

    We define several functions in order to impose a flux at boundaries. The discharge function can work with adaptative refinement. We first define the scalar river[] as a global scalar.

    scalar river[];


    When using an adaptive discretisation, we define the refinement laws for the scalar river[]. The refine_injection function give to each child the parent value. The coarsen_max function fix the value of the parent as the maximum value of all the children.

    #if QUADTREE
    static void coarsen_max (Point point, scalar s){
      s[] = max(max(fine(s,0,0),fine(s,1,0)),max(fine(s,0,1),fine(s,1,1)));
    event defaults( i = 0 ){
     river.refine = river.prolongation = refine_injection;
     river.coarsen = coarsen_max;

    Boundary structure “defb”

    This structure stores all we need in order to define the boundary : a double value which test the location of the scalar river[], two doubles “xb” and “yb” to store the x and y coordinates of the boundary, “dx” equal to the minimum spatial resolution, “zmin” which store the minimum topography elevation on the boundary, “h0” the water elevation on zmin, “lim” the limit of the boundary and an integer “kw” which stores the relative location of the boundary (top, bottom, left and right).

    typedef struct {
      double value, xb, yb, dx, zmin, h0, lim;
      int kw;
    } defb;

    Structure definition

    We allocate the right values to the “defb” structure

    static defb defbf (int keyw, double value){
      defb b;
      b.dx = L0/N;
      b.value = value; = keyw;
      b.xb = X0 + 0.5 * b.dx;
      b.yb = Y0 + 0.5 * b.dx;
      b.zmin= 1e40;
      b.h0 = 0;
      if( keyw == right ) b.xb = X0 + L0 - 0.5 * b.dx;
      else if( keyw == top )  b.yb = X0 + L0 - 0.5 * b.dx;
      else if( keyw != left && keyw != bottom ){
        fprintf(stderr,"wrong keyword in discharge function\n");
        assert (false);
      if ( == bottom || == top)
        b.lim = X0 + L0;
        b.lim = Y0 + L0;
      return b;


    The altitude function find the minimum value of the topography and the water depth at this location.

    static void altitude (defb * b) {
      double ztemp = b->zmin, htemp = 0, x = b->xb, y = b->yb;
    # if _OPENMP
    #   pragma omp parallel for reduction(min:ztemp)
    # endif
      for (int j = 0; j < N-1; j++) { 
        if( b->kw == top || b->kw == bottom ) x = b->xb + j * b->dx;
        else y = b->yb + j * b->dx;
        Point point = locate (x,y);
        if (zb[] < ztemp && river[] == b->value) {
          ztemp = zb[];
          htemp = h[];
      b->zmin = ztemp;
      b->h0 = htemp;

    Real flux

    This function return the exact incoming flow on the boundary for an imposed water depth.

    static double realflux (defb b, double eta_imp) {
      double flux = 0, deltax = b.dx , xp = b.xb, yp = b.yb, dtmax = 1;
      double bx;
      do {
        Point point = locate (xp, yp);
        if (river[] == b.value) {
    #if QUADTREE
          // Relocate at the center of the element only on the sliding coordinate
          if( == bottom || == top ) xp = x;
          else yp = y;
          // To not miss refined elements
          deltax = 0.75*Delta;
    	// Take care of the sign of velocity
    	double ub = 0 ;
    	if ( == bottom || == top){	
    		ub = == bottom ? u.y[] : - u.y[];
    	 	ub = == left ? u.x[] : - u.x[];
    	 // computing the local numerical flux
    	 double hn = max (eta_imp - zb[], 0);
    	 if (h[] > dry || hn > dry) { 
    		double fh, fu;
    		kurganov (hn, max(h[],0), ub, ub, b.dx, &fh, &fu, &dtmax);
    		flux += fh*b.dx;
        // Testing the boundary limit and advancing the local point
        if ( == bottom || == top) {
          xp += deltax;
          bx = xp;
        else {
          yp += deltax;
          bx = yp;
      } while( bx < b.lim );
      return flux;

    Double false position method

    Here, we find the water depth corresponding to the imposed inflow by the false position method. This method is a root-finding method of type “guess and check”. In our case, we want to solve the equation :

    \displaystyle flux(\eta) - q_{imp}=0

    From wikipedia : “The method proceeds by producing a sequence of shrinking intervals [ak, bk] that all contain a root of f.(…) At each step, the method compute ck which is the root of the secant line through (ak, f(ak)) and (bk, f(bk)). If f(ak) and f(ck) have the same sign, then we set ak+1 = ck and bk+1 = bk, otherwise we set ak+1 = ak and bk+1 = ck. This process is repeated until the root is approximated sufficiently well.”

    static double metfalsepos (defb bo, double prec, double q_imp) {
      double binf, bsup, qinf, newb, qsup;
      double eta0 = bo.zmin + bo.h0;
      int n =0 ;

    First, we test the inflow at the precedent time step.

      double newq = realflux (bo, eta0);
      if (fabs((newq - q_imp)/q_imp) <= prec)
        return eta0;

    Then, we find an inferior and a superior limit around the solution.

      // Find inferior limit
        if (newq > q_imp) {
        bsup = eta0;
        qsup = newq;
        binf = bo.zmin;
        qinf = 0;
      else {
        // We must take care of the case h0=0
        if (bo.h0 <= dry) {
          bo.h0 = 1;
          bsup = bo.zmin;
        else  bsup = eta0;
        do {
          // Find a "good" superior limit
          binf = bsup;
          bsup = bsup + bo.h0;
          qsup = realflux (bo, bsup);
        } while (qsup <= q_imp && n < 100);    
        qinf = realflux (bo, binf);
      n = 0;
      // The false position method
      do {
        double alpha = (qsup - qinf)/(bsup - binf); // Define the slope
        newb = binf + (q_imp - qinf)/alpha; // new bound
        newq = realflux (bo, newb); // new total inflow
        if (newq > q_imp) { //test the new solution & replacing the good limit
          bsup = newb;
          qsup = newq;
        else {
          binf = newb;
          qinf = newq;
      } while (fabs((newq - q_imp)/q_imp) >= prec && n < 100);
      return newb;

    The discharge routine

    double eta_b (double q_imp, int keyw, double value)
       // Inialisation of the Defb structure
      defb bo = defbf(keyw, value);
      // Fix zmin et h
      altitude (&bo);
      // If imposed inflow <= 0
      if (q_imp <= 0) return bo.zmin - 0.0001;
      // Return eta found by the false position method
      return metfalsepos (bo, 0.001, q_imp);