void compute_wo (particle * p) {
      /* compute an estimate of (kn,gamman) derived from (deltamax,en) */
      /* Guess value for wo */
      double wo = 100.;
      double epsilo = 1e-2;
      int maxiter = 200;
      double aa = 0.;
      double bb = 0.;
      GeomParameter g = p->g;
      double r = g.radius;
      double deltamax = (p->wished_ratio)*r;
      double en = p->en;
      double v = p->vzero;
      /* Newton iteration to find the root of delta(w0) */
      if (en < 1) {
        for (int pp = 1; pp <= maxiter; pp++) {
          aa = compute_fwo (wo, v, en) - deltamax;
          bb = derivative_fwo (wo, v, en);
          if (abs(aa-deltamax)/deltamax < epsilo) {
          wo += -aa/bb;
        p->kn = (p->M)*sq(wo);
      else {
        /* if en = 1 the formula simplifies as such */
        p->kn = (p->M)*sq(p->vzero)/(sq(deltamax));
    void compute_Fontact (coord * Fc, particle * p, coord * gci, coord * U, const double gamman) {
      double delta_colision = 0.;
      foreach_dimension() {
        (*Fc).x = 0.;
      compute_contact_distance(p, *gci, &delta_colision);
      if (delta_colision < 0.) {
        double kn = p->kn;
        double M = p->M;
        coord vrel = *U;
        coord Fel = {0., 0., 0.};
        coord Fdm = {0., 0., 0.};
        coord normalvec = p->normalvector;
        foreach_dimension() {
          /* compute Hookean elastic restoring force */
          Fel.x = -kn*delta_colision*normalvec.x;
          /* compute viscous dynamic force */
          Fdm.x = -2.*gamman*M*fabs(vrel.x);
          /* Fc is the sum of these two forces */
          (*Fc).x = Fel.x + Fdm.x;
    void granular_subproblem (particle * p, const int gravity_flag, const double dt, const double rho_f) {
      // Mini Granular solver, which solves (1 - rho_f/rho_s)MdU/dt = (1-rho_f/rho_s)Mg + F_c
      // (1 - rho_f/rho_s) Ip dw/dt = sum_all_particles (r x F_c)  - (1 - rho_f/rho_s)w x Ip w
      // where F_c is the contact force, g the gravity acceleration and M the particle's mass and Ip the inertia tensor
      double wo = 0. ;
      double gamman = 0.;
      double T_c = 0., dtg = 0., M = 0., kn = 0., en = 0.;
      int miter, gi;
      coord Uold, Xold;
      coord k1, k2, k3, k4, Xtemp, Utemp;
      double fsf;
      /* particle's structure pointers  */
      GeomParameter * gci;
      GeomParameter * gcinm1;
      coord * U;
      coord * Unm1;
      coord * gravity;
      coord decal = {X0, Y0, Z0};
      for (int k = 0; k < NPARTICLES; k++) {
        fsf = (1. - (rho_f)/(p[k].rho_s));
        miter = 0;
        M = p[k].M;
        kn = p[k].kn;
        en = p[k].en;
        /* compute wo and gamman */
        wo = sqrt(kn/M); // wo = sqrt(2kn/M) for sphere-sphere contact and wo = sqrt(kn/M) for sphere-wall contact (Powder tech. Rakotonirina 2018)
        gamman = -wo*log(en)/sqrt(sq(pi) + sq(log(en)));
        /* compute the contact time Tc */
        T_c = pi/(sqrt(sq(wo) - sq(gamman)));
        /* set granular timestep */
        dtg = T_c/20.;
        miter = ceil(dt/dtg);
        dtg = dt/miter;
        if (k == 0) fprintf (stderr,"Tc = %g, dt = %20.18f, dtg = %20.18f, Tc/dtg = %g, miter = %d, particle = %d\n",T_c, dt, dtg, T_c/dtg, miter, k);
        /* get particle structure pointers */
        /* position */
        gcinm1 = &(p[k].gnm1);
        gci = &(p[k].g);
        /* translational velocity */
        U = &(p[k].U);
        Unm1 = &(p[k].Unm1);
        gravity = &(p[k].gravity);
        /* fprintf (stderr,"gravity = (%f,%f,%f)\n",(*gravity).x,(*gravity).y,(*gravity).z); */
        if (gravity_flag) {
          /* Before solving the granular problem: save previous particle's
    	 position and velocity (predictor step
    	 with gravity, first subproblem after N-S) */
          foreach_dimension() {
    	(*Unm1).x = (*U).x;
    	/* Check if the domain is periodic, if yes shift the particle's
    	   position when the end of the domain is reached */
    	if (Period.x) {
    	  if ((*gci).center.x > (L0 + decal.x)) {
    	    (*gci).center.x -= L0;
    	  if ((*gci).center.x < (0. + decal.x)) {
    	    (*gci).center.x += L0;
    	(*gcinm1).center.x = (*gci).center.x;
        else {
          /* corrector step without gravity: fourth subproblem after the
    	 fictitious domain problem (correction step) */
          foreach_dimension() { 
    	(*gci).center.x = (*gcinm1).center.x;
        /*  integrating in time with rk4 */
        for (gi = 1; gi <= miter; gi++) {
          Uold = (*U);
          Xold = (*gci).center;
          /* compute k1 */
          compute_Fontact (&k1, &p[k], &Xold, &Uold, gamman);
          foreach_dimension() {
    	k1.x /= (fsf*M);
    	k1.x += gravity_flag*(*gravity).x;
    	Xtemp.x = Xold.x + 0.5*dtg*Uold.x;
    	Utemp.x = Uold.x + 0.5*dtg*k1.x;
          /* compute k2 */
          compute_Fontact (&k2, &p[k], &Xtemp, &Utemp, gamman);
          foreach_dimension() {
    	k2.x /= (fsf*M);
    	k2.x += gravity_flag*(*gravity).x;
    	Xtemp.x = Xold.x + 0.5*dtg*Uold.x + 0.25*sq(dtg)*k1.x;
    	Utemp.x = Uold.x + 0.5*dtg*k2.x;
          /* compute k3 */
          compute_Fontact (&k3, &p[k], &Xtemp, &Utemp, gamman);
          foreach_dimension() {
    	k3.x /= (fsf*M);
    	k3.x += gravity_flag*(*gravity).x;
    	Xtemp.x = Xold.x + dtg*Uold.x + 0.5*sq(dtg)*k2.x;
    	Utemp.x = Uold.x + dtg*k3.x;
          /* compute k4 */
          compute_Fontact (&k4, &p[k], &Xtemp, &Utemp, gamman);
          foreach_dimension() {
    	k4.x /= (fsf*M);
    	k4.x += gravity_flag*(*gravity).x;
          foreach_dimension () {
    	(*gci).center.x = Xold.x + dtg*Uold.x + sq(dtg)*(k1.x + k2.x + k3.x)/6.;
    	/* Check if the domain is periodic, if yes shift the particle's
    	   position when the end of the domain is reached */
    	if (Period.x) {
    	  if ((*gci).center.x > (L0 + decal.x)) {
    	    (*gci).center.x -= L0;
    	  if ((*gci).center.x < (0. + decal.x)) {
    	    (*gci).center.x += L0;
    	(*U).x = Uold.x + dtg*(k1.x + 2*k2.x + 2*k3.x + k4.x)/6.;
        if (k == 0) {
          if (gravity_flag) {
    	fprintf (stderr,"Prediction: particle-0's velocity on thread %d is (%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f)\n",pid(), (*U).x, (*U).y, (*U).z);
    	fprintf (stderr,"Prediction: particle-0's position on thread %d is (%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f)\n",pid(), (*gci).center.x, (*gci).center.y, (*gci).center.z);
          else {
    	fprintf(stderr,"Correction: particle-0's velocity on thread %d is (%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f)\n",pid(), (*U).x, (*U).y, (*U).z);
    	fprintf(stderr,"Correction: particle-0's position on thread %d is (%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f)\n",pid(), (*gci).center.x, (*gci).center.y, (*gci).center.z);

    Diagnostic functions.

    void writer_headers (FILE * pdata, FILE * sl) {
    #if _MPI
      if(pid() == 0)
          /* Write header for particles positions and velocities */
    #if dimension == 2
          fprintf(pdata, "#t\t position.x\t position.y\t U.x\t U.y\t w.z\n");
          fprintf(sl, "#t\t F.x\t F.y\t T.z\n");
    #elif dimension == 3
          fprintf (pdata, "#t\t position.x\t position.y\t position.z\t U.x\t U.y\t U.z\t w.x\t w.y\t w.z\n");
          fprintf (sl, "#t\t F.x\t F.y\t F.z\t T.x\t T.y\t T.z\n");
    void particle_data (particle * p, const double t, const int i, FILE ** pdata) {
      for (int k = 0; k < NPARTICLES; k++) {
        GeomParameter * GCi = &(p[k].g);
    #if DLM_Moving_particle
        coord * U = &(p[k].U);
    #if ROTATION
        coord * w =  &(p[k].w);
    #if dimension == 2
        if(pid() == 0) {
          fprintf(pdata[k], "%20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f %20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f \n", t, (*GCi).center.x, (*GCi).center.y
    #if DLM_Moving_particle
    	      , (*U).x, (*U).y
    #elif TRANSLATION == 0
    	      , 0., 0.
    #if ROTATION
    	      , (*w).z
    #elif ROTATION == 0
    	      , 0.
    #elif DLM_Moving_particle == 0
    	      , 0., 0.
    	      , 0.
    #elif dimension == 3
        if(pid() == 0) {
          fprintf(pdata[k], "%20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f %20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\n", t, (*GCi).center.x, (*GCi).center.y, (*GCi).center.z
    #if DLM_Moving_particle
    	      , (*U).x, (*U).y, (*U).z
    #elif TRANSLATION == 0
    	       , 0., 0., 0.
    #if ROTATION
    	      ,(*w).x, (*w).y, (*w).z
    #elif ROTATION == 0
    	       , 0., 0., 0.
    #elif DLM_Moving_particle == 0
    	      , 0., 0., 0.
    	      , 0., 0., 0.
    coord sumLambda (particle * p, FILE ** sl, const double t, const double dt, scalar Flagfield, vector Lambda, vector Index_lambda, const double rho_f, vector pshift) {
      /* Compute hydrodynamic force & torque and write to a file */
      /* Fh = <lambda,V>_P + (rho_f/rho_s)MdU/dt */
      /* Mh = <lambda,xi^GM>_P + (rho_f/rho_s).( Idom/dt + om x ( */
      /* The inertia tensor is: */
      /* Ip[0] = Ixx */
      /* Ip[1] = Iyy */
      /* Ip[2] = Izz */
      /* Ip[3] = Ixy */
      /* Ip[4] = Ixz */
      /* Ip[5] = Iyz */  
      coord lambdasumint;
      coord lambdasumboundary;
      coord lambdasum;
      coord crossLambdaSumInt;
      coord crossLambdaSumBoundary;
      coord crossLambdaSum; 
      Cache * Interior[NPARTICLES];
      Cache * Boundary[NPARTICLES];
      GeomParameter * gci;
      SolidBodyBoundary * sbm;
      /* Loop over all particles */
      for (int k = 0; k < NPARTICLES; k++) {
        foreach_dimension() {
          lambdasumint.x = 0.;
          lambdasumboundary.x = 0.;
          lambdasum.x = 0;
          crossLambdaSumInt.x = 0.;
          crossLambdaSumBoundary.x = 0.;
          crossLambdaSum.x = 0.;
    #if dimension ==2 
        lambdasumint.z = 0.;
        lambdasumboundary.z = 0.;
        lambdasum.z = 0;
        crossLambdaSumInt.z = 0.;
        crossLambdaSumBoundary.z = 0.;
        crossLambdaSum.z = 0.;
        /* Interior domain of the particle */
        Interior[k] = &(p[k].Interior);
        /* Boundary domain of the particle */
        Boundary[k] = &(p[k].reduced_domain);
        gci = &(p[k].g);
        sbm = &(p[k].s);
        coord lambdapos;
    #if DLM_Moving_particle
        double rho_s = p[k].rho_s;
        double M = p[k].M;
        coord Unm1 = p[k].Unm1;
        coord U = p[k].U;
    #if ROTATION
        coord wnm1 = p[k].wnm1;
        coord w = p[k].w;
        coord Iom, omIom, Idomdt;
        // Particule's interior multipliers
        foreach_cache((*Interior[k])) {
          if (Flagfield[] < 1 && k == Index_lambda.y[]) {
    	/* Compute Fh = <lambda,V>_P */
    	/* For moving particles the additional term +
    	   (rho_f/rho_s).M.dU/dt is added after the mpi_calls below */
    	foreach_dimension() {
    	  lambdasumint.x += Lambda.x[];
    	/* Compute Mh = <lambda,xi^GM>_P */  
    	/* For moving particles, the additional term +
    	   (rho_f/rho_s).(I.dom/dt + om ^ ( is added after mpi
    	   calls below */
    	/* Modify temporerly the particle center position for periodic boundary condition */
    	  (*gci).center.x += pshift.x[];
    	crossLambdaSumInt.x += (Lambda.z[]*(y - (*gci).center.y) - Lambda.y[]*(z - (*gci).center.z));
    	crossLambdaSumInt.y += (Lambda.x[]*(z - (*gci).center.z) - Lambda.z[]*(x - (*gci).center.x));
    	crossLambdaSumInt.z += (Lambda.y[]*(x - (*gci).center.x) - Lambda.x[]*(y - (*gci).center.y));
    	  (*gci).center.x -= pshift.x[];
        }//end foreach_cache()
        // Particle's boundary multipliers
        foreach_cache((*Boundary[k])) {
          if ((Index_lambda.x[] > -1) && (p[k].pnum == (int)Index_lambda.y[])) {
    	lambdapos.x = (*sbm).x[(int)Index_lambda.x[]];
    	lambdapos.y = (*sbm).y[(int)Index_lambda.x[]];
    	lambdapos.z = 0.;
    #if dimension == 3
    	lambdapos.z = (*sbm).z[(int)Index_lambda.x[]];
    	/* Compute Fh = <lambda,V>_P */
    	foreach_dimension() {
    	  lambdasumboundary.x += Lambda.x[];
    	/* Modify temporerly the particle center position for periodic boundary condition */
    	  (*gci).center.x += pshift.x[];
    	/* Compute Mh = <lambda,xi^GM>_P */
            crossLambdaSumBoundary.x += (Lambda.z[]*(lambdapos.y - (*gci).center.y) - Lambda.y[]*(lambdapos.z - (*gci).center.z));
            crossLambdaSumBoundary.y += (Lambda.x[]*(lambdapos.z - (*gci).center.z) - Lambda.z[]*(lambdapos.x - (*gci).center.x));
            crossLambdaSumBoundary.z += (Lambda.y[]*(lambdapos.x - (*gci).center.x) - Lambda.x[]*(lambdapos.y - (*gci).center.y));
    	  (*gci).center.x -= pshift.x[];
    #if _MPI
        foreach_dimension() {
          mpi_all_reduce (lambdasumint.x, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM);
          mpi_all_reduce (lambdasumboundary.x, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM);
          mpi_all_reduce (crossLambdaSumInt.x, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM);
          mpi_all_reduce (crossLambdaSumBoundary.x, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM);
    #if dimension == 2
        mpi_all_reduce (crossLambdaSumInt.z, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM);
        mpi_all_reduce (crossLambdaSumBoundary.z, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM);
        /* The Force term (rho_f/rho_s)MdU/dt is added here for
           translating particles */
    #if DLM_Moving_particle
          lambdasumint.x += (rho_f/rho_s)*M*(U.x - Unm1.x)/dt;
        /* The Torque term (rho_f/rho_s).(Idom/dt + om ^ ( is added
    	 here for rotating particles */
    #if ROTATION
        /* term */
        Iom.x = p[k].Ip[0]*w.x + p[k].Ip[3]*w.y + p[k].Ip[4]*w.z;
        Iom.y = p[k].Ip[3]*w.x + p[k].Ip[1]*w.y + p[k].Ip[5]*w.z;
        Iom.z = p[k].Ip[4]*w.x + p[k].Ip[5]*w.y + p[k].Ip[2]*w.z;
        /* om^( term */
        omIom.x = w.y*Iom.z - w.z*Iom.y;
        omIom.y = w.z*Iom.x - w.x*Iom.z;
        omIom.z = w.x*Iom.y - w.y*Iom.x;
        /* Idom/dt term; */
        Idomdt.x = p[k].Ip[0]*(w.x - wnm1.x) + p[k].Ip[3]*(w.y - wnm1.y) + p[k].Ip[4]*(w.z - wnm1.z);
        Idomdt.y = p[k].Ip[3]*(w.x - wnm1.x) + p[k].Ip[1]*(w.y - wnm1.y) + p[k].Ip[5]*(w.z - wnm1.z);
        Idomdt.z = p[k].Ip[4]*(w.x - wnm1.x) + p[k].Ip[5]*(w.y - wnm1.y) + p[k].Ip[2]*(w.z - wnm1.z);
        crossLambdaSumInt.x += (rho_f/rho_s)*((Idomdt.x)/dt + omIom.x);
        crossLambdaSumInt.y += (rho_f/rho_s)*((Idomdt.y)/dt + omIom.y);
        crossLambdaSumInt.z += (rho_f/rho_s)*((Idomdt.z)/dt + omIom.z);
        foreach_dimension() {
          lambdasum.x = lambdasumint.x + lambdasumboundary.x;
          crossLambdaSum.x = crossLambdaSumInt.x + crossLambdaSumBoundary.x;
    #if dimension == 2
        crossLambdaSum.z = crossLambdaSumInt.z + crossLambdaSumBoundary.z;
        if(pid() == 0) {
          fprintf(sl[k], "%f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\n", t, lambdasum.x,  lambdasum.y, crossLambdaSum.z);
    #elif dimension == 3
        if(pid() == 0) {
          fprintf(sl[k], "%20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\n", t, lambdasum.x,  lambdasum.y, lambdasum.z, 
                  crossLambdaSum.x, crossLambdaSum.y, crossLambdaSum.z);
      return lambdasum;
    void init_file_pointers (FILE ** p, FILE ** d, const size_t rflag) {
      char name[800];
      char name2[800];
    #if _MPI
      if (pid() == 0)
        for (int k = 0; k < NPARTICLES; k++) {
          sprintf (name, "particle-data-%d", k);
          sprintf (name2, "sum_lambda-%d", k);
          if (!rflag) {
    	p[k] = fopen (name,  "w"); 
    	d[k] = fopen (name2, "w");
    	/* if (k == (NPARTICLES - 1)) { */
    	/*   printf ("pointer sum lambda= %p\n", (void *)d[k]); */
    	/*   printf ("pointer particle data = %p\n", (void *)p[k]); */
    	/* } */
    	/* Write headers in these files */
    	writer_headers (p[k],  d[k]);
          else {
    	p[k] = fopen (name,  "a");
    	d[k] = fopen (name2, "a");
    void vorticity_3D (const vector u, vector omega) {
          omega.x[] = ( (u.z[0,1,0] - u.z[0,-1,0]) - (u.y[0,0,1] - u.y[0,0,-1]) )/2.*Delta;
      boundary((scalar *){omega});
    void compute_flowrate_right (FILE * pf, const vector u, const int level) {
      coord velo = {0., 0., 0.};
        velo.x = 0.;
    #if !adaptive 
      Cache intDomain = {0};
      Point lpoint;
      foreach() {
        if (x > (L0 - Delta)) { 
    	lpoint = locate(x, y, z);
    	cache_append(&intDomain, lpoint, 0);
          velo.x += sq(Delta)*u.x[];
    #if adaptive
      double hh = L0/pow(2,level);
      double xi = 0., yj = 0., zval = 0.;
      int ii = 0, jj = 0;
      foreach_level(level) {
        zval = L0 - 0.5*Delta + Z0;
      /* printf("zz = %f, h = %f\n", zval, hh); */
      for (ii = 0; ii < pow(2,level); ii++) {
        xi = 0.5*hh + ii*hh + X0;
        for (jj = 0; jj < pow(2,level); jj++) {
          yj = 0.5*hh + jj*hh + Y0;
          coord uu = {0., 0., 0.};
          foreach_dimension() {
    	uu.x = interpolate (u.x, xi, yj, zval);
    	if (uu.x < nodata)
    	  velo.x += sq(hh)*uu.x;
          /* printf("thread %d, u = (%f,%f,%f)\n",pid(), interpolate(u.x, xi, yj, zz), interpolate(u.y, xi, yj, zz), interpolate(u.z, xi, yj, zz)); */
      /* printf("thread %d, velo = (%f,%f,%f)\n",pid(), velo.x, velo.y, velo.z); */
    #if _MPI
      foreach_dimension ()
        mpi_all_reduce (velo.x, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM);
      fprintf(pf, "%f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\t %20.18f\n", t, velo.x, velo.y, velo.z);
    void pressure_law (scalar pres, FILE * ppf, const coord hv, const double t) {
      double plaw = 0.;
      plaw = interpolate (pres, hv.x, hv.y, hv.z);
    #if _MPI
      if (plaw == nodata)
        plaw = 0.;
      if (plaw != nodata)
        mpi_all_reduce(plaw, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM);
      if (pid() == 0) {
        fprintf(ppf, "%20.18f\t %20.18f\n", t, plaw);

    dump/resto particle’s structure functions

    void dump_particle (particle * p) {
      FILE * fp;
      char * file = "dump_particle";
      if (file && (fp = fopen (file, "w")) == NULL) {
        perror (file);
        exit (1);
      assert (fp);
      fwrite(p, sizeof(*p), NPARTICLES, fp);
    bool restore_particle (particle * p) {
      FILE * fp;
      char * file = "dump_particle";
      if (file && (fp = fopen (file, "r")) == NULL)
        return false;
      assert (fp);
      if (fread (p, sizeof(*p), NPARTICLES, fp) < 1) {
        fprintf (ferr, "restore_particle(): error reading particle data\n");
        exit (1);
      return true;
    void inverse3by3matrix(double oldMatrix[3][3], double ** inversedMatrix) {
      double block1 = oldMatrix[1][1]*oldMatrix[2][2] - oldMatrix[1][2]*oldMatrix[2][1];
      double block2 = oldMatrix[1][2]*oldMatrix[2][0] - oldMatrix[1][0]*oldMatrix[2][2];
      double block3 = oldMatrix[1][0]*oldMatrix[2][1] - oldMatrix[1][1]*oldMatrix[2][0];
      double determinat = oldMatrix[0][0]*block1 + oldMatrix[0][1]*block2 + oldMatrix[0][2]*block3;
      /* m[i][j], *(*(m + i) + j) */
      *(*(inversedMatrix + 0) + 0) = block1/determinat;
      *(*(inversedMatrix + 0) + 1) = (oldMatrix[0][2]*oldMatrix[2][1] - oldMatrix[0][1]*oldMatrix[2][2])/determinat;
      *(*(inversedMatrix + 0) + 2) = (oldMatrix[0][1]*oldMatrix[1][2] - oldMatrix[0][2]*oldMatrix[1][1])/determinat; 
      *(*(inversedMatrix + 1) + 0) = block2 / determinat;
      *(*(inversedMatrix + 1) + 1) = (oldMatrix[0][0]*oldMatrix[2][2] - oldMatrix[0][2]*oldMatrix[2][0])/determinat;
      *(*(inversedMatrix + 1) + 2) = (oldMatrix[0][2]*oldMatrix[1][0] - oldMatrix[0][0]*oldMatrix[1][2])/determinat;
      *(*(inversedMatrix + 2) + 0) = block3/determinat;
      *(*(inversedMatrix + 2) + 1) = (oldMatrix[0][1]*oldMatrix[2][0] - oldMatrix[0][0]*oldMatrix[2][1])/determinat;
      *(*(inversedMatrix + 2) + 2) = (oldMatrix[0][0]*oldMatrix[1][1] - oldMatrix[0][1]*oldMatrix[1][0])/determinat ;
    int totalcells() {
      int t = 0;
      foreach() {
    #if _MPI
      mpi_all_reduce (t, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM);
      return t;
    int total_dlmfd_cells (particle * p, const int np) {
      int apts = 0;
      for (int k = 0; k < np; k++) {
    #if debugInterior == 0
        apts += p[k].Interior.n;
    #if debugBD == 0
        apts += p[k].reduced_domain.n;
    #if _MPI
      mpi_all_reduce (apts, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM);
      return apts;
    int total_dlmfd_multipliers (particle * p, const int np) {
      int apts = 0;
      for (int k = 0; k < np; k++) {
    #if debugInterior == 0
        apts += p[k].Interior.n;
    #if _MPI
      mpi_all_reduce (apts, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM);
      for (int k = 0; k < np; k++) {
    #if debugBD == 0
        SolidBodyBoundary * bla;
        bla = &(p[k].s);
        apts += bla->m;
      return apts;
    double getDelta() {
      /* Return the smallest grid size  */
      /* ----------------------------- */
      int ii = 0;
      double dd = 0.;
      foreach_level(depth()) {
        dd = Delta;
        if (ii > 0)
    #if _MPI
      mpi_all_reduce (dd, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN);
      return dd;