
    Viscous hydraulic Jump

    We want to reproduce the hydraulic jump of Higuera (1994) using Audusse et al (2011) multilayer algorithm.

    #include "grid/cartesian1D.h"
    #include "saint-venant.h"
    double Cf;
    int main() {
      X0 = 0.14;
      L0 = 1. - X0;
      G  = 1.;
      N  = 128*2;

    one layer Poiseuille

      nl = 1;
      Cf = 3;  

    one layer Watson

      Cf = 2.2799;

    multi layer Higuera

      nl = 25;
      nu = 1.;

    We impose boundary condition for h and \eta.

    h[left] = dirichlet (.2);
    eta[left] = dirichlet (.2);
    h[right] = dirichlet (0.0);
    eta[right] = dirichlet (0.0);


    We define a scalar field hc to check for convergence on h.

    scalar hc[];
    event init (i = 0) {

    We set a constant velocity at the inlet and a free outlet.

      for (vector u in ul) {
        u.n[left] = 5.90;
        u.n[right] = neumann(0.);

    We initialize h and hc.

        hc[] = h[] = 0.2;

    friction, only in the case of one layer

    event frotte (i++) {
        double ff = h[] < dry ? HUGE : (1. + Cf*dt/h[]/h[]);
        u.x[] /= ff;

    We check for convergence.

    event logfile (t += 0.1; i <= 50000) {
      double dh = change (h, hc);
      printf ("%g %g\n", t, dh);
      if (i > 0 && dh < 1e-5)
        return 1;


    We print the elevation and the stress, C_f u/h or \partial u/\partial z|_0.

    event output (t = end) {
      vector u0 = ul[0];
      double tau ;
         if(nl==1){tau = Cf*(u.x[]/h[]);}else{tau = 2.000*u0.x[]/(h[]/nl);}
        fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g\n", x, eta[], tau);
      fprintf (stderr, "\n\n");  


    compile and run:

    qcc higuera.c -o higuera -lm
    ./higuera 2> log
    make higuera.tst  
    make higuera/plots
    make higuera.c.html 


    plot[][:2]  'log' u 1:2 t 'h' w l,'' u 1:3 t 'tau' w l,0 not w l linec -1
    raw plot. (script)

    raw plot. (script)

    set output 'f.png'
    X0 = 169
    X1 = 604
    Y0 = 222.24
    Y1 = 528
    unset tics
    plot [0:][0:605] '../Img/higueragraph.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage not, \
      'log' i 2 u (X0+$1*(X1-X0)):($2/2*(Y1-Y0)+Y0) t 'h' w l,\
      '' i 2 u (X0+$1*(X1-X0)):($3/15*(Y1-Y0)+Y0) t 'tau' w l
    Comparison with Figure 2 of Higuera (1994). (script)

    Comparison with Figure 2 of Higuera (1994). (script)

    We compare several solutions, the jump appears sooner with Poiseuille than with Watson.

    set xlabel "x"
    set ylabel "h"
    set y2label "{/Symbol t}_b"
    set y2range [-1:30]
    set y2tics border out 
    H= .0
      p [0:][-.1:3] 0 not w l linec -1,1.813*(x<.15? x:NaN) not linec -1,\
                (x>.35? (H+(12*(1-x))**.25):NaN)  not linec -1,\
                  'log' i 0 u 1:2 t'P' w l ls 1,'' i 0 u 1:($3) not w l ls 1 axes x1y2,\
                       '' i 1 u 1:2 t'W' w l ls 2,'' i 1 u 1:($3) not w l ls 2 axes x1y2,\
                     '' i 2 u 1:2 t'ML' w l ls 3,'' i 2 u 1:($3) not w l ls 3 axes x1y2
    Comparison with one layer (two closures, Red Poiseuille, Green Watson) and multilayer (blue) (script)

    Comparison with one layer (two closures, Red Poiseuille, Green Watson) and multilayer (blue) (script)

    The same in two graphs

    set xlabel "x"
    set ylabel "h" 
    H= .0
     set multiplot layout 2,1 title "Jump"
      p [0:][-.1:3.5] 0 not w l linec -1,1.813*(x<.15? x:NaN) not linec -1,\
                  'log' i 0 u 1:2 t'P' w l ls 1,\
                       '' i 1 u 1:2 t'W' w l ls 2,\
                     '' i 2 u 1:2 t'ML' w l ls 3
     set ylabel "{/Symbol t}_b"                
       p [0:][-1:25]0 not w l linec -1,\
                  'log'   i 0 u 1:($3) t'P' w l ls 1,\
                       '' i 1 u 1:($3) t'W' w l ls 2  ,\
                     ''   i 2 u 1:($3) t'ML' w l ls 3  
      unset multiplot
    Comparison with one layer (two closures, Red Poiseuille, Green Watson) and multilayer (blue) (script)

    Comparison with one layer (two closures, Red Poiseuille, Green Watson) and multilayer (blue) (script)
