
    This small code is a test case for the initialisation of the code burstingBubble.c

    Here we will compute the shape of a bubble of an equivalent radius 1. The volume of this bubble should then be equal to 4/3\pi

    Since we will use the basilisk structure to measure the volume of our bubble, we need to include several library.

    We will work with 2 phases. The bubble will be one of them. Then, the rest of the domain will be the second phase. We wont pay attention to the free surface.

    #include "axi.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "tension.h"

    We will need the distance library for the interface computation.

    #include "distance.h"

    bubbleShape and findBond are our custome library we are testing with this code.

    #define WRONG 0
    #include "bubbleShape.h"
    #include "findBond.h"

    To display what we are observing, we will use bview

    #include "view.h"

    We will work with a Bond number at 1. This is indeed a case where the bubble emerge a lot above the free surface. It means it’s a case where we can make the biggest mistake.

    double Bond = 1;

    We set sigma, mu and rho to 1 since we wont run the simulation after the initialisation.

    #define Sigma 1.
    #define Mu 1.
    #define Rho 1.

    Numerical parameters

    #define LEVEL 12
    #define L0 5.
    int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){
      size (L0);
      origin (-L0/2., 0.);
      init_grid (1 << (8));
      if (argc >= 2){
          Bond = atof (argv[1]);
      f.sigma = Sigma;
      rho1 = 1., mu1 = Mu;
      rho2 = 1., mu2 = Mu;
    event init (t = 0) {

    Here, dataShape will contain the coordinate of the water/air interface.

      coord* dataShape;

    The function bubbleOnly will gave us the shape of the bubble and the bubble only. We can eventually translate this bubble by adding a second argument (which is 0 by default

      int* size = NULL;
      int taille = 0;
      size = &taille;
      dataShape = bubbleOnly(Bond, 0, size);

    We are using the distance function, applied on the list of coordinate dataShape. This will generate a distance function.

      scalar d[];
      distance (d, dataShape);
      while (adapt_wavelet ({d}, (double[]){0.005}, LEVEL).nf);

    The distance function is defined at the center of each cell, we have to calculate the value of this function at each vertex.

      vertex scalar phi[];
        double a = (d[] + d[-1] + d[0,-1] + d[-1,-1])/4.;
        phi[] = a;

    We can now initialize the volume fraction of the domain.

      fractions (phi, f);
      adapt_wavelet ({f}, (double []){0.001},
         maxlevel = LEVEL);
      view (fov = 13, quat = {0,0,-0.707108,0.707106}, tx = 0., ty = 0.0855609, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1280, height = 720, samples = 4);
      draw_vof("f", filled = 1);
      mirror({0,1,0}, 0)
        draw_vof("f", filled = 1);

    The air bubble we are computing looks like that: a bubble

    We tag the liquid and we measure the volume of the surface

      double v = 0;
        v += dv()*f[];

    In axi, the volume of a sphere with radius equal to one is 2/3. We compare our volume with 2/3

      double C = v/(2./3.);
      C = pow(C,1./3.);
      fprintf(stderr, "volume calc: %f\n", v);
      fprintf(stderr, "volume th: %f\n", (2./3.));
      #if WRONG
      fprintf(stderr, "C(Bo*) = C(%f) = %f\n",Bond,C );