XML File Formats
preamble: define some useful macros
To make the routines (a little bit) easier to follow, we’ll define the following macros to deal with the reconstruction of the VOF interface
#include "geometry.h"
#include "fractions.h"
#if dimension == 1
coord mycs(Point point, scalar c)
coord n = {1.};
return n;
#elif dimension == 2
#include "myc2d.h"
#define mfacets int m = facets(n, alpha, v);
#else // dimension == 3
#include "myc.h"
#define mfacets int m = facets(n, alpha, v, 1.);
Macro to simplify facets calculation
#define shortcut_facets \
coord n; \
n = mycs(point, c); \
double alpha = plane_alpha(c[], n); \
coord v[12]; \
Macro to simplify dealing with slices
#define shortcut_slice(n, _alpha) \
double alpha = (_alpha - n.x * x - n.y * y - n.z * z) / Delta; \
if (fabs(alpha) > 0.87) \
and some useful functions
#include "output_vtu_helpers.h"
output_vtu(): Exports full 2D (or 3D) fields.
This function writes one VTK XML file which can be read using Paraview. The file stores scalar and vector fields defined at the center points are stored at the cell center of an unstructured grid with the following structure:
In MPI environments, each task writes its own .vtu
file, linked together by a .pvtu
file. Results are recorded in binary format.
The arguments and their default values are:
- list
- pointer to the list of scalar fields to be exported.
- vlist
- pointer to the list of vector fields to be exported.
- subname
- subname to be used for the output file.
Example Usage
scalar * slist = {a,b};
vector * vlist = {c,d};
char *subname = "domain";
output_vtu(slist, vlist, subname);
see, also example.
// Function prototypes
void output_vtu_pid(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname);
#ifdef _MPI
void output_pvtu(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname);
void output_vtu(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname){
// Check if MPI is defined
@if _MPI
// If MPI is defined, call output_pvtu to handle parallel VTU output
output_pvtu(list, vlist, subname);
// If MPI is not defined, call output_vtu_pid to handle serial VTU output
output_vtu_pid(list, vlist, subname);
output_vtu_pid(): writes one .vtu
file for the current process
void output_vtu_pid(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname) {
#if defined(_OPENMP)
int num_omp = omp_get_max_threads(); // Get the number of OpenMP threads
omp_set_num_threads(1); // Set the number of OpenMP threads to 1
char name[111]; // Buffer for file name construction
sprintf(name, "%s.vtu", subname); // Construct the VTU filename
FILE *fp = fopen(name, "w"); // Open the VTU file for writing
if (!fp){
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s for writing.\n", name);
Define a scalar field for periodic conditions
scalar per_mask[];
foreach () {
per_mask[] = 1.;
Obtain the number of points, cells, and marker used for connectivity
vertex scalar marker[];
long no_points = 0, no_cells = 0;
foreach_vertex(serial, noauto){
#if TREE
marker[] = _k;
#if dimension == 2
marker[] = (point.i - 2) * ((1 << point.level) + 1) + (point.j - 2);
marker[] = (point.i - 2) * sq((1 << point.level) + 1) + (point.j - 2) * ((1 << point.level) + 1) + (point.k - 2);
no_points++; // Increment the number of points
foreach (serial, noauto){
if (per_mask[]){
no_cells++; // Increment the number of cells
VTK cell types: VTK_QUAD (in 2D) or VTK_HEXAHEDRON (in 3D)
#if dimension == 2
char type = 9, noffset = 4;
#elif dimension == 3
char type = 12, noffset = 8;
Write the light data of the VTU file with data blocks specified by offset
long count = 0;
write_vtu_header(fp, no_points, no_cells); // Write the VTU file header
write_scalar_light_data(fp, list, vlist, &count, no_cells); // Write scalar data arrays
write_points_light_data(fp, &count, no_points); // Write points data array
write_cells_light_data(fp, &count, no_cells, no_cells * noffset); // Write cells data arrays
write_vtu_appended(fp); // Write the VTU appended data section
Write the heavy data blocks
write_scalar_heavy_data(fp, list, per_mask, no_cells); // Write scalar field data
write_vector_heavy_data(fp, vlist, per_mask, no_cells); // Write vector field data
write_points_heavy_data(fp, no_points); // Write points data
write_cell_offsets(fp, no_cells, noffset); // Write cell offsets
write_cell_types(fp, no_cells, type); // Write cell types
write_cell_connectivity(fp, marker, per_mask, no_cells, noffset); // Write cell connectivity
and close the file
fputs("\t\n", fp);
fputs("\t</AppendedData>\n", fp);
fputs("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
fflush(fp); // Flush the file buffer
fclose(fp); // Close the VTU file
#if defined(_OPENMP)
omp_set_num_threads(num_omp); // Restore the original number of OpenMP threads
output_pvtu(): if MPI, writes one .pvtu
and .vtu
for each process
@ if _MPI
void output_pvtu(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname)
char name[112]; // Buffer for file name construction
FILE *fp; // File pointer for file operations
if (pid() == 0){
sprintf(name, "%s.pvtu", subname); // Construct the PVTU filename
fp = fopen(name, "w"); // Open the PVTU file for writing
if (!fp){
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s for writing.\n", name);
// Write sections of the PVTU file
write_pvtu_header(fp); // Write the header
write_scalar_light_pdata(fp, list, vlist); // Write scalar data arrays
write_points_light_pdata(fp); // Write points data array
write_pieces_light_pdata(fp, subname); // Write piece references
// Close the PVTU file
fflush(fp); // Flush the file buffer
fclose(fp); // Close the file
sprintf(name, "%s_n%3.3d", subname, pid());
output_vtu_pid(list, vlist, name);
output_slice_vtu(): Exports a 2D slice of a 3D field
This function takes a slice defined by n={n_x, n_y, n_z}
and _alpha
as as in view.h. Only works for x
, y
, and/or z
planes. Here, _alpha
is assumed to intersect a cell face and must be a multiple of L0/1<<MINLEVEL
. This also means that scalar and vector fields are written at the corresponding face values.
Naturaly, this routine only works in 3D.
The arguments and their default values are:
- list
- pointer to the list of scalar fields to be exported.
- vlist
- pointer to the list of vector fields to be exported.
- subname
- subname to be used for the output file.
- n
- vector \vec{n} normal to the plane.
- alpha
- coordinate \alpha intersecting the plane.
Example Usage
scalar * slist = {a,b};
vector * vlist = {c,d};
output_slice_vtu(slist, vlist, "slice_x", (coord){1,0,0}, 0);
output_slice_vtu(slist, vlist, "slice_y", (coord){0,1,0}, 0);
output_slice_vtu(slist, vlist, "slice_z", (coord){0,0,1}, 0);
see, also example.
#if dimension > 2
// Function prototypes
void output_slice_vtu_pid(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname, coord n, double _alpha);
#ifdef _MPI
void output_slice_pvtu(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname, coord n, double _alpha);
void output_slice_vtu(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname, coord n = {0, 0, 1}, double _alpha = 0){
// Check if MPI is defined
@ if _MPI
// If MPI is defined, call output_pvtu to handle parallel VTU output
output_slice_pvtu(list, vlist, subname, n, _alpha);
@ else
// If MPI is not defined, call output_vtu_pid to handle serial VTU output
output_slice_vtu_pid(list, vlist, subname, n, _alpha);
output_slice_vtu_pid(): writes one .vtu
file for the current process
void output_slice_vtu_pid(scalar *slist, vector *vlist, char *subname, coord n = {0, 0, 1}, double _alpha = 0){
#if defined(_OPENMP)
int num_omp = omp_get_max_threads(); // Get the number of OpenMP threads
omp_set_num_threads(1); // Set the number of OpenMP threads to 1
char name[111]; // Buffer for file name construction
sprintf(name, "%s.vtu", subname); // Construct the VTU filename
FILE *fp = fopen(name, "w"); // Open the VTU file for writing
if (!fp){
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s for writing.\n", name);
Define a scalar field to deal with solids and periodic conditions
scalar per_mask[];
foreach (){
per_mask[] = 0.;
shortcut_slice(n, _alpha);
if (alpha > 0.){
per_mask[] = cs[];
per_mask[] = 1.;
Obtain the number of points, cells, and marker used for connectivity
vertex scalar marker[];
long no_points = 0, no_cells = 0;
foreach_vertex(serial, noauto){
marker[] = 0.;
shortcut_slice(n, _alpha); // if not in the requested plane, we cycle
marker[] = no_points;
no_points++; // Increment the number of points
foreach (serial, noauto){
if (per_mask[]){
no_cells++; // Increment the number of cells
Every time we write someting we increase the counter to track where the data array starts. Cells are defined as VTK_QUAD(=9) defined by 4 points.
char type = 9, noffset = 4;
long count = 0;
Write the light data.
write_vtu_header(fp, no_points, no_cells); // Write the VTU file header
write_scalar_light_data(fp, slist, vlist, &count, no_cells); // Write scalar data arrays
write_points_light_data(fp, &count, no_points); // Write points data array
write_cells_light_data(fp, &count, no_cells, no_cells * noffset); // Write cells data arrays
write_vtu_appended(fp); // Write the VTU appended data section
Write the heavy data blocks
write_scalar_heavy_data_slice(fp, slist, per_mask, no_cells, n, _alpha); // Write scalar field data
write_vector_heavy_data_slice(fp, vlist, per_mask, no_cells, n, _alpha); // Write vector field data
write_points_heavy_data_slice(fp, no_points, n, _alpha); // Write points data
write_cell_offsets(fp, no_cells, noffset); // Write cell offsets
write_cell_types(fp, no_cells, type); // Write cell types
write_cell_connectivity_slice(fp, marker, per_mask, no_cells, noffset, n); // Write cell connectivity
and close the file
fputs("\t\n", fp);
fputs("\t </AppendedData>\n", fp);
fputs("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
fflush(fp); // Flush the file buffer
fclose(fp); // Close the VTU file
#if defined(_OPENMP)
omp_set_num_threads(num_omp); // Restore the original number of OpenMP threads
output_slice_pvtu(): if MPI, writes one .pvtu
and .vtu
for each process
@ if _MPI
void output_slice_pvtu(scalar *list, vector *vlist, char *subname, coord n = {0, 0, 1}, double _alpha = 0)
char name[112]; // Buffer for file name construction
FILE *fp; // File pointer for file operations
if (pid() == 0){
sprintf(name, "%s.pvtu", subname); // Construct the PVTU filename
fp = fopen(name, "w"); // Open the PVTU file for writing
if (!fp){
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s for writing.\n", name);
// Write sections of the PVTU file
write_pvtu_header(fp); // Write the header
write_scalar_light_pdata(fp, list, vlist); // Write scalar data arrays
write_points_light_pdata(fp); // Write points data array
write_pieces_light_pdata(fp, subname); // Write piece references
// Close the PVTU file
fflush(fp); // Flush the file buffer
fclose(fp); // Close the file
sprintf(name, "%s_n%3.3d", subname, pid());
output_slice_vtu_pid(list, vlist, name, n, _alpha);
output_facets_vtu(): Exports the VOF interface.
This function writes a surface from field data using the built-in VOF PLIC surface. The file also stores a scalar field at the cell center of an unstructured grid with the following structure:
This extends the routines in output_surfaces.h
. by Oystein Lande in two points: one, this is extended to write a single .vtu file when using MPI; and two, heavy data is stored in raw binary format.
The arguments and their default values are:
- c
- vof scalar field.
- s
- scalar field to store, for instance, curvature.
- subname
- subname to be used for the output file.
Example Usage
scalar kappa[];
curvature (f, kappa);
output_facets_vtu(f, kappa, "Interface");
see, also example.
// Function prototypes
void output_facets_pid(scalar c, scalar s, char *subname);
#ifdef _MPI
void output_facets_pvtu(scalar c, scalar s, char *subname);
void output_facets_vtu(scalar c, scalar s, char *subname){
// Check if MPI is defined
@ if _MPI
// If MPI is defined, call output_pvtu to handle parallel VTU output
output_facets_pvtu(c, s, subname);
@ else
// If MPI is not defined, call output_vtu_pid to handle serial VTU output
output_facets_pid(c, s, subname);
output_facets_pid(): writes one .vtu
file for the current process
void output_facets_pid(scalar c, scalar kappa, char *subname)
#if defined(_OPENMP)
// Save current number of OpenMP threads and set it to 1 for this function
int num_omp = omp_get_max_threads();
Construct the filename and open the file for writing
Obtain the number of vertices (points) and assets (cells)
long nverts = 0, nfacets = 0;
count_vertices_and_facets(c, &nverts, &nfacets);
Declare arrays to store vertex coordinates and facet offsets
double *pt_array_x = malloc(nverts * sizeof(double));
double *pt_array_y = malloc(nverts * sizeof(double));
#if dimension <= 2
double *pt_array_z = NULL;
double *pt_array_z = malloc(nverts * sizeof(double));
long *offsets = malloc(nfacets * sizeof(long));
Populate the arrays with vertex coordinates and facet offsets
populate_vertex_and_offset_arrays(c, nverts, nfacets, pt_array_x, pt_array_y, pt_array_z, offsets);
Populate the arrays with the curvature kappa
double *fc_array_kappa = malloc(nfacets * sizeof(double));
populate_facet_arrays(c, kappa, nverts, nfacets, fc_array_kappa);
Set cell type: VTK_POLY_LINE for 2D, VTK_POLYGON for 3D
#if dimension <= 2
char type = 4; // VTK_POLY_LINE (=4)
char type = 7; // VTK_POLYGON (=7)
Counter to keep track of the byte offsets in the VTK file
long count = 0.;
Write the light data
write_vtu_header(fp, nverts, nfacets); // Write the VTU file header
write_points_light_data(fp, &count, nverts); // Write points data array
write_cells_light_data(fp, &count, nfacets, nverts); // Write cells data arrays
write_scalar_light_data(fp, {kappa}, NULL, &count, nfacets); // Write scalar data arrays
write_vtu_appended(fp); // Write the VTU appended data section
Write the points (vertices) data to the VTK file
write_points_heavy_data_array(fp, nverts, pt_array_x, pt_array_y, pt_array_z);
write_cell_offsets2(fp, nfacets, offsets); // Write cell offsets
write_cell_types(fp, nfacets, type); // Write cell types
write_cell_offsets3(fp, nverts); // Write cell offsets
write_scalar_heavy_data_array(fp, nfacets, fc_array_kappa); // Write cell curvature
and close the file
fputs("\t\n", fp);
fputs("\t </AppendedData>\n", fp);
fputs("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
fflush(fp); // Flush the file buffer
fclose(fp); // Close the VTU file
#if dimension == 3
#if defined(_OPENMP)
output_facets_pvtu(): if MPI, writes one .pvtu
and .vtu
for each process
@ if _MPI
void output_facets_pvtu(scalar c, scalar kappa, char *subname){
#if defined(_OPENMP)
// Save current number of OpenMP threads and set it to 1 for this function
int num_omp = omp_get_max_threads();
Obtain the number of vertices (points) and assets (cells)
long nverts_long = 0, nfacets_long = 0;
count_vertices_and_facets(c, &nverts_long, &nfacets_long);
int nverts = (int)nverts_long, nfacets = (int)nfacets_long;
Declare arrays to store vertex coordinates and facet offsets
double *pt_array_x = malloc(nverts * sizeof(double));
double *pt_array_y = malloc(nverts * sizeof(double));
#if dimension <= 2
double *pt_array_z = NULL;
double *pt_array_z = malloc(nverts * sizeof(double));
long *offsets = malloc(nfacets * sizeof(long));
Populate the arrays with vertex coordinates and facet offsets
populate_vertex_and_offset_arrays(c, nverts_long, nfacets_long, pt_array_x, pt_array_y, pt_array_z, offsets);
Populate the arrays with the curvature kappa
double *fc_array_kappa = malloc(nfacets * sizeof(double));
populate_facet_arrays(c, kappa, nverts, nfacets, fc_array_kappa);
Global variables to store the total number of vertices and facets across all processes
long glob_nverts = 0, glob_nfacets = 0;
MPI_Allreduce(&nverts_long, &glob_nverts, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Allreduce(&nfacets_long, &glob_nfacets, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
Arrays to store the number of vertices and facets per process
int list_nverts[npe()], pos_nverts[npe()];
int list_nfacets[npe()], pos_nfacets[npe()];
Gather the number of vertices and facets from all processes
MPI_Allgather(&nverts, 1, MPI_INT, list_nverts, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Allgather(&nfacets, 1, MPI_INT, list_nfacets, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
Calculate the starting positions for vertices and facets for each process
pos_nverts[0] = 0;
pos_nfacets[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < npe(); i++){
pos_nverts[i] = pos_nverts[i - 1] + list_nverts[i - 1];
pos_nfacets[i] = pos_nfacets[i - 1] + list_nfacets[i - 1];
Adjust facet offsets for the current process
for (int i = 0; i < nfacets; i++)
offsets[i] = offsets[i] + pos_nverts[pid()];
// Pointers for global arrays (only used by the root process)
long *glob_offsets = NULL;
double *glob_pt_array_x = NULL;
double *glob_pt_array_y = NULL;
double *glob_pt_array_z = NULL;
double *glob_fc_array_kappa = NULL;
Gather the data from each process
const int root = 0;
if (pid() == root){
// Allocate memory for global arrays on the root process
glob_offsets = malloc(glob_nfacets * sizeof(long));
glob_pt_array_x = malloc(glob_nverts * sizeof(double));
glob_pt_array_y = malloc(glob_nverts * sizeof(double));
#if dimension == 3
glob_pt_array_z = malloc(glob_nverts * sizeof(double));
glob_fc_array_kappa = malloc(glob_nfacets * sizeof(double));
// Gather vertex and facet data from all processes to the root process
MPI_Gatherv(offsets, nfacets, MPI_LONG, glob_offsets, list_nfacets, pos_nfacets, MPI_LONG, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Gatherv(pt_array_x, nverts, MPI_DOUBLE, glob_pt_array_x, list_nverts, pos_nverts, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Gatherv(pt_array_y, nverts, MPI_DOUBLE, glob_pt_array_y, list_nverts, pos_nverts, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
#if dimension == 3
MPI_Gatherv(pt_array_z, nverts, MPI_DOUBLE, glob_pt_array_z, list_nverts, pos_nverts, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Gatherv(fc_array_kappa, nfacets, MPI_DOUBLE, glob_fc_array_kappa, list_nfacets, pos_nfacets, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Free local arrays
#if dimension == 3
Only the root process writes the data to the VTK file
if (pid() == root){
#if dimension <= 2
char type = 4; // VTK_POLY_LINE (=4)
char type = 7; // VTK_POLYGON (=7)
// Construct the filename and open the file for writing
char name[99];
sprintf(name, "%s.vtu", subname);
FILE *fp = fopen(name, "w");
// Counter to keep track of the byte offsets in the VTK file
long count = 0;
write_vtu_header(fp, glob_nverts, glob_nfacets); // Write the VTU file header
write_points_light_data(fp, &count, glob_nverts); // Write points data array
write_cells_light_data(fp, &count, glob_nfacets, glob_nverts); // Write cells data arrays
write_scalar_light_data(fp, {kappa}, NULL, &count, nfacets); // Write scalar data arrays
write_vtu_appended(fp); // Write the VTU appended data section
// Write the points (vertices) data to the VTK file
write_points_heavy_data_array(fp, glob_nverts, glob_pt_array_x, glob_pt_array_y, glob_pt_array_z);
write_cell_offsets2(fp, glob_nfacets, glob_offsets); // Write cell offsets
write_cell_types(fp, glob_nfacets, type); // Write cell types
write_cell_offsets3(fp, glob_nverts); // Write cell offsets
write_scalar_heavy_data_array(fp, glob_nfacets, glob_fc_array_kappa); // Write cell curvature
fputs("\t\n", fp);
fputs("\t </AppendedData>\n", fp);
fputs("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
fflush(fp); // Flush the file buffer
fclose(fp); // Close the VTU file
// Free allocated memory
#if dimension == 3
#if defined(_OPENMP)
postamble: delete macros
#undef shortcut_slice
#undef shortcut_facets
#undef mfacets