

    We do not have the right to share the topography or plant cover that has been graciously loaned to us by the IGN. We do not have the right to share the rain RADAR rasters that has been graciously loaned to us by METEO-FRANCE. We share this script anyway for information purposes. You will not be able to reproduce our results without buying these files.

    #include "b-flood/saint-venant-topo.h"
    #include "b-flood/manning.h"
    #include "b-flood/rain.h"
    #include "b-flood/infiltration.h"
    #include "b-flood/vthreshold.h"
    #include "b-flood/inflow.h"
    #include "terrain.h"
    #include "input.h"
    #define SPELEVEL 10
    #define MAXLEVEL 9 // dx = 13.6 m
    #define MINLEVEL 6 // dx = 235 m
    #define EMAXE 0.05
    double maxrain = 80 /3.6*1e-6;
    int nf,nc,ncell;
    timer t0;
    int main() {
      threshold = 10;	
      L0 = 7000.00;
      X0 = 1022400;
      Y0 = 6278404;
      G = 9.81;
      dry = 1e-4;
      N = 1 << MAXLEVEL; // Which is equivalent to N = 2^(maxlevel)


    event stopprog( t = 5*3600 ) // 18h00 -> 23h00
      fprintf(stderr,"stop\n rainmax = %lf",maxrain*1e3);
    int spec(double x, double y){
      double R = 30;
      double x0 = 1024228, y0 = 6280726; // Cannes Town Hall
      if( sq(x - x0) + sq(y - y0 ) <= sq(R) )
        return 1;
      x0 = 1024023, y0 = 6280923; // Fire station
      if( sq(x - x0) + sq(y - y0 ) <= sq(R) )
        return 1;
      x0 = 1024252, y0 = 6280890; // Other Town Hall
      if( sq(x - x0) + sq(y - y0 ) <= sq(R) )
        return 1;
      x0 = 1024530, y0 = 6281037; // Central police station
      if( sq(x - x0) + sq(y - y0 ) <= sq(R) )
        return 1;
      x0 = 1024947, y0 = 6281920; // police station
      if( sq(x - x0) + sq(y - y0 ) <= sq(R) )
        return 1;
      x0 = 1023557, y0 = 6282754; // Other Town Hall
      if( sq(x - x0) + sq(y - y0 ) <= sq(R) )
        return 1;
      x0 = 1024628, y0 = 6283539; // Cannet Town Hall
      if( sq(x - x0) + sq(y - y0 ) <= sq(R) )
        return 1;
      x0 = 1024399, y0 = 6283146; // Other Cannet Town Hall
      if( sq(x - x0) + sq(y - y0 ) <= sq(R) )
        return 1;
      return 0;

    Initial condition

    scalar veget[];
    event init (i = 0){
      terrain (zb, "./TopoW/topo", NULL);
      DT = 60;
        //We fill the mediteranean sea
        eta[] = 0;
        h[] = max(eta[] - zb[], 0);
      // the vegetation
      input_grd(veget, file = "./Topo/veget-good.asc");   
        // high vegetation zone
        if( veget[] > 0.1 ){
          nmanning[] = 0.1;
          // Loamy sand
          Ch[] = 0.061;
          K[] = 3e-5/3.6; //cm/h in m/s
          Sat[] = 0.05;
        // roads and city
         else if( zb[] < 50 && zb[] >= 0 ){
          nmanning[] = 0.03; 
          //Sandy Clay
          Ch[] = 0.21;
          K[] = 0.15e-5/3.6;
          Sat[] = 0.05; //5% free
        // in the sea
        else if( zb[] < 0 ){
          nmanning[] = 0.03; 
          //fully saturated 
          Ch[] = 0;
          K[] = 0;
          Sat[] = 0; //0% free
          nmanning[] = 0.06; // other
          //Sandy Clay
          Ch[] = 0.21;
          K[] = 0.15e-5/3.6;
          Sat[] = 0.05; //5% free
      refine( level < SPELEVEL && spec(x,y));
      FILE * fpp = fopen("raster_manning.asc","w");
      output_grd(nmanning, fpp);
      fpp = fopen("raster_zb.asc","w");
      fpp = fopen("raster_K.asc","w");
      output_grd(K, fpp);
      t0 = timer_start();

    Adaptative refinement

    int adapt_H() {
      scalar nh[];
        nh[] = h[] > dry ? h[] : 0;
      boundary ({nh});
      astats s = adapt_wavelet ({nh}, (double[]){EMAXE} ,MAXLEVEL,MINLEVEL);
      nc +=;
      nf +=;
    event do_adapt_H (i++) adapt_H();

    Boundary conditions

    u.n[top] = neumann(0);
    u.n[left] = zb[] < 0 ? - radiation(0) : neumann(0);
    u.n[right]  = + radiation(0);
    u.n[bottom] = - radiation(0);


    scalar train[];
    double maxrain;
    event comprain( i++ ){
        train[] += rain[] * dt;
        if( train[] > maxrain )
          maxrain = train[]; 
    event rrain ( t+=60){
      read_lameeau(name = "./ASC/LAME_EAU.COLL.20151003", start = 18, end = 23, step = 60, linear = true, timelin = true);
    //////// OUTPUT


    event logfile (t += 72) {
      timing tr = timer_timing (t0, i, 0, NULL);
      stats s = statsf (h);
      scalar v[];
        v[] = norm(u);
      stats no = statsf (v);
      if( i == 0 )
        fprintf (stderr, "#1t 2treal 3i 4h.min 5h.max 6h.sum 7u.min 8u.max 9dt\n");  
      fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %d %g %g %g %g %g %g\n", t/3600.,tr.real, i, s.min, s.max, s.sum, 
    	   no.min, no.max, dt);

    Flood print

    We store the maximum level of water in the scalar hmax[].

    scalar hmax[];
    scalar alea[];
    scalar u2[], u2max[];
    event comphmax(i += 10) {
      foreach() {
        if (h[] > hmax[]) 
          hmax[] =  h[];
        double vel = norm(u);
        if( (h[] >= 1 && vel >= 0.2) || vel >= 1 )
          alea[] = 4;
        else if((h[] >= 1 || (h[] >= 0.5 && vel >= 0.5)) && (alea[] < 4))
          alea[] = 3;
        else if(( h[] >= 0.3 || vel >= 0.2) && alea[] < 3)
          alea[] = 2;
        else if ( alea[] < 2 )
          alea[] = 1;
        u2[] = 1000*h[]*sq(vel);
        if( u2[]  > u2max[] )
          u2max[] = u2[];


    event raster( t += 1800  ) { 
      double seuil = 0.1; 
      scalar m[];
      foreach() {
        m[] = (h[] > dry + seuil) - 0.5;
      boundary ({m});
      double th = (t+1)/3600;
      char name[50];
      FILE * grdh = fopen(name,"w");
      output_grd (h,grdh, mask = m);


    We record movies of the water depth, the velocity and the level of refinement.

    event movies ( t += 30 ) {
        scalar m[], v[];
          v[] = norm(u);
          m[] = (h[] > dry ) - 0.5;
          if( zb[] < 0 ) m[] = -0.5;
        boundary ({m,v});
        output_ppm (h, mask = m, min = 0, max = 2, n = N, linear = true, file = "height.mp4");
        output_ppm (Vol, mask = m, min = 0, max = 2, n = N, linear = true, file = "VolInf.mp4");
        output_ppm (v, mask = m, min = 0, max = 8, n = N, linear = true, file = "vel.mp4");
        output_ppm (u2, mask = m, n = N, linear = true, file = "u2.mp4");
        scalar l = m;
          l[] = level;
        output_ppm (l, min = MINLEVEL, max = SPELEVEL, n = N, file = "level.mp4");
        output_ppm (rain, min = 0, max = 120e-3/3600., n = N, linear = true, file = "rain.mp4");
        output_ppm (train, min = 0, max = 200e-3, n = N, linear = true, file = "totalrain.mp4");

    Fractal dim

    int ifractal = 0;
    event fracdim( t += 60){
      int ncell = 0;
      static FILE * ffrac = fopen("fdim.dat","w");
      if( ifractal == 0){
        fprintf(ffrac,"# t \t i \t Ncell \t Nrefined \t Ncoarsen");
      fprintf(ffrac,"%.1lf \t %i \t %i \t %i \t %i\n",t/3600.,i,ncell,nf,nc);
      nf = nc = 0;
    event ending(t = end){
      static FILE * rptrain = fopen ("raster_train.asc", "w");
      output_grd (train, rptrain);
      static FILE * rpvolinf = fopen ("raster_volinf.asc", "w");
      output_grd (Vol, rpvolinf);
      static FILE * rphmax = fopen ("raster_hmax.asc", "w");
      output_grd (hmax, rphmax);
      static FILE * rpalea = fopen ("raster_alea.asc", "w");
      output_grd (alea, rpalea);
      static FILE * rpu2max = fopen ("raster_u2max.asc", "w");
      output_grd (u2max, rpu2max);