
    This code computes the dynamics of a traveling population n which diffuses, grows, and advects chemotactically toward an attractant \phi which is distributed heterogeneously throughout a fractal terrain. The boundary conditions may be adjusted to simulate traveling wave behavior, and the landscape may be modified to include any arbitrary terrain.

    This movie shows the traveling wave of chemotactic population n.

    This movie shows the attractant \phi as it is resolved in time as the traveling population senses it.

    This movie shows the terrain as it is resolved in time for the population to pass.

    #include "view.h"
    #include "diffusion.h" 
    #include "advection.h"
    #include "tracer.h"
    #include "run.h"

    Define the simulation parameters, including timespan, domain size, species diffusivities, growth rates, carrying capacities, and chemotactic mobility.

    #define tfinal 10
    #define time_step 1
    #define length 1000
    #define population_diffusivity 1
    #define attractant_diffusivity 10
    #define population_growth_rate 0.1
    #define attractant_growth_rate 0.1
    #define population_carrying_capacity 2
    #define attractant_carrying_capacity 2
    #define chemotactic_mobility 100 // 1

    The midpoint-displacement algorithm for generating a fractal terrain requires size and roughness parameters, which we arbitrarily choose here. The size must be 2^n+1 for any integer n.

    #define SIZE 513 
    #define ROUGHNESS 2.

    Initialize the population n, its chemotactic velocity v_\text{chemo}, the attractant \phi, and the terrain.

    scalar n[], phi[], * tracers = {n, phi};
    face vector v_chemo[];
    scalar terrain[];

    Set up the simulation and initialize the helper variable landscape.

    int main() {
      DT = time_step;
      L0 = length; origin (0, 0);
    double landscape[SIZE][SIZE];

    Implement the midpoint displacement algorithm which generate a fractal terrain and stores it in “landscape”.

    void midpoint_displacement(int size, double roughness) {
        int step_size = size - 1;
        int x, y;
        landscape[0][0] = fabs(noise());
        landscape[0][size - 1] = fabs(noise());
        landscape[size - 1][0] = fabs(noise());
        landscape[size - 1][size - 1] = fabs(noise());
        while (step_size > 1) {
            int half_step = step_size/2;
            for (y = half_step; y < size - 1; y += step_size) {
                for (x = half_step; x < size - 1; x += step_size) {
                    double avg = (landscape[y - half_step][x - half_step] +
                                  landscape[y - half_step][x + half_step] +
                                  landscape[y + half_step][x - half_step] +
                                  landscape[y + half_step][x + half_step])/4;
                    double displacement = noise() * roughness * step_size;
                    landscape[y][x] = avg + displacement;
            for (y = 0; y < size - 1; y += half_step) {
                for (x = (y + half_step) % step_size; x < size - 1; x += step_size) {
                    double avg = (landscape[(y - half_step + size - 1) % (size - 1)][x] +
                                  landscape[(y + half_step) % (size - 1)][x] +
                                  landscape[y][(x - half_step + size - 1) % (size - 1)] +
                                  landscape[y][(x + half_step) % (size - 1)])/4;
                    double displacement = noise() * roughness * step_size;
                    landscape[y][x] = avg + displacement;
            step_size /= 2;
            roughness *= 1.1;

    Because the grid will be adapting, we must interpolate the landscape at each time step.

    double interpolate_landscape(double x, double y) {
        int x0 = (int)(x*(SIZE - 1)/length);
        int y0 = (int)(y*(SIZE - 1)/length);
        int x1 = x0 + 1;
        int y1 = y0 + 1;
        double q11 = landscape[x0][y0];
        double q12 = landscape[x0][y1];
        double q21 = landscape[x1][y0];
        double q22 = landscape[x1][y1];
        double x_frac = (x*(SIZE - 1)/length) - x0;
        double y_frac = (y*(SIZE - 1)/length) - y0;
        double r1 = (1 - x_frac)*q11 + x_frac*q21;
        double r2 = (1 - x_frac)*q12 + x_frac*q22;
        return (1 - y_frac)*r1 + y_frac*r2;

    Initialize the simulation for t=0.

    event init (t = 0) {
      srand (101);
      midpoint_displacement(SIZE, ROUGHNESS);
        terrain[] = interpolate_landscape(x, y);
      adapt_wavelet ({terrain}, (double[]){10}, 9, 5);
      n[left] = neumann(0); n[right] = neumann(0); 
      phi[left] = neumann(0); phi[right] = neumann(0); 
      foreach() {
        n[] = 1;
        phi[] = 1;

    Implement the growth and diffusion terms.

    event tracer_diffusion (i++) {
        terrain[] = interpolate_landscape(x, y);
      scalar beta[]; // this will hold the reaction terms
      // diffusion of the population
      face vector D_n[];
      D_n.x[] = population_diffusivity;
        beta[] = population_growth_rate*(1-n[]/population_carrying_capacity)*(
          (exp(-pow((terrain[]-0)/300 * 0, 2))));
      diffusion (n, dt, D_n, beta=beta);
      // diffusion of the attractant
      face vector D_phi[];
        D_phi.x[] = attractant_diffusivity;
        beta[] = attractant_growth_rate*(1 - phi[]/attractant_carrying_capacity)*(
          (exp(-pow((terrain[]-200)/300, 2))));
      diffusion (phi, dt, D_phi, beta=beta);

    Implement chemotactic advection of n along the gradient of \phi.

    event tracer_advection (i++) {
      foreach_face() {
        v_chemo.x[] = chemotactic_mobility*(phi[] - phi[-1,0])/Delta;
      advection({n}, v_chemo, DT);

    Adapt the grid at each time step.

    event adapt (i++) {
      adapt_wavelet ({n}, (double[]){1.e-3}, 11, 5);

    Output data into movies at the specifed time intervals, and end the simulation when desired.

    event output (t += time_step) {
      output_ppm (n, file = "n.mp4", n=400);
      output_ppm (phi, file = "phi.mp4", n=400);
      output_ppm (terrain, file = "terrain.mp4", n=400);
    event stop (t = tfinal) {}