Installation of the complete bview
GL dependencies
To install the bview stuff, you first need to install OS-Mesa:
On debian-like system:
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev libosmesa6-dev
On OS X:
sudo port install mesa
Then you need to compile the basilisk GL dependencies. For that, do:
On debian-like system:
make libglutils.a libfb_osmesa.a
On OS X:
CFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include make libglutils.a libfb_osmesa.a
On OS X 10.9 and above, you may seen some warning. You can safely ignore them.
Now, we just need to install the bview-servers. For that, do:
On debian-like system and OS X:
make bview-servers
On OS X 10.9 and above, you may seen some warning. You cans safely ignore them.
On OS X, the compilation may not work. It could be link to the fact that the GLU library are not correctly link to OS-Mesa. For that, assuming that git is install on your system, do:
git clone
cd glu
./configure --enable-osmesa --prefix=/usr/local/
sudo make install