
    Convergence for the first derivative of a function

    We start with the code from the previous exercise and modify it to compute the convergence rate of the approximation.

    #include "grid/cartesian1D.h"
    #include "utils.h"
    int main() {

    We replace the constant value of n with a loop going through 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160.

      for (int n = 10; n <= 160; n *= 2) {

    The body of the loop is just copied from the first exercise…

        init_grid (n);
        scalar f[];
          f[] = cos(2.*pi*x);
        boundary ({f});
        scalar df[];
          df[] = (f[] - f[-1,0])/Delta;

    … except that we don’t want a graph of df(x) for each value of n. What we would like is a graph of a measure of the error as a function of n. We can do that by computing a norm of the error, for example \displaystyle \max_x(|df(x) + 2\pi\sin(2\pi x)|) the maximum error between the numerical and analytical value of the derivative.

    We first compute a new field e to hold the error for each grid point.

        scalar e[];
          e[] = df[] + 2.*pi*sin(2.*pi*(x - Delta/2.));

    We can then call the function normf() (defined in the header file utils.h which we included above), to get the maximum error (as well as other norms).

    We use the printf() function to output n and the error (the ‘%d’ formatting character means that n is an integer rather than a floating-point number).

        printf ("%d %g\n", n, normf(e).max);

    After the program has finished we plot the error as a function of n

    set logscale
    set xtics 5,2,320
    set xlabel 'n'
    set ylabel 'normf(e).max'
    fit a*x+b 'out' u (log($1)):(log($2)) via a,b
    plot [5:320]'out' pt 7 t '', exp(b)*x**a t sprintf("%.0f/n^{%4.2f}", exp(b), -a)


    We use a log-log scale, which clearly shows that the error follows a power law (i.e. a straight line on a log-log graph), with an exponent close to -2 as revealed by the gnuplot fit (have a look at the raw page source for the gnuplot commands). This means that our estimate of the first derivative converges at a second-order rate with spatial resolution. In other words, doubling the resolution will divide the error by four.