
    Transonic shock with Darcy friction


    We use the Saint-Venant solver on a 1D grid and we add the Darcy friction term.

    #include "grid/cartesian1D.h"
    #include "b-flood/saint-venant-topo.h"
    #include "b-flood/darcy.h"
    int LEVEL;
    scalar e[];
    norm nerror;
    int ne = 0;
    double tmax = 200, q0 = 2, z0;
    double dx ;
    double a1 = 0.674202, a2 = 21.7112, a3 = 14.492, a4 = 1.4305;
    // Analytical solution for h(x) and dh/dx
    double hex (double x) {
      if (x <= 200/3.)
        return pow(4/G,1/3.)*((4/3.-x/100.)-9*x/1000.*(x/100.-2/3.));
        return pow(4/G,1/3.)*(a1*pow(x/100.-2/3.,4) +
    			  a1*cube(x/100.-2/3.) -
    			  a2*sq(x/100.-2/3.) +
    			  a3*(x/100.-2/3.) + a4);
    double dhex (double x) {
      if (x <= 200/3.)
        return pow(4/G,1/3.)*(-9*x - 200)/50000.;
        return pow(4/G,1/3.)*(a1*cube(x)/25000000. - a1*sq(x)/200000. +
    			  a1*x/7500. + a1/675. - a2*x/5000. + a2/75. + a3/100.);
    // Darcy friction term in kinematic formulation
    double sfd(double x){
      return  -f/(8*G)*sq(q0)/cube(hex(x));
    // Z and dz/dx
    // We use RK4 to solve the topography
    double dzex(double x) {
      return (sq(q0)/(G*cube(hex(x))) - 1.)*dhex(x) + sfd(x);
    double zex(double x, double z) {
      return z + dx/4.*(dzex(x - dx) + 2.*dzex(x - 0.5*dx) + dzex(x));


    Definition of parameters and calling of the Saint-Venant subroutine run().

    int main()
      f = 0.093;
      L0 = 100.;
      X0 = 0;
      G = 9.81;
      for (LEVEL = 4; LEVEL <= 9; LEVEL++) {  
        N = 1 << LEVEL;
        dx = L0/N;
        fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %g\n", N, nerror.avg, nerror.rms);

    Boundary condition

    We set h and q (u) at both boundaries (torrential upstream and fluvial downstream).

    h[left] = dirichlet(max(hex(0),0));
    eta[left] =  dirichlet(max(hex(0)+zb[],zb[]));
    u.n[left] = dirichlet(max(q0/hex(0),0));
    h[right] = dirichlet(max(hex(100),0));
    eta[right] =  dirichlet(max(hex(100)+zb[],zb[]));
    u.n[right] = dirichlet(max(q0/hex(100),0));

    Initial conditions

    event init (i = 0)
      // Because the slope is initially dry, we set a maximum time-step. 
      DT = 1e-2;
      z0 = 0;
        zb[] = zex(x,z0);
        z0 = zb[];
        u.x[] = 0;

    Error norms

    We compute the different error norms

    event error (i++; t <= tmax) {
        e[] = h[] - hex(x);  
      nerror = normf (e);

    Gnuplot output

    We print the water profile along the channel at final time.

    event printprofile (t = tmax)
      char name[100];
      FILE * fp;
      sprintf (name, "profil-%i.dat", N);
      fp = fopen(name, "w");
        fprintf (fp, "%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\n",
    	     x, h[], zb[], hex(x), u.x[]);



    S. Popinet. Quadtree-adaptive tsunami modelling. Ocean Dynamics, 61(9):1261–1285, 2011. [ .pdf ]


    I MacDonald, MJ Baines, NK Nichols, and PG Samuels. Analytic benchmark solutions for open-channel flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 123(11):1041–1045, 1997. [ DOI ]


    set xlabel 'L (m)' 
    set ylabel 'Height (m)' 
    set xtics 
    set ytics
    set y2label 'Error (m)'
    set y2tics
    set key l b
    plot [][] './profil-512.dat' u 1:($3+$4) w l lw 0.5 \
                    axes x1y1 t 'exact solution :Zb + he', \
              './profil-512.dat' u 1:($2+$3) w l lt 0 lw 7 \
                    axes x1y1 t 'N=512 :Zb + h', \
              './profil-32.dat' u 1:($2+$3) axes x1y1 t 'N=32: Zb + h', \
              './profil-512.dat' u 1:3 w l axes x1y1 t 'topo: Zb', \
              './profil-512.dat' u 1:($2-$4) w l \
                    axes x1y2 t'error N=512: h - he (right axis)'
    Free surface and topography (script)

    Free surface and topography (script)

    set logscale
    set xlabel 'Number of cells N' 
    set ylabel 'Error norm (m)' 
    set xtics 
    set ytics
    set cbrange [1:2]
    ftitle(a,b) = sprintf("order %4.2f", -b)
    f1(x) = a1 + b1*x
    fit f1(x) 'log' u (log($1)):(log($2)) via a1,b1
    f2(x) = a2 + b2*x
    fit f2(x) 'log' u (log($1)):(log($3)) via a2,b2
    plot exp (f1(log(x))) t ftitle(a1,b1), './log' u 1:2 t 'average error', \
         exp (f2(log(x))) t ftitle(a2,b2), './log' u 1:3 t 'rms error'
    Error convergence (script)

    Error convergence (script)