
    Using 2D results to initialize a 3D simulation

    drawing drawing
    An example of the intial condition in 2D (left) and the corresponding 3D interface (right).

    This function reads 2D simulation results from a binary file in a format compatible with the gnuplot binary matrix format in double precision, see auxiliar_input.h. The 2D results are then used to initialize a 3D simulation, which may be useful to reduce computational cost by avoiding long transients, or to focus on the development of 3D instabilities from a 2D base state.

    initial_condition_2Dto3D(): Function to read 2D simulation results.

    This function reads a series of files containing the grid level (example_l.bin), volume fraction (example_f.bin), in-plane velocities (example_u.bin and example_v.bin), and pressure (example_p.bin), and stores them in the corresponding fields. If used in 2D, data is loaded in the (x,y)-plane. If used in 3D, data is loaded in the (x,z)-plane, and the velocity v_y is set to zero. If there are walls in the transversal direction, we may load the fields only between y\in[d_1,d_2]. All files should start with the same prefix stored inside a variable file_restart_path

    The arguments and their default values are:

    scalar field to be initialized.
    vector field to be initialized.
    scalar field to be initialized.
    upper bound in the y-coordinate
    lower bound in the y-coordinate

    Example Usage

      #define D0 (L0/2.)
      scalar f[], p[];
      vector u[];
      const char *file_restart_path = "example";
      #include "initial_conditions_2Dto3D.h"
      initial_condition_2Dto3D(f, u, p, D0/2., -D0/2.);

    see, also example 1

    #include "auxiliar_input.h"
    // Define some useful macros
    #define cond1(y,d1,d2) ((l[] < level) && ((y < d1) && (y > d2)))
    #define cond2(y,d1,d2,del) ((y > d1+del) || (y < d2-del))
    #define wallbox(d, extra) intersection((d + extra - y), (-d + extra + y))
    void initial_condition_2Dto3D(scalar f, vector u, scalar p, double d1, double d2){
      // Initialize transveral velocity 
    	  u.y[] = 0.;
      // Now, we match the refinement level
      scalar l[];
      read_matrix(file_restart_path, "_l", l);      
    #if dimension == 3
      // If 3D, we may unrefine outside of the region of interest
      int maxlevel = MAXLEVEL;
      for (int li = maxlevel; li >= 4; li--){
        unrefine( (cond1(y,d1,d2) || cond2(y,d1,d2,16*_mindel)) && level > li);
      // Then, we read the corresponding fields
      read_matrix(file_restart_path, "_f", f);
      read_matrix(file_restart_path, "_u", u.x);
      #if dimension == 2
        read_matrix(file_restart_path, "_v", u.y);
        read_matrix(file_restart_path, "_v", u.z);
      read_matrix(file_restart_path, "_p", p);
    // Delete the macros
    #undef wallbox
    #undef cond1
    #undef cond2