
    Saint Venant / Shallow Water “transcritical flow on a bump”,


    For a given bump at the bottom of a river, find the free surface deformation.

    We test the analytical linearized solution : \displaystyle h = 1 + \frac{z_b(x)}{Fr^2-1}

    Shallow-Water Saint-Venant model

    The classical Shallow Water Equations in 1D with a topography and no friction. \displaystyle \left\{\begin{array}{l} \partial_t h+\partial_x Q=0\\ \partial_t Q+ \partial_x \left[\dfrac{Q^2}{h}+g\dfrac{h^2}{2}\right] = - gh \partial_x z_b \end{array}\right. with a given topography z_b(x), and we vary the Froude number Fr. As we are without dimension, g=1, the depth is measured with unit, and the initial velocity will be Fr, in practice z_b=\alpha exp(-x^2) with \alpha=0.1

    Depending on the Froude number, the free surface will present various deformations.


    #include "grid/cartesian1D.h"
    #include "saint-venant.h"
    double tmax,Fr;

    free output

    u.n[left]   = neumann(0);
    u.n[right]  = neumann(0); 
    h[left]   = neumann(0);
    h[right]  = neumann(0);

    start by a constant flow

    event init (i = 0)
        zb[] =  .1*exp(-x*x);
        h[] =  1 - zb[];
        u.x[] = Fr;
    #ifdef gnuX
      printf("\nset grid\n");

    position of domain X0, length L0, no dimension G=1 run with 512 points (less is not enough). Do a loop on Froude

    int main() {
      X0 = -10.;
      L0 = 20.;
      G = 1;
      N = 512;
      double FF[4]={ .2 , .4 , 0.65  , 2};  // loop on Froude
      for (int iF=0;iF<=3;iF++){ 
        Fr = FF[iF];

    Output in gnuplot if the flag gnuX is defined

    #ifdef gnuX
    event plot (t<tmax;t+=0.2) {
        printf("set title 'Ressaut en 1D --- t= %.2lf  Fr= %g '\n"
          "Fr= %g ;Z(x)=0.1*exp(-x*x); h(x)=1+Z(x)/(Fr*Fr-1);   ; "
          "p[%g:%g][-.25:2.25]  '-' u 1:($2+$4) t'free surface' w l lt 3,"
          "'' u 1:($2*$3) t'Q' w l lt 4,\\\n"
          "'' u 1:4 t'topo' w l lt -1,\\\n"
          "h(x) t 'theo h(x) w p'\n",
        printf ("%g %g %g %g %g\n", x, h[], u.x[], zb[], t);
        printf ("e\n\n");

    Output at the end if not defined

    event end(t=tmax ) {
        printf ("%g %g %g %g %g %g \n", x, h[], u.x[], zb[], t, Fr);


    To compile and run with gnuplot:

      qcc -DgnuX=1   -O2   -o bump_trans bump_trans.c  -lm;  ./bump_trans | gnuplot

    To compile and plot gnuplot at the end :

      qcc  -O2   -o bump_trans bump_trans.c  -lm 


    Plot of free surface and comparison with the nalaytical linearized solution : \displaystyle h = 1 + \frac{z_b(x)}{Fr^2-1}

    sub critical case Fr=0.2

    In this case, the water depth presents a depression, flowx is accelerated over the bump

     set xlabel "x"
      h(x) = (1+Z(x)/(Fr*Fr-1))
     p [:][-.5:1.5] 'out' u 1:($6==Fr? $2: NaN) t'free surface' w lp lc 3, '' u 1:4 t'zb' w l lc -1, '' u 1:($6==Fr? (1+$4/($6*$6-1)) : NaN)  w l lc 1 t 'analytic'
    result, free surface (blue) and bottom (black) Fr=0.2 (script)

    result, free surface (blue) and bottom (black) Fr=0.2 (script)

    sub critical case Fr=0.4

    In this case, the water depth presents a depression, flowx is accelerated over the bump

     set xlabel "x" 
     p [:][-.5:1.5] 'out' u 1:($6==Fr? $2: NaN) t'free surface' w lp lc 3, '' u 1:4 t'zb' w l lc -1, '' u 1:($6==Fr? (1+$4/($6*$6-1)) : NaN)  w l lc 1 t 'analytic'
    result, free surface (blue) and bottom (black) Fr=0.4 (script)

    result, free surface (blue) and bottom (black) Fr=0.4 (script)

    Trans critical case Fr=0.65,

    in this case Fr=1 at the top of the bump, then the flow in supercritical in the lee side. note the recompression hydrolic jump.

     set xlabel "x" 
     p [:][-.5:1.5] 'out' u 1:($6==Fr? $2: NaN) t'free surface' w lp lc 3, '' u 1:4 t'zb' w l lc -1, '' u 1:($6==Fr? (1+$4/($6*$6-1)) : NaN)  w l lc 1 t 'analytic'
    result, free surface (blue) and bottom (black) Fr=0.65 (script)

    result, free surface (blue) and bottom (black) Fr=0.65 (script)

    Super critical case Fr=2,

    In this case, the water depth presents a hump, flowx is decelerated over the bump

     set xlabel "x" 
     p [:][-.5:1.5] 'out' u 1:($6==Fr? $2: NaN) t'free surface' w lp lc 3, '' u 1:4 t'zb' w l lc -1, '' u 1:($6==Fr? (1+$4/($6*$6-1)) : NaN)  w l lc 1 t 'analytic'
    result, free surface (blue) and bottom (black) Fr=0.65 (script)

    result, free surface (blue) and bottom (black) Fr=0.65 (script)


    • Lagrée P-Y “Equations de Saint Venant et application, Ecoulements en milieux naturels” Cours MSF12, M1 UPMC

    Version 1: Montpellier 2017