

    This function return the inflow to impose by linearly interpolating the data.

    double hydrograph (const char * name, double mult)
      FILE * fp;
      if ((fp = fopen (name , "r")) == NULL) {
        fprintf (stderr,"cannot open hydrograph data file.\n name = %s ",name);
        assert (false);
      double time = 0, timea, q = 0, qa, alpha = 0;
      //Read the data at each call => Can definitively be optimised !
      do {
        qa = q;
        timea = time;
        if (fscanf (fp, "%lf \t %lf \n", &time, &q) == EOF) break;
        time *= mult;
        if (time - timea != 0) alpha = (q - qa)/(time - timea);
        else alpha = 0;
      } while (time < t);
      fclose (fp);
        If the solver time is sup to the larger time of the data, return the last value   */
      if (timea  >= t)  return q;
      // Else, return the interpolation
      else return alpha*(t - timea) + qa;

    Line structure

    struct linedis{
      double xi,yi,xf,yf; // Starting and end point of the line

    Computing the inflow passing through a line

    double compdischarge(struct linedis l){
    #if IMPLICIT
      vector u[];
        if( h[] > dry ){
    	u.x[] = q.x[]/h[];
      double ds = L0/N;
      double dis = 0;
      // Trivial in one dimension
    #if dimension == 1
        return interpolate(u.x,l.xi,0)*interpolate(h,l.xi,0);
      if(!l.yf){ // Horizontal line
        for(double x = l.xi; x <=l.xf; x+= ds) 
          if (interpolate(h,x,l.yi) > dry ) dis += interpolate(u.y,x,l.yi)*interpolate(h,x,l.yi)*ds;    
        return fabs(dis);
      if(!l.xf) {// Vertical line
        for(double y = l.yi; y <=l.yf; y+= ds) 
          if (interpolate(h,l.xi,y) > dry )  dis += interpolate(u.x,l.xi,y)*interpolate(h,l.xi,y)*ds;
        return fabs(dis);
      return 0; // error