
    Collapse of a rectangular visco-plastic heap over a slope


    As a test case we propose the Balmforth collapse of a heap of a 1D non-Newtonian Bingham fluid over a slope S=-Z'_b (S>0). We see the front moving to the right, and the left front going slowly up hill to the left. The flow is of total thickness h. The Y represents the hight at which the stress is equal to the yield stress, hence there is a shear flow of thickness Y; covered by a plug flow of thickness h-Y. Finaly, the flow should stop.


    Using lubrication theory Liu & Mei obtained the flux Q and used conservation of mass, this has been reformulated by Balmforth.

    Explicit resolution of \displaystyle \frac{\partial h}{\partial t}+ \frac{\partial Q(h)}{\partial x}=0, \; \text{with} \;\; Q = \frac{Y^2}{6} (3 h - Y) (-Z'_b - \frac{\partial h}{\partial x}) \;\text{and} \;\; Y= \text{max}( h - \frac{B}{|S - \frac{\partial h}{\partial x}|} ,0) this is Balmforth formulation. This formulation is more simple than the Liu & Mei’s one (or Hogg). Note a new formulation by Saramito (to be tested). See Bingham simple example for the derivation.

    It can be written for Herschel–Bulkley as well.

    The numerical algorithm is very trivial (based on heat equation) and centrered here, it can be inproved (see Fernandez-Nieto et al.).

    We added a flux correction to reobtain Huppert second problem in case of large slope S. See a discussion of that in the case of the full Huppert problem which is for B=0, Y=h \displaystyle \frac{\partial h}{\partial t}+ \frac{\partial Q(h)}{\partial x}=0, \; \text{with} \;\; Q = \frac{h^3}{3} (-Z'_b - \frac{\partial h}{\partial x})


    mandatory declarations:

    #include "grid/cartesian1D.h"
    #include "run.h"

    definition of the height of interface h, the yield surface Y, its O(\Delta) derivative, ‘hp’ and it O(\Delta^2) derivative hpc, a kind of viscosity \nu, dQ, the divergence of Q, time step, value of the slope, of the Bingham parameter, max time step, increment of time step (for output)

    scalar h[];
    scalar Y[];
    scalar Q[];
    scalar hp[],hpc[],nu[],cu[];
    scalar dQ[]; 
    double dt,S,B,tmax,inct=0.0001;
    char s[80];

    Main with definition of parameters

    int main() {
      L0 = 2.;
      X0 = -L0/2;
      S = 1.0;
      N = 128;
      DT = (L0/N)*(L0/N)/5 ;
      tmax = 201;

    a loop for the three values of Bingham parameter

     for (B = 0.5 ; B <= 2 ; B += 0.75){ //  B = 1.25;  //.5 1.25 2
      sprintf (s, "x-%.2f.txt", B);
      FILE * fp = fopen (s, "w"); 
      sprintf (s, "shape-%.2f.txt", B);
      FILE * fs = fopen (s, "w");  
      inct = DT;

    initial elevation: a “rectangular column” of surface 0.5:

    event init (t = 0) {
        h[] = (fabs(x)<.25) ; 
      boundary ({h,Q});

    print data

    //event printdata (t += 1; t <= 100) {
    event output (t += inct; t < tmax) {   
      double  xf=0,xe=0;
      inct = inct*2;
      inct = min(1,inct);

    tracking the front and the end of the heap

       xf = h[] > 1e-4 ?  max(xf,x) :  xf ;
       xe = h[] > 1e-4 ?  min(xe,x) :  xe ;

    save them

      sprintf (s, "front-%.2f.txt", B);
      FILE * f = fopen (s, "w");  
        fprintf (f, "%g %g %g \n", fmin((x-xf),0), h[], xe-xf);   
      fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g \n", t, xf, xe);
      sprintf (s, "x-%.2f.txt", B);
      FILE * fp = fopen (s, "a");   
       fprintf (fp, "%g %g  \n", t, xf); 

    save the hight the flux and the yield surface as a function of time

    event printdata (t = {0, 0.0625, 0.25, 1, 4, 100 }  ){
      sprintf (s, "shape-%.2f.txt", B);
      FILE * fp = fopen (s, "a");  
        fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g %g %g \n", x, h[], Q[], Y[], t);
      fprintf (fp, "\n");


    Definition of the flux

    double FQ(double h,double Y)
      return 1./6*(3*h - Y)*Y*Y ;
      //return (2*(2* pow(h - Y ,2.5) + pow(h,1.5)*(-2*h + 5*Y)))/15.;
      //return (2*( h* pow(h,1.5)))/5.;

    definition of the derivative of the flux

    Y=h- B/|S-\partial_xh| is such that dY/dh is almost 1 \displaystyle c = \frac{d}{dh} (1/6*(3*h - Y(h))*(Y(h))^2) \simeq 1./6*Y*Y* (3 - 1) + 1./3*(3*h - Y)*Y* 1

    double FQh(double h,double Y)
        return 1./6*Y*Y* (3 - 1) +  1./3*(3*h - Y)*Y* 1;
    event integration (i++) {
      double dt = DT;

    finding the good next time step

      dt = dtnext (dt);

    O(\Delta) down stream derivative

        hp[] =  ( h[0,0] - h[-1,0] )/Delta;
      boundary ({hp});

    Centered derivative for h' used in the yield criteria for the yield surface Y

    Maybe not the best choice…

        hpc[] =  ( h[1,0] - h[-1,0] )/2/Delta;
      boundary ({hp});

    Yield surface

        Y[] =  max( h[] - B/fabs(S -  hpc[])  ,0);
      boundary ({Y});

    the flux is taken with the mean value with the next cell, \nu is an intermediate variable, a kind of viscosity (that is why we center)

         nu[] =  (FQ(h[-1,0],Y[-1,0]) + FQ(h[0,0],Y[0,0]))/2; 
      boundary ({nu});

    To avoid oscillations in case of very large slope S the advective part of the flux is corrected with -c (h_i -h_{i-1}), where c=\partial Q_c/\partial h

        cu[] =  S*(FQh(h[-1,0],Y[-1,0]) + FQh(h[0,0],Y[0,0]))/2;
      boundary ({cu});
        Q[] = - nu[] * hp[] + nu[] * S - cu[] * (h[0,0]-h[-1,0]) ; 
      boundary ({Q});

    derivative O(\Delta) up stream like for heat equation

        dQ[] =  ( Q[1,0] - Q[0,0] )/Delta;
      boundary ({dQ});

    update h

        h[] +=  - dt*dQ[];
      boundary ({h});  


    Then compile and run:

    qcc  -g -O2 -DTRASH=1 -Wall bingham_collapse_noSV.c -o bingham_collapse_noSV -lm
    ./bingham_collapse_noSV > out
    make bingham_collapse_noSV.tst;make bingham_collapse_noSV/plots
    make bingham_collapse_noSV.c.html
    source ../  bingham_collapse_noSV


    All this gives h(x,t) and Y(x,t) plotted as a function of x at t={0, 0.0625, 0.25, 1, 4, 100, 400 }

      set term png ;   set output 'cmp.png'; 
      set ytics font ",8" 
      set multiplot layout 3,1 title "collapse of Bingham 1D on a slope"
      set xlabel "x"
      p[-0.4:1.][:1.6]'shape-0.50.txt' t 'B=0.50 h' w l,''u 1:4 t'Y' w l
      p[-0.4:1.][:1.6]'shape-1.25.txt' t 'B=1.25 h' w l,''u 1:4 t'Y'w l
      p[-0.4:1.][:1.6]'shape-2.00.txt' t 'B=2.00 h' w l,''u 1:4 t'Y'w l
      unset multiplot


    We now compare with the analytical steady solution of Liu & Mei steady shape. \displaystyle (x -x_{f/e})S = h \pm \frac{B}{S}Log(\frac{B-(\pm S h)}{B}), the front and the end of the final heap compare well

      set term png ;   set output 'std.png'; 
      set font ",8" 
      set multiplot layout 3,1 title "collapse of Bingham 1D on a slope, final shape compared to Liu & Mei "
      set xlabel "x-xf"
      set ylabel "h(x,t)  "
      p[-1.5:.5][:1]'front-0.50.txt' t 'B=0.50' w l,\
      ''u (($2) + B*log((B-$2)/B) ):2 t'exact' w l,''u (($2)+$3 - B*log((B+$2)/B) ):2 t'exact' w l
      p[-1.5:.5][:1]'front-1.25.txt' t 'B=1.25' w l,\
      ''u (($2) + B*log((B-$2)/B) ):2 t'exact' w l,''u (($2)+$3 - B*log((B+$2)/B) ):2 t'exact' w l
      p[-1.5:.5][:1]'front-2.00.txt' t 'B=2.00' w l,\
      ''u (($2) + B*log((B-$2)/B) ):2 t'exact' w l,''u (($2)+$3 - B*log((B+$2)/B) ):2 t'exact' w l
     unset multiplot


    plot of the front as function of time for the three values of Bingham parameter, the heap is nearly steady at the end…

     set term png ;   set output 'frt.png'; 
     set xlabel "t"
     set ylabel "xf "
     set logscale x
     p[][:1]'x-0.50.txt' t 'B=0.50' w l,'x-1.25.txt' t 'B=1.25' w l,'x-2.00.txt' t 'B=2.00' w l,.25+sqrt(x)/4 


    compare with Balmforth Results

    Here the figure extracted from Balmforth Balmforth results to compare with

    the results may be improved if we increase the number of points. note that Y has always some imprecision linked to the inverse in its definition.

    case B=2
    set term png ;   set output 'B2.png';
    unset tics
    p[111:370][313:540]'../Img/balmf06.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage not,\
       'shape-2.00.txt' u (X0+($1/(0.49))*(X1-X0)):(($1>-60)?Y0+$2*(Y1-Y0):NaN) t 'h(x,t)' w lp,\
       'shape-2.00.txt' u (X0+($1/(0.49))*(X1-X0)):(($1>-60)?Y0+$4*(Y1-Y0):NaN) t 'Y(x,t)' w lp
    h and Y comparison B=2 (script)

    h and Y comparison B=2 (script)

    case B=0.5

    set term png ;   set output 'Bp5.png';
    unset tics
    p[37:460][34:262]'../Img/balmf06.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage not,\
     'shape-0.50.txt' u (X0+($1/(0.90))*(X1-X0)):(($1>-60)?Y0+$2*(Y1-Y0):NaN) t 'h(x,t)' w lp,\
     'shape-0.50.txt' u (X0+($1/(0.90))*(X1-X0)):(($1>-60)?Y0+$4*(Y1-Y0):NaN) t 'Y(x,t)' w lp
    h and Y comparison B=.5 (script)

    h and Y comparison B=.5 (script)

    We notice some small differences, the early collapse seems to be more rapid here than in Balmforth.

    case B=1.25

    set term png ;   set output 'B1p25.png';
    unset tics
    p[406:694][311:538]'../Img/balmf06.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage not,\
    'shape-1.25.txt' u (X0+($1/(0.51))*(X1-X0)):(($1>-60)?Y0+$2*(Y1-Y0):NaN) t 'h' w lp,\
    'shape-1.25.txt' u (X0+($1/(0.51))*(X1-X0)):(($1>-60)?Y0+$4*(Y1-Y0):NaN) t 'Y' w lp
    h and Y comparison B=1.25 (script)

    h and Y comparison B=1.25 (script)

    idem on original image (for gnuplot pleasure)

    set term png ;   set output 'B1p25bis.png';
     unset tics
     p'../Img/balmf06.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage not,\
     'shape-1.25.txt' u (X0+($1/(0.51))*(X1-X0)):(($1>-60)?Y0+$2*(Y1-Y0):NaN) t 'h' w lp,\
     'shape-1.25.txt' u (X0+($1/(0.51))*(X1-X0)):(($1>-60)?Y0+$4*(Y1-Y0):NaN) t 'Y' w lp
    h and Y comparison B=1.25 (script)

    h and Y comparison B=1.25 (script)

    Runout as funtion of time compares not so bad

    set term png ;   set output 'r.png'; 
    unset tics
    set key center top
    plot [475:756][155:290]'../Img/balmf06.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage not,'x-0.50.txt' u (X0+((log($1))/(10))*(X1-X0)):(((log($1))>-60)?Y0+$2*(Y1-Y0):NaN) w l lw 3 t 'B=0.5','x-1.25.txt' u (X0+((log($1))/(10))*(X1-X0)):(((log($1))>-60)?Y0+$2*(Y1-Y0):NaN) w l lw 3 t 'B=1.25','x-2.00.txt' u (X0+((log($1))/(10))*(X1-X0)):(((log($1))>-60)?Y0+$2*(Y1-Y0):NaN) w l lw 3 t 'B=2'
    runout as function of B (script)

    runout as function of B (script)



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