
    double s_clean = 1.e-10;
    scalar cs2[];
    face vector fs2[];
    event metric (i = 0)
        cs2[] = 1.;
        fs2.x[] = 1.;
    #if TREE
      cs2.refine = embed_fraction_refine;

    For prolongation we cannot use the same function since the surface fraction field fs2 is not necessarily defined for prolongation cells. So we switch back to the default fraction refinement (which is less accurate but only relies on cs2).

      cs2.prolongation = fraction_refine;
        fs2.x.prolongation = embed_face_fraction_refine_x;

    Note that we do not need to change the refine method since the default refine method calls the prolongation method for each component.

      boundary ({cs2, fs2});
      restriction ({cs2, fs2});
      // cm2 = cs2; // needs to be added in common.h & tree-common.h
      // fm2 = fs2;
    static inline void refine_embed_linear2 (Point point, scalar s)
      foreach_child() {
        if (!cs2[])
          s[] = 0.;
        else {
          assert (coarse(cs2));
          int i = (child.x + 1)/2, j = (child.y + 1)/2;
    #if dimension == 2
          if (coarse(fs2.x,i) && coarse(fs2.y,0,j) &&
          (coarse(cs2) == 1. || coarse(cs2,child.x) == 1. ||
           coarse(cs2,0,child.y) == 1. || coarse(cs2,child.x,child.y) == 1.)) {
        assert (coarse(cs2,child.x) && coarse(cs2,0,child.y));
        if (coarse(fs2.x,i,child.y) && coarse(fs2.y,child.x,j)) {
          // bilinear interpolation
          assert (coarse(cs2,child.x,child.y));
          s[] = (9.*coarse(s) + 
             3.*(coarse(s,child.x) + coarse(s,0,child.y)) + 
          // triangular interpolation     
          s[] = (2.*coarse(s) + coarse(s,child.x) + coarse(s,0,child.y))/4.;
          else if (coarse(cs2,child.x,child.y) &&
               ((coarse(fs2.x,i) && coarse(fs2.y,child.x,j)) ||
            (coarse(fs2.y,0,j) && coarse(fs2.x,i,child.y)))) {
        // diagonal interpolation
        s[] = (3.*coarse(s) + coarse(s,child.x,child.y))/4.;
    #else // dimension == 3
          int k = (child.z + 1)/2;
          if (coarse(fs2.x,i) > 0.25 && coarse(fs2.y,0,j) > 0.25 &&
          coarse(fs2.z,0,0,k) > 0.25 &&
          (coarse(cs2) == 1. || coarse(cs2,child.x) == 1. ||
           coarse(cs2,0,child.y) == 1. || coarse(cs2,child.x,child.y) == 1. ||
           coarse(cs2,0,0,child.z) == 1. || coarse(cs2,child.x,0,child.z) == 1. ||
           coarse(cs2,0,child.y,child.z) == 1. ||
           coarse(cs2,child.x,child.y,child.z) == 1.)) {
        assert (coarse(cs2,child.x) && coarse(cs2,0,child.y) &&
        if (coarse(fs2.x,i,child.y) && coarse(fs2.y,child.x,j) &&
            coarse(fs2.z,child.x,child.y,k) &&
            coarse(fs2.z,child.x,0,k) && coarse(fs2.z,0,child.y,k)) {
          assert (coarse(cs2,child.x,child.y) && coarse(cs2,child.x,0,child.z) &&
              coarse(cs2,0,child.y,child.z) &&
          // bilinear interpolation
          s[] = (27.*coarse(s) + 
             9.*(coarse(s,child.x) + coarse(s,0,child.y) +
                 coarse(s,0,0,child.z)) + 
             3.*(coarse(s,child.x,child.y) + coarse(s,child.x,0,child.z) +
                 coarse(s,0,child.y,child.z)) + 
          // tetrahedral interpolation
          s[] = (coarse(s) + coarse(s,child.x) + coarse(s,0,child.y) +
          else if (coarse(cs2,child.x,child.y,child.z) &&
               ((coarse(fs2.z,child.x,child.y,k) &&
             ((coarse(fs2.x,i) && coarse(fs2.y,child.x,j)) ||
              (coarse(fs2.y,0,j) && coarse(fs2.x,i,child.y))))
            (coarse(fs2.z,0,0,k) &&
             ((coarse(fs2.x,i,0,child.z) && coarse(fs2.y,child.x,j,child.z)) ||
              (coarse(fs2.y,0,j,child.z) && coarse(fs2.x,i,child.y,child.z))))
            (coarse(fs2.z,child.x,0,k) &&
             coarse(fs2.x,i) && coarse(fs2.y,child.x,j,child.z))
            (coarse(fs2.z,0,child.y,k) &&
             coarse(fs2.y,0,j) && coarse(fs2.x,i,child.y,child.z))
        // diagonal interpolation
        s[] = (3.*coarse(s) + coarse(s,child.x,child.y,child.z))/4.;
    #endif // dimension == 3
          else {
        // Pathological cases, use 1D gradients.
        s[] = coarse(s);
        foreach_dimension() {
          if (coarse(fs2.x,(child.x + 1)/2) && coarse(cs2,child.x))
            s[] += (coarse(s,child.x) - coarse(s))/4.;
          else if (coarse(fs2.x,(- child.x + 1)/2) && coarse(cs2,- child.x))
            s[] -= (coarse(s,- child.x) - coarse(s))/4.;

    Surface force and vorticity

    We first define a function which computes \mathbf{\nabla}\mathbf{u}\cdot\mathbf{n} while taking the boundary conditions on the embedded surface into account.

    attribute {
      void (* embed_gradient2) (Point, scalar, coord *);
    static inline
    coord embed_gradient2 (Point point, vector u, coord p, coord n)
      coord dudn;
      foreach_dimension() {
        bool dirichlet;
        double vb = u.x.boundary[embed] (point, point, u.x, &dirichlet);
        if (dirichlet) {
          double val;
          dudn.x = dirichlet_gradient (point, u.x, cs2, n, p, vb, &val);
        else // Neumann
          dudn.x = vb;
        if (dudn.x == nodata)
          dudn.x = 0.;
      return dudn;

    Restriction of cell-centered fields

    We now define restriction and prolongation functions for cell-centered fields. The goal is to define second-order operators which do not use any values from cells entirely contained within the embedded boundary (for which cs = 0).

    When restricting it is unfortunately not always possible to obtain a second-order interpolation. This happens when the parent cell does not contain enough child cells not entirely contained within the embedded boundary. In these cases, some external information (i.e. a boundary gradient condition) is required to be able to maintain second-order accuracy. This information can be passed by defining the embed_gradient() function of the field being restricted.

    static inline void restriction_embed_linear2 (Point point, scalar s)
      // 0 children
      if (!cs2[]) {
        s[] = 0.;

    We first try to interpolate “diagonally”. If enough child cells are defined (i.e. have non-zero embedded fractions), we return the corresponding value.

      double val = 0., nv = 0.;
      for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
    #if dimension > 2
        for (int j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
          if (fine(cs2,0,i,j) && fine(cs2,1,!i,!j))
      val += (fine(s,0,i,j) + fine(s,1,!i,!j))/2., nv++;
      if (nv > 0.) {
        s[] = val/nv;

    Otherwise, we use the average of the child cells which are defined (there is at least one).

      coord p = {0.,0.,0.};
        if (cs2[])
          p.x += x, p.y += y, p.z += z, val += s[], nv++;
      assert (nv > 0.);
      s[] = val/nv;

    If the gradient is defined and if the variable is not using homogeneous boundary conditions, we improve the interpolation using this information.

      if (s.embed_gradient2 && s.boundary[0] != s.boundary_homogeneous[0]) {
        coord o = {x,y,z}, g;
        s.embed_gradient2 (point, s, &g);
          s[] += (o.x - p.x/nv)*g.x;