
    The Toce urban case


    To compile, type in the terminal: qcc ToceUrban.c -o ToceUrban.x -lm ~/basilisk/src/kdt/kdt.o


    The second case of validation is reproducing “The Model city flooding experiment benchmark”. This model is build on the first 15 \ m of the fluvial Toce model. The authors added 20 buildings distributed in 4 aligned rows, 9 gauge stations are distributed around the buildings and at the entrance of the flow. The imposed entry condition is again a hydrograph. The flow rate goes from 0 to a maximum of 130\ l.s^{-1} in 4 seconds and then progressively decreases to 30\ l.s^{-1} in 50 seconds. This condition reproduces the typical water flow of a flash flood. The experiment lasts 60 seconds.

    Include and def

    #include "b-flood/saint-venant-topo.h"
    #include "b-flood/manning.h"
    #include "b-flood/inflow.h"
    #include "b-flood/hydro.h"
    #include "terrain.h"
    #include "input.h"
    #define MAXLEVEL 10 // 1024 Volume
    #define MINLEVEL 6
    #define EMAXE 1e-4
    int nf,nc,ncell;
    timer t0;


    int main() {
      n = 0.0162;
      L0 = 14.9;
      X0 = 0.1;
      Y0 = 0;
      G = 9.81;
      dry = 1e-6;
      N = 1 << MAXLEVEL; // Which is equivalent to N = 2^(maxlevel)
    event stop(t = 60)
      fprintf(stderr,"# The end\n");

    Initial condition

    event init (i = 0){
      terrain (zb, "./Topo/topo-a", NULL);
      DT = 0.05;
      t0 = timer_start();
      double dx = L0/N;
        if( y <= 8.4 && y >= 5 && x <= 32*dx)
          river[] = 1;
      static FILE * rpz = fopen ("raster_zb-stag.asc", "w");
      output_grd (zb, rpz);

    Inflow boundary condition

    On the left, we impose the following flow rate using the “discharge” function,

    set xlabel 'T(s)' 
    set ylabel 'Inflow (cumsec)' 
    set xtics; set ytics
    set key bot
    plot './hydro.asc' w l t'hydrograph'
    Hydrograph (script)

    Hydrograph (script)

    u.t[left] = dirichlet(0);
    u.n[left] = neumann(0);
    double l1, eta1, vola = 0;
    event bound_left( i++ ){
      l1 =  hydrograph ( "hydro.asc", 1);
      if( l1 < 0 )
        l1 = 0;
      l1 /= 1000.; // convertir les litres en metres cube
      eta1 = eta_b (l1,left,1);
      h[left] = dirichlet( max( river[] == 1 ? eta1 - zb[] : 0 , 0) );
      eta[left] = dirichlet( max( river[] == 1 ? eta1 : zb[]  , zb[]) );
      double vol = 0;
        if( h[] > dry )
          vol += h[] * sq(Delta);
      double Q = 0;
      if( dt > 0 )
        Q =  (vol- vola)/dt;
      vola = vol;
      static FILE * fpp = fopen("eta.dat","w");
      if( i == 0)
         fprintf(fpp,"#t Q Qread EtaImp\n");
      fprintf(fpp,"%lf %lf %lf %lf \n",t,Q,l1,eta1);

    Outflow boundary condition

    We set a free exit condition on the right edge of the domain.

    u.t[right] = neumann(0);
    u.n[right] = neumann(0);
    h[right] = neumann(0);
    eta[right] = neumann(0);

    Adaptative refinement

    int adapt_H() {
      scalar nh[];
        nh[] = h[] > dry ? h[] : 0;
      boundary ({nh});
      astats s = adapt_wavelet ({nh}, (double[]){EMAXE} ,MAXLEVEL,MINLEVEL);
      nc +=;
      nf +=;
    event do_adapt_H (i++){
      if( t > 1 )
    //////// OUTPUT


    event logfile (i += 10) {
      timing tr = timer_timing (t0, i, 0, NULL);
      stats s = statsf (h);
      scalar v[];
        v[] = norm(u);
      stats no = statsf (v);
      if( i == 0 )
        fprintf (stderr, "#1t 2treal 3i 4h.min 5h.max 6h.sum 7u.min 8u.max 9dt\n");  
      fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %d %g %g %g %g %g %g\n", t,tr.real, i, s.min, s.max, s.sum, 
    	   no.min, no.max, dt);


    Gauge gauges[] = {  
      // gauge   x         y       zb
      //{"./Gauges/P1",-0.572923,7.618307, "P1"}, 
      {"P2",0.280560,7.585584, "P2"}, 
      {"P3",3.279013,7.324738, "P3"}, 
      {"P4",3.153249,7.834554, "P4"}, 
      {"P5",3.534738,7.748334, "P5"}, 
      {"P6",3.916227,7.662114, "P6"}, 
      {"P7",4.128212,7.533788, "P7"}, 
      {"P8",4.044554,7.874098, "P8"}, 
      {"P9",4.256538,7.745772, "P9"}, 
      {"P10",4.638028,7.659552, "P10"}, 
    event gauges1 (t += 0.2) output_gauges (gauges, {h});

    Gauges Results

    set xlabel 'T(s)' 
    set ylabel 'Level (m)' 
    set xtics; set ytics
    set key bot
    plot 'P1' w lp t'P1- numerical', 'P1.ref' w lp t'P1 - measured'
    P1 (script)

    P1 (script)

    set xlabel 'T(s)' 
    set ylabel 'Level (m)' 
    set xtics; set ytics
    set key bot
    plot 'P2' w lp t'P2- numerical', 'P2.ref' w lp t'P2 - measured'
    P2 (script)

    P2 (script)

    set xlabel 'T(s)' 
    set ylabel 'Level (m)' 
    set xtics; set ytics
    set key bot
    plot 'P1' w lp t'P3- numerical', 'P3.ref' w lp t'P3 - measured'
    P3 (script)

    P3 (script)

    set xlabel 'T(s)' 
    set ylabel 'Level (m)' 
    set xtics; set ytics
    set key bot
    plot 'P4' w lp t'P4- numerical', 'P4.ref' w lp t'P4 - measured'
    P4 (script)

    P4 (script)

    set xlabel 'T(s)' 
    set ylabel 'Level (m)' 
    set xtics; set ytics
    set key bot
    plot 'P5' w lp t'P5- numerical', 'P5.ref' w lp t'P5 - measured', 'P5Byun.ref' w lp t'P5 - Kim'
    P5 (script)

    P5 (script)

    set xlabel 'T(s)' 
    set ylabel 'Level (m)' 
    set xtics; set ytics
    set key bot
    plot 'P6' w lp t'P6- numerical', 'P6.ref' w lp t'P6 - measured'
    P6 (script)

    P6 (script)

    set xlabel 'T(s)' 
    set ylabel 'Level (m)' 
    set xtics; set ytics
    set key bot
    plot 'P7' w lp t'P7- numerical', 'P7.ref' w lp t'P7 - measured'
    P7 (script)

    P7 (script)

    set xlabel 'T(s)' 
    set ylabel 'Level (m)' 
    set xtics; set ytics
    set key bot
    plot 'P8' w lp t'P8- numerical', 'P8.ref' w lp t'P8 - measured'
    P8 (script)

    P8 (script)

    set xlabel 'T(s)' 
    set ylabel 'Level (m)' 
    set xtics; set ytics
    set key bot
    plot 'P9' w lp t'P9- numerical', 'P9.ref' w lp t'P9 - measured'
    P9 (script)

    P9 (script)

    set xlabel 'T(s)' 
    set ylabel 'Level (m)' 
    set xtics; set ytics
    set key bot
    plot 'P10' w lp t'P10- numerical', 'P10.ref' w lp t'P10 - measured'
    P10 (script)

    P10 (script)


    We record movies of the water depth, the velocity and the level of refinement.

    Evolution of the water level

    event movies ( t += 0.1 ) {
      scalar m[], v[], fr[];
        v[] = norm(u);
        m[] = (h[] > dry ) - 0.5;
        fr[] = h[] > dry ? v[]/sqrt(G*h[]) : 0;
      boundary ({m,v,fr});
      output_ppm (h, mask = m, min = 0, max = 0.2, n = N, linear = true, file = "height.mp4");
      output_ppm (v, mask = m, min = 0, max = 4, n = N, linear = true, file = "vel.mp4");
      output_ppm (fr, mask = m, min = 0, max = 2, n = N, linear = true, file = "froude.mp4");
      scalar l = m;
        l[] = level;
      output_ppm (l, min = MINLEVEL, max = MAXLEVEL, n = N, file = "level.mp4");
    event ending(t = end){
      static FILE * rph = fopen ("raster_h.asc", "w");
      output_grd (h, rph);
      scalar m[], v[];
        v[] = norm(u);
        m[] = (h[] > dry ) - 0.5;
      boundary ({m,v});
      static FILE * rpu = fopen ("raster_v.asc", "w");
      output_grd (v, rpu);
    event figures (t += 1)
      scalar m[], etam[];
      foreach() {
        etam[] = eta[]*(h[] > dry);
        m[] = etam[] - zb[];
      boundary ({m, etam});
      char name[80];
      sprintf (name, "h-%g-1.png", t);
      output_ppm (h, mask = m, min = 0, max = 0.2, file = name, n = 1024,
    	      linear = true,
    	      opt = "-fill white -opaque black");
      sprintf (name, "h-%g-2.png", t);
      output_ppm (h, mask = m, min = 0, max = 0.2, file = name, n = 1024,
    	      linear = true);
      sprintf (name, "level-%g.png", t);
      scalar l[];
        l[] = level;
      output_ppm (l, min = MINLEVEL, max = MAXLEVEL, file = name, n = 1024,
    	      linear = false,);