
    Dam Break

    We solve by navier-stokes/centered.h the dam-break and compare with Ritter’s solution from 1D Saint-Venant.

    set size ratio 4/10. 
    set arrow from 4,0 to 4,1 front
    set arrow from 4,1 to 4,0 front
    set arrow from 0.1,.1 to 9.9,0.1 front
    set arrow from 9.1,.1 to 0.1,0.1 front
    set label  "L0" at 6,.25 front
    set label  "depth h=1" at 2.5,.5 front
    set label  "water" at 1.2,.9 front
    set label  "air" at 1.2,1.05 front
    set xlabel "x"
    set ylabel "h"
    p [0:10][0:2.5]0 not, (x<=5) w filledcurves x1 linec 3 t'free surface' 
    configuration (script)

    configuration (script)


    viscosity MU is 1/Re, the value is indicative… The LEVEL as well, a finer grid will create instabilities…

    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "vof.h"
    #define RHOF 1.e-3
    #define MU 1./1000
    #define LEVEL 8
    scalar f[],*interfaces = {f};
    face vector alphav[];
    face vector muv[];
    int main() {
        L0 = 10.;
        DT = 1e-2;
        init_grid (1 << LEVEL);
        u.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0);
        u.t[bottom] = neumann(0);

    Initial condition, a heap h=1 for x<L_0/2

    event init (t = 0) {
        mask (y >  L0/4 ? top :
        const face vector g[] = {0,-1};
        a = g;
        alpha = alphav;
        scalar phi[];
          phi[] =  min(1 - y, L0/2 - x);
        // 4studium; with jump 
        // phi[] =  min((.9*(x<L0/2)+.1) - y, L0 - x);
        fractions (phi, f);
            u.x[] =    f[] * (1e-8);
            u.y[] =    0;     

    total density

    #define rho(f) ((f) + RHOF*(1. - (f)))
    #define muc(f) ((f)*MU + MU/100.*(1. - (f)))
    event properties (i++) {

    We set a ad hoc viscosity field, and ad hoc density

      mu = muv;
        foreach_face() {
            double fm = (f[] + f[-1])/2.;
            alphav.x[] = 1./rho(fm);
            muv.x[] = muc(fm);
        boundary ((scalar *){muv,alphav});

    convergence outputs

    void mg_print (mgstats mg)
        if (mg.i > 0 && mg.resa > 0.)
            fprintf (stderr, "#   %d %g %g %g\n", mg.i, mg.resb, mg.resa,
                     exp (log (mg.resb/mg.resa)/mg.i));

    convergence outputs

    event logfile (i++) {
        stats s = statsf (f);
        fprintf (stderr, "%g %d dt=%g %g %g %g\n", t, i, dt, s.sum, s.min, s.max - 1.);
        mg_print (mgp);
        mg_print (mgpf);
        mg_print (mgu);
        fflush (stderr);

    for plots: the interface every t

    event interface (t +=1;t <= 3){
         output_facets (f);
        fprintf(stderr,"------~~~~~~-----  \n" );
    event movie (t += 0.05) {
        scalar l[];
        l[] = -1 + f[]* (.25+    sqrt(sq(u.x[]) + sq(u.y[])));
        boundary ({l}); 
        output_ppm (l, min = -1,  max= 3.25,
          linear = true,
                    n = 1024, box = {{0,-1},{10,2.5}},
                    file = "dambNS.mp4"
        l[] = level;
        boundary ({l}); 
        output_ppm (l, n = 1024,  min = 0.,   max= 12.,
          box = {{0,-1},{10,2.5}},
          file = "level.mp4")  ;         
    #if 0
    event movie (t += 0.05) {
        scalar l[];
        l[] = -1 + f[]* (.25+    sqrt(sq(u.x[]) + sq(u.y[])));
        boundary ({l});
        static FILE * fp2 = popen ("ppm2mpeg > dambNS.mpg", "w");
        output_ppm (l, fp2 , min = -1,  max= 3.25,
          linear = true,
                    n = 2048, box = {{0,-1},{10,2.5}}
        l[] = level;
        boundary ({l});
        static FILE * fp1 = popen ("ppm2mpeg > level.mpg", "w");
        output_ppm (l, fp1,   box = {{0,0},{10,2.5}})  ;          
    event pictures (t=0.05) {
        scalar l[];
        l[] = f[]* (   sqrt(sq(u.x[]) + sq(u.y[])));; 
        boundary ({l});
         output_ppm (l, file = "dambNS.png", min = 0,   max= 2,
         // linear = true,
                    //n = 1024 ,
                     box = {{0,0},{10,2.5}}
        l[] = level; 
        boundary ({l});
         output_ppm (l, file = "level.png", min = 0,   max= 12,
         // linear = true,
                    //n = 1024 ,
                     box = {{0,0},{10,2.5}}
    #if QUADTREE
    event adapt(i++){
     scalar g[];
     //adapt_wavelet ({g,f,u.x,u.y}, (double[]){0.001,.01,0.01,0.01}, minlevel = 5,maxlevel = LEVEL);
     adapt_wavelet({g,f},(double[]){0.001,0.01},minlevel = 5,maxlevel = LEVEL);


    to run

     qcc -g -O2 -Wall  -o dambNS dambNS.c -lm
     ./dambNS > out

    or with makefile

    make dambNS.tst;make dambNS/plots;make dambNS.c.html


    Plot of the interface compared with Ritter solution from Saint-Venant, of course it is different as SV supposes small slope for h.

    set xlabel "x"
    set ylabel "h(x,t)"
    p[0:10][0:2]'out' t 'comp t=0,1,2,3 'w l, h(x,1)w l linec -1 not ,h(x,2)w l linec -1 not ,h(x,1)w l linec -1 not ,h(x,3) w l linec -1 t'Ritter'
    plot vs Shallow Water Solution (script)

    plot vs Shallow Water Solution (script)

    Animation, hight colored by velocity


    Animation level


    see the non viscous dam break with Basilisk


    • PYL
    • P. K. Stansby, A. Chegini And T. C. D. Barnes The initial stages of dam-break flow J. Fluid Mech. (1998), vol. 374, pp. 407–424.
    • Marcela A. Cruchaga, Diego J. Celentano Tayfun E. Tezduyar, Collapse of a liquid column: numerical simulation and experimental validation Comput. Mech. (2007) 39: 453–476 DOI 10.1007/s00466-006-0043-z

    Paris 10/18