#include "geometry.h"
#include "fractions.h"
#if dimension == 1
coord mycs(Point point, scalar c) {
coord n = {1.};
return n;
#elif dimension == 2
#include "myc2d.h"
# define mfacets int m = facets(n, alpha, v);
#else // dimension == 3
#include "myc.h"
# define mfacets int m = facets(n, alpha, v, 1.);
// Macro to simplify facets calculation
#define shortcut_facets \
coord n; \
n = mycs(point, c); \
double alpha = plane_alpha(c[], n); \
coord v[12]; \
// Macro to simplify dealing with slices
#define shortcut_slice(n,_alpha) \
double alpha = (_alpha - n.x*x - n.y*y - n.z*z)/Delta;\
if (fabs(alpha) > 0.87) \
continue; \
#include "output_vtu_helpers.h"
This function writes one XML VTK file per PID process of type unstructured grid
(*.vtu) which can be read using Paraview. File stores scalar and vector fields
defined at the center points. Results are recorded on binary format. If one
writes one *.vtu file per PID process this function may be combined with
output_pvtu() above to read in parallel. Tested in (quad- and oct-)trees using
MPI. Also works with solids (when not using MPI).
We also write one XML file which allows to read the *.vtu files generated by
output_vtu() when used in MPI. Tested in (quad- and oct-)trees using MPI.
// Main function to output VTU file for the current process
void output_vtu_pid(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname) {
#if defined(_OPENMP)
int num_omp = omp_get_max_threads(); // Get the number of OpenMP threads
omp_set_num_threads(1); // Set the number of OpenMP threads to 1
char name[111]; // Buffer for file name construction
sprintf(name, "%s.vtu", subname); // Construct the VTU filename
FILE *fp = fopen(name, "w"); // Open the VTU file for writing
if (!fp) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s for writing.\n", name);
// Define a scalar field for periodic conditions
scalar per_mask[];
foreach () {
per_mask[] = 1.;
// Obtain the number of points, cells, and marker used for connectivity
vertex scalar marker[];
long no_points = 0, no_cells = 0;
foreach_vertex(serial, noauto) {
#if TREE
marker[] = _k;
# if dimension == 2
marker[] = (point.i - 2) * ((1 << point.level) + 1) + (point.j - 2);
# else
marker[] = (point.i - 2) * sq((1 << point.level) + 1) + (point.j - 2) * ((1 << point.level) + 1) + (point.k - 2);
# endif
no_points++; // Increment the number of points
foreach (serial, noauto) {
if (per_mask[]) {
no_cells++; // Increment the number of cells
#if dimension == 2
char type = 9, noffset = 4;
#elif dimension == 3
char type = 12, noffset = 8;
// Write the light data of the VTU file with data blocks specified by offset
long count = 0;
write_vtu_header(fp, no_points, no_cells); // Write the VTU file header
write_scalar_light_data(fp, list, vlist, &count, no_cells); // Write scalar data arrays
write_points_light_data(fp, &count, no_points); // Write points data array
write_cells_light_data(fp, &count, no_cells, no_cells*noffset); // Write cells data arrays
write_vtu_appended(fp); // Write the VTU appended data section
// Write the heavy data blocks
write_scalar_heavy_data(fp, list, per_mask, no_cells); // Write scalar field data
write_vector_heavy_data(fp, vlist, per_mask, no_cells); // Write vector field data
write_points_heavy_data(fp, no_points); // Write points data
write_cell_offsets(fp, no_cells, noffset); // Write cell offsets
write_cell_types(fp, no_cells, type); // Write cell types
write_cell_connectivity(fp, marker, per_mask, no_cells, noffset); // Write cell connectivity
fputs("\t\n", fp);
fputs("\t</AppendedData>\n", fp);
fputs("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
fflush(fp); // Flush the file buffer
fclose(fp); // Close the VTU file
#if defined(_OPENMP)
omp_set_num_threads(num_omp); // Restore the original number of OpenMP threads
This function writes a slice defined by n={n_x, n_y, n_z} and \alpha using a similar approach to view.h
into one XML VTK file per PID process of type unstructured grid (*.vtu) in binary format which can be read using Paraview. Only works for x, y, and/or z planes. Here, _alpha is assumed to intersect a cell face and must be a multiple of L0/1<<MINLEVEL. This also means that scalar and vector fields are written at the corresponding face values.
#if dimension > 2
// Main function to output VTU file for the current process
void output_slice_vtu_pid(scalar *slist, vector *vlist, char *subname, coord n = {0, 0, 1}, double _alpha = 0) {
#if defined(_OPENMP)
int num_omp = omp_get_max_threads(); // Get the number of OpenMP threads
omp_set_num_threads(1); // Set the number of OpenMP threads to 1
char name[111]; // Buffer for file name construction
sprintf(name, "%s.vtu", subname); // Construct the VTU filename
FILE *fp = fopen(name, "w"); // Open the VTU file for writing
if (!fp) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s for writing.\n", name);
// Define a scalar field for periodic conditions
scalar per_mask[];
foreach (){
per_mask[] = 0.;
shortcut_slice(n, _alpha);
if (alpha > 0.){
per_mask[] = cs[];
per_mask[] = 1.;
// Obtain the number of points, cells, and marker used for connectivity
vertex scalar marker[];
long no_points = 0, no_cells = 0;
foreach_vertex(serial, noauto){
marker[] = 0.;
shortcut_slice(n, _alpha); // if not in the requested plane, we cycle
marker[] = no_points;
no_points++; // Increment the number of points
foreach (serial, noauto){
if (per_mask[]){
no_cells++; // Increment the number of cells
// Write the light data. Every time we write someting we increase the counter
// to track where the data array starts. Cells are defined as VTK_QUAD(=9)
// defined by 4 points.
char type = 9, noffset = 4;
long count = 0;
write_vtu_header(fp, no_points, no_cells); // Write the VTU file header
write_scalar_light_data(fp, slist, vlist, &count, no_cells); // Write scalar data arrays
write_points_light_data(fp, &count, no_points); // Write points data array
write_cells_light_data(fp, &count, no_cells, no_cells*noffset); // Write cells data arrays
write_vtu_appended(fp); // Write the VTU appended data section
// Write the heavy data blocks
write_scalar_heavy_data_slice(fp, slist, per_mask, no_cells, n, _alpha); // Write scalar field data
write_vector_heavy_data_slice(fp, vlist, per_mask, no_cells, n, _alpha); // Write vector field data
write_points_heavy_data_slice(fp, no_points, n, _alpha); // Write points data
write_cell_offsets(fp, no_cells, noffset); // Write cell offsets
write_cell_types(fp, no_cells, type); // Write cell types
write_cell_connectivity_slice(fp, marker, per_mask, no_cells, noffset, n); // Write cell connectivity
fputs("\t\n", fp);
fputs("\t </AppendedData>\n", fp);
fputs("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
fflush(fp); // Flush the file buffer
fclose(fp); // Close the VTU file
#if defined(_OPENMP)
omp_set_num_threads(num_omp); // Restore the original number of OpenMP threads
// Main function to output PVTU and VTU files
@if _MPI
void output_pvtu(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname){
char name[112]; // Buffer for file name construction
FILE *fp; // File pointer for file operations
if (pid() == 0) {
// Construct the PVTU filename
sprintf(name, "%s.pvtu", subname);
// Open the PVTU file for writing
fp = fopen(name, "w");
if (!fp)
{ // Check for file opening errors
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s for writing.\n", name);
MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1); // Abort MPI execution on error
// Write sections of the PVTU file
write_pvtu_header(fp); // Write the header
write_scalar_light_pdata(fp, list, vlist); // Write scalar data arrays
write_points_light_pdata(fp); // Write points data array
write_pieces_light_pdata(fp, subname); // Write piece references
// Close the PVTU file
fflush(fp); // Flush the file buffer
fclose(fp); // Close the file
sprintf(name, "%s_n%3.3d", subname, pid());
output_vtu_pid(list, vlist, name);
#if dimension > 2
void output_slice_pvtu(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname, coord n = {0, 0, 1}, double _alpha = 0){
char name[112]; // Buffer for file name construction
FILE *fp; // File pointer for file operations
if (pid() == 0) {
// Construct the PVTU filename
sprintf(name, "%s.pvtu", subname);
// Open the PVTU file for writing
fp = fopen(name, "w");
if (!fp)
{ // Check for file opening errors
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s for writing.\n", name);
MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1); // Abort MPI execution on error
// Write sections of the PVTU file
write_pvtu_header(fp); // Write the header
write_scalar_light_pdata(fp, list, vlist); // Write scalar data arrays
write_points_light_pdata(fp); // Write points data array
write_pieces_light_pdata(fp, subname); // Write piece references
// Close the PVTU file
fflush(fp); // Flush the file buffer
fclose(fp); // Close the file
sprintf(name, "%s_n%3.3d", subname, pid());
output_slice_vtu_pid(list, vlist, name, n, _alpha);
// Wrapper function to output VTU file depending on MPI usage
void output_vtu ( scalar * list, vector * vlist, char * subname ){
// Check if MPI is defined
@if _MPI
// If MPI is defined, call output_pvtu to handle parallel VTU output
output_pvtu ( list, vlist, subname );
// If MPI is not defined, call output_vtu_pid to handle serial VTU output
output_vtu_pid ( list, vlist, subname );
#if dimension > 2
// Wrapper function to output VTU file depending on MPI usage
void output_slice_vtu(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname, coord n = {0, 0, 1}, double _alpha = 0){
// Check if MPI is defined
@if _MPI
// If MPI is defined, call output_pvtu to handle parallel VTU output
output_slice_pvtu ( list, vlist, subname, n, _alpha );
// If MPI is not defined, call output_vtu_pid to handle serial VTU output
output_slice_vtu_pid ( list, vlist, subname, n, _alpha );
This function writes a surface from field data using the built-in VOF PLIC
surface or the isosurface reconstruction in bview into one XML VTK file of type
unstructured grid (*.vtu) which can be read using Paraview. This extends the
routines in output_surfaces.h by Oystein Lande in two points: one, this
is extended to write a single .vtu file when using MPI; and two, heavy data is
stored in raw binary format.
// Main function to output facets as VTK file
void output_facets_pid(scalar c, scalar kappa, char * subname){
#if defined(_OPENMP)
// Save current number of OpenMP threads and set it to 1 for this function
int num_omp = omp_get_max_threads();
// Construct the filename and open the file for writing
char name[99];
sprintf(name, "%s.vtu", subname);
FILE *fp = fopen(name, "w");
// Obtain the number of vertices (points) and assets (cells)
long nverts = 0, nfacets = 0;
count_vertices_and_facets(c, &nverts, &nfacets);
// Declare arrays to store vertex coordinates and facet offsets
double *pt_array_x = malloc(nverts * sizeof(double));
double *pt_array_y = malloc(nverts * sizeof(double));
#if dimension <= 2
double *pt_array_z = NULL;
double *pt_array_z = malloc(nverts * sizeof(double));
long *offsets = malloc(nfacets * sizeof(long));
// Populate the arrays with vertex coordinates and facet offsets
populate_vertex_and_offset_arrays(c, nverts, nfacets, pt_array_x, pt_array_y, pt_array_z, offsets);
// Populte the arrays with the curvature kappa
double *fc_array_kappa = malloc(nfacets * sizeof(double));
populate_facet_arrays(c, kappa, nverts, nfacets, fc_array_kappa);
// Set cell type: VTK_POLY_LINE for 2D, VTK_POLYGON for 3D
#if dimension <= 2
char type=4; //VTK_POLY_LINE (=4)
char type=7; //VTK_POLYGON (=7)
// Counter to keep track of the byte offsets in the VTK file
long count = 0.;
write_vtu_header(fp, nverts, nfacets); // Write the VTU file header
write_points_light_data(fp, &count, nverts); // Write points data array
write_cells_light_data(fp, &count, nfacets, nverts); // Write cells data arrays
write_scalar_light_data(fp, {kappa}, NULL, &count, nfacets); // Write scalar data arrays
write_vtu_appended(fp); // Write the VTU appended data section
// Write the points (vertices) data to the VTK file
write_points_heavy_data_array(fp, nverts, pt_array_x, pt_array_y, pt_array_z);
write_cell_offsets2(fp, nfacets, offsets); // Write cell offsets
write_cell_types(fp, nfacets, type); // Write cell types
write_cell_offsets3(fp, nverts); // Write cell offsets
write_scalar_heavy_data_array(fp, nfacets, fc_array_kappa); // Write cell curvature
fputs ("\t\n", fp);
fputs ("\t </AppendedData>\n", fp);
fputs ("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
fflush(fp); // Flush the file buffer
fclose(fp); // Close the VTU file
// Free allocated memory
#if dimension == 3
#if defined(_OPENMP)
@if _MPI
// Main function to output facets as VTK file if MPI
void output_facets_pvtu (scalar c, scalar kappa, char * subname) {
#if defined(_OPENMP)
// Save current number of OpenMP threads and set it to 1 for this function
int num_omp = omp_get_max_threads();
// Obtain the number of vertices (points) and assets (cells)
long nverts_long = 0, nfacets_long = 0;
count_vertices_and_facets(c, &nverts_long, &nfacets_long);
int nverts = (int)nverts_long, nfacets = (int)nfacets_long;
// Declare arrays to store vertex coordinates and facet offsets
double *pt_array_x = malloc(nverts * sizeof(double));
double *pt_array_y = malloc(nverts * sizeof(double));
#if dimension <= 2
double *pt_array_z = NULL;
double *pt_array_z = malloc(nverts * sizeof(double));
long *offsets = malloc(nfacets * sizeof(long));
// Populate the arrays with vertex coordinates and facet offsets
populate_vertex_and_offset_arrays(c, nverts_long, nfacets_long, pt_array_x, pt_array_y, pt_array_z, offsets);
// Populte the arrays with the curvature kappa
double *fc_array_kappa = malloc(nfacets * sizeof(double));
populate_facet_arrays(c, kappa, nverts, nfacets, fc_array_kappa);
// Global variables to store the total number of vertices and facets across all processes
long glob_nverts = 0, glob_nfacets = 0;
MPI_Allreduce(&nverts_long, &glob_nverts, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Allreduce(&nfacets_long, &glob_nfacets, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Arrays to store the number of vertices and facets per process
int list_nverts[npe()], pos_nverts[npe()];
int list_nfacets[npe()], pos_nfacets[npe()];
// Gather the number of vertices and facets from all processes
MPI_Allgather(&nverts, 1, MPI_INT, list_nverts, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Allgather(&nfacets, 1, MPI_INT, list_nfacets, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Calculate the starting positions for vertices and facets for each process
pos_nverts[0] = 0;
pos_nfacets[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < npe(); i++) {
pos_nverts[i] = pos_nverts[i-1] + list_nverts[i-1];
pos_nfacets[i] = pos_nfacets[i-1] + list_nfacets[i-1];
// Adjust facet offsets for the current process
for (int i = 0; i < nfacets; i++)
offsets[i] = offsets[i] + pos_nverts[pid()];
// Pointers for global arrays (only used by the root process)
long *glob_offsets = NULL;
double *glob_pt_array_x = NULL;
double *glob_pt_array_y = NULL;
double *glob_pt_array_z = NULL;
double *glob_fc_array_kappa = NULL;
const int root = 0;
if (pid() == root) {
// Allocate memory for global arrays on the root process
glob_offsets = malloc(glob_nfacets * sizeof(long));
glob_pt_array_x = malloc(glob_nverts * sizeof(double));
glob_pt_array_y = malloc(glob_nverts * sizeof(double));
#if dimension == 3
glob_pt_array_z = malloc(glob_nverts * sizeof(double));
glob_fc_array_kappa = malloc(glob_nfacets * sizeof(double));
// Gather vertex and facet data from all processes to the root process
MPI_Gatherv(offsets, nfacets, MPI_LONG, glob_offsets, list_nfacets, pos_nfacets, MPI_LONG, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Gatherv(pt_array_x, nverts, MPI_DOUBLE, glob_pt_array_x, list_nverts, pos_nverts, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Gatherv(pt_array_y, nverts, MPI_DOUBLE, glob_pt_array_y, list_nverts, pos_nverts, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
#if dimension == 3
MPI_Gatherv(pt_array_z, nverts, MPI_DOUBLE, glob_pt_array_z, list_nverts, pos_nverts, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Gatherv(fc_array_kappa, nfacets, MPI_DOUBLE, glob_fc_array_kappa, list_nfacets, pos_nfacets, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Free local arrays
#if dimension == 3
// Only the root process writes the data to the VTK file
if (pid() == root) {
#if dimension <= 2
char type=4; //VTK_POLY_LINE (=4)
char type=7; //VTK_POLYGON (=7)
// Construct the filename and open the file for writing
char name[99];
sprintf(name, "%s.vtu", subname);
FILE * fp = fopen(name, "w");
// Counter to keep track of the byte offsets in the VTK file
long count = 0;
write_vtu_header(fp, glob_nverts, glob_nfacets); // Write the VTU file header
write_points_light_data(fp, &count, glob_nverts); // Write points data array
write_cells_light_data(fp, &count, glob_nfacets, glob_nverts); // Write cells data arrays
write_scalar_light_data(fp, {kappa}, NULL, &count, nfacets); // Write scalar data arrays
write_vtu_appended(fp); // Write the VTU appended data section
// Write the points (vertices) data to the VTK file
write_points_heavy_data_array(fp, glob_nverts, glob_pt_array_x, glob_pt_array_y, glob_pt_array_z);
write_cell_offsets2(fp, glob_nfacets, glob_offsets); // Write cell offsets
write_cell_types(fp, glob_nfacets, type); // Write cell types
write_cell_offsets3(fp, glob_nverts); // Write cell offsets
write_scalar_heavy_data_array(fp, glob_nfacets, glob_fc_array_kappa); // Write cell curvature
fputs ("\t\n", fp);
fputs ("\t </AppendedData>\n", fp);
fputs ("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
fflush(fp); // Flush the file buffer
fclose(fp); // Close the VTU file
// Free allocated memory
#if dimension == 3
#if defined(_OPENMP)
// Wrapper function to output VTU file depending on MPI usage
void output_facets_vtu (scalar c, scalar s, char * subname){
// Check if MPI is defined
@if _MPI
// If MPI is defined, call output_pvtu to handle parallel VTU output
output_facets_pvtu ( c, s, subname );
// If MPI is not defined, call output_vtu_pid to handle serial VTU output
output_facets_pid ( c, s, subname );
#undef shortcut_slice
#undef shortcut_facets
#undef mfacets