
    In this simulation we observe the bursting of a bubble on a water-air interface. There is several option in this simulation we can activate to study different things arround the bursting Bubble process

    First, this simulation is long enough to allow us to observe all the jet drops coming from a bursting bubble event

    Available option

    • Gravity
    • BRUIT
    • AdaptOn
    • ROMEO
    • DIV
    • IntTracking
    • Bview
    • ENERGY


    This option will increase the domain size and it will add a pressure measurement far away from the bubble. This was a request from an acoustician friends, in order to compare the pressure he measured experimentaly, and the one observe by Basilisk, under the incompressible assumption


    This option will set the gravity forces to true. They are defined by the Bond number (Bo), with Bo = \frac{\rho g R^2}{\gamma}, with \rho being the liquid density, g the acceleration of gravity, R the radius of the bubble, and \gamma the surface tension.


    This option (BRUIT is noise in french) will add an initial noise in the simulation. This noise is a random velocity in the liquid field. This velocity field is centerd on 0 and has an amplitude based on the velocity of the first drop.


    When set to true, this option will allow the use of the adaptiv mesh of Basilisk


    Juliette Pierre asked me if it was possible to track some bubble taht could be trapped below the simulation. This option allow the simulation to track those kind of bubble in the liquid phase


    This option will allow us to observe the divergence field in the simulation


    This option will allow the simulation to output the interface of the simulation for the first steps of the simulation


    This option allow the use of bview to output images and video


    This option allow the use of the measure module. This module is a post-processing tool to measure the position of the interface allong the axis of symmetry, but also the size, the position and the velocity of all the droplets coming from the simulation


    This option allow the use of the energy module (which is not working). This module is a post-processing tool to measure the energy in the simulation

    Publication linked to this simulation

    The results on all the drops were published here in Physical Review of Fluids.

    A detail study on the statistic is available here in Geophysical Research Letters.

    Basilisk option

    We want to perform an axi-symetric simulation, with the centered Navier-Stokes solver, on a 2 fluid simulations.

    #include <time.h>
    #include "axi.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "tension.h"

    tag.h is a module use to tag the different phase of bubble or liquid

    #include "tag.h"

    distance.h is a module use to get the height function

    #include "distance.h"

    We add profiling option to track the perfs of the simulation. Those module are not mandatory for the simulation to work properly, but they provide usefull information

    #include "navier-stokes/perfs.h"
    #include "profiling.h"

    Last option: the gravity

    #define Gravity 1
    #if Gravity
    #include "reduced.h"

    Physical Parameters

    There are 2 parameters for this simulation. The first one is the Laplace number. The second one is the Bond number. The default value used for the (James) Bond number is 0.07. It’s used to compute the initial shape of the bubble.

    double La = 10000;
    double Bond = 0.07;

    The surface tension \sigma is defined by the parameter Sigma. We define it equal to 1.

    #define Sigma 1.

    The simulation should end at t = END. Iend is used in case of noise to mark the end of an output

    #define END 1.2
    #define Iend 8500


    Those option have been describe at the begining of this file

    #define ACOUSTIC 0
    #define BRUIT 0
    double amplitude = 0.01; // the noise amplitude

    Alternatively, we can add some noise on the interface (only if there is no noise in the liquid phase). This option is disabled and may not work anymore

    // #if !BRUIT
    //   #define InterfaceNoise 1
    // #endif
    #define AdaptOn 1
    #define ROMEO 0
    #define DIV 0
    #define IntTracking 0

    Numerical Parameters

    LEVEL stand for the maximum refinement of the grid

    L0 is for the size of the simulation domain. We can see here the impact of the ACOUSTIC option

    int LEVEL = 10;
    #if ACOUSTIC
    #define L0 25.
    #define L0 10.

    The MinLevel option define the minimum level of refinement for the adaptive mesh

    #define MinLevel 4

    If we want to output a simulation when there is creation of new liquid phase, we should define DumpSimulation to 1. Otherwise, it should be 0.

    #define DumpSimulation 1

    We add the boundary condition to allow the liquid drops to escape the simulation domain once the reach to top of the domain

    u.n[right] = neumann(0.);
    p[right] = dirichlet(0.);

    intemax, uemax1 and uemax2 are numerical parameters that controll the condition when the mesh will increase or decrease its refinement level

    double intemax = 0.005;
    double uemax1 = 0.2;
    double uemax2 = 0.15;

    The simulation setup

    int  main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
      size (L0); // size of the domain
      #if ACOUSTIC
      origin (-20, 0.);
      init_grid (1 << (11)); // initial grid in ACOUSTIC: $2^11$ cells in each direction
      origin (-L0/2., 0.);
      init_grid (1 << (9)); // initial grid: $2^9$ cells in each direction

    By default, the value of the Laplace number is 10 000. But we can change that with an initial input argument.

      if (argc >= 2){
        La = atof (argv[1]);

    By default, the value of the Bond number is 0.07. But we can change that with an initial input argument.

      if (argc >=3){
        Bond = atof (argv[2]);

    By default, the value of the maximum level refinement is 10. But we can change that with an initial input argument.

      if (argc >=4){
        LEVEL = atoi (argv[3]);

    By default the adaptiv criterion on the velocity is at 0.15, but we can change that with an initial input argument.

      if (argc >=5){
        uemax2 = atof (argv[4]);

    By default the initial noise amplitude is at 0.01, but we can change that with an initial input argument.

      if (argc >=6){
        amplitude = atof (argv[5]);

    We divide by La to obtain the Oh number, so La must be positive. Concerning the Bo number, we prefer to avoid numerical problems, so we forced him to be positive.

      assert(La > 0.);
      assert(Bond > 0.);
      double Oh = sqrt(1./La);

    We then define the properties of the fluids. In this case, the fluid 1 corresponds to water, and the fluid 2 corresponds to air.

      rho1 = 1., mu1 = Oh;
      rho2 = 1./998., mu2 = Oh/55.;

    We have defined the density, the viscosity and the shape with dimensionless number. Therefore, we have to fix the surface tension to 1.

      f.sigma = Sigma;

    Last, if the gravity is defined, we set the gravity action to the Bond number value.

      #if Gravity
      G.x = -Bond;

    In case of simulation with noise, we initialize the random seed to make sure that all the simulation with noise will be different


    We print the characteristics of the fluid in the log file.

      fprintf (stderr, "props %f %f %f %f %f %i\n \n",
    	   rho1, mu1, La, Bond, Sigma, LEVEL);

    Some functions

    We compute the velocity of Ganan-Calvo (PRL 2017) (with the correction from Deike et al PRF 2018). This will be the velocity of reference for the noise.

    double refVelo(double La, double Bo){
      return sqrt(La)*19*pow(( (1+2.2*Bo) * La * (pow(500,-1./2.)-pow(La,-1./2.)) ),-3./4.);

    If we want to add noise in the simulation, there is a function for that.

    double velocityNoise(double amplitude) {
      return( (2*(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)-1)*amplitude );


    We initialize the simulation with the bubble shape. We include the library findBond in the code. It will solve the bubble shape equation and return a liste of coordinate.

    Then, we use a second function, geometry that will take the hollow circle and the bubble shape, to proceed to the union of the 2 distance fields.

    #include "findBond.h"
    #include "view.h" //include here because we didn't need to perform output before
    event init (t = 0) {
      if (!restore (file = "restart") ){

    Here, dataShape will contain the coordinate of the water/air interface.

        coord* dataShape;
        Circle* hollow = NULL;
        Circle fillet;
        hollow = &fillet;
        Circle* cap = NULL;
        Circle topCap;
        cap = &topCap;
        dataShape = shapeBond(Bond, hollow, cap);
        // fprintf(stderr, "x= %f y= %f r= %f\n",fillet.x, fillet.y, fillet.r );
        // for debug purpose

    We are using the distance function, applied on the list of coordinate dataShape. This will generate a distance function.

        scalar d[];
        distance (d, dataShape);
        #if BRUIT
        double Ca = refVelo(La, Bond); 
        fprintf(stderr, "ref Velocity = %f, velo ref adim = %f \n", 
          Ca, Ca*sqrt(1/La));
        fprintf(stderr, "amplitude = %f\n", amplitude);
            if (d[]<0.){
              u.x[] = velocityNoise(amplitude)*Ca;

    Since we changed the velocity field, we need to redifine the boundary condition

        boundary ({u.x});
        boundary ({u.y});
        FILE * fp2 = fopen("noiseField", "w");
        // output_field({u.x, u.y}, fp2,  n = 1<<9);
        #if AdaptOn
        while (adapt_wavelet ({d}, (double[]){intemax}, LEVEL,9).nf);

    The distance function is defined at the center of each cell, we have to calculate the value of this function at each vertex.

        #if AdaptOn
        do {
          vertex scalar phi[];
            double a = (d[] + d[-1] + d[0,-1] + d[-1,-1])/4.;
            double b = -sq (fillet.r) + sq (x - fillet.y) + sq (y - fillet.x);
            double c = min(a,b);
            phi[] = -c;

    We can now initialize the volume fraction of the domain.

          fractions (phi, f);
        #if AdaptOn
        } while(adapt_wavelet({f}, (double[]){intemax}, LEVEL, 9).nf);

    We output the initial situation

        static FILE * fp = fopen("initial.png", "w");
        output_ppm(f, fp, 400, min = 0, max = 1, box = {{-2.5,0},{2.5,3}}); // a png  file, without bview
        view (fov = 4.69417, quat = {0,0,-0.707108,0.707106}, tx = 0., ty = 0.0855609, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1280, height = 720, samples = 4);
        draw_vof("f", filled = 1);
    implicit declaration of function ‘mirror’; did you mean ‘perror’? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
    expected expression before ‘{’ token
    expected ‘;’ before ‘draw_vof’
        mirror({0,1,0}, 0)
    Basilisk C parse error near `mirror({0,1,0}, 0)
          draw_vof("f", filled = 1);
        #if BRUIT
          view (fov = 12, quat = {0,0,-0.707108,0.707106}, tx = 0., ty = 0.0855609, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1280, height = 720, samples = 4);
          squares("u.x", min = -0.1, max = 0.1, map = cool_warm);
          mirror({0,1,0}, 0){
            squares("u.y", min = -0.1, max = 0.1, map = cool_warm);}
        #endif //BRUIT
      else { // restart Case
        FILE * fp = fopen ("initialRestore.png", "w");
        output_ppm(cm, fp, 400);

    Outputing noise in the simulation

    When we have noise, we output in mp4 file the first Iend steps.

    We show the velocity field and the vorticity field

    #if (BRUIT || InterfaceNoise)
    event noiseMovie (i++; i < Iend) {
        static FILE * fpNoise = popen ("ppm2mp4 noise.mp4", "w");
        view (fov = 12.699, quat = {0,0,0.707107,-0.707107}, ty = 0.00253494, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1920, height = 1080, samples = 4);
        squares("u.x", map = cool_warm, min = -0.5, max = 0.5);
        mirror({0,1,0}, 0) {
          squares("u.y",map = cool_warm, min = -0.5, max = 0.5);
        save(fp = fpNoise);
        scalar omega[];
        vorticity (u, omega);
        static FILE * fpNoise = popen ("ppm2mp4 noiseOmega.mp4", "w");
        view (fov = 12.699, quat = {0,0,0.707107,-0.707107}, ty = 0.00253494, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1920, height = 1080, samples = 4);
        squares("omega", min = -5, max = 5, linear = true);
        mirror({0,1,0}, 0) {
          squares("omega", min = -5, max = 5, linear = true);
        save(fp = fpNoise);


    At each step, we will adapt the mesh. We make sure that the mesh size will be at least 1/2^MinLevel

    #if AdaptOn
    event adapt (i++) {
      if (i<20)
        adapt_wavelet ({f,u}, (double []){intemax, uemax1, uemax1, uemax1},
    		 maxlevel = LEVEL, minlevel = MinLevel);
        adapt_wavelet ({f,u}, (double []){intemax, uemax2, uemax2, uemax2},
         maxlevel = LEVEL, minlevel = MinLevel);

    General output

    We output a few files. One will display the interface to observe the evolution of the simulation. The other are video files, output when Bview is define to 1

    int jj = 0;
    event outputInterface (i += 500) {
    // event outputFilm (t += 0.001) { // it's better to have an output based on the steps rather than the time

    We can output the interface in a txt file

      // {
        // static FILE * fp = fopen ("interface", "w");
        // jj++;
        // char interfaceFile[80];
        // sprintf(interfaceFile, "interface-%03d",jj);
        // static FILE * fp = fopen (interfaceFile, "w");
        // FILE * fp = fopen (interfaceFile, "w");
        // output_facets (f, fp);
        // fprintf(fp, "\n");
      // }

    If we want to use bview to observe the evolution of the simulation, we define Bview to 1.

      #define Bview 1
      #if Bview
      scalar omega[];
      vorticity (u, omega);

    We display the evolution of the interface. The fluid will be in black, the gas in white

        static FILE * fp1 = popen ("ppm2mp4 interface.mp4", "w");
        view (fov = 12.699, quat = {0,0,0.707107,-0.707107}, ty = 0.00253494, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1920, height = 1080, samples = 4);
        draw_vof("f", filled = 1);
    expected expression before ‘{’ token
    expected ‘;’ before ‘draw_vof’
        mirror({0,1,0}, 0)
    Basilisk C parse error near `mirror({0,1,0}, 0)
          draw_vof("f", filled = 1);
        save(fp = fp1);
      We show the vorticity field*/
        static FILE * fp2 = popen ("ppm2mp4 omega.mp4", "w");
        // scalar omega[];
        // vorticity (u, omega);
        // scalar l[];
        // foreach()
        //   l[] = level;
        view (fov = 12.699, quat = {0,0,0.707107,-0.707107}, ty = 0.00253494, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1920, height = 1080, samples = 4);
        squares("omega", map = jet, min = -50, max = 50, linear = true);
        // squares("omega", map = bwr, min = -50, max = 50, linear = true);
        mirror({0,1,0}, 0) {
          squares("-omega", map = jet, min = -50, max = 50, linear = true);
          // squares("-omega", map = bwr, min = -50, max = 50, linear = true);
        save(fp = fp2);
      // The colormap bwr is not yet in the general version of basilisk.

    The velocity field.

      // {
      //   static FILE * fp2 = popen ("ppm2mp4 ux.mp4", "w");
      //   scalar omega[];
      //   vorticity (u, omega);
      //   scalar l[];
      //   foreach()
      //     l[] = level;
      //   clear();
      //   view (fov = 12.699, quat = {0,0,0.707107,-0.707107}, ty = 0.00253494, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1920, height = 1080, samples = 4);
      //   draw_vof("f");
      //   squares("u.x", map = jet, min = -30, max = 30);
      //   mirror({0,1,0}, 0) {
      //     draw_vof("f");
      //     squares("u.x", map = jet, min = -30, max = 30);
      //   }
      //   save(fp = fp2);
      // }

    The vorticity field, with the cool_warm colormap. The liquid is in black, the vorticity is only showed in the gas

      // { static FILE * fp2 = popen
      //   ("ppm2mp4 omegaFilled.mp4", "w");
      //   scalar l[];
      //   foreach()
      //     l[] = level;
      //   clear();
      //   view (fov = 12.699, quat = {0,0,0.707107,-0.707107}, ty = 0.00253494, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1920, height = 1080, samples = 4);
      //   draw_vof("f", filled = 1);
      //   squares("omega", map = cool_warm, min = -30, max = 30);
      //   mirror({0,1,0}, 0) {
      //     draw_vof("f", filled = 1);
      //     squares("omega", map = cool_warm, min = -30, max = 30);
      //   }
      //   save(fp = fp2);
      // }

    The “level” field. The color is based on the level of resolution

        static FILE * fp3 = popen ("ppm2mp4 level.mp4", "w");
        scalar l[];
          l[] = level;
        view (fov = 12.699, quat = {0,0,0.707107,-0.707107}, ty = 0.00253494, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1920, height = 1080, samples = 4);
        draw_vof("f", filled= 1);
        squares("l",  min = 1, max = LEVEL);
        mirror({0,1,0}, 0) {
          squares("l", min = 1, max = LEVEL);
        save(fp = fp3);

    The “level” field again, but with a zoom.

        static FILE * fplz = popen ("ppm2mp4 levelZoom.mp4", "w");
        scalar l[];
          l[] = level;
        view (fov = 4.42681, quat = {0,0,0,1}, tx = 0.0579169, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1920, height = 1080, samples = 4);
        squares("l",  min = 1, max = LEVEL);
        mirror({0,1,0}, 0) {
          squares("l", min = 1, max = LEVEL);
        save(fp = fplz);

    The vorticity field, with a zoom this time

        static FILE * fpz = popen("ppm2mp4 omegaZoom.mp4", "w");
        view (fov = 6.69986, quat = {0,0,0,1}, tx = -0.05, ty = 0, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1920, height = 1080, samples = 4);
        squares("omega", min = -200, max = 200, map = jet, linear = true);
        // squares("omega", min = -200, max = 200, map = bwr, linear = true);
        mirror(n = {0,1,0}, alpha = 0){
          squares("-omega", min = -200, max = 200, map = jet, linear = true);
          // squares("omega", min = -200, max = 200, map = bwr, linear = true);
        save(fp = fpz);
      #if ROMEO

    The liquid/gas interface, below the bubble to observe a potential tiny bubble.

      static FILE * romeo = popen("ppm2mp4 zoom.mp4", "w");
      scalar l[];
        l[] = level;
      view (fov = 0.647604, quat = {0,0,-0.707107,0.707107}, tx = -0.000410862, ty = 0.160506, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1476, height = 870, samples = 4);
      draw_vof("f", filled = 1);
        squares("l",  min = 1, max = LEVEL);
        mirror({0,1,0}, 0) {
          squares("l", min = 1, max = LEVEL);
      save(fp = romeo);
        char inter[80];
        sprintf(inter, "interface-t-%g", t);
        FILE * fp = fopen(inter, "w");
        output_facets(f, fp);
      dump ("dump"); // for a potential restart

    This small function is used to detect a time step. This allow to have an output at a wanted time steps, without forcing the solver to reach it precisely

    int timeDetect (double t, double tPrevious, double target) {
      if (tPrevious == -1)
        return -1;
      if ((tPrevious - target <0.) && (t - target > 0.))
        return 1;
        return -1;
    double tAvant = -1;

    We output a movie that travel allong the jet

    The simulation evolution looks like:

    The bubble bursting

    We output a file at regular time step until the end of the simulation

    event simuInfo (i += 500; t<= END) {
    // event simuInfo (i += 100; t<= END) {
    // event simuInfo(i+=2500; i<=Iend){

    It could be usefull to observe the vorticity of the flow. That’s why we compute it.

      vector h[];
      heights (f, h);
      scalar omega[];
      vorticity (u, omega);
      char dumpFile[80];
      sprintf (dumpFile, "simulation-%07d", i);
      dump (file = dumpFile);

    A general evolution pictures can be:

    unset key
    set size ratio -1
    plot [-2:2]'interface' every :10 u 2:1 w l, 'interface' u (-$2):1 w l lt 1
    Evolution of the interface (script)

    Evolution of the interface (script)


    measure.h includes all we need for the droplet measurement. It provides a new structure to store the droplet data, it’s initialisation and a comparison function for the qsort function (comming from stdlib.h).

    This library also contains an event for the physical measure. If we just want the video output, we just have to set MEASURE to 0

    #define MEASURE 1
    #if MEASURE
    #include "measure.h"
    #define ENERGY 0
    #if ENERGY
    #include "energy.h"
    #if ACOUSTIC
    #include "acoustic.h"
    event logfile (i++) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%g %i %i %i\n", t, i, mgpf.i, mgpf.nrelax);


    As verification, we output the final state.

    // event finalState (i = Iend) {
    //   dump(file = "final");
    // }
    event finalState (t = end) {
      dump(file = "final");


    We are interested in the velocity of the interface along the axis of symmetry.

    set ratio -1
    set xlabel 'Time'
    set ylabel 'Velocity'
    set yrange [0:0.4]
    set grid
    plot 'out' u 2:6 
    Velocity along the axis of symmetry (script)

    Velocity along the axis of symmetry (script)

    We can also follow the evolution of the position of the different elements (drops and interface).

    set xlabel 'Time'
    set ylabel 'Position on the axis'
    plot 'out' u 2:4 w l t "jet position", 'drop' u 2:4 every ::0::0 t "first drop", 'drop' u 2:4 every ::1::1 t "second drop", 'drop' u 2:4 every ::2::2 t "third drop"
    Position of the elements along the axis of symmetry (script)

    Position of the elements along the axis of symmetry (script)

    Max number of cells:

    max=`awk '{max_val=($6<max_val)?max_val:$6;} END{print max_val;}' log`

    Evolution of the jet position:

    set xlabel 'Times'
    set ylabel 'x'
    set xrange [0:1]
    set yrange [-2:]
    plot 'out' u 2:4 every :::0::0 w l t "jet" lt rgb "#FF0000",\
         'dropCorr' u 2:4 every ::0::0 t "highest drop" ps 0.1,\
         'dropCorr' u 2:4 every ::1::1 t "second highest drop" ps 0.1,\
         'dropCorr' u 2:4 every ::2::2 t "third highest drop" ps 0.1,\
         'dropCorr' u 2:4 every ::3::3 t "fourth highest drop" ps 0.1
    Position of the jet and of the droplets (script)

    Position of the jet and of the droplets (script)