
    Three overlapping cylinders freely rotating in a sheared-flow with DLMFD

    Three cylinders, overlapping each other and twice as heavy as the surrounding fluid, are freely rotating in a linear shear-flow.

    # define LEVEL 6 
    # include "grid/quadtree.h"
    # define DLM_Moving_particle 1
    # define TRANSLATION 0
    # define ROTATION 1
    # define DLM_alpha_coupling 0
    # define adaptive 1
    # define NPARTICLES 3
    # if adaptive
    # define MAXLEVEL (LEVEL + 1)
    # endif

    Physical parameters

    # define Uc 1. //caracteristic velocity
    # define rhoval 1. // fluid density
    # define diam (0.5) // particle diameter
    # define ReD  (10) // Reynolds number based on the particle's diameter
    # define Ldomain 1.0
    # define rhosolid 2.0 //particle density
    # define tval (rhoval*Uc*Ldomain/ReD) //fluid's dynamic viscosity

    Output and numerical parameters

    # define Tc (diam/Uc) // caracteristic time scale
    # define mydt (Tc/200) // maximum time-step
    # define maxtime (1.0)
    # define tsave (Tc/1.)

    We include the ficitious-domain implementation

    # include "dlmfd.h"
    # include "view.h"
    double deltau;
    scalar un[];
    int main() {
      L0 = Ldomain;
      /* set time step */
      DT = mydt;
      /* initialize grid */
      init_grid(1 << (LEVEL));
      /* boundary conditions */
      u.n[left] = dirichlet(-Uc + 2*y*Uc/L0);
      u.t[left] = dirichlet(0);
      u.n[right] = dirichlet(-Uc + 2*y*Uc/L0);
      u.t[right] = dirichlet(0);
      u.n[top]   = dirichlet(0);
      u.t[top]   = dirichlet(Uc);
      u.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0);
      u.t[bottom] = dirichlet(-Uc);
      /* Convergence criteria */
      TOLERANCE = 1e-3;

    We initialize the fluid and particle variables.

    event init (i = 0) {
      /* set origin */
      origin (0, 0);
      if (!restore (file = "dump")) {
        /* fluid initial condition: */
        foreach() {
          u.x[] = -Uc + 2*y*Uc/L0;
          un[] = u.x[];
        /* particles initial position */
        particle * p = particles;
        for (int k = 0; k < NPARTICLES; k++) {
          GeomParameter gp = {0};

    We place the cylinders close to each others to test how the stencils are constructed when they are close to colision.

          if (k == 0) { = L0/4; = L0/4;
    	gp.radius   = diam/2;
          if (k == 1) { = 3*L0/4; = L0/4;
    	gp.radius   = diam/2;
          if (k == 2) { = L0/2; = L0/4;
    	gp.radius   = diam/2;
          p[k].g = gp;
          /* particle's initial angular velocity */
          coord c = {0., 0., 0.};
          p[k].w = c;
      else // Restart of a simulation
         /* the default init=0 event will take of it */
    event output_data (t += maxtime/50; t < maxtime) {
      stats statsvelox;
      view (fov = 22.3366, quat = {0, 0, 0, 1}, tx = -0.465283, ty = -0.439056, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 890, height = 862, samples = 1);
      scalar constrained_cells[];
      int aa;
      foreach() {
        aa = 0;
        if ((int)index_lambda.y[] > -1 && flagfield[] < 1)
          aa = 1;
        constrained_cells[] = aa;
        constrained_cells[] += 3*flagfield[];
      statsvelox =  statsf (constrained_cells);
      squares ("constrained_cells", map = cool_warm, min = statsvelox.min, max = statsvelox.max); 
      save ("movie.mp4");
    event output_data_2 (t += maxtime/50; t < maxtime) {
      stats statsvelox;
      view (fov = 22.3366, quat = {0,0,0,1}, tx = -0.465283, ty = -0.439056, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 890, height = 862, samples = 1);
      statsvelox =  statsf (u.x);
      squares ("u.x", map = cool_warm, min = statsvelox.min, max = statsvelox.max); 
      save ("movie1.mp4");
    event output_data_3 (t += maxtime/50; t < maxtime) {
      stats statsvelox;
      view (fov = 22.3366, quat = {0,0,0,1}, tx = -0.465283, ty = -0.439056, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 890, height = 862, samples = 1);
      statsvelox =  statsf (index_lambda.y);
      squares ("index_lambda.y", map = cool_warm, min = statsvelox.min, max = statsvelox.max); 
      save ("movie2.mp4");


    set grid
    show grid
    set xlabel "time"
    set ylabel "Omegaz"
    plot "particle-data-0" u 1:6 w l, "particle-data-1" u 1:6 w l, "particle-data-2" u 1:6 w l 
    particles angular velocities (script)

    particles angular velocities (script)

    set grid
    show grid
    set xlabel "time"
    set ylabel "Tz"
    plot "sum_lambda-0" u 1:3 w l, "sum_lambda-1" u 1:3 w l, "sum_lambda-2" u 1:3 w l
    Torque of the particles (script)

    Torque of the particles (script)

    set grid
    show grid
    set xlabel "Time iteration"
    set ylabel "Iterations to solve the saddle problem"
    plot "converge-uzawa" u 1:2 w l
    Number of iterations to solve the saddle problem with the Uzawa method (script)

    Number of iterations to solve the saddle problem with the Uzawa method (script)


    Constrained cells by the Lagrange multipliers

    Red cells: constrained by the set of Lagrange multipliers which lie on the surface of the particle.

    Light blue cells: constrained by Lagrange multipliers that are inside the particle.

    Streamwise velocity u.x

    Fictitious domains of the particles