
    Read input parameters

    char dpath[80]; // name of output dir
    char file_param[80] = ""; // name param file
    // for mkdir
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    void trim_whitespace(char* s) {
      const char* d = s;
      do {
        while (*d == ' ')
      } while ((*s++ = *d++));
      *s = '\0';
    void str2array(char *tmps2, double *array){
      // overwrite newline character with string terminator
      char *newline = strchr( tmps2, '\n' );
      if ( newline )
        *newline = 0;
      char* p;
      int n = 0;
      p = strtok(tmps2,"[,]");
      while (p != NULL){
        array[n] = atof(p);
        fprintf (stderr, "array[%d] = %g \n", n, array[n]);
        p = strtok(NULL, ",");
        n += 1;

    Params global variable

    Array * params;
    typedef struct {
      char * name;
      void * ptr;
      char * type;
      int len;
    } ParamItem;
    void add_param(char * name, void * ptr,  char * type, int len = 0)
      ParamItem p;
  = strdup(name);
      p.ptr = ptr;
      p.type = strdup(type);
      p.len = len;
      array_append (params, &p, sizeof (ParamItem));
    void read_params(char* path2file)
      FILE * fp;
      if ((fp = fopen(path2file, "rt"))) {
        char tempbuff[300];
        while(fgets(tempbuff,300,fp)) { // loop over file lines
          char* tmps1 = strtok(tempbuff, "=");
          char* tmps2 = strtok(NULL, "=");
      ParamItem * d2 = params->p;
      for (int i = 0; i < params->len/sizeof(ParamItem); i++, d2++) { // loop over parameters
        if (strcmp(d2->name, tmps1) == 0) {
          //check for type and assign value
        if (strcmp(d2->type, "int") == 0) {
          *( (int*) d2->ptr) = atoi(tmps2);
          fprintf (stderr, "scan param %s: %d\n", d2->name, *( (int*) d2->ptr));}
        else if (strcmp(d2->type, "double") == 0){
          *( (double*) d2->ptr) = atof(tmps2);
          fprintf (stderr, "scan param %s: %e\n", d2->name, *( (double*) d2->ptr));}
        else if (strcmp(d2->type, "array") == 0){
          fprintf (stderr, "scan param %s:\n", d2->name);
          str2array(tmps2, (double*) d2->ptr);
      } else {
        fprintf(stdout, "file %s not found\n", path2file);

    Create output directory and copy input parameter file for backup

    void create_outdir()
      if (pid() == 0) {
        for (int i=1; i<10000; i++) {
          sprintf(dpath, "outdir_%04d/", i);
          if (mkdir(dpath, 0777) == 0) {
            fprintf(stdout,"Writing output in %s\n",dpath);
    @if _MPI
      MPI_Bcast(&dpath, 80, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    void backup_config(char* path2file)
      fprintf(stdout, "Backup config\n");
      if (pid() == 0) {
        char ch;
        char name[90];
        sprintf (name,"", dpath);
        FILE * source = fopen(path2file, "r");
        FILE * target = fopen(name, "w");
        while ((ch = fgetc(source)) != EOF)
          fputc(ch, target);

    Copy file from:

    void backup_file(char FileSource[])
      if (pid() == 0) {
        char FileDestination[100];
        sprintf (FileDestination,"%s%s", dpath, FileSource);
        char    c[4096]; // or any other constant you like
        FILE    *stream_R = fopen(FileSource, "r");
        FILE    *stream_W = fopen(FileDestination, "w");   //create and write to file
        while (!feof(stream_R)) {
          size_t bytes = fread(c, 1, sizeof(c), stream_R);
          if (bytes) {
            fwrite(c, 1, bytes, stream_W);
        //close streams