
    Testing output_vtkhdf() and output_vtkhdf_slice()

    In this example use the sample results to test the output routines.

    #include "output_vtkhdf.h"
    #define MAXLEVEL 7
    #define r2 (sq(x) + sq(y))
    // Function to generate a triangle wave
    double triangle_wave(double t, double amplitude, double period) {  
      return (4 * amplitude / period) * fabs(t - (period / 2) * floor(2 * t / period + 0.5)) - amplitude/2;
    int main(){
      L0 = 1.0;
      X0 = Y0 = Z0 = -L0 / 2;
      N = 1 << (MAXLEVEL-2);
     #if TREE
      double outer_radius = 0.5;
      double inner_radius = 0.0;
      refine(((r2 < sq(outer_radius)) && (r2 > sq(inner_radius))) && level < MAXLEVEL);
      // We create some fields
      scalar f[], p[];
      vector u[];
        f[] = (triangle_wave(x,0.33,0.25) > y);
        p[] = (y + 0.1*noise())*f[];    
        u.x[] = (  sq(y) + sin(2*pi*x)*cos(2*pi*y) + 0.1*noise())*f[] + (sin(3*pi*x)*cos(3*pi*y) + 0.1*noise())*(1-f[]);
        u.y[] = (cube(y) + sin(4*pi*x)*cos(4*pi*y) + 0.1*noise())*f[] + (sin(5*pi*x)*cos(5*pi*y) + 0.1*noise())*(1-f[]);
      // And write a xmf file
      output_vtkhdf({f,p}, {u}, "domain.vtkhdf");
    #if dimension > 2
      output_vtkhdf_slice({f,p}, {u}, "slice_x.vtkhdf", (coord){1,0,0}, 0);
      output_vtkhdf_slice({f,p}, {u}, "slice_y.vtkhdf", (coord){0,1,0}, 0);
      output_vtkhdf_slice({f,p}, {u}, "slice_z.vtkhdf", (coord){0,0,1}, 0);