
    Surface tension

    This file aims to add surface tension to the multilayer solver. The surface tension field \sigma is introduced. It must be initialized to add surface tension. It can be a function, especially of liquid composition or solute concentration.

    #include "curvature.h"
    static bool Laplace = true;
    static bool nh_tension = true;
    static bool corr_dux = false;
    static bool corr_dwx = false;
    scalar sigma[];

    Stability condition

    The surface tension scheme is time-explicit so the maximum timestep is the oscillation period of the smallest capillary wave. The maximum timestep is set using the standard (hydrostatic) CFL condition \displaystyle \Delta t < \text{CFL}\frac{\Delta}{|\mathbf{u}|+\sqrt{gH + \frac{\sigma\,H}{\rho\,\Delta}}} or the modified (non-hydrostatic) condition(Popinet, 2020), corrected with capilary waves \displaystyle \Delta t < \text{CFL}\frac{\Delta}{\left|\vec{u}\right| + \sqrt{\pp{g\,\Delta + \dfrac{\sigma}{\rho\,\Delta}}\tanh{\pp{\dfrac{H}{\Delta}}}}}

    event stability (i++)
      double rhom = 1.;
      foreach_face (reduction (min:dtmax)) {
        double Hf = 0.;
          Hf += hf.x[];
        if (Hf > dry) {
          Hf /= fm.x[];
          if (sigma[] > 0.) {
          double cp = sqrt((fabs(G)*Delta + pi*sigma[]/(rhom*Delta))*tanh(Hf/Delta));            
            foreach_layer() {
              double c = fabs(hu.x[]/hf.x[])/CFL + cp/CFL_H;
              if (c > 0){
                double dt = min(cm[], cm[-1])*Delta/(c*fm.x[]);
             	  if (dt < dtmax)
           	      dtmax = dt;

    Marangoni flows

    event viscous_term (i++) 
      if (nu > 0) {
        vector du[];
          foreach_dimension() {
            du.x[] = - corr_dwx*(w[1,0,nl-1]-w[-1,0,nl-1])/(2*Delta) + (sigma[1] - sigma[-1])/(2*Delta*hm(point, true)*nu);
        dut = du;

    Laplace pressure

    The calculation of the acceleration is done by this event, overloaded from its definition in the multilayer Navier–Stokes solver.

    event pressure (i++) 
      if (nh_tension == true) {
          phi_s[] = - Laplace * sigma[] * kappa_c(point) - corr_dux * 2.*nu*(u.x[1,0,nl-1]-u.x[-1,0,nl-1])/(2*Delta);
      else {
        scalar phi_t[];
          phi_t[] = - Laplace * sigma[] * kappa_c(point);
            if (hf.x[] > dry) {
            	double ax = fm.x[]*(phi_t[] -	phi_t[-1])/Delta;
            	hu.x[] -= hf.x[]*dt*ax;
            	ha.x[] -= hf.x[]*ax;
        boundary ((scalar *){hu});
        boundary_flux ({ha}); 